COP27 (2) and Climate Reparations

After listening to the grand finale of Cunt 27, I thought how much is the UK paying out in total

Our government is a cunt, we need a tally (keep Diane Abbott away from the sums) of how much we are actually spending on not the UK.

We can start with COP27, there has been an agreement to set up a loss and damage fund so richer nations can shell out for climate related issues, how much are we paying
This is in addition to our funding to the developing nations to help them not to burn carbon
Then onto the channel invaders, 2 billion and counting, that is just room and board, what about the costs of picking up, processing and medical expenses and how much are the legal costs.
The Afghan refugees, no idea but it can’t be cheap to house the 15000 or so who were evacuated
The Ukrainian refugees, 150,000? brought in an their accommodation with anyone who would house them at £350 per month
The costs of supporting Ukraine in the war effort
Last but not least the Overseas Aid, 0.5% of GDP, is that on top of all the above, who knows, there really needs to be a grand total so the British people can see how our tax is being spent when it comes to anything not the UK.

My guess, it must be in the region of 20 billion, nice to know that we have some spare cash to give away

Sky News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

And supported by: Guzziguy

Admin, perhaps I might be allowed to add to this cunting.

It would appear that whitey has agreed to cough up yet more money to those who have allegedly suffered due to climate change which may or may not be due to industrialisation.

Any balance sheet should include benefits those ‘damaged’ nations gained from the efforts of the nasty ,hard working white people who provided the entire world with the steam turbine, penicillin, computers, the internet and thousands of other inventions which allowed them to extend their dismal life expectancies.

Whitey is still working on cures for the gifts of the third world to humans namely Aids, Ebola and monkey pox.

68 thoughts on “COP27 (2) and Climate Reparations

  1. All a great big pile of steaming shit ?.
    Another attempt to wrest money from the west so the tin pot dictatorships can line their own nests corrupt cunts.

  2. I am willing to bet a pound to a pinch of shit that not one of the cunts advocating climate reparations are willing to put their hand in their own pocket.

    • Nope. That’s for us plebs.
      I know that because some slack arsed multi millionaire actors reminded me of how privileged I am, before boarding their lear jets…

  3. I’d give them napalm .
    Help them with their manners.

    Hand out , begging, leeches.

    We owe them nowt.

    A bayonet in the belly and swift boot up the arse maybe.

  4. Well one thing is for certain….it won’t be “big business’ that forks out….the “little man” taxpayer will be the one to pick up the bill.

  5. Due to the horse having already bolted, they’re lining the streets with hay, hoping it may come back.

  6. We’ve been feeding the 3rd world for fuckin decades.

    What do we get in return?


    Enough is enough, cut off the funding.

    Fuck em.
    Time to stand on your own feet.

    Eat flies.

    The Renfield diet.
    Green too!

    No discussion to be had in regards reparations.
    Maybe it’s time for the bill in regards to aid, infastructure, well digging,
    Innoculation drives etc

  7. Every tropical storm,earthquake,volcanic eruption and flood will be automatically labelled a “climate catastrophe” then President Mugambo or Al Mustafa will get his climate reparations debit card out and go on a spending spree.

    Then every subsequent storm or flood will be presented as a “worsening catastrophe” sob the thieving can carry on forever.

    It’ll not be long before these cunts are trawling the history books looking for disasters from hundreds of years ago to send the braindead cunts who agreed to all this shit yet another bill.

    Lying vermin.


  8. How else do you expect the despots who run these countries to keep a decent standard of lording?
    The aid budget needs an overhaul has done for years, simple things like show us what you spent the 50 million on, limit luxury car fleets to 40 vehicles only, turboprops not jets for taking family shopping in Switzerland, close kin not allowed to hold ceo positions in aid projects finally produce two children from the rural area who do not have to walk 10 klicks and back for a bucket of cattle piss to show that the 275 million pounds given to you for the water storage and pipeline distribution of potable water was a great success and not used to buy a large boat for your cunt of a son.
    People in the know have told me that this aid money has to be spent so always a last min rush in March to blow any remaining
    Gotta love our system…

    • It’s not just aid money. Just ask any manager who runs a budget what he does with a surplus, he’ll tell you he has to spend it or he’ll get less the following year.

      • Exactly so Moggie. One place in particular where this applies is the NHS. I wonder how much of a disincentive this is to managers to stop paying shit loads of money to semi-qualified semi-literate foreign medical staff?

  9. It’s time for ‘The Third World’ to repay the trillions in aid that’ve been squandered or misappropriated.
    It’s time for Europe and North America to get really tough with millions of unwanted invaders.
    It’s time for the British government to put the needs of British people first.

    Tell all of those pulling the ‘white guilt’ card to shut it and fuck off.

    Great nom!

      • Seconded! Good to see you back Ron. I was wondering only yesterday what had become of you. Hope you and the good lady are keping well.

