Caroline “Scrooge” Duddridge

Caroline ‘Eboneezer’ Duddridge is a miserable tight arsed cunt.

BBC News Link

The Grandmother from Wales is charging her family for Christmas dinner.

Fuckity fuck you read that right.

Apparently this tight bastards income halved after her husband died in 2015 so she decided to start asking for contributions towards Xmas dinner.

I wonder if her husband hung himself?

Jeez Louise what a miserable tight arse.

I could be wrong here but I thought Xmas was a time for giving, spending time with family and good will.

Looks like this old boot missed that lesson.

It’s one thing to ask your family to sing for their dinner but it’s a stratospheric level of cunt to brag about it so publicly.

Let’s hope the old boot joins or some other dating site for the ‘over 50’s’ and meets a confidence trickster that rinses her out of her house and life savings.

Miserable cow.

Nominated by: CuntyMcCuntface

50 thoughts on “Caroline “Scrooge” Duddridge

  1. Shame her family don’t tell her to ‘Fuck Off’, so she has to spend the festive period on her own, on the ‘phone to The Samaritans.

    • I prefer being on my own at Christmas…and the rest of the year too. I have no fucking desire to listen to..or feed and water….a bunch of people who haven’t suddenly become interesting or pleasant company just because it’s Christmas Day…my family are appalling Cunts and I’d fucking well open fire if I saw the Cunts pulling up outside my door.

      Good Morning,DCI.

      • Lol

        I’m usually around family over Christmas, but at times I do wish for some solitude.

        I always think those ‘are you alone at Christmas’ adverts for the charidee/suicide lines cause most of the suicides.

        I bet if some cunt didn’t remind them that they’re all alone at Christmas, just as they’re a bit emotional after a sad film and a bottle of gin, they wouldn’t be found dangling in the garage on Boxing Day.

        They are murdering bastards and making money out of it.

        It’s a fucking disgrace.

      • I don’t get “emotional after a bottle of Gin”(it’s a poof’s drink)….I get ” Cuntish after a bottle of Whiskey”..and will never be found “dangling in the garage” because I hate the thought of how much mirth it would give my family.

  2. To be fair I can kind of see where she’s coming from cost-wise and I have a bit of sympathy, but then to go public and shout about what she does is really rather cuntish. Makes her sound as though she’s actually quite pleased with herself.

  3. Another narcissistic cunt.
    All about her.
    If its to expensive say someone else should host.
    Likes being the centre of attention.

      • I was thinking that. It’s hardly like a Lidl ad, is it? More like Bob Cratchit’s dinner. And not a mixed-race couple in sight, either.

      • The Welsh don’t go in for that sort of thing gene.

        They prefer woolly everywhere not just woolly headed..

  4. She is a teaching assistant so is probably some scrounging Labour voting socialist who supports free school meals except when you are the cunt who has to cough up. Didn’t she have her grandchildren in the field of her collective farm harvesting the carrots and Brussel sprouts?

    • She’d eat alone the old bitch.

      Our house is all welcome whether they’ve contributed or not.
      It’s Christmas ?

      You don’t divvy up the cost .
      It’s vulgar.
      Mean spirited.

      Put the tightfisted old boot in a care home.

  5. If she’s strapped for cash and just asking family to chip in, then that’s fine.

    However, if that’s her home in the pic, she doesn’t look poor. And she seems quite proud of herself in charging her family.

    If she is poor but living alone in a big house, sell up and move somewhere smaller then. Her ‘problems’ seem fucking non existent to many working folk struggling to get by in their overpriced, rented homes, due to cardboard boxes costing a quarter of a mill nowadays.

    No, I hope her cunt gets haunted by the ghost of Christmas tight arses, the mean little shithouse.

    Like others have said, let her spend her Christmas on the phone to the fucking Samaritans instead.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. She looks like she has a big house, probably worth a few bob, I wonder if she has go a pure cremation plan, you know ‘for the family’

    One thing for sure when she kicks the bucket ‘her lot will know how to party’ ?

  7. She should go the whole hog and itermise each item on the menu, and offer to take credit card payments at the table

  8. She doesn’t look very sad at having lost her husband a few years ago. My guess is she poisoned him for the life insurance.

    Does BBC Wales really think this story warrants inclusion on their website? Surely more important stuff happened in Wales 3 days ago?
    ‘Male voice choir struck down with laryngitis and unable to perform at carol service’
    ”Dolly the Sheep receives proposal of marriage’
    ‘Wales declared a drought zone when rain stops falling for 10 minutes’

    Yachi da.

  9. What a horrible, miserable, tight arsed cunt.

    I hope that her family start charging her when she wants something.

