Joshua Heath

Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow, reckons that Jesus could’ve been transgender. A 14th century painting depicting a stab wound in Christ’s side “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance”. This view is supported by the dean of Trinity College, Cambridge University.

Is he claiming that the millions of people throughout the course of human history who’ve died from violent stab injuries were all transgender too? What a prize and deluded cunt.

You really couldn’t make up this shit. I fucking well despair at the madness permeating this once-great country.

Andrew Lawrence explains with far more humour and passion than I could ever muster:

Telegraph Link.

Big News Network Link.
Post Millennial Link.
(Additional links provided by our Religious Scholar, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : Cunty McCunt

120 thoughts on “Joshua Heath

  1. A VAGINA?? In one’s side?!!
    I remember Billy Connolly doing a sketch about farting from your fingertips, but…
    A friend of mine once asked “Why are people called Joshua all cunts?”

  2. Weird tranny cunt. “Jesus was a trans’
    Weird religious cunt. “No he wasn’t!”
    Weird tranny cunt. “Prove it!”
    Weird religious cunt. “Er….you prove he was!”
    Weird tranny cunt. “Er…..”
    Delusional cunts the lot of them.

    • It’s funny when Devil-Dodgers scream that all hom⁰sexuals will go to Hell and burn for tgrir deviancy until you remind them that baby Jeebus had two dads.


  3. Hey Admin…why do my posts keep disappearing?

    In the spirit of this thread; Jesus H. Christ Himself, this shit gets fucking old!

    I suppose I could stop what I was doing and looking into it – NA.

    Update: Well, there’s nothing in the moderated queue or the spam queue. I checked the moderated and banned filters and you don’t feature there either. Bottom line is, I don’t know why your posts disappear. This does happen from time to time where someone posts a comment, but it doesn’t show up in the thread. They often post it again (and again) and still nothing. Then sometime later they appear and/or we get flagged with duplicate comments. It’s a WordPress ‘feature’. – NA.

    • Hey NA,

      Sorry to bother you. It’s unreasonable of me to expect my posts to go through on a forum I’ve been a contributor to for a few years now.

      By all means…go back to the Hentai porn.

      • @NA

        I just tried to post my sincere appreciation for your efforts and offer an apology and explanation for my snarky remarks.

        It disappeared.

        Once again in the spirit of this thread there is a God and he has a sense of humor.

        That is completely bizarre. Again, nothing is showing up at the back end of the site. I’ll pass this along to Chief Admin. Maybe they know something or may be aware of a recent change. I get how irritating this is and don’t want this to happen to any cunter, least of all regulars like your goodself. Keep posting. It may be a transitory issue and will stop picking on you just as suddenly as it started. – NA.

    • That sometimes happens to me, that’s why I always copy and paste my tinfoil fact-free ramblings before I click send. I do this on all forums. Not sure why that happens. I think it’s a glitch in the cache or something, so always copy and paste and re-post/re-send if a psot gets lost in cyberspace! 😀

  4. Been away from this site for a while due to .. reasons (medical)

    Notice MNC has been re-labelled ‘Minarets’ and Gutstick “Urethra’

    Wot’s going on ? Just out of curiosity

    Glad you’ve returned to our hangout. Be well – NA.

    • Fuckwittery@

      Hope your now recovering and feeling better?

      Guzziguy mislabeled me minarets instead of Mis.
      I stuck for awhile with some of the more simple cunters.
      I Ignored it with great dignity and aplomb .

      As for Gutstick being called uretha, it’s Gordon’s new name for him.
      They clash a bit.
      Sexual tension.

      Both be all over each other at the ISAC Christmas bash??

      • ISAC Christmas bash sounds like the pi$$ up like no other. Recovering for days with warm glow of putting the world to rights, verbally at least.

        Name the venue and ticket price 😉

      • Sexual tension alright! Nothing turns me on like an angry Welshman! 😀

        To be fair, I have toyed with calling him, “Oriental Piss-Hole” but that would cause too much… hysterical laughter.

        But being called, Urethra is surely a softer, kinder way of saying, GUT-STICK JAP’S EYE, no? Hmm.

        It’s not trolling, it’s just banter. He gives, I take, I give… he cries to admin for me to banned. I just talk straight and make fun of people who I find silly, I don’t mean to hurt him. Surely he knows this?

        Let’s all be friends! It’s Christmas! 🙂

        I’m away to have my annual Christmas Movie Marathon. See you all on Sunday to talk shite about the World Cup Final.

        Let’s end with a song! 🙂

        Take it away, Elvis…

      • I got an e-mail about the date, time and place of the IsaC Christmas party.

        It disappeared before I could read it.

  5. Andy is a pure genius, no wonder he was cancelled he makes all the leftie “comedians” look like the total cunts they are.

      • Didn’t see link,
        I was thinking of Andrew Doyle.

        Who the fucks that ginger cunt?
        What’s up with his eyes?

      • Evening Miserable.

        I like Andrew Doyle, most of the time.

        That ginger cunt in the video looks like a paèdo.

      • Evening Ruff ?

        Yes, I like Andrew Doyle too.
        Does look like Leo Sayer though doesn’t he?

        Dunno who that weird ginger is?
        Looks a bit ‘duelling banjos’ eh?

