Being Triggered By Clarkson

A cunting for the poor little darlings who got upset over Jeremy Clarkson and a rather well written piece about, who else, MeAgain.

It seems the reference to the game of thrones scene where the ‘shamed’ queen was forced to go through the streets naked and was pelted with shit didn’t go down well.

Clarkson has issued a statement on Twatter, basically ooops sorry, will do better next time, fucking hilarious.

6000 complaints apparently, nice one Jeremy ?

Manchester Evening News Link.

Nominated by : Sick of it

106 thoughts on “Being Triggered By Clarkson

  1. Clarkson is an oafish bellend but the only statement he should have released was “Fuck your feelings”.

    The same cunts who are outraged are more than happy to join in the Twitter pile on of JK Rowling or Nigel Farage when it suits.

    Pearl clutching wankers.

  2. 6000 mardarses.

    A mild joke!
    Those 6000 would swallow their tongues if they strayed onto ISAC.

    He shouldn’t apologise.
    Does that they’ll smell blood.
    Double down I say.

    Do a press briefing in klan robes whilst laughing ?

    • His fucking woke quisling daughter chucked him under the bus too, OK he big enough and ugly enough to look after himself but still.

  3. He’s annoyed all the right people, so full marks there, but now he’s made a grovelling apology, the cunt. He should have told all the professionally-offended to fuck off. Or he could have just published his views on IAC and no one would have been bothered.
    That daughter of his needs a good slap too.

    I dream of far worse than that happening to Me Me Meghan.

  4. I haven’t read the article, but criticism of it is all over the TV.
    Only upset 6000? Jeremy, you really should be more careful in your choice of words. Next time make it 10000.

  5. He may be an oaf but he has risen several points in my estimation. The people he offended cause me offence almost every fucking day.

  6. I don’t want to see a naked Markle have crap thrown st her. I want to watch her being bitten by a Blue-Ringed Octopus far, far from any help.

    • I just want to hear her screaming for a minute on the black box recording when her private jet gets shot down by an RAF Typhoon over the Atlantic.

      • She’d probably be screaming and lecturing people on aeroplane travel, the talentless, antagonistic witch. Prince Phillip would never have stood for this insolence.

  7. I liked Clarkson’s reference to Wee Jimmy McKrankie who said with a straight face
    “I can’t imagine what it must be like to be consumed and distorted by hate of other people”.

    She wrote the fucking book on being a miserable vindictive embittered cunt. Wasn’t this the same woman who said she “detested the Tories” a few months ago?

    • Nothing he’s said has ever offended me.

      His fuckin perm does though.

      And his shitty snow washed jeans.

      All that money and he buys his jeans from Asda.

      Also his attacking staff like he’s from Worcestershire.

      Cunt tried that with me?
      They’d need a seamstress to sew his fuckin face back on the cheeky cunt.

      • Evening DCI,?

        Notice he never attacks a gaffer?

        Never a boss!

        Always twats some gofer,
        Job training kid with his coffee or some little bloke who empties the bins.

        Fuckin Permed bully .

        He’d rue the fuckin day if that was me,
        I’m a black belt in origami I am!

      • Evening, Mis. Spot on. Go for someone that’ll make you eat your Hush Puppies, next time, Jeffery Clarkson. Or, if you think you’re hard enough, go to Worcestershire or Ruislip.

      • To be fair clarkson can punch me in the face for a 100,000 payout.
        Can’t imagine he could punch the skin off a rice pudding.

      • Clarkson lives in the Cotswolds, parts of which are in Worcestershire. I don’t know if he’s got a bike shed on that farm of his though.

    • The thought of SkidMarkle getting pelted with shit is a heartwarming one; it’s the thought of seeing her without her kit on that gives me a queasy feeling.
      As for Wee Jimmy, she needs to take a long hard look at herself in a mirror (if she can find one which doesn’t immediately shatter).

  8. Seeing as he referenced a scene from a TV drama it’s odd the Twatter brigade think that’s worthy entertainment but when Clarkson used the analogy it’s misogyny.

    The depiction of a woman being publicly humiliated seems to be fine so long as it’s part of something the Guardian praises,such as a popular TV show…

    Oh fuck it,everyone knows it’s just more click bait bullshit so some demented harridan can pop up on MSM to call for his crucifixion.

    A pity he apologised,bit it’s par for the course in this day and age.

