Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow, reckons that Jesus could’ve been transgender. A 14th century painting depicting a stab wound in Christ’s side “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance”. This view is supported by the dean of Trinity College, Cambridge University.
Is he claiming that the millions of people throughout the course of human history who’ve died from violent stab injuries were all transgender too? What a prize and deluded cunt.
You really couldn’t make up this shit. I fucking well despair at the madness permeating this once-great country.
Andrew Lawrence explains with far more humour and passion than I could ever muster:
Big News Network Link.
Post Millennial Link.
(Additional links provided by our Religious Scholar, Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by : Cunty McCunt
Jesus wept.
Me and my work mate have been singing Hitler has only got one ball all week.
He also identifies as a white male in most of those religious paintings.
Fictional character in made up painting over a thousand years after said fictional character is said to be living is called a trannie because whoever painted it couldn’t do cuts or stab wounds very well. Or Arabs.
Bollocks upon Bollocks.
You identify as a urethra, of course.
That’s wasn’t Jesus it was brian.
And he is a very naughty girl..
This came as news to Mary and Joseph.
The last time I looked the vagina was not located just under the right tit. Which is what research fellow Joshua Heath undoubtedly is. What’s more they don’t bleed that much even when on the blob.
I get the impression that Joshua has never made the acquaintance of a single vagina, and never will.
So, he`s a cunt who has never seen a vagina?
Maybe it was the vagina from the movie, Videodrome…
They don’t make ’em like THAT anymore! 😀
Thank Fuck !
I wonder what Miles will say ?
“Its a Jewish conspiracy!”
Has to be ?
He’s got a point. Old B’Jesus’s arms look a bit feminine and it looks like he’s wearing a skimpy, lacy, see through skirt of some description.
However, the beard is a bit of a giveaway…
Surely Roussell Brandt?
Chap in the header, is it Jesus?
Seems like a nice boy… err girl… err whatever.
Speaking of girls, my next door neighbour’s daughter told him off the other day for referring to a young woman on the telly as a “lovely girl”. Apparently it’s now verboten to refer to a female over the age of 14 as a “girl”.
What an appalling world these millennials and GenZs are creating for themselves!
Afternoon RTC…hope you’re well?
Some young lady where I work was appalled to hear me the other day on the phone asking one of our suppliers (with whom I get on splendidly), “Are you some sort of fucking spastic?”…she was horrified, silly cow.
Quite why we employ young wimminz is entirely beyond me. Lazy tarts.
Greta Thundetpants is a spastic girl. So sue me.
The way Jesus is always depicted I can’t blame anyone for thinking He could be trans or a heroine addict living on the streets of San Francisco. Those h0m0 artists from the middle ages used women models to paint Jesus as gentle etc. In reality I picture Him looking like a younger Brad Garrett. He was Hebrew FFS!
Well, he was from Galilee. Galilean weren’t Semites, swarthy or dark skinned. Gael. Gaul. Galilee. Were the Galileans “white”?. I doubt he looked like what we are shown or told. Bible makes no reference to his appearance, it wasn’t important. It isn’t important.
It’s just… intriguing.
.Probably not so keen to give his thoughts on Prophet Muhammad.
Mohammed wasn’t trans. He was child molesting desert rat. I imagine him looking like Danny Devito but more hairy. But we’ll never know as depictions of him mean death.
Throw Mohammad From the Train!
Great movie! 😀
Very good point.
I’m looking forward to an Ayatollah telling the world that Mohammad was trans.
Bugger, beaten to it by Lord Fiddler.
I am an Ayotollah! And Mo WAS a kiddie diddling thieving piece of shit (Blessed be his name )
Allah Akbar
Come to think of it, ayatollahs’ hats look a tad Hyacinth Bouquet…
I wonder if Josh would have made a similar claims about that Mohammed bloke, I suspect he would have been stoned to death and Trinity college burned to the ground.
Everyone knows Mo was a dirty cunt, first of the groomers ?
These cunts do this to see just how much they can gat away with. As some others have pointed out, he’d go no where near Islam because he’d die at some point.
What’s he on about?
It was a spear wound not a tuppence.
A Roman spear wound.
Our lord Jesus Christ stabbed by that cunt John Wayne.
Saw it in a film.
Always having a pop at Jesus not so quick to point the finger when it comes to Islam?
No, Gobby twat knows he’d be under a fatwa .
Jesus wasn’t a cross ✝️dresser
Jesus liked pussy, he banged that Mary Magdalene, straight bloke and hard as the nails that pinned him to the cross.
John Wayne
“Pwhoar I can see right up his skirt!!”
