Elderly Blairites

A whoops duckie cunting please for the old queens of New Labour, most especially Peter ” Mandy” Mandelson, Gordon “stop your tickling Jock” Brown, Alistair “Pissst” Campbell, and, of course the star of their turgid show Anthony Blair, who all have their hands up the back (and perhaps backside?) of Keir Starmer. Blairism has risen from the grave.

Richard Littlejohn summed the whole ghastly broiling far better than I could in the Daily Mail on 6th December 2022:

Daily Mail News Link

Give a word of warning if you use that picture on any potential posting of this nom. They look for all the world like police photographs of the corpses of two old men found dead on their lavatories, having succumbed to their haemorrhoids. Indeed, Starmer and Brown look as if they might be on a double privy. Brown almost looks embalmed. Starmer obviously got a whiff of Brown’s final fart before he succumbed.

Just why are Labour so frightened of Mandy they allow him to pull the strings more than a decade after his political demise?. Just why is he so keen on reviving the defunct British career of David Miliband – Banana Man himself?. Why do they believe mass immigration and all the other greatest shits of the Blair era?.

More importantly why is Rishi Sunak behaving like John Major did in the mid 90s, poncing about in white tie and tails, enjoying pomp and circumstance but totally ignoring the daily bread and butter problems in the UK? – rancid union leaders like Mick Lynch, an elderly Citizen Smith, who appears not to possess a set of false teeth, human traffickers allowing the scum of the earth to invade the South coast, aided by the RNLI and the mis-named “Border Control”.

At the rate things are going 2024 will be May 1997 (“a new day has dawned, has it not?…. this is not a day for soundbites, but I feel the hand of history on my shoulder”). All the camp shit of the Blair years intoned by the robotic Kweer. A cabinet full of militant wimminz and limp wristed poofters, all crawling round the raddled arse of Mandy and Starmer – or possibly Miliband if Mandy fancies him more (I am sure the ugly cellist beard of a “wife” and two paid-for adopted children won’t object, as long as the money comes in already).

We will have the EU back, we will have Sturgeon and Ed Davey sharing power with Kweer to make sure they stay in power for ever. If this IS the last Conservative government ever – and it well could be, what a piss-poor specimen it is. God knows what Maggie would have made of them. GIven everybody is going on strike and the public are totally pissed off with the unions, it is ironic they will vote in a group of people shit scared of those same unions, who will know they will only have to threaten a strike for the “government” to kow tow to them. What a cunt of a cuntry this is, led by a bunch of supercunts who just want power at any cost. Kweer and co have learned from Groucho Marx: “these are our principles, and if you don’t like them, – well, – we have others”

Nominated by: W.C.Boggs

102 thoughts on “Elderly Blairites

    • Always sounded to me like he was giving that Satan Blair cunt a blow job, with all those “gasps of withdrawal of breath,” when I heard him on the radio. At least Roy Hattersley had the decency to spit it out afterwards.

  1. King Charles the Woke is obviously a Blairite.
    His coronation is set to take place on Blair’s 70th birthday.
    6th of May 2023.

    • Let’s face it, the country is in a real shit state. Never mind the truth of how it got there – too much cheap money sloshing around for years; lockdowns; “sit on your ass at home” and get paid for it, etc etc – it’s in a shit mess. And it’s going to get worse in 2023.
      These fuckers are going to win the next GE – probably with a substantial majority. Let the fuckers have it – call an election now,
      There will probably be a miserable turnout, which will tell a story, there will be a huge Labour majority, which will tell another story.
      See what the cnuts do to the country and pave the way for Reform (with hopefully a greater number of high profilers – we know who they are). Bring it on Rishi.
      Nice to hear from you again Ron.

  2. Did the Blairites ever go away? They were always there during the Corbyn years………how many times did they try to get rid of the old Commie? They had to wait for a disastrous election defeat to replace him with the current puppet.
    At least we know what to expect as we’ve had Blairites in government since 1997.

  3. The Labour party keep mithering me.

    Some posh tart knocked the other day,
    Told her I wasn’t interested.

    Then some other bird shoved some manifesto leaflet through my door.

    Shouted her back and said I don’t want litter through my letterbox.

    Her “don’t you support the Labour party?”

    Me “No. I don’t”.

    Her ” Do you vote?”

    Me ” yes I vote.”

    Her “who do you vote for?”

    Me ” No one, they’re all scum.
    Don’t put that shite in my letterbox again”.

    Winning hearts and minds is harder to do than you think ?

    • Good one MNC.

