A cunting for Aled Powell, who the fuck is Aled Powell i hear you ask, he is a monumental Welsh speaking cunt, who has decided to refuse to let his kids learn to swim unless they are taught in the Welsh language.
Bad enough that Welsh is a completely obsolete language that nobody, absolutely nobody needs to survive [unlike fucking swimming] its also the most horrendous sounding language in the world even worse than German or Arabic, but aside from this how much of a treble cunt do you need to be to deny your kids something that may save their lives over something this trivial.
This fucker lives in Wales the land of high water levels, floods and serious rain, knowing how to swim is essential, knowing how to speak fucking Welsh is now happily mostly redundant, nobody in Wales apart from the illegal immigrants cant speak English.
Welsh is for indifferent twats living in the past, join the modern world you stupid cunt and your kids wont drown, or be treated like cunts by their classmates and ex friends becuase their dad is an ocean going, fuckwitttttt
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
How about teaching your kids to swim yourself, you selfish, pointless cunt?
“…How about teaching your kids to swim yourself, you selfish, pointless cunt?”
…and that was, verbatim, the first thing that sprang immediately to mind.
Beth cunt dwp.
Translation courtesy of Google translate. I can’t speak Welsh – but I can swim.
Even proud Welshmen themselves like Dylan Thomas took the piss out of their own language – and this was decades ago. For example in Under Milk Wood there is a place called LLAREGGUB.
Try it backwards.
You need the ability to swim in Wales.. the risk of drowning when speaking to a Welshman is sky high..
There’s a precious lovely for you.
Daft cunt – should be working for the Welsh Assembly, if he isn’t already (highly likely). with a Christian name of Aled, his cuntitude is pretty much solid gold.
Didn’t have Kirstie Alley in the Dead Pool. she was 71. I remember her as that hot lass from Cheers.
Throw them in the sheep dip, sink or swim .
Can’t swim , can’t smile, can’t say hello,
Don’t know why they bothered coming up to the surface world?
I don’t like getting cold and wet, so swimming is out.
Utterly pointless pastime.
Unless you fall in the cut on the way home from the pub, which I have. There was so much filth in it I was able to stand up in it, so I’m glad I spent my swimming lesson pretending to have a verruca and ogling the girls.
Welsh people are great. Friendly, Open-minded. Welcoming. Only joking, they are the gaelic equivalent of blacks; aggresive, chippy benefit junkies with too much sputum and unnatural sexual urges.
There’s scumbags for you, isn’t it,, boyo?
Full agreement here Termujin. I was born and raised in Walsall for which I humbly apologise. When I was at Junior school we were taken to the swimming pool every week. “Walsall Gala Baths” as it was known, was then brand new and far and away the best facility in this piss-poor town. Thing is we were never actually taught how to swim. Our elderly teacher sat by the pool watching and still wore his work suit. I never saw anyone like a life guard. I thought it would be different at Secondary school. It was. If you could not already swim you were not alllowed in the pool. All this strange behaviour was regarded as perfectly normal. I realised later however that as a pastime swimming was as pointless as football and just exposed participants to unnecessary risk and discomfort.
As for Aled, don’t be too harsh on the poor sap. He’ll be influenced by his proximity to the nearest major town, Liverpool and in any case his daughters may look for career opportunities in Patagonia as adults.
How do Arfur?
I hated the little paddling pool of what looked like piss but was actually anti septic.
If I was walking along the seashore and heard someone in the water shouting “Help” in Welsh, I’d probably assume that they were actually an Abdul from Algeria who had fallen off a dingy and chuck rocks at the Cunt. If a passerby told me that it was actually a Welshman crying for help in his native language….I’d still chuck rocks at the Cunt.
Since when was it the Council’s job to teach children how to swim ?
I’ve sometimes wondered if poor Joey Deacon was actually just a Welsh-speaker.
I heard he was Jimmy Saviles wingman,getting him access to all the blue Peter jailbait..
Mornin’ Barry,
I saved up loads of milk bottle tops for him, so he could have a house.
So inconsiderate of him to die before moving in.
Morning termujin, the way this government is tanking the economy.
Milk bottle tops might be more valuable than the pound soon.
Mornin’ FF
The dreadful cunt.
