Jeremy Vine [11]

We all know Jeremy Vine is a total cunt, but the huge cunt seems to be able to constantly find new levels of cuntitude.

Now the monumental 2 wheeled rolling cunt is trying to drum up interest in himself and that other well collective of cunts cyclists, by airing videos of cars passing him to closely, this time its a taxi (probably another cunt), but this car give the cunt tha is a cycling JV loads of room and yet JV is crying about it.

Cyclists I’m sure don’t appreciate JV making shit up, they are already concidered treble cunts by everyone else who uses the road, the eco freaks (yet another group of cunts) are even muttering about not supporting JV and they never miss a n opportunity to be cunts.

So JV what a treble cunt, hope he ends up with a different set of wheels soon, acting like that it can’t be long….. Cunt

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

51 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine [11]

  1. I notice that the cock-knocker is wearing one of those hi-viz vests with blue and white checks on it to make him look like a copper, probably with ‘POLITE’ on the back, which makes me want to measure the cunt for a body map.

    How’s about a not too polite “Fuck off”?

  2. I’m all for road safety for Vine.

    The government should cut off his legs to stop him creating a bicycle nuisance of himself.

    If he then starts acting the cunt in a wheelchair he should be encased in concrete and dropped into the Atlantic.

    • …and they should cut out his larynx to prevent me from hearing his voice….and they should also cut off his face to prevent me from seeing him.

  3. The sooner that cunt trumpet ends up under the wheels of a skip truck driven by a stoned illegal africunt the better..

    The BBC won’t know which horse to back..

    Or better still get him to store his bike at the sheds in Worcestershire..

  4. Vine appears to be runner up only behind Lineker in the BBC Hierarchy of Cunts. Quite an achievement when he’s employed by an organisation infested with cunts.

  5. Can’t stand him,can’t stand his brother…..if Old Mother Vine is still alive,she should be thoroughly ashamed of herself for not hooking the Cunts out with a coathanger and flushing them down the shitter….if she’s already dead,she probably died of shame.

  6. I swear this guy must be autistic such is his lack of self awareness .

    What a weird , creepy cunt he is .

    Imagine if he’d hung around Bethnal Green in the 60s with his HELMET mounted camera.

    They dealt with grasses differently then and it wasn’t by letting them present Eggheads

  7. The only video I’d like to see of this monumental fuckwit is the one where he’s flapping around the rear tyre of a 40-footer on the M1.

  8. When someone told me, “Jeremy Vine goes around with a camera on his helmet” I thought, “Mmm… is this a new way of making pornos?”

  9. Given he is an extreme self-righteous cyclist, the odds are that he will, indeed, come into close contact with a double axle of some 40 tonne tarmac wagon.

    My view is that it is just a matter if time.

    Fingers crossed and patience, eh Cunters?

    • I think and I really, really hope that you’re right Paul. That will be a great day for mankind. Cherry on top would be if someone caught the event on dashcam and posted it on line so we could all watch it repeatedly on a loop. One can only dream.

      • I really hope he’s careful on his bicycle and doesn’t get pancaked by a HGV and spread across the road like jam , and his bicycle helmet rolls down the enbankment with his head still inside (like Jango Fett in Star Wars when the Jedi sliced it off)……
        ….. I really hope that doesn’t happen

  10. He looks such a smug, condescending, up his own arse cunt. Just because he is on the wireless and plays a few gramophone records every day he makes like he is Bertram Russell. His voice is ridiculous. “Dead Ringers” is back on Wireless 4 on Friday evening/Saturday lunchtime (1830/1225) and his up and down voice is one of the favourite targets.

  11. Some years back, it was discovered that a cyclist in London has a life expectancy of 7 years.

    Not long now, eh Jeremy. You cunt.

  12. I’d encourage him to cycle the roads of Warminster and Salisbury Plain, just as the Queen’s Royal Lancers are on maneuvers.

    Watching Vine getting crushed by a 70 Ton Challenger 2 main battle tank would fill me and many others with unholy glee and restore some karma justice in the universe. I’m sure the lads of the QRL wouldn’t give a fuck either, even after scraping his mutilated corpse from their Tank tracks.

  13. Vine was talking “red flags” the other day on his crap TV show.

    The “red flags” in question were the disturbing lack of blacks and gays in the film Love Actually. A film that’s probably 20 odd years old.

    I think it was about that anyway. I can’t be bothered to check properly.

