Commemorative Coins

Every insignificant event these days seems to herald the minting of a new commemorative coin.

“Absolutely free”, you just pay about sixty times its worth for second class postage.
What prompted this cunting is the amount of coins being peddled to commemorate HRH Queen Elizabeth II. I’m sick of the fucking TV adverts for them.

Fuck me, the ambulance chasing cunts must have been rubbing their grasping hands with glee when she finally died.

Take a look at this pile of worthless tat.

Commemorative Coin Company Website

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire


44 thoughts on “Commemorative Coins

  1. The marketing tactics used by companies like this has to be experienced to be believed.

    Many year’s ago in a moment of madness I ordered a decorative plate.
    That was in the days before the Internet.

    The fuckers hounded me for decades.
    Despite several house moves they always found me and I would receive half a dozen leaflets for their tat every month.

    They are fucking relentless.

    The UK border force should employ them.
    I guarantee that no migrant would ever go missing.

  2. I’m holding out for labour general election win coin..

    With dame kier being spit roasted by mandy and angela with a strap on.

    It will have to made of old tin cans,because we would of sold off everything of value in two years.

  3. Fuck me, there’s some worthless scrap on that link to prise the gullible and stupid from their hard-earned. What sort of cunt buys coins commemorating Covid? I don’t want to give these grasping cunts ideas, but at first glance it looked like there was a BLM one.

    • …….but they’re not even ‘coins’ they are lumps of worthless metal in the shape of traditional coins. Coins are generally considered legal tender- now or have been in the past. These are not, and have never been coins.

  4. I’m the proud owner of a Rod Hull & Emu Dollar.

    Limited run of 500,000 ,
    Made from gold effect tin it can only appreciate with time.

    It cost £50 and is currently worth nowt but once the market picks up I’m laughing all the way to the bank.

    (As I was savvy enough to be one of the first fifty investors I got a Grotbags
    Sixpence at half price.

  5. The news link in the nom is a revelation – I had no idea there is so much tat out there. They’ve even got a coin to commemorate ‘Our Solar System’, and it hasn’t even died or sunk yet.
    Top of screen, though: ‘England Lionesses European Champions Commemoratives’. If Labour win they’ll make it compulsory to own the full set of these.

    • I nearly didn’t scroll down when I saw the ‘Lionesses’ bollocks at the top of the page. I’m glad I did though, quite an education seeing what utter dross people are prepared to buy. Maybe we should mint some Isac coins?

  6. It’s remarkable how many of the coins in the link commemorate our colonial and fascist past. When the wokies complete their takeover those events will be wiped from history so the coins might be worth a few bob. On the other hand getting caught with them might result in a brutal public flogging by Eddie Izzard.
    I’ll give it some thought.

  7. The only commemorative coin that I still have is one from the Queen’s silver jubilee from way back in 1977. Probably worth about 10p these days, although that said I do have a rare 50p coin that the Royal Mint fucked up on when it went to press. Apparently only 6,000 of these rare 50p coins are in circulation and are worth a few bob.

    Trouble is, I can’t find the bloody thing!

    Imagine if England win the next World Cup- you’ll get coins for Southgate, Kane, Sterling and Rashford!

    • “Imagine if England win the next World Cup- you’ll get coins for Southgate, Kane, Sterling and Rashford!”……Oh I think we’re safe enough on that front.

    • I bet they will still be taking the knee for a big lipped gun carrying counterfeit money passing sp00k

  8. My ultra-limited run of Josef Fritzl ‘Dungeon Incest Rape’ coins, the face of each one depicting one of the deformed, Sloth from Goonies-like offspring of Fritzl and his daughter’s romantic trysts will be worth a fortune one day.

  9. It’s a fucking disgrace…I bought a “Brexit 52%-48%” coin several years ago and have received Fuck-All….rang them to ask where it was and all I got was a voice recording of Johnny Rotten saying “Ever get the feeling you’ve been conned?”

    • Aye DF

      Funny thing is, you still get people moaning ‘What exactly has Brexit brought us?’

      Well, we were never actually given what was asked for, so we’ll never know!

      But I do agree that it was a fucking waste of time voting for it. Although I did enjoy the BBC and libtard meltdown over it at the time. I remember saying to one mad harpie that she should calm down, because I doubt Brexit will ever happen in an meaningful fashion.

      I was right for once.

  10. Perhaps we should have our very own ISAC Commemorative Coin Collection, with coin values of between 1p and £2.
    Obviously deciding on which cunter should be allocated to a particular coin value will be “interesting”

  11. I’m still waiting to buy the Boy Scout woggle to commemorate the accidental strangulation of G. Floyd. But they never came.

    • That’s a great mong face!

      And £7.99 for ’24 carat gold’ coins, ha ha ha. You’d get more gold on a chocolate Xmas coin! Twatty coins for twats.

  12. Don’t see the point. Will they ever become valuable? Stranger things have happened. If I found a stash of them right now, I would head for the nearest self service machine. I collect real coins. I did alright with the Kew Gardens 50p “Only one per customer ” and uncirculated, all in for £4.99 back in 2009.

  13. I’ve just invested in a commemorative bitcoin, worth exactly the same as a ‘real’ bitcoin, ie it’s an imaginary currency worth absolutely fuck all.

  14. My dad told me the commemorative Churchill crown would be valuable in the future. Now 55 years on, I have half a dozen, look on ebay so many pressed, a couple of quid…..

  15. These cunts are con merchants. They claim their worthless tat will be a great investment and be worth a lot of money in the future.

    A lot of old (but maybe greedy) cunts spend loads on this shite. I remember one cunt on the telly a few years back moaning his ‘collection’ he’d spent thousands on, was almost worthless at auction. Pennies.

    One born every minute, but they should be reigned in a bit with their claims.

    It’s worthless shit.

  16. Add commemorative plates, cups, tea towels to the list.

    In the spirit of Del Boy & Rodney, back in 2011 when William and Kate got married, I was going to print some commemorative T-Shirts, to sell of course. My design was 2 stick figures doing it.

  17. Did anyone else sift through all ? Did anyone else spot the clenched fist? And the Celebration of “Northern Soul” ? A real eye opener that link, I never realised how many commemorations of our slide into the shit pit there was.

  18. I hope the makers of the famous snake belt don’t bring out a multicoloured effort for uphill gardeners. I’ll do my nut if they did. It would shatter the illusion of childhood memories for lots of us older folks.

  19. Every commemorative 50p or Two pound coin I get, I scratch ” No ebay ” on the Queens face. Stops the cunts from selling them.

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