If he teaches his daughter to swim then the next time they are on holiday she’ll be in the water and off,to escape his miserable fucking face.
Welsh language?
Fuck off,without our money propping it up it would be a dead language anyway.
Llyaradercwmffogg off you stupid fucking cwm-stain.
Says it all really
Might come in handy if the bog roll has run out, or you get an unexpected nose bleed.
God, if I’m mistaken and you really do exist, please help us.
Someone should tell Aled………you talk like a cunt.
I learnt to swim in English.
Wasn’t given a choice of languages.
Maybe Aled and his simple kids can comprise?
Chuck the little cunts in the pool and he can whistle from the sides?
“Come by!”
Presumably then, this arrogant, attention-seeking twat only goes to shops and offices that use Welsh as the main language; and that he only ever watches Welsh-language TV programmes, reads books in Welsh and doesn’t venture east into England!
Putting the lives of your kids at risk for a bit of principled grandstanding is near the top of ultimate cuntitude and it would be rather nice if social services got involved and took his kids away from him.
I’m all for kids learning a second language, but learn something useful for fuck’s sake.
Fucking Welsh!
What’s the point?
The only people that would know what you are saying are remote hill farmers and hermits.
And they can probably speak English anyway.
Learn Chinese.
It’s easier when you are young.
There’s more chance of a well paid job at the end of it.
He is setting up his daughter to spend her life making quilts to sell to American tourists.
Wales needs to be sawn off the mainland and set adrift. It’s a hive of filth, unemployment and general thick twattery.
If the twat wants the kids to be taught swimming in Welsh, throw them off the Menai Bridge.
Hopefully someone is going to tell the Welsh bound to be vegan cunt he,s is on ISAC, im sure he cannot/will not read English, but every fucker who knows him can and im sure already know he is a cunt…
Swimming is more practical than vocal, after the instruction kick you legs there isn’t much else.
Indulging silly cunts anywhere in the UK is why this particular silly cunt gets his inspiration, just another entitled twat, sadly one of many.
The massive CUNT Aled is front of the queue for Uncle Terry’s
I like all languages, due to being a foreign film buff. Some sound better than others. The only one I can’t abide is yankie gibberish, which filters its way into ours.
Ironically ‘Aled Powell’ is an anagram of stupid vegan, own clothes making, lentil spooning, sandal wearing CUNT – in any language. Bet the cunt has a ‘Love Ewe’
He’ll probably be expecting us English to fund the bollocks too. Fucking entitled cunt.
Fuck of ti cymraeg cunt….?
I wouldn’t wish it on this cunt obviously, but if he did find himself in difficulties in a local river or canal, would he shout out “Help me!” in English or Welsh?
I suspect if the latter he’ll be toast… and soggy toast at that.
I have relatives in North Wales (that’s where the Hard core Welsh twats are)
And Welsh is compulsory in Schools upto 10
More people speak Klingon or whatever Papa Lazaru Speaks than Welsh
Once they were Protesting outside a Tesco’s because they wanted the Baked Beans written in Welsh
I’d Gladly do it & Charge an Extra 50p a Can
It’s gibberish, they make it up.
I cant fault my countryman. When your child is drowning it is their right to be reassured in Welsh as the last words they hear. You lot are just Welshists. And at least it is water that the English cant steal.
Love leeks.
Hate Neil Kinnock.
And his son.
Get To Fuck ( in Welsh )
They may as well learn in Elvish.given the amount of cunts who speak it.
If he wants to teach them his bronze age spitting habits, let him do it.
And Glenys.
The old bag.
Yaki da.
Is Glenys the definition of a useless cunt together with her brood of cuntlets?
Back in the 80’s I lost my way ‘somewhere in Wales.’ I went into a pub & asked the bloke at the bar for directions. He was polite, & pointed me in the right direction, it was the customers, the place was full. When I spoke they all stopped talking & stared at me. When I left left they were all jibbering in Welsh, & still giving me a good look over. At that point I wish I had learnt “What are you cunts all staring at?” in their language. It was a very odd experience, something I have not forgotton. I understand, in rare instances this behaviour still occurs today.
And when you were out of the pub, they probably reverted to English. My Dad went into a N Wales pub once, he said they all stopped speaking English, and started up in Welsh.
In Cardiff, where I no longer live, it’s mostly a-rab and dooshka.