    Set of cunts.

  9. Team Clarkson!

    PS: To his daughter – who is obviously eyeing up a media whore ‘career’ on telly and keeping her snout clean – your Dad is not “bullying” anyone; he’s voicing the opinion of the majority on the cuntitude of Markle, which has zero to do with her race, sex, or anything else etc blah, and everything to do with the fact she’s simply a wanker.

  10. That Clarkson Megain column in full:

    We all know in our heart of hearts that Harold Markle is a slightly dim but fun-loving chin who flew Apache helicopter gunships in Afghanistan and cavorted around Las Vegas hotel rooms with naked hookers.
    But then along came Meghan, who obviously used some vivid bedroom promises to turn him into a warrior of woke.
    And now it seems that she has her arm so far up his bottom, she can use her fingers to alter his facial expressions.
    I actually feel rather sorry for him because today he’s just a glove puppet with no more control over what he says or does than Basil Brush.
    Meghan, though, is a different story. I hate her.
    Not like I hate Nicola Sturgeon or Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level.
    At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, “Shame!” and throw lumps of excrement at her.
    Everyone who’s my age thinks the same way.
    But what makes me despair is that younger people, especially girls, think she’s pretty cool.
    They think she was a prisoner of Buckingham Palace, forced to talk about nothing but embroidery and kittens.
    That makes me even angrier. Can’t they see everything that’s happening is so very obviously pre-planned.
    Leave the UK. Blame the royals. Do an interview with Oprah.
    Get Basil Brush to write a book. Do a Netflix series — which should have been called A Woman, Talking Bollocks.
    I can see it clearly. The studied pauses. The mock incredulity.
    And the B-movie, soap-actress, quivery-voiced, more-in-sorrow-than-anger stories that are so obviously claptrap.
    Do you really think she would have entertained a move to New Zealand? That’s 13 hours away from everything.
    The spotlight of fame she craves so desperately would have been a 40-watt bulb, and no one would have seen it.
    Nah. She was always going to end up in California.
    And I can tell you, with absolute certainty, what’s coming next.
    Harold’s Spare book will be released.
    Then she’ll do one called I Think I May Be God. And then she’ll have exhausted the whole royal thing — so will be off.
    We will see Diana-style photographs of her, all on her own, outside the Taj Mahal.
    And then she will be pictured gazing into the middle distance, on the back of a playboy’s superyacht and will marry a tech billionaire and they’ll have a child called something vomitty like Peace. Or Truth.
    Or Love.
    Harold, meanwhile, will be stuck in California with no friends, either there or here, no family to support him and an army of young girls who’ll believe Meghan’s story that the marriage break-up was all his fault because he’s, like, you know, sooooo a man.
    And the Royal Family?
    She’s going to damage them — be in no doubt about that.
    Because one day soon, my generation will all be dead, and we will be replaced by a new bunch who are growing up believing that Charles and William and Co are bullies who are waited on hand and foot by slaves, eunuchs and spin doctors.
    Unless, of course, when Meghan takes her hand out of the ginger glove puppet, he remembers who he is and gives us “the” truth.
    Not hers.


  11. Offending one person is really annoying, but when 6,000 are offered it means you’ve hit the nail on the head.

  12. I actually logged on to the rag to read his article and was not offended in the slightest.
    Usual pile on from Grauniad readers with their ‘he is a misogynist. He is advocating violence against women’. Which is misandrist in my book. What’s it got to do with her being a woman?

    • I’d go along with the bit about her being naked in public, and I’d also like to watch her having sex with men and women, but I’m not into coprophilia. Golden showers maybe, she could rinse it off in a few seconds.

      • If she went about naked, you’d be able to see her cock (the one that’s bigger than Harry’s).

  13. I’ve just posted Clarkson’s compete article, and it’s gone into moderation.
    Oh, the irony!

    Not for long. I fished it out for you – NA.

  14. I wonder if these whinging cunts we’re complaining when that tub of faeces Jo Brand made her “joke” about battery acid and Farage? No, thought not. Clarkson should have told them to fuck off and run them over in his tractor.

    • Yes, but she was joking, bad jokes are only acceptable when they are bashing the right.
      The ‘new’ law states that no one can ‘dis’ the woke ?