John Wayne wouldn’t waste time with a spear, just gun the hippy down.
Then back to the saloon for a shot of whiskey.
He is always pictured with long hair and a robe.
The beard is irrelevant as most women from that part of the world have beards.
People that are high up in his religion also wear girly robes and fancy hats.
They like little boys too, so maybe Joshua is onto something.
Well that Joan of Arc was definitely a trannie………he was French, they’re filthy like that.
I hope a plague of divine boils turns the silly cunts face into a pair of witches tits.
Bring back Matthew Hopkins to sort these ungodly mentals out once and for all.
He wore a nightie and had long hair.
Doesn’t mean he’s a Martha.
He drank wine, and wore sandals,
That’s his only sins.
He had loads of male friends admittedly,
But that means nowt.
He didn’t marry because he couldn’t hold down a job,
Wandering about in the desert and that,
Not fair on a wife.
This makes me cross!
As Jesus said
“Don’t make me angry.
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
So the dickhead used a painting that was produced more than 1300 years after Christ’s crucifixion to prove his theory. It couldn’t possibly be artistic license.
It sound like this dickhead is just craving some publicity, and would say anything to try and make his mundane and insignificant life sound more interesting.
In any event, another nutcase needs removing from a position of influence.
Cunt didn’t even exist FFS
If what that Dean said has been quoted correctly in the media and he actually said this fucking bollocks you start to think how the fuck did he become a Dean in the first place ? when he clearly should be in a rubber room wearing a jacket that fastens at the back.
A woman would nag someone into a grave not raise them from the dead.
This is where Christianity fucks up.
An obvious nutter comes out with some disrespectful bollocks and the church does fuck all about it.
Why are all the Archbishops just sitting around in their palaces doing fuck all and not calling out this person for the cunt that he is?
No wonder that Islam is dominant, perhaps not by the number of followers, but by their passion.
What does it matter whether Christ was gay, straight, black, brown or a tranny?
Surely it’s his message that is important?
It’s not as if anyone’s suggesting he was a peedoh, like Muhammed.
Islam wouldn’t turn the other cheek.
They’d be baying for blood.
Quite right!
Joshua Heath should have to start his car remotely and look under the chassis with a mirror in the morning.
Can’t go round blaspheming.
Although that Buddha looks like a ladyboy?
The fat cunt.
buddhisms great MNC…. sitting around everyday doing fuck all, bang a few cymbals, roll a few drums, mumble incoherently, and then ponce off the locals for scran! what’s not to like.
And I wonder if these scholarly cowards would same something similar about Mohammed ??
Thought not. Cowards
Are we sure the header picture is not eddie izzards labour campaign poster.
Feminists have been arguing for years that there is no reason why God should not be a woman or be able to change his gender at will – or even a combination of both. If anyone could pull off the miracle of being two sexes at once then the Divinity certainly can. After all, he’s already three persons.
The hermaphrodite is revered in many religions, including Judaism.
In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Tranny. ✌️
Well, that’s Christianity, which doesn’t revere the hermaphrodite, not overtly anyway, as was the case among some gnostics who borrowed from Greek gnosis.
That header pic ?
He’s wearing makeup!!
Jesus didn’t wear makeup.
He preferred the natural look.
He looked like Robert Powell.
Bet the Romans did though.
Decadent as fuck.
I hate the Romans,
Sauna boys,
Only thing straight about them was their roads.
I take it then that you don’t like gladiator movies, MNC ?
I once said I liked Spartacus starring alleged rapist Kirk Douglas.
Some cheeky cunt said
“Mean the gay film?”
Nothing gay about two men covered in oil wearing leather speedos trying to catch each other in nets is there MMCM?
And Tony Curtis got done up with as a woman the previous year in Some Like It Hot, Mis! Then raped women in The Boston Strangler. Amazing performance that by Curtis, very creepy. They reckon that guy was not the killer or perhaps not the only killer. That was a fucked up series of murders, though, terrified New Yorkers in the 1960s, which is really saying something.
Tony Curtis was great ?
I was watching him the other night with Roger Moore in The Persuaders.
Dunno if your too young to remember it Gordon?
Great theme tune!
Correction: Bostonians, obviosuly! Not New Yorkers.
They lived in bliss free from murder back then.
Yes, he and Old Eyebrow are great in that! Curtis being in Boston Strangler was a huge risk a he was always a romantic, funny character. In the same year, wholesome all-American, Henry Fonda played an evil villain in, Once Upon a Time in the West…
Class act. Simpler times.
By this logic….Stephen Lawrence was a group of transgender women…
Yeah he was a hen party.