      Mine wil be, “Why would I vote for a party that hates me? I’m a straight, white British male. I’d have traitors like your leaders strung up if it was up to me.”

      That should do it.

      As does, for the chuggers for Africa, “Let the cunts starve. Too many of them on Earth and they keep coming here. Merry Christmas!”

      • Wouldn’t mind Cuntybollocks but she was acting like I was out of line!!!

        She came unasked to MY doors shoving shite through.

        Cheeky cunts aren’t they?

        My business who I do or don’t vote for.

        She can discuss it with the dog next time.

      • Should have asked who she voted for, just before you asked her what country she was from.
        Cloud Cuckoo Land, prolly.

    • The good professor’s patented disposal method of stake through the heart, infinitely preferable to a trial at The Hague with lawyers grandstanding and the all too real possibility of the defendants being found not guilty, despite their obvious culpability. Kille the cunts in their crypts at dawn while they sleep, then leave the door open so they burn in the sunlight.

  4. I don’t know why Blair, Brown and Mandelson need to be involved nowadays.
    The ‘Conservatives’ have been continuing and embellishing New Labour policies for the last dozen years or so, nothings changed.
    Apart from the fact that I, and I suspect many others, will never vote for either of the cunts again.
    Just retire gracefully fellas. Your work lives on and on and on and on…….,….,

    • Mandleson has always been the requisite Rothschild bag-carrier,the real power dynasty of the UK.No coincidence that Mandy has his own Pied a Terre cottage tucked away on his chum Nathaniel Rothschilds’ Wiltshire estate.Likes a little cottage action does this old reptile,partial to a little Hebbodabbedry too according to some.

  5. I’m not sure why they bother with separate names for British political parties,they all sound and act the same way so why keep up the charade?

    Unless you are dead it’s fucking obvious none of them are working for the good of the country,every speech,policy and decision is cloud cuckoo land rubbish that puts us deeper in the mire.

    Conmen,liars and thieves.

    General election by Oven.

  6. “Blairism has risen from the grave”….it was never buried…it just became the Conservative Party.

  7. A great cunting WCB.

    I have always voted Conservative but this bunch of cunts represent nobody other than themselves.

    Im a firm believer in voting as millions died in order that we can but I couldn’t possibly vote for these shit cunt bastards.

    No it has to be The Reform Party for me if they stand a candidate in my area.

    I travel the country in my work and meet a lot of people and if ever this subject comes up so many people are saying the same so you never know, there’s every chance the Reform Party could become King Makers.

    • They died at the behest of Zio-bankster’s geopolitical ambitions and not for the delusion of ticking a two cheeks same arse,fixed political arrangement designed to insulate the 1% wheat from the 99% chaff and little else.If this isn’t obvious by now i see little hope for any authentic mass epiphany,just perma-Rinse and Repeat.

  8. Brown the one eyed dour cunt.
    Like Colombo without the charm.

    Selling off our gold reserves!!
    The awful Cyclops cunt.

      • Those SNP cunts you Jocks love so much are just as bad as Blair and Brown, if not worse.

      • All the Scots I know bar one hate Sturgeon and the SNP and the one that does like her is living in England, takes a wage from the English, works with English people, has an English Wife, has an English kid with an English accent, goes to English pubs, lives in an English house, lives next door to English people, has English friends and funnily enough doesn’t seem interested in going back tae bonny Scotland any time in the future.

        He pissed me off once and I told him all this and made a derogatory comment about Tunnocks Teacakes and he was strangely quiet for some time, while his wife had to go into to the kitchen as she was nearly crying with laughter about me taking the wanker to task over it.

        I’d fuck her tbh. She’s milf-tasitc and only 34 and I’d quite like to give her a good bumming.

      • Browns a Freemason?

        All seeing eye??

        Few cunters on here are freemasons Gordon.
        I can’t tell you who though.

        It’s a secret.

      • Freemasons. Men who wear Mickey Mouse gloves. What is that all about? Freemason regalia is about a comically poofy as it gets in a cult. Why anyone in this day and age would be a Freemason is beyond me, I’d rather be a Muslim, much more dignified and open about who they are, what they are.

        Now, don’t get in Ruff Tuff Huff over this, gentlemen! 🙂

      • Think they try to do good deeds don’t they?
        MCMM is a mason I think?

        And Black and White cunt was a Freemason.

        Don’t know if you remember him Gordon?
        He was great!
        You’d of liked him.

        I think you’ve got them wrong Gordon.
        All that conspiracy bollocks by yanks online.

        Not getting them confused with Satanists are you?