    A lift to the hospital?
    £30 plus fuel.

    You want your lawn mowed?
    £2 per square metre.

    You want to see your grandkids, you cunt?
    £10 per hour.

  10. The brain dead cunts are grinning at the camera like Harvey Price would. It’s as if they enjoy having their pants pulled down and fleeced by a relative.
    Dr Shipman had a cure for nasty old fossils like her, I hope the wicked old bitch dies on new year’s eve.

  11. Good for her….I wouldn’t give my appalling family the smell off my sprout fart.

    Sponging Cunts who just expect to be fed and watered for nowt can Fuck Off…most of them probably don’t even have the manners to thank the host after eating and drinking them out of house and home.

    All she’s doing wrong is inviting them at all….should just tell them to Sod Off and chuck a bucket of cold piss over them if they come knocking…..Cunts.

    • I have this vision of you, Dick, from ‘Cross Of Iron’, where the general orders all the meat and goodies taken to his dining room and gives the wounded soldiers all the vegetables ‘Courtesy of the High Command’!

      • Oh I wouldn’t give the veg. to the wounded….I’d give the veg. to the horses and tell the malingerers to get the Fuck back to the front.

  12. I’d tell the old bat to shove her turkey dinner and all it’s trimmings up her floppy old cunt.

  13. I’d gladly pay and hide my money’s worth of prawns about the old cunt’s house. Not that the smelly old trout would notice.

  14. God forbid anyone asks for seconds or another glass of wine.

    “Wait there, I’ll just get the card reader”.

    Fucking tightwad.

      • If by ‘gratuity’ you mean backing out a five kilo steamer and leaving it unflushed, then probably yes.

        Not that this is any great shakes in Wales, as they have yet to discover indoor plumbing.

  15. This is a communist article messaging us about the cost of living crisis, food waste and not eating meat. All three tropes are in the article. I expect the journalist who wrote this drivel is delighted to have found such an ordinary person who has been suitably brainwashed and can now brag to his Islington Labour chums about it.

    Apart from that, I bet that woman’s cooking is rubbish anyway.

  16. If she used the term contribution and the whole family got along like a house on fire, that’s better than most families behave at this time of year. The grandmother may have bought them all Christmas presents for all we know. Its all this ridiculous sensationalism these days, trying to ruins things for everyone.

  17. She reminds me of a cunt who offered me a beer from his fridge…if I paid for it.

    I thought he was joking but he wasn’t. I told him to shove his beer up his arse. He asked to borrow my stepladder a few weeks later so I said, “Sure. £20 an hour.”

  18. What did her husband die of?

    Food poisoning.

    Probably hadn’t coughed up a few quid towards that nights meal.

    She’s Welsh.
    All welshies are poisoners.
    Known fact that.

    • She seems to have had lots of kids.

      I wonder if she charged her old man to climb aboard?

      Her family should report her for running an unlicensed restaurant/business and all.

      Is she paying tax on the money her family paid her?

      Give the miserable tax-dodging old trout 6 months in Rampton, then put her in a home.

      • Are the parents repaying the child benefit that they have received for that day’s brat food??….EH!?..EH!?…it’s fucking fraud,that’s what it is.

      • I’d boycott her.
        Eat at home, go other in-laws.
        Or bring a pot noodle.

        Bet when her husband was dying she had one of the kids run next door to phone for a ambulance.

      • Indeed DF.

        The whole lot of ’em are up to no good it seems.

        Put the kids in care, the old tart in prison and the parents on trial for benefit fraud.

  19. A typical work of fantasy by the BBC. I think you’ll find this bitch has some links with the Labour Party. A load of made up BBC bullshit.

  20. Sums up why I never fucking ever look at the Bolshevik Bullshit Crap news.
    Pathetic cunts.
    I had 4 grandkids round for the day, charged them nothing and stayed sober. Must be getting old.

  21. Presumably the picture this tight arsed Eboneezer chose is at least 5 years old as there’s a chap wearing a ‘Grandad Elf’ top so I’m just wondering if actually it’s the last picture of Xmas dinner at Grandma’s house because not only do her family hate her they too think she’s a tight bitch so don’t fucking go.

  22. If it’s such an expense to provide a family meal, stop doing it.
    Do what I do, get down to Iceland and buy £40 worth of party food, jobs a good ‘un, no faff and very little washing up afterwards.
    I could understand, just, bring your own booze, but food?

  23. Look at me, I’m old and repulsive and so I have money to spend on my morning Wild Turkey I charge my inbred slack jawwed inlaws to come eat their Christmas dinner through a straw.

    Miserable old cow.

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