  15. Clarkson should be ashamed of himself. Apologising for doing what he’s paid to do? Whatever next?
    Yet another example of enforced censorship.
    I see Victor Lewis Smith died last week. He wouldn’t have apologised and he wrote far worse stuff.
    One of my favourites being a few words he aimed at DJ and tv presenter Mike Smith…..
    “Living proof of the need to install ejector seats in helicopters”
    Words that could also be applied to Megain and her gormless spouse.

  16. ……and he didn’t even use the word “cunt” once!
    Apology? I’d have called a press conference (to be aired live on Sky, of course), turned up in blackface wearing an SS uniform, and told the lot of them to get fucked.

  17. Offensive words aren’t enough for migraine & rusty bollocks. Public flogging from the royals themselves is what’s needed.

  18. I watched the BBC daily government bashing show today, there was some ginger cunt (former labour advisor), can’t remember his name but he backhandedly defended Clarkson by saying that when he writes anything it goes to a sub editor and editor before it is published, if there is any complaint to be made it should be against the Sun for publishing.
    The tally, according to Jo Co is 12000 complaints, fuck me, that is a poor show by any measure ?, and of course Stella was on and went into a little hissy fit wanting misogyny to be a ‘hate crime’, ffs.

    The piece was not in anyway shape of form incitement to violence or anything else, the Meghanator lives in the fucking states so no one in the UK is going to ‘act’ on anything Clarkson wrote.
    It seems that calling Tory Scum or detesting the torries isn’t hatred because it’s from the left and is therefore sacrosanct. Rees-Mogg was on and very measured, I wish he had mentioned the fact that the cunt Lammy called him and the ERG Nazis, but I guess he is above all that shit the left love, as long it’s from and not to them.

    • Clarkson was only referencing a scene from a fantasy TV show. The way some people are going on suggesting that thousands of people are currently hording their own shit ready to chuck at Meghan Markel on the off chance she walks naked through the streets atoning for her sins.

      • I have made a start on my bucket of shit, can’t wait to get on the front row, even if I have to camp out all night.
        I am hoping to produce a particularly soft sticky one with an aroma that would clear the Albert hall ?

  19. Clarkson is a cunt for giving Meagain yet more free publicity and then for apologising for the article. He should fuck off to his fucking pointless farm the dick.

    • He looks like a farmer cunt too with his gammony sausage-chomping face. Why the fuck did he apologise? Now he’s given MeAgain more victim cards as well as the sympathy vote. Furthermore, he’s allowed that melted-facelift Carol Vordeman hag some oxygen, and that septagenarian is ageing like fine
      Chinese plastic.

  20. Here’s some words on the subject from the wife;

    ‘Her face is made of silicon, and that nose looks like a ski slope. Has she had a set of piano keys fitted in her mouth to go with the hair straightening and extensions? And that smirk! She hasn’t got a waistline, and her legs look like she’s stolen them from one of her chickens. Everything she wears costs a fortune and looks awful on her. Did you see her in that emerald green thing? She looked like a giant pea pod! She’s an absolutely scheming little cow who got the claw into that ginger fuckwit. As for the way she treats people…’. Etc.
    She’s a fully paid up member of the sisterhood when it comes to bitching, is my little treasure. Bless.

  21. Jeremy entertains me , that said I’d sooner shag sparkle tits
    fuck me what dilemma what am I to do ???
    Total load of bollocks all end up fuck the whining cunts

  22. Chwis Packham thinks he should be “Put in pwison and the frowwn th the fwoor wevvy wuffly”

  23. What if Clarkson is one of us ? If so who would it be… This site is one of the last bastions of free speech.
    Thanks to the Amin for a cunting good year.

    • I don’t think he can be one of us, ObersturmbannFuhrer. None of us would have apologised, and especially not on fucking Twatter.

      • For some time I have (lightheartedly) suspected that a certain member of our little cunting community might actually BE Clarkson.
        Keeping it to myself though.
        For the moment…?

  24. It didn’t come across as an apology to me, more a fucking piss take……, I’m doing this but everybody knows it’s a load of bollocks. It was a good piece striking at some juicy wokie targets. He is right about generations dying out and leaving behind hordes of thick, brainwashed cunts. God help them they haven’t got a hope. The young expect to be wealthier and healthier than their parents. Not this fucking lot the poor saps.

    • He’s also had the column removed…
      But not before I copied and pasted it – see my post above @ 3:42pm.

      “In light of Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet he has asked us to take last week’s column down.”

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