Ben Wallace, a Major cunt, a snot gobbling twat as Defence Minister.
Wallace has been in a bit of bother in his constituency of late, and to add to the argument to cunt this mother fucker comes this.!
A recent announcement from Wallace that the Appledore Shipbuilders ( N Devon ) have been awarded a Naval Contract worth 1.8 billion to build 3 Naval support ships!
Bollocks! The contract is to a venture with Harland and Wolf ( Belfast) who will build some of the contract. OK fine, but that is not what was clearly stated in the original release in the Bideford P5ress. However i digress!
The Major part of the deal ( 1 Billion ) will be going to Spain ! Yes Fucking SPAIN ! ( The twats who sent an Armada here in an attempt to conquer us, have been awarded the Lions share f the contract ).
The drizzle of our money benefitting the EU sacred cow.
Wallace is a cunt ! There are no two ways about this. Appledore Shipbuilders and Harland and Wolf could have shared the contract.! I smell EU and Manilla about the whole fucking issue.
A Minister of Defence lining the pockets of the EU and Spain and a Navy dept that gets ships built by “Johnny Foreigner” is a big fucking no no.
Wallace ,yer a cunt ! (Link kindly supplied by Komodo)
Nominated by : Ferrars Hall
Imagine the quality of the workmanship , built by lazy Pedros, who insist on having a kip halfway through the day.
I remember going on exercises with NATO many many years back the Spanish Army is about as credible as the Italians.
Lot of macho posturing and taking photos of one another and nothing else
Probably discover that Baroness Mone is behind the Spanish bid and the delivery consists of two second-hand pedalos that she scrounged off the RNLI.
Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised to hear that skullduggery was involved if it involves British politicians….crooks and incompetents,the whole fucking bunch.
Baroness Mone would get my bone:
Indeed Thomas,there can be little doubt she’s pure filth.
Jolly good show.
Slip the greedy,crooked old whore a couple of quid and I’m sure she’d happily peg you.
Now I know where the Hallmark Channel get their ideas for romantic films.
Does she give a discount to the IsAC gang?
I’ll just hold her purse while you lot have your turn.
Is she not getting beyond bedroom shenanigans at her age Thomas?
Mind you I have no doubt you will find a way to shut her up.
She was brought up in Glasgows East end, rough as fuck, she’ll be a corking fuck. Don’t ya just love em’ diiiiiirrty.
I hear she does a grope discount.
Before reading this excellent cunting and the link, I stupidly thought that Ben Wallace was one of the very few Tory politicians that wasn’t a massive steaming, stinking, treasonous cunt. I was wrong. When the Ministry of Defence hangs British defence jobs out to dry, then we know we are royally fucked.
Good nom, Ferrars. Tory Governments have history when it comes to fucking over the shipbuilding industry.
I was raised in Wallsend-on-Tyne and was woken at 7.30 each morning by the klaxon of Swan Hunter’s shipyard. You could see the cranes from my bedroom window.
A Royal Navy contract was up for grabs in 1998, shortly after John Major had signed the Good Friday Agreement with the Irish government. Ian Paisley and his gang of Unionist bigots were against it and threatening all sorts of shit. So to placate the bastards Cunt Major gave the contract to Harland & Wolff instead of Swan Hunter, despite Swan’s quotation being cheaper and specification higher. That effectively sealed Swans’ fate, which limped on for a few more years before building the River Tyne’s last ship in 2006.
Swan Hunter was Britain’s biggest shipyard, building over 1000 ships in 126 years, including the Mauretania (winner of the Blue Riband), the Carpathia (which rescued survivors of the Titanic), numerous supertankers and HMS Ark Royal. All that counted for nowt however, sacrificed on the alter of Irish politics.
Fuck you to hell, John Major.
John Major sucks donkey dick
What’s the point of all this expenditure?
The navy doesn’t defend our territory anyway,why not just get rid of it?
We’ve become a second rate,piss weak country that everyone uses as a door mat.
Politicians are vermin.
Crack a bottle of champagne on the keel,
The fucker will most likely sink..
Spain and building things don’t go hand in hand I’m afraid.
That fucking Cathedral in Barcelona, still not finished after 900 years. 900 YEARS!! FUCK ME READERS!!!
I recently visited Birmingham on business. The new trams that were supposed to be running were not.
