Health Chief, Amanda Pritchard has announced that middle-aged women working for the NHS will be allowed to work from home, flexible-working hours and/or be offered light duties as they cope through the menopause.
A report also suggests that the menopause costs the British economy something like £10bn a year in sick leave.
Rather than focus on reforming the NHS in order to reduce the massive cost burden to the taxpayer, as well as trying to improve waiting times, operations and bed availability, this stupid cunt chooses to ruffle feathers by declaring that middle aged women should be prioritised.
Of course this will piss off younger women in the NHS who will be left to pick up any extra workload the middle-aged brigade can no longer cope with. It also means male colleagues might get a bit annoyed because we too go through some form of equivalent menopause at that age, although its never really taken very seriously to a wider public.
Then of course there’s the matter of transwomen – you know, the men identifying as wimminz. Will they seek the same offer even though technically they don’t have a cervix?
The NHS is already struggling in lots of areas, not least staff shortages. But dear old Amanda doesn’t want to be troubled by that complication. And does she not realise that menopause can last anything up to 8 or 9 years! Does that mean affected women will be able to work from home on full pay for almost a decade without fear of losing their job?
As per usual with the NHS top brass, they get their priorates all wrong, but still demand more cash from the government.
Nominated by : Technocunt
I’m all for it….nobody wants some mentally-unstable, whiskery old Trout changing the dressing on their cock or summat,do they ?
Fire the harridans and be fucking done with it.
Is that from personal experience Dick? The episode from ’24 Hours In A&E’ that got shelved?
Could well be,LL…..although I’m still convinced DCI Gene Cunt was somehow involved.
I know nothing…
Is that what you tell injured people as you bend down to treat them?
Every time. Always cheers them up!
The malingering cunts.
N o
H ope
S ervice
The problem stems from the top heavy, cash consuming senior and middle management managing fucking bureaucratic bollox. If ever there was an organisation that needed to be rethought, stopped overnight and started anew, it is our dreaded NHS.
That seems to be the solution for everything ‘work from Home’
If you can work from Home, so can a Indian and for less Money
Especially these Civil Servant Cunts
Sack the lot
How the fck am I supposed to do anything from home? That’s what the workshop is for.
If you can work in your pyjamas it’s not a job.
I agree Mr T. We all need structure and discipline in our day. I can’t languish at home in my jammys and be fulfilled. I need to be face to face with clients, employees, and on job sites to be at my best.
Is this the mental illness that leads to a fragile vagina and fits of uncontrollable rage?
I agree with this highly underpaid wimmin,they do need locking in a home,for a minimum term of ten years.
Middle-ages birds’ fannies might enjoy a longer shelf life if they took it up the bum more often.
Just “Carry On Nurse”, so long as you’re still wearing the night attire.
Come on UKplc, can’t your scientists and engineers find a way of harnessing all those hot flushes to solve the energy crisis?
This new rule is guaranteed to be exploited by some, leading to more staff shortages, leading (of course) to more fucking immigration – as if overcrowding, a shortage of housing and an erosion of national culture aren’t big enough problems. All because of the natural aging process. The NHS costs the taxpayers a fortune. The last thing that’s needed is another excuse to doss off work.
NHS staff seem to think it’s a 9-5 job, with all the perks and lack of public hassle of a desk job….add to that the reluctance of most of not all GP surgeries to actually want to deal with anyone…not just in person but pretty much at all in a timescale that means you get dealt with before you get worse, or die, so more and more are going straight to a&e, and the NHS helpline is a complete waste of time- unless a sticking plaster is required, to cover their arses they simply tell everyone to do to a&e anyway. And the population explosion in the immigrant department and th snowflakes who at the slightest hint of a cough they got straight to a&e
Scrap it and start again.
Lot of truth in this post. We’re a society that can now order online and have it delivered the same day, and, these feckless cunts think healthcare is the same. Surgery doesn’t answer after three rings? Ring 111 (a cunt of a service – a millstone around our neck), or 999 – you’d be incredulous at some of the shite we get sent to, but, the cunts exagerate their symptoms to get a response – or straight to ED. We’re a nation of ‘Me Me’s’ who want there arses wiping for them, and, the system is at breaking point due to over and misuse.
Agree DCI
Great to hear from someone who lives it every day. Soldier on for those who really need you. You have my respect.
*Their arses.
Dopy, non-proof reading cunt.
As with all large organisations,
To many chiefs.
Not enough Indians.
…. and having too many pow wows.
I think sub-continentals have exacerbated the problem ?
