Patriotic Union

Twenty five members of a far-right group called ‘Patriotic Union’ have been arrested in Germany. They are accused of plotting to overthrow the German government and establish a monarchy with 71-year-old Heinrich Xlll Prinz Reuss zu Köstritz as their king.

BBC News Link

A former German MP and a Russian woman are said to be among the conspirators. They intended to storm the German Capitol, arrest lawmakers and execute the chancellor. They also planned to renegotiate the country’s post-second world war settlement, insisting the Deutsche Reich still has legitimacy.

Makes you wonder where they got this idea from. I believe their lawyers are going to claim it’s all fake news and any evidence against them was planted by the FBI.

Nominated by: Allan



55 thoughts on “Patriotic Union

  1. Those pesky far-right groups again. Naughty Heinrich XIII – 13 was certainly unlucky for him. Ho ho!

  2. IMO the Globalist politicians are the cunts here – without them there would be no need for plots to overthrow western governments (as it has already been proven that voting for change is a waste of time).

    Why just the Chancellor though? There are 650 of the cunts over here!

  3. It’s a shame they are crackpots as a right good riot involving the Jerries would have been most heartening in this Cost of Winter Dinghy Crisis.

    I thought getting carpet bombed to rubble eighty years back had knocked all the stuffing out of the Prussian cunts but it appears not so.

    So dust off the Totenkopf Brigade,clone Oskar Dirlewanger and have a fucking great putsch you sausage munching Syrian riddled EU arseholes.

  4. OMG, far-right extremists threaten to overthrow the German state, according to the BBC. Or put another way, there’s a few crackpots in Krautland led by some fruitcake who calls himself Prinz Pumpernickel XIII or something.
    In other words, a complete non-story.

    • Agreed, this was the German equivalent of an IsAC coup with Lord Fiddler of Northumberland primed as Supreme Leader. I doubt it would get out of the planning stage of old farts letting off steam around a pub table tbh.

  5. I don’t know how they intended to seize power of an entire country by storming one building, but at least there are some people prepared to put their money where there mouth is.
    Perhaps a few politicians in the UK would benefit from a good kicking.
    I know the country would.

  6. This will act as another excuse for this government, the police and the security services to tighten their grip on anything remotely right of centre; helped with the usual hysteria from the MSM.

    It doesn’t matter that left wing protestors and assorted Muslim groups can protest in the streets causing delays, havoc and misery to ordinary people- those protest groups will have “justification” in their views as far as the MSM is concerned.

    However, any group who wants to put Britain first, or wants immigration to be controlled, will be rounded up and thrown in prison for hate crime.

    No doubt Osama Bin Liner didn’t really orchestra 9/11. ISIS is really a very happy-clappy bunch of lads who did what they did because of colonialism and mental health isshooes, innit!

    • they even let Albanians block Westminster. I can only imagine the rozzer’s response to a load of people doing that with St George’s flags. If ever proof was needed that us indigenous Brits are second-class in this fucking country.

  7. At least the disillusioned members of the German population have some genuine representation with the AFD.

    Spare a thought for us poor cunts back in Blighty.
    We have got absolutely no representation in our so called parliament. Just a few hundred treacherous greedy back stabbing bastards instead who lie for living.

    Sorry for going off-topic, but here’s another warning for Windows 10 users and the latest Windows update (KB5021233)

    If you install this, or have installed this, you may witness BSODs due to versions mismatches with the Windows Sys file “hidparse.sys”

    Microwank are working on a fix, but in the interim they have a rather complicated workaround involving the Windows Recovery Environment. If you make a mistake you might make matters worse (as some of my customers have recently found out)

    If you HAVEN’T installed the latest updates, and especially the one named here, you MUST put your Windows Update schedule on pause for at least 7 days or 14 days to avoid shite hitting the fan.

    More info here

  9. When all of Europe wants to suck on the cock of a Brussels Cabal, is it any wonder that people when no longer heeded, turn to violent means ? As Germany ( amongst others) suffers under the never ending attraction of a deep black hole it is only reasonable that some ,(perhaps most) feel the need to act.
    We in the UK have attempted to break free of the Cabal ( without success ) and we have found out the depth of the forces against us.
    The EU has made it very clear that Brexit will never be allowed again, and membership means a “forever” commitment.

    I actually would support the aims of those now being “stitched up” by the Cabal ( aided by their MSM poodles) and this is only just the beginning. In the near future more will be rounded up on fake charges, their assets seized in a direct example to ward off any others.

