Aled Powell

A cunting for Aled Powell, who the fuck is Aled Powell i hear you ask, he is a monumental Welsh speaking cunt, who has decided to refuse to let his kids learn to swim unless they are taught in the Welsh language.

Bad enough that Welsh is a completely obsolete language that nobody, absolutely nobody needs to survive [unlike fucking swimming] its also the most horrendous sounding language in the world even worse than German or Arabic, but aside from this how much of a treble cunt do you need to be to deny your kids something that may save their lives over something this trivial.

This fucker lives in Wales the land of high water levels, floods and serious rain, knowing how to swim is essential, knowing how to speak fucking Welsh is now happily mostly redundant, nobody in Wales apart from the illegal immigrants cant speak English.
Welsh is for indifferent twats living in the past, join the modern world you stupid cunt and your kids wont drown, or be treated like cunts by their classmates and ex friends becuase their dad is an ocean going, fuckwitttttt

WalesOnLine News Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

52 thoughts on “Aled Powell

  1. I can understand a proud Welsh person wanting to keep his language alive. But this seems over the top. Presumably he wants someone else to pay for it.
    On the plus side for him, I doubt that the government will be sending many illegals his way as they won’t be able to understand what the locals are saying.

  2. If living in another country with its own language I would most definitely make an effort to speak said language . To me seems the done thing to do. My eldest daughters near perfect command of Spanish got them out of loads of shite when her and now ex purchased a property in Spain.
    Do think this chap is going at it a bit wank, as other cunters have stated does it really matter what fucking language an instructor uses to teach some one to swim? If your breathing in Water you ain’t swimming should not be to difficult a thing to grasp
    Any way each to his/her/their/it/deviant own

    • with only 17 odd percent of Welsh people who can speak Welsh, how on earth does this fucker think they are going to survive without speaking English, let alone swimming……

  3. I remember reading Bill Bryson’s Notes from a Small Island, where he described the Welsh language as sounding like a cat coughing up furballs.

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