Sack the lazy bitches. They’ve probably indulged in indolence and skiving off their entire “working” lives.
You don’t work, you get sacked, same as in a small company.
I just had to recommend that two people get sacked from my work place for sneaky bone-idleness.
Fuck them.
And fuck these old crones.
Moody old bags.
Sweeten up and pull your face straight.
No one will give you a pay rise with that attitude.
That all sounds like yourself last night, MNC…you had a right cob-on!
I’m a delicate blossom Thomas.
They say a days work never hurt anyone?
Did me.
I’m dehydrated today an feel a bit pissed up?
I plan to rehydrate with bitter while watching Tyson Fury v Derek Chisora 3.
Women going through the menopause.
Shock horror.
It’s been happening since when?? Oh that’s right… The beginning of time.
Get fucked.
PS… Do trannies get to work from home if they’re going through the change?
It’s all bollocks this menopausal shit. My old mum never had that, she never had the time to have it. Worked her arse off, inside and outside the house. Never once heard her moan or ‘have a bad day’. Yet some daft tart these days goes off on one becuase she has to sit behind a warm desk all day and pick up the phone? Do sod off…
I agree Norman , these NHS skivers give middle aged women a bad name. I’ve never used menopause or periods as an excuse to not work and frankly dislike discussing these sorts of things with anyone, even those that are close. I have seen women creating and carrying on at work because they were having a period and all that happens is people stop taking you seriously, assuming they did in the first place. My own menopause was not too bad but I think if you are obese or unhealthy then you will suffer more. I hope I don’t sound smug therefore, but I’ve always thought that if I felt less than 100% any day, that was my problem and not to be taken out on anyone else.
I’m afraid that work ethic is sadly lacking nowadays Mary.
When I was not self employed the only sick time I had was when I broke my ankle, and on one occasion was sent home at the bosses insistence as I was visibly unwell. As far as I remember the only sick day my dad had was the day before he died.
A lot of people nowadays seem to view sick days as some sort of annual holiday entitlement, with the slack picked up by those that actually do the real graft.
We had one fella call in sick once because his dog was unwell!
My own vicarious experience Mary, was that my wife’s menopause was pretty well a non-event, just observed one day that she hadn’t had a period for a while. Just lucky I guess. However in her younger days the first day of her periods were dreadful. I couldn’t count the occasions I’ve seen her curled up clutching a hot water bottle to her abdomen and taking paracetamol at the maximum safe rate. A couple of times she passed out in public, once in Rackhams (House of Fraser) in Birmingham city centre. Good news though was that the problem was wiped out completely by her first pregnancy.
My wife has suffered from the menopause our entire marriage.
There’s no such thing as the menopause – it’s just women being women.
This is one reason of many why women belong in the home.
Period Drama.
Chap I worked with kept ferrets and his missus was pegging her washing out one day while she had the painters in.
Stepped into the ferret run and all hell broke out.
It’s like everything else, the more the media and Co bang on about it the more women are convinced they are suffering.
Mental elf is another one, having a bad day is now a major trauma and the need to see a mental elf specialist
Long Covid, another go to safe space to get out of work ?
A nation that only 80 years ago were being bombed by Adolf are now a nation of fucking pussies, I doubt anyone in the Second World War were worried about the fucking change of life.
A lot of them didn’t live long enough to see it.
Do you think those men and women would have suffered and fought for the utter shambles we have become?
It’s embarrassing.
Get a life you old harridan
Fucking right they can work from home. Should be treated as if they have Covid and wear a mask. I don’t want to catch the menopause off of a load of dirty old biddies!
Very simple and cost effective solution to a problem that us users and workers have been clamouring for for years.. Got to admit compared to camping in ambulances outside AE, bed blocked for weeks, not enough staff and so on this is a prize application by management to show that they are focused and real re the current problems of the NHS.
I owe my life three times to the treatment I received from Ambulance staff, Hospital staff. I really fucking hate the way this vital service is treated. Do these arses know that throwing money around will not always solve the problem .
Invariably this idea will probably spread across all public sector areas and not just the NHS.
The menopause, just like puberty and pregnancy are not diseases, but normal physiological processes so fuck off!
I’m sure our socialist and woke ‘conservative’ government will be only too happy to oblige.
Death by Umbongo..
Starting with the paramedic twat , who spends more time on here than actually doing his fuckin job.. The WEAPON GRADE CUNT
Civil service are the enemy within.. piss taking cunts the lot of em
You take the kings coin and all the perks that entails you wankers