      • I’m just hung up on them dressing like bellends and generally being… bellends. Free world, though, so we have Freemasons. All the Masonic knowledge is in Manly Palmer Hall’s books anyway, so why bother waiting 40 years to get to the 27th-33rd Degrees to gain that knowledge when you can get it all for free online or for 80 quid off Amazon in hardback? 😀

        I’ve known many Masons and they were all, ALL, bellends who thought they were windswept and interesting sages of the ages and they were actually… thick as fuck bellends! Poor souls.

        If I started a cult, it would at least have AMAZING regalia, not APRONS and Mickey Mouse gloves! And rituals with fake bullet pistols and all that utter utter shite.

        I’ll be laying off this illustrious site over the next few weeks, it’s became tiresome and gay. People screaming for bans and there’s too much same-old same-old stuff. And when Ukraine falls, as it will, it will become hysterical here, so fucjk that gay drama. I’ve things to do in 2023, been wasting too much time online, lockdown created that bad bad habit, time to seek more real life glories. The NHS sex change being one, of course.


        PEACE! 😀

      • All the best Gordon.
        I will miss you.

        Have enjoyed you putting officious cunters in their place.

      • Very nice Miserable.
        Probably in the top ten Hurrian chart.

        What happened to the Hurrians? They all hurried off it seems.

        So sad about Gordon. How grateful we football fans were for his World Cup commentary.

        Well I certainly was.

      • Cheers, guys! 🙂 I’ll still be doing the odd post, but not the prolific posting of windswept and interesting wit, wisdom and wonderment I did! Just can’t be arsed going a whole year doing that again, especially with what will be going down on Earth. This decade and the next are going to be amazing, but painful, like a baby being born, lots of blood, pain, screaming, but at the end of it you get, you get… well you’ll get Damien from the Omen! Hahaha! No, don’t be depressed EVER, be cheerful, as the fun is just starting, party is just starting. They got it wrong with Year 2000, 2012 Apocalypse, etc. it’s 2040 that’s the year, the end of the 6000 year epoch. Buckle up, folks, here comes the Golden Age at long, long last!

        Never trust NASA.

        Peace! 🙂

        (Have a good Christmas and New Year, Gordon. Your input is always welcome – Day Admin)

  9. Same old regurgitated turd Goblins.Crawl back to your cave.As a country we are sadly finished ?.The WEF are beckoning us.”You vill own nuffink und be happy ja?”.I want the world to stop.Shit creek here we come.

  10. You have these Blairite cunts; and then you have the Majorite cunts from the old Tory party – the likes of John Major, Heseltine, Lawson, Ken Clarke, Lamont, Hurd and David Cameron.

    All of these so-called grandees just won’t take the message of fucking off and dying.

    They were shite, back-stabbing bastards when in Office and they still hang around like a stale fart desperately trying to look relevant. Especially when it comes to issues they feel passionate about, and in particular the EU and Brexit, where most of the aforementioned cunts are Remainers and want to keep banging on about the benefits of staying with EU until another referendum comes along (maybe a 3rd or 4th) and the “right result” is achieved.

    Don’t be surprised if within next 5 years the UK will be part of the EU once more (not that it really went away). Only then will these dusty old cunts croak it, safe in the knowledge of getting what they wanted through persistence and brainwashing

  11. Well played all, some top cunting today,

    Luckily I am well into the home brew cid3r now, as the sight of these raddled old pooves and the damage they are causing to Blighty would cause my urine to ignite faster than one of Elons rocket ships.

    Fuck all politicians. Not just ‘Nu Liebour’ cunts, they all need Unkles ovens.

  12. Gordon Brown is half man half fish.

    When he was relevant, I couldn’t handle the way he opened his gob after every sentence. If I’d met him in real life I’d have put one hand on his head, one on his chin and pushed together to shut his fucking mouth for him if he still hasn’t learned how to do it.

    Why are they all scared of rampant homosexualist, Mandy?

    It’s almost as if he has loads of video taped evidence of them all in bunny outfits, shitting in each other’s mouths or something.

  13. Yeah, remoaning is definitely the glue that holds all these cunts together, whether Tory or Labour. They never got over 2016 and they will never rest until they’ve put it right and wiped it from history.
    You didn’t hear it here first.

  14. Sour fuckers.

    They’ll never forgive us for Brexit.

    Shows we can’t be trusted ?

    Never give a pleb a say!
    It all goes tits up.

    Best vote I ever made.

    Fuck the EU
    Fuck the Tories
    Fuck Labour
    Fuck em all???

    • What is this brexit you talk about mis?

