Mpox – The Disease Formally Known as Monkeypox (2)

Well since we are all living in clown world where hurt feelings and the possibility of offending the Lefts usual minority pet victimhood groups exist, this should come as a surprise to no one.

BBC News Link

Yes, Monkeypox will now be renamed Mpox announced the World Health Organization “after complaints over racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name”.

Since we throw untold billions into the disease-ridden corrupt shithole that is Africa and pay those cunts at WHO over $300m as of 2020, at least we know M’Tembe and his mates are not being stigmatised.

A pox upon them all. Now eat da poo poo!

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

And seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

Well bugger me (pardon the pun) I’m trying my best to second this nom but am genuinely pissing myself as I try to gather my thoughts.

It would appear that if you are up for a bit of monkey bumming ?? there’s a chance you could catch ‘monkey pox’.

So in an attempt to highlight this new danger to public health the WHO has decided to stigmatise anybody who may have the audacity to even think that monkey bumming is, well you know a bit wrong.

As ever Al-BBCer is on hand to help us mere mortals get over our wrong think.

‘Monkeypox will now be known as mpox, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced, after complaints over racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name’

According to their own report up to 50 people have died as a result of contracting Monkeypox.

So apart from the fact this is far from a global pandemic the main thrust of the ‘report’ appears to me to be that it’s more important to rename the disease to avoid racist and stigmatising language linked to the virus’s name.

And here was me thinking the job of the WHO was to alert the public to impending health dangers, especially when 50 people globally have fallen victim to this utterly perverted and self inflicted disgusting deviance.

One can only imagine how the monkeys from the PG Tips adverts are counting their blessings.

Bad back moving a piano downstairs or a bad back from being bummed senseless from a dirty fucking perverted leather and studs mincing fagot…….


And Everyonesacunt has the same opinion

Authorities that think by renaming something will make it better or not cause negative reactions by the general population are Cunts.

The world health organisation have decided to rename “ Monkey ? pox “ . It will now be known as Mpox.
Ffs cretinism at its finest.

Many piss poor reasons are cited in the article above for why this rebranding of the disease is best for all !!

Bullshit. What difference does what a name of a disease ? is to its consequences on the people with it or most likely to catch it. None.

I offer an opinion that it is done to protect those with it the practices they practice before catching it and with the continent which has most sufferers from suffering prejudice.

Prejudice for its own sake is wrong but so is ignorance and denial of certain facts leads to a prolonged problem. This is also the case with many other bad things in the world right now.

Migrants. Illegal cunts high speed trip back to where them came

Stabbing for fucks sake 2 more poor kids died last night forget PC target the bastard groups responsible and save lives

Mental illness terrorists. !!! This again stops those responsible being targeted and lives been saved.

On and on I could go. And so could most folk.

Renaming something solves nothing stop fuck arsing about deal with the elephant ? in the room Cunts.


55 thoughts on “Mpox – The Disease Formally Known as Monkeypox (2)

  1. Blow Monkeys… They were a good band with Doctor Robert.

    Mind you, that’s what our African friends do, isn’t it? Blow monkeys…

  2. Is this the same condition as “mad chimp disease” or “rabid ape syndrome”?
    Or maybe “Sambos ickness” aka “Nog fever”?

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