      • Thanks lads.
        Actually the missus and I decided back in April that as we hadn’t been away in over 3 years, we’d go while the going was good. We’ve been on an extended tour about since, taking in Florida, Northumberland, Scotland, London, Andalucia and Gran Canaria.
        We’re back for the festive season, then off again to Malta and Gozo for a month in Jan.
        I think it’s called ‘spending the kids’ inheritance’!.
        Good to see you cynical lot are still in fine form!

  10. One thing that is abundantly true, it will never be enough whatever is given.

    Bob geldof has alot to answer for..
    Manly I don’t like Mondays.

  11. We should tell these scrounging ungrateful cunts to fuck right off. And while we’re at it, send the rest of the world a bill for £trillions for 1. Civilising large portions of the globe, 2. Inventions and innovations that have amongst many things, more than doubled human lifespan.

  12. Every year the West pours billions into African countries. Most of it is stolen by dictators and every ‘official’ beneath them, so very little reaches or helps the poor.
    Water Aid builds wells, but does not maintain them or train local to do so. When the pumps break down, that well is abandoned.
    All attempts to invest in improving living standards is met with corruption, bribes needed for the simplest things, hopelessly stupid people being pushed forward as ‘the ones to train’ because their families have influence (and collect the bribes).
    Whatever the solution might be, it’s certainly NOT throwing more money away for ‘reparation’ bullshit.

  13. In some ways you’ve got to admire their nerve really. If I have understood this correctly, we Western taxpayers have to pay them when it rains, pay them when it’s dry, pay them when it’s windy, pay them when it’s hot, pay them when it’s cold. And most of what we pay will be stolen.
    On bright side, a lot of what is stolen will be laundered into buying top-end London property, so is this perhaps a clever plot by the Tories to support house prices in the run up the the next General Election?

    • The developing countries should be paying us.
      For inventing the industrial revolution.
      Providing them with the means to drag themselves out of poverty.
      Interesting statistic:
      China has pumped out more emissions in the last 8 years than the UK has in the entire 272 years since the industrial revolution began.
      China is laughing all the way to the bank.
      Meanwhile we continue to impose economic sanctions on ourselves.

  14. China have declared they are a developing nation so not liable for the carbon offset tax ?

    I heard a report (GB news i think) China has churned out more CO2 in the last seven years than the UK has in 200 years.

  15. Another Klaus Schwab attempt to transfer wealth from the rich west to the poor and needy third world.

    Trouble is the traitorous sell out Globalists Hunt and Sunak will sign the UK up to this and give away what little wealth this country has left.

    Fucking sell out cunts

    • Maybe Uncle Klaus is going to chuck in a few billion of his own, with his numerous acolytes following suit, to show their good intentions.

      (And then I woke up…)

  16. I wrote to my MP, more or less as I did the nom, no reply, as has been the case for a while now, but I used to get letters from him whenever I raised issues.
    I don’t think he likes difficult subjects and I am sure he knows he will be out at the next GE, so probably doesn’t give a fuck anymore ?

    • A lot of the CONservatives will be out at the next GE and rightly so. BUT they will be replaced by Labour who are another cheek of the same arse – they all support this utter shite. Best we can hope for is a hung Parliament who can’t do too much further damage…

      Shame Putin didn’t nuke COP27 he’d have been doing us all a massive favour (no doubt that’s why it would never happen☹️)

  17. Apparently the drought in Somalia is Climate Change. What the 1000s of previous droughts were down to needs explaining. We need the soap dodger to tell us to give our fookin money. For the warlords and ruling classes like last time.

    • The thieving skinny cunts probably stole all the water. Somali’s are the absolute cunts of the n*gnog world and every other nation fucking hates them!

  18. We’ve just a brief shower of rain up here in the Lake District, and yet there was no mention of it on all the usual weather forecasts.

    Therefore I declare it is due to climate change and I demand £1.5bn reparations for stress and hurty feelings from the West.

    Thank you

  19. We can avoid paying by, like China, declaring ourselves a developing country.
    We are, after all, developing an awfully large amount of sponging darkıe scum.

  20. Apparently Elon Musk is the richest cunt on the planet with a net worth of around $250bn.

    He wealth accelerates by £23,000 per minute, or almost $400 per second (according to various Google searches)

    With that much money this cunt (along with all the other wealthy billionaires) could pay off a shitload of reparations, build new reservoirs, infrastructure and shitloads of other things for shitholes dotted around Africa and the Middle East.

    Why don’t they put their hands in their pockets and help rather than leaving it to the plebs to constantly pick up the tab?

    (This post took me just over 2 minutes to write, which suggests Musky has already bagged another $50k!)

    • A genuine question…where does he get this money from ? That space thing must be fucking dear,as must buying twitter….what does he doe apart from sell dodgy electric cars?

      • I’ve often asked the same thing DF.

        He owns or owned PayPal, so I get that.

        But I near most of his dosh comes from Tesla.

