Well since we are all living in clown world where hurt feelings and the possibility of offending the Lefts usual minority pet victimhood groups exist, this should come as a surprise to no one.
Yes, Monkeypox will now be renamed Mpox announced the World Health Organization “after complaints over racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name”.
Since we throw untold billions into the disease-ridden corrupt shithole that is Africa and pay those cunts at WHO over $300m as of 2020, at least we know M’Tembe and his mates are not being stigmatised.
A pox upon them all. Now eat da poo poo!
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
And seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface
Well bugger me (pardon the pun) I’m trying my best to second this nom but am genuinely pissing myself as I try to gather my thoughts.
It would appear that if you are up for a bit of monkey bumming ?? there’s a chance you could catch ‘monkey pox’.
So in an attempt to highlight this new danger to public health the WHO has decided to stigmatise anybody who may have the audacity to even think that monkey bumming is, well you know a bit wrong.
As ever Al-BBCer is on hand to help us mere mortals get over our wrong think.
‘Monkeypox will now be known as mpox, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced, after complaints over racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name’
According to their own report up to 50 people have died as a result of contracting Monkeypox.
So apart from the fact this is far from a global pandemic the main thrust of the ‘report’ appears to me to be that it’s more important to rename the disease to avoid racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name.
And here was me thinking the job of the WHO was to alert the public to impending health dangers, especially when 50 people globally have fallen victim to this utterly perverted and self inflicted disgusting deviance.
One can only imagine how the monkeys from the PG Tips adverts are counting their blessings.
Bad back moving a piano downstairs or a bad back from being bummed senseless from a dirty fucking perverted leather and studs mincing fagot…….
And Everyonesacunt has the same opinion
Authorities that think by renaming something will make it better or not cause negative reactions by the general population are Cunts.
The world health organisation have decided to rename “ Monkey ? pox “ . It will now be known as Mpox.
Ffs cretinism at its finest.
Many piss poor reasons are cited in the article above for why this rebranding of the disease is best for all !!
Bullshit. What difference does what a name of a disease ? is to its consequences on the people with it or most likely to catch it. None.
I offer an opinion that it is done to protect those with it the practices they practice before catching it and with the continent which has most sufferers from suffering prejudice.
Prejudice for its own sake is wrong but so is ignorance and denial of certain facts leads to a prolonged problem. This is also the case with many other bad things in the world right now.
Migrants. Illegal cunts high speed trip back to where them came
Stabbing for fucks sake 2 more poor kids died last night forget PC target the bastard groups responsible and save lives
Mental illness terrorists. !!! This again stops those responsible being targeted and lives been saved.
On and on I could go. And so could most folk.
Renaming something solves nothing stop fuck arsing about deal with the elephant ? in the room Cunts.
We all suffer from Money Pox.
being bum fucked… this is the end result
They all get their cumuppence in the end Sid.
The WHO and their boss Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, (sounds like the sort of chap who would kill you off when doing a bit of locum work for the NHS) lost all credibility when dealing Covid-19. Their inability, at the behest of the Chinese government to whom they kow-towed, to take prompt and decisive action cost the western economy trillions of dollars.
The following says it all:
Tedros-Letter.pdf – Trump White House Archive
https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › 2020/05
The WHO have been shite for years. Always pushing studies linking red meat consumption to cancer. When you actually look at the method used it turns out that rats were given enormous amounts of iron supplements, the equivalent in haem absorbed for a human would be 9kg a day.
The Covid dithering in late 2019 just sums them up.
Bunch of useless, ideologically driven, commie cunts.
I have just concluded my article in the Lancet under the heading “ Shwartzers and Bummery “
Dear FF looking forward to reading your scholarly article, this is a subject worth studying as most of the South East is now officially part of Africa according the the UN. Forewarned is forearmed.
Should be called P3.
Poop Pushers Pox.
Don’t shake hands with Blind Pew.
Africa is full of all sorts of monkeys and all sorts of terrible tropical diseases.
If you are a Gay monkey then it is inevitable you will catch the AIDS and the MonkeyPox and will pass it on to all the other monkey puffs.
