Woke Arrogance Versus Qatar Religious Laws

The current shit storm over the Foreign Secretary’s reasonable request that LGBTXYZK etc football fans who go to the World Cup in Qatar respect the feelings of the local goat shaggers. Mr Cleverly used more emollient language but that is the gist of his argument.

I feel a popcorn moment coming on as the Qatari plod get stuck in- goat shaggers v sheep shaggers.

BTW , even the Labour Party are getting pissed off with Nadia Whittome.
As ever, cannot provide the less so assistance appreciated.

Nominated by: Guzziguy

Supporting link by Jeezum Priest

Telegraph News Link

And seconded by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

I think Guzzi is cunting woke fucking nonsense over common sense. If these fuckers think they can carry on with their fucking cottaging and whatever the fuck they get up to in Qatar then they must face the consequenses. As in ‘dont smuggle drugs into Malaysia’ or ‘dont visit Russia with a Ukranian flag stuck up your arse’.
Labour are fucking woke morons.

BBC News Link

74 thoughts on “Woke Arrogance Versus Qatar Religious Laws

  1. What does his poster mean by “subjects them to conversion” ?
    Do they not allow them to listen sausage music ? And make them talk in a much deeper voice, before they’re allowed to attend a match.

  2. Its a pity the govt are not so forthright in telling all foreigners who come to Britain what is and isn’t acceptable in a civilized society.

    It’ll all kick off when Qatari customs officials find a rainbow coloured dildo in Clare Balding’s luggage.

    • I don’t think they would listen unfortunately.

      I’d deport the cunts to Qatar to work down a mine.

  3. Isn’t it amusing to see these cunts trying impose their deviant morals onto a foreign country?

    I can’t wait for the epic scale of bullshit and hypocrisy that shall envelope this sporting event.

    Some overpaid lefty arse bandit apologist lecturing a bunch of fanatical camel shaggers?

    Unusually I’m on the side of the crafty Arabs.

    • Me too . We are taught to respect others and their differences yet we insist that other countries submit to the Pork Sword coated liberally with fudge. Fucking ridiculous.

  4. Sirs:

    It would be nice if they could all lose.

    However, if I am forced to choose between medieval but sovereign asslifters and globe-trotting fudgepackers, I’m going with the former.

  5. That’s labour all over.

    Go to another country and do what you like..
    Pretty much like the filth that float over here every day..
    Don’t integrate expect the majority to change for the minority.

  6. Get the popcorn ready because this entire event is going to be more about politics than football both on and off the pitch.

    Let the Alphabets get on with it. Let them demonstrate in Doha; let them whinge on Qatari TV news, let them moan about oppressed minorities and human rights abuses of their own kind.

    I guess it won’t be long before the police and the military stick the boot in and throw these cunts in jails for breaking local laws and showing no respect at all for local and religious customs.

    Then these cunts will whinge to the British Embassey and blame our governent for not protecting them blah blah.

    Do fuck off and don’t come back you arrogant cunts!

  7. Qatar’s attitude to buggery surely makes it the ideal place to host the Eurovision Song Contest.

  8. When abroad a Englishman should seamlessly adapt to local cultures, it’s good manners.
    Eat a few sheep’s eyeballs,
    Wear a bedsheet and stick a teatowel on your nut.
    Peter Tatchell supported pee do rights,
    You’d think he’d enjoy some Lawrence of Arabia style Arab boys arse rather than kicking off?

    Just behead the ducky fucker and watch the football Ming’s fall into line.

      • I’m looking forward to Gary Neville adopting local customs and dressing up as a carpet kisser.

        Neville: “Eee Lineker, ah liike dese meatballs. They’re riiight chewy, ah fink.”
        Linekunt: “”As a black arab, I can reveal those are camel’s testicles.”

        Neville: “Well foook me. Ah don’t wanna be Mohammad Al Cunt Neville no more.”

  9. If only we had politicians with balls just like the Carpet kissers do@ Lineker would be a fucking crisp on his funeral pyre.

  10. When the England team ‘Take The Knee’, they might just find some A-rab with a big sword, standing behind them, ready to lop their heads off.

    Fingers crossed.

  11. I’ll bet my left nut that the England team won’t wear rainbow laces or armbands during the World Cup.

    They’ll make a few points when on English soil but sadly, they’re not daft enough to promote the gayness in the land of the peacefuls.

    I hope to he proved wrong and see them being chased around the pitch by the scimitar welding religious police.

    • To the tune of the Benny Hill Theme.

      I think it would attract more viewers than the actual kick ball.

      You could be on to something Mr CuntyBollocks.

      If it’s a draw at full time instead of penalties they could throw the players from tall buildings.

      What fun the black icon Gary Errazamus Linekar would have commentating on it.

  12. While I’m not homophobic for some reason Tatchell gets on my threppennies.

    I’d happily see him get himself into trouble,
    A public flogging would sort out his chippy attitude.

    I’d stick a burnt copy of the Koran in his luggage and report him saying Allah is a girl.
    A Jewish girl.

    See how brave he is when the crowd are baying for blood.

    • That’s because you (and everyone else of sound mind) knows full-well that he is a pædophile.

      • I think so too.
        Most teenage boys could fight off peters advances.

        I’d of kicked his fuckin head in when I was about 12!

