Euro 7 and the European Commission

The European Commission has announced the latest version of their rules and regulations for new vehicle emissions over the next few years (Euro 7, for short), with the aim of getting all diesel and petrol driven vehicles removed from any further production by the major manufacturers in order to reduce CO2 pollutants and other toxic emissions.

The Euro 7 regulation has been criticised by these same companies primarily because of the unrealistic timescales involved, the additional R&D costs for future EV manufacturing, resources, complicated red tape/compliance and the fear that the price of EVs under the new ruling will rise by anything up to 20% on the forecourt.

It should also be noted that the Euro 7 ruling will affect the United Kingdom despite of Brexit due to the fact we haven’t totally cut ties with the EC.

One observation everyone agrees on is that it will push the cost of buying a brand Euro 7-compliant EV out of the reach of many people, which could just force them off the roads unless they resort to going back to 2nd hand petrol/diesel vehicles – which will also command a high price due to strong demand for this very reason.

And yet on the flip side you get some EC officials and Greenies, who suggest Euro 7 doesn’t go far enough to reduce emissions and are pushing for amendments or even tighter regulations in time for the release of Euro 8 in the not too distant future.

This is probably all to do with Net Zero, but is only focused on European vehicle production and not Asia or Chinese production where pollution levels are far higher and regulations far less stringent.

Yet more half-baked bureaucracy from our EU/WEF masters, and another piece of the Net Zero jigsaw falls into place by getting the plebs off the road. We’ve already had recent nominations covering:-

  • banning old petrol/diesel cars in central London
  • pedestrianisation of busy town roads
  • excessive traffic calming methods (especially in Oxford)
  • high petrol/diesel prices (we can now include higher electric prices for EVs)
  • congestion charges and higher parking charges
  • police more concerned about the welfare of eco-warrior protestors than drivers

It won’t be too long before the Powers that Be get most of us off the road once and for all.

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

80 thoughts on “Euro 7 and the European Commission

  1. I like China’s plan for more electric cars. Which will run on coal. Same loony world as E7.

  2. Why don’t they just fuck off

    Any spare cash should be spent on weapons and then if they don’t like how we do things post brexit we can annihilate them

    Things will run out, massive re armament is the only sensible course of action

  3. The Globalists are getting very impatient. They can see the nirvana of peasant free roads on the horizon and they can’t wait until 2030 or whenever their magic year is. Let’s hurry along there……..get off our fucking roads you two bob plebs.
    Know your place cunts!

  4. Bollocks to the European commission, and any other eco loon.
    I took little notice of them in the first place. The more they try to subjugate me, the more they’ll be ignored.

  5. ‘It won’t be too long before the Powers that Be get most of us off the road once and for all’

    That’s the plan, all electric cars that can only be charged when the wind blows, we are heading down a fucking hole with no reverse gear.

    • Get a horse an cart now before demand skyrockets.

      Soon it’ll just be Chinless toffs, simpleton footballers, and celebs on the road.

      Least we can feel safe chucking bricks off flyover bridges that the fatality we caused was truly deserved.

    • Indeed, the one with that French granny shagger makes me fantasise about machine guns and hand grenades. So tempting.

  6. There’s a good future for the horse and cart looming, delivery from amazon. Yes sir that’ll be about three weeks sir….?

    • Maybe we’ll see the return of the rag and bone man. He’ll give us a few bob for our dwindling possessions so we can buy some heat and food. Any old iron !!………

      • The ‘old iron’ would no doubt be the rusting remains of the car you are no longer allowed to use, even if you could afford to.

  7. On my day off harvesting kale in my local state sponsored field,
    I’ll sigh remembering the bad old days of driving about carefree without answering to others.

    I’ll go home hungry and looking forward to some hot woodlice and lettuce,
    To find no power on due to it not being either sunny or windy.

    I’ll sharpen my pitchfork and whisper in dark corners with others unhappy with their lot.

    Anyone who does have a car will be a target.
    Escorted by a truck full of security.
    The middle classes will scrimp and save for a horse.

    My last job as a removalman was conducted by skateboard.