    All I know is that Vine is a monumental weapons grade piece of cunt who will support the latest/current thing to the hilt if it means keeping his snout in the trough.

    Good Morning.

    • There were too many blacks in love actually, notably the cunt partnered with Kiera Knightley.

      • The scene which stood out to me SoI, HJ, was where Emma Thompson realised the old man was screwing someone else and her reaction. Now Emma like most luvvies, holds political views with which I profoundly disagree and like all such luvvies is not backward in coming forward with her views, pontificating about how the rest of us should live our lives. I’ll not get into the rank hypocrisy here right now.
        However, the film is a work of fiction and she was ACTING the part of the downtrodden wife. As an actress she is very definitely top class and if you don’t understand this Jeremy then you are losing your grip.

    • I’m not being funny but you’re average, normal black person, not your chippy BLM activist, must think we are fucking deranged

      A whole piece by Vine on why we are so racist basically.

      I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t usually wish real ill on too many people but we really wouldn’t miss Vine

      • Morning Ron. Good to see you back cunting on IsAC although the timing seems a little suspicious since it was not long after Lady Susan Hussey found herself at a loose end recently.

      • Morning LL.
        Yeah the missus and I are back for the festive season after an extended tour about at home and abroad.
        We’re off again in the NY; fucking hell at my age I hate the cold!
        As for poor old Lady S, well I think a trap was set for a prime bit of race-baiting and the old dear walked right into it. I sense the withered claw of the Duchess of Monteshiteshow reaching out….

  14. All cyclists are cunts, Vine is one of many and he deserves all the abuse he gets.

    Last week I was waiting at traffic lights, two cars ahead of me, this fucking entitled twat on two wheels rides up the inside and then plonks himself in the pedestrian crossing section smack bang in front of the first car. Absolutely no fucking reason to do that and if a pedestrian had wanted to cross they would have a cunt in the way.


  15. Send 100 ginger weirdoes all dressed and styled like Alex Belfield to his property, all standing around his windows saying things like ‘ow do, chunky’, and ‘nothing but sanctimonious, supercilious gobshites’.
    They could work in shifts.

  16. The prick made a fuss about some CUNT who took a toddler cycling on the school run that people were rightly calling out as irresponsible.
    He called motorists Petrosexuals, like it is abnormal. I hope his head cam is filming when he goes under an ocado delivery van.

    • Well I was feeling a bit bunged up, then I saw fug’s nom and promptly went for an enormous dump.
      Vine tends to have that effect on me. Thanks jezza!

      Morning all.

  17. I loathe vine more than any other cunt in the BBC. He demonstrates everything that is wrong with this cunting organisation.
    Let’s hope he gets mowed down by a bunch of Albanians in a getaway car and reverse back over him just to make sure.

  18. Had a cunt cyclist yesterday on my way to work. Was fucking about with his bike wheel on the pavement then all of a sudden without even looking, swung the bike onto road and carried on pissing about with the wheel. I had to swerve to avoid him and then had to swerve an oncoming van. To be honest, it put me about. They just don’t give a shit, could have caused me and the van to collide. The cyclist would probably have said I was at fault. It’s about time they were road taxed, insured and brought to book for actions like I’ve described. They will end of killing people, might be exaggerating but their selfish attitude really fucks me off.

  19. By the sounds of things his own researchers don’t seem too keen on him. He keeps getting stuff wrong about his callers.


  20. I find Vine an easy cunt to avoid. Don’t listen to him and I don’t read the news.
    He doesn’t exist for me.

  21. I like to watch his show on ch5.
    Listening to his moronic questions and watching his smug grinning cuntish face – it get my temperature raised and my blood pumping.
    Then you get the cunting opinions of his panel of guests – all usually brain dead, woke, and full of shit.
    Two of his favourite guests are labour loving uphill gardner and general irritant Owen Jones, and Femi Oluwole, BLM pro EU cunt who like to remind us all how racist and evil we are, and how we should be sending £Billions to African shitholes and every country that used to be part of our evil Empire.
    Their calm and sensibly measured views on the world of today are a real joy to behold…

  22. “Ohhhh, the she-boon in the car made a gun sign at me. Phone the police! I’m frightened!”

    That alone makes him a James Blunt of the highest calibre, but wait, look at the image…how many cameras on his nut and a police chequer motif on his cunty hi-viz jacket too?


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