        And no I’m not from Worcestershire 😄

    • At least he had the guts to try and make a citizens arrest on Mugabe, got beaten to pulp, but good effort.

  13. Peter Tatchell, the nónce apologist protesting in Qatar. Shocker……..

    It would be a crying shame if the local peaceful Alan Snackbar lovers got hold of him and gave him a one way flying lesson off a Doha city high rise building.

    • The silly little sodomite went to do one of his protests in Moscow and a fellow promptly lamped him.

      I wish I could be arsed to find a link to the coverage,it’s quite splendid.

  14. What a mess. This is what hapoens when you have an organisation as corrupt as FIFA who take the brown envelopes regardless of the consequences. We know FIFA loathes England and gives it to other countries multiple times, but placing it in this backward, dry, stone-Age shit-hole is taking the joke too far. No booze, no birds, no larks.

  15. I’m looking forward with interest to what’s going on in Qatar. intrigue will hold no bounds. In the interim I believe there’s to be some football going on behind the scenes to keep us occupied.

    • Oh yes Sammy, the football. I can’t sleep at night, I’m so excited at the prospect of watching Qatar vs Ecuador in a couple of weeks time.

      • Hi Geordie, It will all kickoff in the undressing rooms. They won’t have the energy for anything else. Sorry to disappoint you. No, only kidding it will be a blood bath !

      • Indeed…although that article was 12 years ago. Nowadays, they’d probably be promoting that sort of repulsiveness.

      • Hope the English fans have read it first before taking their young sons. I can see them having an imaginary crèche inside the ground. Beware.

  16. Will guarantee that none of the ‘brave’ opponents of the regime will be Qatari gaylords.

    The brave will exclusively be foreign cunts chucking.rocks from the safety of their home.country.

  17. Tatchell sneaked into Qatar to make his silly little gesture, he was shitting himself (must have been hard to hold it in with a well used poop tube).

    He made some elaborate travel plans ‘to avoid Qatar preventing him from entering’, some bollocks about a flight Australia, I doubt that the Qatar officials gave two fucks what the tart was doing, they have the World Cup and as long as visitors aren’t mincing (as per pride) they can be as bent as they like.

    I wonder how many men will be sharing hotel rooms, probably all, and I don’t think the police will be doing snap inspections to see if some bloke is stuck up his mates arse 😂

  18. Let the faggots go and mince over there, it will be great you only imagine the rainbow flag wearing, limp wristed, chutney ferrets cry with the first lashing and not 50 shades style.
    Let em do their worst and see what happens, should be entertaining, as long as we don’t end up paying the get the shit stabber back…

  19. I hope the fags and the Labour zealots do go over there. And I hope they get fed to the Qatari ruler’s dogs.

  20. I don’t think there will be any mincers stupid enough to rock up in Qatar and parade around in arseless leather chaps.

    it would be as outright stupid as turning up in the Philippines with a kilo of smack.

    storm in a teacup. But a great virtue signalling opportunity.

  21. I wonder, will big brave Lineker actually be gobbing off his pro-fag rhetoric in Qatar? Or will he do it from his cosy BBC studio here in the UK?

    I think we all know the answer to that one. The man is a shithouse.

    • Nah, it will go like this, Norm…

      “Actually, as a kid, people would say I looked Arabian and I got bullied, but I’m proud to be called an Arab. Praise Allah and don’t drink alcohol, you sweaty kafirs!”

  22. I wonder if the Hershey highwaymen will make the 6’o clock news going skydiving. It might be worth a giggle. Imagine the faux outrage of the beebist twats.

  23. I’d love old chick with a dick Eddie Izzard in full rig to go mincing into Qatar hand in hand with Lloyd Russell-Moyle, or Chris Bryant and see what the authorities did with them. A good flogging for both I should imagine -and his I’m a laydee shit wouldn’t go down there well or Bryant lisping “don’t you know who I am duckie?” or Russell-Moyles screaming queen act woud probably also get them put in the slammer.

  24. A woman for duty
    A boy for pleasure
    But a melon* for ecstasy.

    Variously and allegedly a Turkish / Iranian / Afghan proverb.

    * or a goat.

  25. Let’s be fair it is a lot to ask these filthy deviants to keep their strides zipped up with all those young A-rab boys offering to suck them off for a couple of quid.
    The bumders are not known for their self restraint.

  26. Being a xenophobic mildly racist little fecker I would normally pour opprobrium upon the sand shufflers, but being more homo adverse than the above personality traits I possess I am in total agreement with the Arabs it’s their country, culture and beliefs.
    You want to be a sausage jockey keep it to yourself dont try and convince everyone else that it’s a normal healthy lifestyle.

  27. These persons of unusual practices will be making a big mistake if they assume that they can do what they want in one of the lands of the peaceful.
    This strange belief that so many inhabitants of this isle have is in the main due to the way that the government and others have allowed fuckwits from around the World to do what they like here as one must respect other cultures and other wokey shite.
    A big surprise awaits those who indulge in depravity and get caught. Human rights and equality legislation is some what lacking in the land of the one humped camel.
    Though it has been stated that an electric shock baton shoved up the arse is a partial rectifier of a swollen prostrate.
    Simply when in country stick to country occupations ie shagging goats, beardless boys that sort of thing.

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