Sometimes the monkey will decide to head north with it’s diseases and pass them all on to other Gays and assorted sinister deviants.
Trying to change its name is rather unethical I have to say..
After all they decided not to change the AIDS name to SlimFast did they the puddled cunts?
Am I doomed I’ve been calling this out of Africa illness poof pox. Read an article in the paper not sure which rag about a chap who had had intimate bumfoolery with 10 partners over two weeks and was of no regret when he developed poof pox. Even had a big smiley picture of the cunt above the article. Well the NHS is free at delivery.
Wonder what will be the next shock horror disease affecting our more “well travelled” community. Gagging cough perhaps, ringed worm,
Still fail to see why changing the name to M pox is going to help, surely most people will say what does the M stand for if they do not know obviously.
End times a coming that’s for sure.
They might as well call it MP and be done with.
Give it a funky sounding name and they’ll all want it.
That’s just how it works with the chutney ferrets.
‘It stresses the need to minimise unnecessary negative impact on trade, travel, tourism or animal welfare, and to avoid causing offence to any cultural, social, national or ethnic groups’
The only reason for dropping the name is the bit after ‘and’
The WHO are a fucking disgrace.
If Mbongo gets Mpox is that culturally offensive ???
M’danga: Ooga
G’Mangu: Ooga Dooga
M’danga: Ooga Dooga PooPoo?
G’Mangu: Eata da poo poo, getta da Monkey Pox.
M’danga: Ooga Dooga oopa arsa?
G’Mangu: Ooga!
You are the most reverend Pastor Martin Ssempa and I claim my 5000 trillion Zimbabwean dollars.
Are these cunts Italian?
No Mogg, but Italians are becoming Afreekans.
I’d be very interested to see who is complaining about racism regarding the word monkey.
Are there people self identifying as such?
Yes. Nobody was calling anyone a monkey until WHO shoved its oar in. Therefore the WHO is Hitler.
Lefty logic is great stuff, used properly.
Can imagine:
‘I wish to complain about the naming of Monkeypox’
‘Because it’s disrespectful to Blicks due to association’
‘Do you associate yourself with a monkey then?’
‘Right, so fuck off’
Makes me laugh. Blacks so sensitive about their looks that they object to the word “monkey”
They obviously see the connection themselves, so they don’t need anybody else to point it out to them.
Paranoid cunts.
And I’d love to see their family photo albums.
They must be like a collection of stills from Planet of the apes.
Don’t mention the M word.
Sooooo…..the Black Death will now be re-named just ‘The Death’
To avoid upsetting out slitty eyed friends Yellow Fever will now be referred to as ‘Fever’
Asian and Spanish flu, is now just ‘Flu’
Smallpox is now averagepox
The insensitive WHO cunts. Once again ignoring the feelings of other minorities.
Imagine being a Vegan and told you’ve got Chicken pox or indeed the stigma felt by a midget when they hear the term Smallpox? What about the xenophobic overtones of Typhoid to someone from Thailand?
These overpaid, overexposed cunts seem to have far too much time on their hands. If ever there was a case for refunding and telling them to fuck off, this is it.
Cow pox.Diane abbot. A cow. And black.
Ffs don’t mention midgets, he reads this stuff you know?
Poofters, like BAMEs and rubber boat invaders are terribly thin skinned. I wonder what they would call AIDS now if it had only just been discovered? – Mandyitis perhaps?
First Rule of Bum Club……..you don’t talk about monkeys.
Second Rule of Bum Club……..you don’t talk about monkeys.
I wonder how offended the Trannîes are about Fight Club. Meatloaf’s character created too much testosterone because of having his balls removed, so subsequently grew breasts. Big, pendulous boobs.
“Bob has bitch tits.”
So it’s the poxy Mpox now is it ? We all know it’s a nut allergy.
They should just call it tyre swing pox.
The BBC are most at risk with all the Aftican and homosexuals they promote.
*African. Fat handed, cock-fingered cunt.
Another thing their ‘enrichment’ has brought us.