    • Bleak Miserable, bleak. We will probably have ankle monitors as well to make sure that we don’t stray from our allotted areas with the correct zoning permit.

      • Future generations of Miserable’s will only grow to be an average height of 6ft 1′ due to poor diet.

      • The robot judge will give you a 10yr sentence as in the brave new world complaining is a Hate Crime.

        I for one look forward to our New Utopia!

        “Grandad! Grandad!
        I saw a car today!”

        ” Did you mtembe?
        Why, I haven’t seen a car in years.
        When I was a lad they were everywhere “…..

        “Reminiscing is a Hate Crime grandad.
        I’ve reported you to the high council.”

  8. The headless rush towards EV’s is insane. The time frame is unrealistic. The technology won’t be in
    Place in time and neither will the charging facilities. Add to that the fact that production of the batteries for these hyped up milk floats produce more harmful emissions than driving ICU’s. The whole project is doomed to failure. It might be achievable over a longer time frame but that won’t satisfy the eco loons who have convinced themselves, like some loony sect of millennial Christians, that the end of the world is scheduled for March 24th 2030 on the dot unless we all start driving cripple chariots and milk floats.

    I’m not having any of it. The EU and the UK government can shove their EV’s up their fundaments. You can prize my ICU’s out of my cold dead hands. Cunts.

    • ICE’s not ICU’s. Although an ICU is where I might end up unless I control my rage at this war on motorists and the freedoms of personal mobility.

    • I think the headless rush may have slowed somewhat, now our lords and masters have declared that EVs will be subject to tax.
      It’s quite peculiar, how they’ll spunk serious money on a car, which is essentially a large battery with some plastic molded around it, but baulk at paying tax to drive it on the road

  9. if the blonde in header pic is responsible for euro 7 nonsense I would be somewhat lenient on her come the next European war, she is rather nice either that or I should get glasses

  10. I like this.

    The faster they push their agenda the sooner their heads will be on pikes.

    I look forward to it immensely.

  11. When overpopulation, Migration and Consumerism are recognised and addressed appropriately, then the EU can go fuck themselves.

  12. The recent exposee of the EU Vice Presidents cash grab…is all bollocks. The poor girl went to a cashpoint to withdraw 50 Euros. The Machine in error dispensed some 1.9 million euros. Fearing she may be mugged on the street, she gathered the money and took it to her hotel room for safe keeping. It was the day after when just a bout to report the matter , that the horrible pig police burst in.

    I ask you gentlemen, the EU being to epitome of integrity could never be that corrupt !

    • The are so many cunting arseholes at large that unless I wind my head in, it’ll bloody explode in the near future.

  13. I saw a programme where some Septic hilly-billy had converted his pick-up to run off a steam-engine fuelled by logs…I was agog and would love to do the same…the thought of the hilux chugging along like something out of The Wacky Races with me issuing instructions to a stoker in the back to ” Chuck more logs on….I’ve spotted a fucking pushbiker..we need ramming speed immediately”

  14. After wasting money on the Home Guard, whose lives were in danger from air and sea. Simply put it to good use by sinking all the unarmed illegal aliens dinghies.

  15. Taking the UK as an example it would take 100 years (not 8!) for the current take up of electric cars to replace petrol/diesel ones.

    Obviously not going to happen then. Begs the question: do the politicunts actually have a secret plan (as in ban 69 million drivers from using the roads leaving them clear for just the virtue signalling elite in their Teslas )or did they all fail basic maths at primary school? I think they must have a secret plan as surely all the brown envelopes they deal with must mean they can count.

    • Then, when the Just Stop Oil Eco twats zip tie their selves to gantries, the security accompany group will simply machine gun the twats.
      No witness, no crime.

  16. Hopefully a Bermuda like triangle will magically appear in Brussels and all these parasitic cunts will vanish only to reappear in a parallel universe that is really unwoke and hurty and full to the brim with mad, stupid, idiotic nationalist bastards.

    • Maybe this phenomenon would transport them back to mid 1930s Germany.
      They’d feel right at home there…

  17. Here’s an idea – seeing as the politicians and the ‘elites’ want our petrol and diesel cars scrapped, lets have massive demolition derby meets. The cunts calling for this can be lashed to the front bumpers, and thereby removed from the issue as we all colide together. Later we can ignite the wrecks and render the knobs down to the greasy rancid tubs of lard they are.