      I remember walking to the polling station on that sunny June evening, I cast my vote more for hope.
      The result was joyous.
      Then 6 years of nothing.
      You are right all politicians are scum.
      ( copyright Angela rayner)

  15. Two other old Blairite cadavers crept out of the crypt on Wireless 4 this week (where else?) – mincing Alan Milburn on The World At One (Wednesday) and Jack Straw on The Week In Westminster today, As regards Mandy’s hold – he, like everyone else probably knows all the details of “Charles Lynton’s” sordid importuning in public lavatories in the 1970s, and I daresay he has photos of Dame Kweer dressed up in Lady Nugee’s knickers, suspenders and bra.

  16. Given the changing demographics of this country I wouldn’t look too much further than Suckdick for the future of the Labour Party and the government of this fucked up country.
    I’d keep my eye on that Burnham cunt too. They are both waiting in the wings to make their grand entrance.
    Mark my words……..Suckdick is smarter than you think.

      • Bet he used it for family outings?
        Take the kids to school,
        Mosque, shopping.

        Little Saddiq, his brothers pongo and stinkbomb,
        Sister shamima, all the grandparents, prayer rugs.

      • True story.
        My younger brother, who at the time worked for a well known cross country coach company, turns up at my home with a brand spanking new Inter-Continental coach. It’s the business, with Bells on.
        Drives me round town in it, lasses were running up and down the stairs, shouting look at this, that, the other.
        Now, that were fun.
        Poor as church mice, but that day stays with me.

  17. Why don’t we adopt an American style approach to out elected polititions.
    I know we have GEs every 4 years, but suppose that, Labour get in next year, they elect a PM.
    Assuming they get reelected, by 2028, the PM, assuming he hasn’t been sacked by the sack of adders that is the Cabinet/Backbenchers, can only serve one more term.
    The PM, and his entire Cabinet have to step down from Government.
    You get 8 years in high office, then your out.
    This would apply to any PM/ Cabinet member who did a stint, no matter how short a term, in that 8 year period.
    Then we’d get a constant refresh of people to hate, because there isn’t a single one does any good.

    • Sounds good but there are so many cunts that we’d never be free of them.
      Why do we need so many MPs?

    • My nightmare vision is thus:-

      2024 – Labour win next GE
      2025 – Referendum. Brexit is cancelled. The UK rejoin the EU
      2026 (Feb) – Labour abolish the House of Old Cunt
      2026 (March) – Labour “Re-imagine” the House of Woke Cunts (Blair is Lord Speaker)
      2028 – Labour win GE (with help from SNP)
      2029 – Indyref2. SNP win independence.
      2030 – UK dissolved
      2031 – England stay in the EU. Scotland have to reapply
      2032 – English Parliament dissolved to a mere national council (at bequest of the EU)
      2034 – Labour win next “national” election
      2035 – Net Zero brought forward to 2036 (non compliance = massive fines/prison sentences)
      2036 – Tony Blair Dies. State funeral in Brussels. All EU countries (including England) recognise 2 minute silence.
      2040 – Church of England abolished. Royal Family cancelled. Sharia law and the Muslim Council of GB becomes main religion.
      2042 – Greta Thunderbirds becomes First Lady of the Republic of England.
      2044 – Gary Lineker chokes on cheese and onion crisp (vegan friendly) and dies.
      2045 – Miserable Northern Cunt finally opens his wallet and buys his fellow ISAC cunters a round of drinks (a bottle of milk stout and 24 straws)

      • Typical. When Miserable decided to get a round in all the pubs have shut and turned into mosques.

      • 2024 – Starmer wins power for “his” Labour with a landslide, Mandy isn’t happy as he has not yet managed to find his boyfriend David Miliband a “safe” seat

        2025 – Thanks to the landslide the MP for Sunderland, who won Labour their largest majority stands down for “health reasons”, £100,000 and all the rent boys he can handle plus a seat in the Lords

        2026 – Davi8d Miliband makes a trumphant return to Sunderland with an even bigger majority

        2027 – The Daily Mirror publishes a front page photo of Dame Kweer getting golden showers from AnalEase Dodds, while fingering Yvette Cooper – Lady Starmer sues for divorce and claims Kweer only married her to get to her knicker drawer

        Kweer announce his resignation with immediate effect. David Miliband becomes temporary leader for 40 years, and Wes Screeching and Chris Bryant kill themselves in a gay suicide pact, involving poppers, stockings and oranges.

  18. First ever posting after being a long time lingerer.
    Just a thought but anyone else think the left wing Liberal elite have infiltrated the Tory party. Mind you difficult to know which is which. Money grabbing selfish cunts the lot of em.

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