Along with the death of Lee Rigby (RIP), AIDS, Ebola, shoplifters, benefit fraud, bastard hospital patients, town centre pests, tons of junk mail scrounging for Somalia, every telly advert featuring the cunts and so on…
God bless diversity…?
Monkeys ought to be offended. Fancy being conflated with bent sootıes, how embarrassing.
So whoever pointed out that monkey was racist must be themselves racist to come to that conclusion with the implication that bleks are simmian. ?
I rest my case m’lud.
The latest offering into the racist category is mental health
Yep, mental health is racist, da blick is 5 times or maybe 10 (who gives a fuck) more likely to be sectioned than whitey. No other conclusion is possible, don’t dare to suggest that being sectioned is anything to do with colour ‘there needs to be recognition of cultural differences’
If a blick is running round the streets attacking anyone with a machete, don’t worry he’s not crazy, it’s cultural
Ni99apox is just as lame as AIDS, eh Sicky?
Something with the wondrous potential to thin the herd of undesirables and it’ll only be a few thousand worldwide, more’s the pity.
C’mon ‘Mpox’, pull yer fucking finger out, you need to Ebola yourself up.
Porton Down should be working on targeted ‘infections’ to thin down (by thin I mean eradicate) certain invasive subspecies to our native lands ?
There is a link between the amount of skunk one smokes and the onset of psychotic paranoia. This would be the reason that people of colour are sectioned more than white people. This was posited by research carried out in South London in the 80’s and the results were for the theory that excessive use of modern strains of wacky baccy seriously fuck the users head.
We have endured sufficient cultural enrichment over the last 30 plus years to see the same effects affecting white users. One reason that may explain the discordance between the number of black persons sectioned and white persons is the statistically higher incidence of criminal activity in black areas leading to more machete wielding paranoid fuckwits being tasered or shot and more police contact.
But it is much cheaper and so much less hassle to say raaaaacist and it’s all whiteys fault as per..
There’s something brewing in Africaaaa….
A measure of AIDS.
A pinch of Ebola.
A shot of Monkeypox.
Mix it all up with various bodily fluids from multiple partners.
And hey presto !
A sharp fall in world population, and bummers on the endangered species list.
‘ Just two pounds a month can help fund research into a cure for Julian’s dreadful disease……’
Get To Fuck.
Am I the only one to think this was a good move? I don’t want people finding out the real reason behind my trip to Tanzania as a charity advisor. I have now pulled the scabs off and I’m managing the irritation by applying Dettol in hot water.
How is monkey pox a racist term? Monkeys are not a race. Unless the woke fools proposing this are saying darkies look like monkeys, ergo racism. In which case, who are the racists here?
This has confirmed what many suspected for a long time: the ‘woke’ are the most racist of all, including Labour the BBC and most other outlets of cultural Marxist shittery.
A panel of eminent monkeys should convene and choose a new name for their kind, as I am sure they wouldn’t want to be associated with the blacks.
Total bollocks.Feed the entire World Health Organisation to the sharks.
Shag ? get pox, there’s no wild monkeys in GB . So where did this shite come from..?
Answers on a postcard…?
Pox is out dated now, moved on to RSV and Staph A. Fuck knows how we managed in the 60s……
Went with Mrs Norman to a Christmas concert tonight. The Mediaeval Baebes at St Peter’s Church, Bolton. Wonderful singers, lovely atmosphere, and four out of the six ladies are very fit.
But, aside from the festive claasics and the sexy songstresses, it was great because it had that old British feeling about it. It was in a church with not a bogo, P@k!, or dooshka in fucking sight. And the ladies talked freely about Christmas and the Nativity without any bollocks about ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity. Nice to see that the fuckers haven’t infested everything yet….
And as the inept as ever Royal Mail (due another cunting soon) finally delivered some post after not doing it for days on end, they delivered a fucking avalanche of scrounging letters. About eight ‘Help Somalians’ ones in one go. There were also several Afghanistan and Save The Children ones too. I see enough of those fuckers when I go to the kidney unit. They can all fuck off. Needless to say – apart from the British Legion – they all got binned. Fuck them…