(Uphill) Gardeners’ World

Gardeners World is a cunt. A one time must for the gardener this monthly magazine has joined the woke LGBT Multicultural Shit Show.

Over the last 3 maybe 4 years, the mag has introduced a burgeoning number of ethnic diversities promoted as experts and educators. Regular features have appeared of “exotic gardens” the product of enrichment and diversity.

Each month there are comments made about the destruction of our planet, Global warming and what we must do to avoid extinction.

The magazine is fast becoming an instrument of Indoctrination.

Now this.! We are advised not to dig our gardens. The reason. Each time we dig, we release carbon into the atmosphere. The effects of this carbon release build up over the years and contributes to Global Warming.

How in fuck are Farmers going to grow crops, to provide us with food? Surely they must plough?, Surely they must dig to seat a plant ?

I hear from my fellow residents that their magazines are equally turning shit qweer with similar messages all of doom and gloom

Monty Don is fast becoming the glove puppet of the fucking BBC ! And he is now becoming a cunt !

Nominated by: Ferrars Hall

84 thoughts on “(Uphill) Gardeners’ World

    • Right at the end of that clip, it looks like David Lammy in the audience. I hope he has strongly advised Russell Moyle, Bryant and Screeching not to “eat de poo poo” – and Gaylords Adonis and Mandelson as well.

  1. These indescribable things are destroying the natural beauty of the rainbow, with something unnatural. The evil bastards.

  2. The BBC of 2022 in a nutshell. Sambeaus and Sodomites.☹
    Oh, and their demented obsession with climate change as well.

  3. Mastermind is full of fags, trannies, and dark personages too.
    Last time I saw it, there was a contestant who was a raging dyke.
    And her specialist subject? Dykes.?

    I will never have a TV licence again.

    • I’ve not had a license for years. I was able to wipe my arse on the last one. I still watch their advert free programmes for nowt, I’m not that stupid. Making sure they have the correct people in them. Like I’ve said before, lots of old stuff to last me a lifetime before these mentally converted cunts went doolally.

  4. And don’t forget – according to BBC’s Countryfile – the countryside itself is racist too.

  5. Watched the penultimate “Hazell” at midnight. TPTV were doing their usual muting of naughty words again. Hazell and his mate were playing pool and mentioned whether the cripple in a wheelchair was a poofter or an iron, plus racist remark and its nearly one o’clock in the fucking morning.

  6. Ah the dear old BBC wants to clamour to all religions races diversities etc and simply forget to entertain subscribers of their twaddle…shame I used to like old Percy Thrower especially when the Blue Peter garden was wrecked don’t think he ever got over it…as for TV I just cherry pick the odds and sods I want to watch now avoid ads and mindless blather!

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