    Then we can have some new laws made :-
    Zero duty on all petrol & Diesel
    Scrap emissions test as part of the MOT
    MOT every 2 years instead of annually
    75% purchase tax on all EV’s and hybrids
    New drivers forced to display ‘P’ plates and paint their car bonnets Yellow for the first 3 years of driving
    Road tax standard £100 per year for all car drivers, no matter if you drive a low emissions shitbox, a 4 litre V8, or a Ford model T (classic car)
    20% road tax reduction for each dog you have in the back of the car
    10% additional road tax for each child in the car
    Bicycle and e-scooter users must pay £100/year road tax
    Jeremy Vine must display a license plate saying “I’m a Cunt” on his penny farthing
    £500 fine and 6 points on your license for any cunt with a ‘baby on board sticker’
    £2000 fine and 3 months in prison for any act by an eco-terrorist
    No state cars or travel expenses for MPs and civil servants (they’ll have to pay from their salary like the rest of us
    £100/month surcharge for any twat with a LHD car
    Compulsory driving lessons at age 18
    Driving re-freshers test every 20 years
    No driving licenses issued to anyone who’s immigrated within the first 2 years, or doesn’t pass an english speaking test
    A £1million lottery prize for the first driver to mow Markle and the Halfwit down if they ever enter this country again.

    • My car, should I ever get the courage up to drive again, would have one dog, and a cat in the back.
      Can I get a same 20% off tax deal for the cat?
      He’s bigger than the dog, and far more aggressive.

      • Folk in the movie industry thought Clint had lost his mind to make that movie in 1978. It speaks to how fun-loving he is behind his gruff persona. And boy did he do some shagging in the 1960s, 70s and 80s! No one knows the exact number of how many kids he has fathered. He’s the Boris Johnson of Hollywood! Hahaha! 😀

        But we need more movies with pugilistic primates in these overly-serious times.

      • You can get an extra 10% road tax reduction, as your super-obese moggy will create extra wear on your suspension.

        Oh, I forgot, all road tax, speeding fines, parking fines, etc must be used for road maintenance. Councils will be fined £50,000 for every pot hole that goes unrepaired for more than 7 days.

  18. I want to be Supreme Dictator.
    There’ll be a fucking reckoning and a half, I can tell you.
    Starting with that twat Vine.

  19. The people who appear to be in charge really haven’t a fucking clue what is really happening in our world
    So much is fucked and no cunt can do anything about it
    Can I have a time machine not a crap electric corsa
    Can I travel back to 1966
    I’ll watch a football match where England win
    I’ll drive a lotus cortina or a rover P5 b coupe
    I’ll walk around London keeping an eye out for the twins who ran the place
    The police would be visible and I’d be wary of them for speeding
    Wonder what percentage of darkies pakis pikeys imported brown shit etc would I see
    Flax capacitor please , probably spelt wrong
    I’d even cope without cheap holidays in other peoples misery

  20. The cheating, lying manufacturers will build outwardly electric vehicles with hidden petrol or diesel engines to circumvent the new rules. They have history with their dodgy static test detection software.

  21. They want all cars off the road. Peasants will stay where they are. Only the elite will use roads. Do not laugh this is the way forward.

  22. Who voted for this shit? That’s right, no-one. The EU 4th Reich has decided to impose its unelected will once again. All Diesel and petrol car owners will be made to wear a yellow star on their clothing for ‘identification purposes’.

  23. when the day comes when are all rendered immobile and the only Choice is the humble nag again people like me (Farriers) will be the new celebrities worshipped and adored like the popstars of today.?

    • That may be true Civvy but it also means the Pikeys will be elevated to the same status. Imagine those filthy, thieving cunts becoming untouchable and allowed to do whatever they like.

      Oh!……..wait a minute!

  24. That trouble making Milka milf, looks like she needs a “good seeing to.” Milk those titties, while she is sitting on my face. Followed by a good old fashioned todgering, the dirty slut!

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