The whole fleet in quarantine due to finding cracks in the chassis (only 3 years old). Guess where they were built? Good ol’ Spain.
A nation of lazy cunts and half finished buildings should not be awarded contracts to make anything, especially something as sensitive as a battleship.
I do however smell a collosal Rat. Wallace is a dirty remoaner fuck pig and I’d guess the slimey little slap headed twat has had his dirty palms greased with Silver by some shit weasel dagó bastard on behalf of the EU Reich to secure said contract.
It’s worse than you think I would suggest Baron. Railway rolling stock was built in Birmingham and sold across the world from the middle of the nineteenth century until early this century. Formerly Metro-Cammell, owned by Alstom since the 1980s who lay claim to having built everything that moves on London Underground i.e. the rolling stock, not the drivers. Alsom still employ some 6,000 people in the UK, their main plant being in Derby forty miles north-east of Birmingham. Derby has no need to prove it’s engineering credentials, it also makes jet engines and nuclear reactors. It’s reputation is such that Toyota chose the town as the site for it’s UK manufacturing plant in the 1980s.
And now we are reduced to buying trams off the D*g0s.
I have alot of respect and admiration for Birmingham and the West Midlands in general arfurbrain. (Including its once superior rolling stock manufacturers)
My Mrs is born and bread (Harborne) and I have many connections to the place inuding lots of friends and her side relatives from places like Bearwood, Halesowen, kingsheath, Northfield, Cradley Heath and Oldbury.
Although I do not live there but married to a bona-fide Brummie and although being some what of a plastic Kraut, I have spent many years on and off in Brum and the surrounding area.
It breaks my heart watching a once proud and hard working city go down the shitter courtesy of a Wank Stain Labour Council who has paved the way for the filth of the third world since the 1950’s.
I take it these 3 support ships are needed for the continuing invasion of dinghy filth.
Save the money and get the Pedro’s to supply us with 100 of those banana boats, make a fun experience out of it..
Anyone have Ruth ‘Hi-de-Hi’ Madoc in their Dead Pool?
I’d have given her a good turking back in her Hi-Di-Hi days. Cracking legs.
Your thinking of Paul mcShane.
“…I’d have given her a good turking back in her Hi-Di-Hi days. Cracking legs.”
…and that filthy Welsh accent… phwooar I’ll say!
Big brown envelopes full of Euros.
I hope Ben Wallace dies of bollock cancer the treacherous fuckin dog.
No politicians have a ounce of patriotism,
Just filthy greedy self serving scum.
They serve themselves.Rats.Please come back Guy Fawkes.
How do support ships cost 600 million quid each?
I suppose that great sea-faring nation of Ukraine will need a couple, free of charge of course. The other one can be used to pick up channel hoppers.
Treacherous little back stabbing shit weasel.Send him to the tower.
Tower Green would be better, while they are there off with his head.
Agreed ?
These Cunts never learn or maybe it’s by design.
Farm put your energy needs, down the road you have no energy.
Farm out you food production and then you get food shortages.
Do I give a fuck where our military boats are built? No I don’t, not since I realised we can’t stop an invasion of fucking dinghies.
What exactly are these boats being built to protect? British interests, what’s patently obvious by the awarding of this contract is that British people and their jobs don’t fall under ‘British Interests’.
Time the British people took an interest in what the establishment actually means by British interests.
With British people looking down the barrel of having their energy turned off in the middle of a cold British winter it shouldn’t be difficult to understand that British interests don’t extend beyond the financial interests of the elite.
Conservatism can only become effective for the people when the people become the conservatives.
??? absolutely
Where did we go wrong? Ever seen the documentary ‘Jets! When Britain Ruled The Skies’? We did. Our aircraft were so good the Yanks bought the Canberra. And let’s not even mention the Spitfire etc.
I watched it.We are a shower of shit now.A disgrace.I despair ☹️
English Electric Lightning springs to mind DCI. Maintenance intensive but fuck me, did it perform!
Two engines with a seat on top, arfur! Yanks liked the Canberra, some of them thought it was a great American design. Until someone pointed out the ‘English Electric’ in it’s name.
I wouldn’t ask a Spaniard to make me a fuckin omelette never mind a ocean going ship.
James Corden.
EU-loving, anti-Brexit, shortarse cunt. He looks like he should be on the Yewtree list.
Vile fat sweaty slap headed traitorous cunt.