  6. Wear his hair long, nice ankle length dress and liked to hang about with men.
    Yep Jesus took it up the holy shit hole.

  7. I suppose if you’re named Joshua, you’d want to be known for some biblical stuff.

    Perhaps,as he’s not very convincing with his bonkers theory, he should stick to Music Hall: nicer than lemon squash you are, Jos-u-osh-ua.

  8. And they wonder why he didn’t return as prophesied. Maybe the world has to be totally corrupted to the last drop of human blood before he comes back and cleans house?

    Every minority seems to be claiming Jesus as their own whilst living in a way that is polar to his teachings. Was Jesus white? Probably not, but his race was never important, probably when your half human and half divine race isn’t such a big deal.

    No I’m not a Christian but I think if you’re going to claim Jesus as your own it’s a good idea to try and understand what you’re signing up for.

    • Excellent post 6DV

      In a similar but not exact parallel, one of the most disgusting examples of this was when the community organizer Barack Obama was running for President against former governor Mitt Romney.

      US Rep Steve Cohen stood on the floor of the US House and compared Jesus to Obama as they were both “community organizers.”

      He also compared Romney to Pilate and both were denounced as governors.

      Part time media and full time Democrat hack/cunt Donna Brazile did the same.

      • But as we all know, he wasn’t born in Ireland, because they couldn’t find three wise men & a virgin.

      • And…

        He was a carpenter not a ditch digger. He didn’t turn the water into whiskey. And he didn’t feed the masses with a small roast and a basket of potatoes. (Or as the gospels differ on details, a salmon and some soda bread.)

  9. jesus isn’t the only one with a vaginal type wound I would think if we saw Joshua he would have the aforementioned vaginal like wound under his nose, this can be taken as gospel because the man/woman/ saucepan talks like a gold plated CUNT.

  10. General Cuntster…….I suspect your publishing problems stem from your avatar. Some wokie fucker out there in cyberspace has spotted the photo of Custer and got the hump. He was an Indian murderer you know , a colonialist, a white supremacist. He’s been cancelled!

    • Hey Freddie,

      As you reference…I am am (allegedly) privileged white male of Anglo Saxon descent and am therefore, (by the standards of the day identified as)…a homophobe…a transphobe…an Islamophobe…a wokeophobe…a cuntophobe…a misogynist…a bigot…a racist…a white supremacist…a descendant of slave owning…colonial exploiters who murdered the indigenous population…a Trump supporter…QAnon member…perhaps even a Christian Nationalist and my very existence perpetrates the Patriarchy…I suspect you’re on to something.

      Hmmm. Given that legacy of evil perhaps I should be cancelled…or sent to a re-education camp…at the very least be ordered to attend diversity awareness classes.

  11. Just occurred to me we have two American cunters,
    General Cuntster , Meat Curtains.
    Couple of Aussies,

    But no Canadians?

    Or Tasmanians?

    No one from the Isle of Man come to think of it.

    Why’s that?

    What’s their problem?

      • Don’t think so LL?
        Think he couldn’t live with the guilt after his disgraceful unwarranted attack on me.

        A nomination no less!!

        On the nicest friendliest cunter on here!!

        The man was clearly unhinged and I wish him well with his struggle with his inner demons.

        I turned the other cheek in true Christian fashion.
        No honour in beating the sick of mind.?

    • Probably no sense of humour and a phobia of hairy Northern removal men and Worcester bike shed warriors.

    • There are no Canadian cunters because Justinlito Castreau has closed their bank accounts and seized all their property including their computers and phones.

      They are now awaiting euthanasia under the MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) law which is set to expand next year and include the “mentally ill.”

      It is fortunate that many IsaC cunters* don’t live in the once Great Dominion of Canada.

      *Nominations are closed.

  12. The story of Jesus Christ had been told several times in different unrelated cultures before the Abrahamic version was written around 300 years after the death of Jesus of Nazareth.

    The transaholics are just trying to weave their by twisted view of the world into everything that normal people hold dear.

    They are trying to push your buttons and provoke an (over) reaction to give weight to their victimhood.

    Don’t let them.

  13. So, who did the state of the art sex change operation on him 2000 years ago? Answer me that…. For fuck’s sake, what a fucking knob…

    Twenty or even ten years ago, this nutter would not have got near any of the major news outlets. Even ‘That’s Life’ wouldn’t have had this freak on, even as a joke. Yet today this dribbler mentions trannies and he’s all over the place. I do not understand the special treatment these circus acts get. And that is what I hate about LGBT lot and the sambeaus. Everything has to involve or be about them. They get shoehorned into everything. I was wondering when they would get to western christianity. Let’s face it, the fuckers have done everything else.☹

    Also, this puddle of putrifying woke piss will no doubt upset christians of all kinds. But the MSM won’t give a frig about that. Yet if this cunt had said the ‘peaceful prophet’ was a trannie freak, then there would all this shit about ‘islamaphobia’ and offending the ‘psycho woman hating kebab eating teen raping community’.?

    As for Heath? Kill it with raging blazing fire.???

  14. These dirty deviant depraved cunts are corrupting everything. Kids have already been got at through education, and now it’s the bloody church… Nothing – and I mean nothing – is safe.

    We need a Henry VIII or (Bloody) Mary I type purge with these cunts.

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