        I don’t know one cunt who has bought one of his cars. And nor does any cunt I know.

        I’m sure there’s an explanation. That probably won’t make much sense.

      • Fit as can be expected DF. Can still wank without having a cardiac arrest.

        Aye, he was the Paypal cunt
        Must’ve been worth a few bob, that?

  21. What do the idle cunts intend doing with any money? How are they going to combat climate change with it?
    They should be thankful they don’t have to pay the heating bills the UK is lumbered with.
    As for floods anywhere, the same whinging bastards are normally complaining of a drought.
    Nature has its own way of dealing with things, or in the case of most of the people affected, it is surely the will of Allah. So shut the fuck up, get up of your arse and do something for yourself, or sit there, do nothing, and die.
    It’s of no concern to me, fucking keep it that way.

  22. Bet Mercedes are ramping up their production as we type, the third world maniacal despots love a Stuttgart taxi the bigger the better petrol engine of course cos they wont have the means to charge the flower power electric motors beloved of the blind to reality eco cunts.
    So we will have to pay more money for the increase in carbon of that production just so the cunts can have the locals fawning in awe as the motorcade blasts past their wigwams.

  23. No need for this nonsense. Let’s stick to the tried and true method.

    Instead of climate reparations, just have Putin / Russia invade whichever shithole feels entitled to make a claim.

    Immediately, said shithole becomes not only our friend but the much vaunted cause celebre of the day. Politicians, celebretards and the libtard media will extol the virtues of the once pissant leaders who ruled these shitholes as the newest champion of democracy even as they grace the covers of fashion magazines the world over.

    Billions of dollars…and indeed pounds…can be poured into said shithole without fear of audit or accounting. These funds can be stolen, embezzled and siphoned off with impunity and funneled into offshore accounts as well as families, cronies and other allies…with a bit reserved for kickbacks of course.

    Charities can shamelessly shill for “generous” donations and large industrial conglomerates can endlessly lobby for contracts to rebuild shitholia.

    The end result…shitholes get lots of money…dictators become legit…liberals get their bogeyman…the threat of nuclear war remains…refugees relocate to 1st world countries and all is right with the establishment.

    It’s a win-win for all. Except the unfortunate few who are killed in the invasion.

  24. They scrounging cunts will always find a reason to have their hands out.

    No fucking self-respect.

    Now, we’ve got billions of the cunts, they’ve all got smartphones and see what whitey has got. And they all want it too now.

    Fuck them all. Should’ve left the cunts starve in ’85.

    Happy Christmas!

  25. How much are China paying for polluting the fuck out of the world? = fuck all.

    How much compo are China paying for inflicting Batshit Flu on the world and all the associated economic damage? = fuck all.

    How many poor bedraggled, scrounging gimmigrants are China taking in? = fuck all.

    The future belongs to Charlie Chan and it’s our weak, virtue signalling politicians who are handing it to him. Confucius he say…..whitey, stupid cunt, give away all his money.

  26. Should’ve left the cunts to starve in ’85.

    What, and deny the soap dodger his canonisation? Surely not Cb.
    ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ asked St Bob.
    Well as they were Muslims, probably not.

      • At least in 1984 the cunts were only on the telly news, We weren’t infested with fuckers from those African shitheaps like we are now, Also, our hospitals weren’t full of the bogo bogo shitehawks back then….

        I also hate that song. Like a shit version of the Z-Cars theme. And some of the lines: ‘And there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas time’. Of course there fucking won’t, there never is.

        And that vomit inducing line from Bonio, ‘And tonight thank God it’s them instead of you’. Fuck off Bonio yer cunt. Some of them cunts from those Somalian and Eritrean shitholes actually live here now, and they actually – scandalously – live better than the elderly and war veterans. So, fuck right off.

      • “…That bastard song annoys the fuck out of me.”

        …and some! Maudlin fuckin’ droning pile of wank. Maybe you’ll enjoy the Macc Lads’ piss ripping parody “Feed your face”… much better! You’ll need a VPN or whatever it is because ***tube have scrubbed it completely or it’s “Unavailable in your country”, was gonna post a quick link but I find it’s been scrubbed EVERYWHERE ??? bollocks!!
        Ah well here’re the rather … ‘challenging’ … lyrics.

  27. If only we had an unchangeable constitution that prevented the arseholes in charge from giving away our money abroad. The whole premise for climate reparations is fundamentally flawed.
    And while we’re at it, our rules would also prevent the arseholes allowing any foreign power from imposing any health policies/lockdowns, like we are now signing up to with the WHO.
    And on a local level, stop councils from imposing charges for driving around their ever worsening shite holes.

  28. I wonder how much St Greta No Tits is bunging into this compo fund? Fuck all would be my guess.

  29. “And it rained on earth for 40 days and 40 nights, but no one has as yet blamed that extreme event on “climate change.”

  30. Self-confessed communist, Greta Cuntberg, won’t be giving the Africunts the skin off her shit, of course.

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