    The EU is here to stay. With so many up their arsehole it willbe almost impossible to purge. Savour our freedom in the meanwhile, because it won’t be allowed to last.

  10. Seems that being patriotic for your country is now deemed to be too right wing and therefore a criminal offence.

  11. Totally agree. Probably just a bunch of angry cunts in a beer kellar. (hmmm….that sounds familiar) Any “evidence” they’ve got will be fake or just a load of bollocks. I don’t trust anything I read or hear in the MSM especially the fucking BBC !!

  12. I’ve hoped for years that the German police or military would overthrow and arrest Merkel and there were rumours about it, but it never happened.

    Germany was actually a nice place once. I lived and worked there for two years when I was 19/20 and I nearly got married there too. But that fat ugly bitch Merkel filled it with hordes of human filth. New Years Eve in Cologne, say no more….

    I wouldn’t blame the German people if they did take over and overthrow their government. But – like here – I don’t think it will happen. Too much apathy and ‘I’m alright Jack’ It’ll be just like it is here. ‘Aber… Aber Die Masked Singer ist dran*’.

    * ‘But… But The Masked Singer is on.’

  13. People always get the government they deserve. Decades of voting for politicians instead of statesmen and genuine public servants has us (the western world) where we are. Revolution and mob action is not the answer.
    That said, Lord Fiddler has my vote.

  14. I pledge my allegiance to Prinz Heinrich and the dawn of the new Reich.

    Heil Heinrich.

    Yours sincerely
    Miserable and the New Mills Panzer division

  15. Everytime you want to deselect a government a vote isn’t good enough in the hands of serfs according to the media. So they always label them far right, people need a chance to succeed. Once that right is taken away from them due to over population with foreigners taking housing stock and also getting everything thrown at them it’s bound to upset the applecart.

    Everytime it’s always the far right (never the people who destroy the country in the first place). It’s never the fault of the EU loving traitors. The EU in Strasbourg should literally work as a diplomatic office of EU nations to resolve problems that potentially could lead to war not to insult ever member of their electorate.

  16. I expect prince Heinrich will write a book in the chokey explaining his ideas and the struggle he had putting them into practice.

  17. They probably spent more time having meetings about designing uniforms and arm bands than the practical business of carrying out a successful putsch.

  18. Phew…not a scooby. Have there been any previous books in a similar vein he could draw on for inspiration?

  19. Fuck the lot of em, I’m an Englishman to my core and I will go to my trial and death defending my birthright I will never succumb to the spineless left woke indoctrination, I will never be embarrassed by our past everything that happened, happened for a reason and as a result of events at the time. To me hindsight means looking out of and thinking with your shitpipe, I hate the modern cunts with a passion close to an atomic level. I fear for my grandchildren the only blessing is I will be dead.?????????????????????????
    Ps why do I keep getting blocked from isac.

    • Hey Civy

      Great post!

      If your (other) posts are constantly disappearing I can only say welcome to the Club. It happens to me (and at least one other cunter) on what I would call a semi-regular basis.

      I’ve recently had a conversation with Night Admin and according to him the Admin team is looking into it.

      • thank you General I keep getting the fuck off you been behaving like a cunt thing locks me out for days.

      • You’re welcome Civy.

        What you’re getting is different from what happens to me. Some of my posts simply disappear never to be seen again. I never get a message like you do.

        I would write to Night Admin if I were you. He seems to be able to get things done. Especially as Day Admin has spiraled into a dismal depression after his girlfriend ran away with Vernon. I have it on reliable authority that he has become moody and spends most of his time sulking. Often he downright petulant.

        I fully expect Santa to leave him a stocking full of coal.*

        *Which given the cold weather and spiraling energy costs in Britain might be a good thing.

  20. “Makes you wonder where they got this idea from. I believe their lawyers are going to claim it’s all fake news and any evidence against them was planted by the FBI.”

    This lame rhetorical attempt to tie this to the so-called January 6 Insurrection and blame Trump and the MAGA movement goes way beyond the bounds of normal stupidity. Even for allegedly “normal” liberals.

    • Would this “Patriotic Union” want to associate themselves with Trump?
      I very much doubt it.

  21. Sieg hiel…
    only to be expected when the little East German dwarf let one million Muslims in the country.

    They are Germans after all…!

  22. Fukin great idea. Too bad they failed.
    At least they are anti EU. That’s definitely a plus.
    Break out with the blitzkrieg, surrounded the parliament in a pincer movement and send in the stormtroopers.

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