‘Brown’ Nosing In High Places

A bit previous I know. But as Johnson leaves the race, our wonderful BBC has wet themselves at the almost certain victory of the Dark Skinned one.
Now this is not the main target of my cunting, but this is. The Black and Brown drift to Rishi was almost instantaneous upon Boris backing off. What we have is a ring of itinerants licking the ringpiece of the supposed winner , and jockeying for a cabinet place. Patel, Zahawi and Braverman all solidly in the Rishi camp.

As the Keys to Downing St are simply a stonesthrow from the intended Curry Palace of Westminster.

Never mind , as we all know, Rishi used to serve in a Curry House, and wash the Dishes.

So my cunting is to the arseholes of the drift to the Billionaires ringpiece. May they suffer the shit of a thousand camels

Nominated by: Ferrars Hall

53 thoughts on “‘Brown’ Nosing In High Places

  1. Really good post! And very interestingly, how the dark keys voted was of interest.
    BUT! My biggest gripe is that apparently ( in the final round ) 150 MP,s did not vote! If they had, it would have been a 2 horse race with Mordaunt and the membership would have backed her not him !
    The whole fucking thing was a stitch up from the start.!
    Im fucked if I am learning a new language at my age so Rishi will have to take it in English Fuck Off you twat !

    • Crikey Ferrars, that’s 2 noms on the trot from you. Don’t you have a job to go to?

    • The Difference between Rishi & blair is that rishi is already Rich whereas that Cunt Blair made his money from being a Politician. I think term is Career Cunt

      Similar to Neil Kinnock

      The whole Family are Money grabbing Cunts

      I think Stephen kinnock is biding time to crawl up the greasy pole

  2. Stitch up! Suntanman was the Establishment man from the start. Truss, the weakest candidate was manoeuvred into second to assure the victory. Unfortunately the membership voted for any cunt except Sunak. Hence a massive MSM onslaught, Truss is forced out and we get the right result.
    If this was a banana republic everyone would be laughing at this sham democracy. But this is Great (not anymore) Britain 2022. Suck it and see.

    • Hardly an Establishment man.

      Sunak was a Brexiteer long before Johnson cynically jumped on the bandwagon to curry favour with the Tory party membership.

      He was also instrumental in getting Johnson elected by standing in for him during leaders debates and interviews while Johnson hid in the fridge too frit to face questioning from the electorate and Brillo.

      And Truss was a Remainer, ffs!!

      Of the last four Tory leaders, Sunak is by far the least Establishment of them.

      • Good Morning,

        Also the most sensible. The country is in the shit, financially, and taxes need to be raised and spending cuts. That is due to every chancellor since Kan Clarke not striving to achieve tax revenue equalling spending and a weak as Bud Light Bank of England frightened to raise interest rates at the right time. Chickens are coming home to roost and at the worst possible time with post-Covid shortages and bloody Putin.

      • Don’t think it matters really. he’s got less than 2 years to sort out 70 year old structural debt. No chance, no-one can. The UK is literally bankrupt and the economy will totally collapse within 10 years, like 99% of all fiat currencies have, the other 1% being those still in use, all of which are fckd.

        There is nothing he can do, nothing, to prevent this, or an utter routing of Tories at the next GE

  3. Brexit taught the cunts in power a valuable lesson. The revised definition of democracy: “Keep voting until the right answer comes up.”

  4. ‘May they suffer the shit of a thousand camels’

    Sadly, we all know it’ll be us, the people, that will suffer that.

  5. It won’t take long for the BBC to turn on him if they haven’t already..

    To be a poster boy for the BBC you need to believe in the eu, climate change, trans rights and unlimited immigration..

    All the important things the little people should worry about..
    Democracy has had its day.

    • Sell the BBC to the highest bidder. What was a right and proper idea in 1922 is not in 2022. They had a witch-hunt against Boris and are now having one against Stella Braverman. For fuck’s sake even a “Conservative “ MP complained about her use of the word invasion when talking about the migrant crisis. That shows how far their brainwashing has gone.
      What a day they had yesterday complaining about the conditions the migrants are held in. Presumably better than where they have come from or they wouldn’t be here.

  6. I watched a programme some years ago where they were asking people in various countries about their views on the UK, England and in particular, London.

    It was clear that foreigners were then reluctant to visit London.
    If they were to visit England they said that it would be for the ‘Englishness’, and they felt that had been lost with the appointment of a Pakistani Mayor.

    Great Britain is the greatest nation on Earth but it seems that there are a growing number of people that want to destroy Great Britain’s standing and erase its history.

    People see The Empire as racist and something to be ashamed of.
    That’s very strange because the Italians, Turks, Spanish and every other country that developed an empire are intensely proud.

    World changing inventions and innovations are dismissed as the entrepreneurs involved were ‘too white’ and may have been involved, either directly or indirectly to the slave trade.

    The UK now has a parliament stuffed full of Asians and Blacks, for no other reason other than it’s currently trendy to have them.

    I am sure that there are some white politicians and some white political candidates that want to speak out about the current situation.

    But while they remain silent, scared of being ‘cancelled’ and labelled as racist; the nation will continue its journey down the shitter.

    • Nice header pic there of Di Abbott sunbathing on the decking.

      Rishi tax em to death Sunak?

      Oh yeah. He’s wonderful.
      Just what the doctor ordered.

      Doctor fuckin Shipman.

      • Rishi’s surrounded by ‘wet torys’ .
        Cosmopolitan liberals.

        Backstabbers, pro EU,
        Pro immigration,
        Lockdown luvvies.

        Like that Robert Jenrick.
        I despise that little fuck.

        He’s from Wolverhampton you know?
        But doesn’t sound like Noddy Holden.
        No , no Brummy twang.

        Not the language I’d use?

        No, you’d say
        Welcome to the UK here’s the keys to your council house,
        Don’t forget to claim any benefits.

  7. Rishi as chancellor racks up a bill in the hundreds of billions and it’s ‘ steady as she goes ‘.
    Truss and Kwarteng run up a bill of around fifty billion and it’s crisis time.
    Anyone smell a rat ?
    As has already been mentioned, Rishi was the chosen one in the first place.
    People just voted incorrectly.
    Anyway, it’s all sorted now.
    Stand by for incoming taxes and more dinghy filth.
    After reading ‘Paying Tax ‘ by Arthur Daley. I am ready for the coming storm.
    Good morning.

    • It was the cut in top rate tax that did it, that estimated 2 billion was Armageddon. Labour agreed with all the rest so could only focus on the top rate.
      No one seemed to bat an eyelid at the energy price guarantee, 70, 100, 150 billion down the shitter.

      Comedy Gold

  8. I’m not sure exactly what happened to boot out Truss. She, at least, was voted in by the tory members. A few policies that may have led to growth. But no, we ended up with a non-elected PM and a wanker Chancellor who reversed nearly all of her measures. A coup, with the usual career politicians rushing to Rishi’s ring piece. I’m sure there is an asteroid on the way and they haven’t told us.

  9. The disconnect between the population and the ruling elite is growing wider with every passing day.

    I fully expect this alleged democracy to fragment totally within my lifetime.

    The total fucking cunts.

    • Expect Jeremy Cunt to put on Sad Face on the 17th to tell us all about the terrible problems we face that are nothing to do with idiotic woke domestic politics.

      Putin this,Ukraine that..

      Then he’ll finish his tale of woe,get a slap on the back from the Flying Hindu then trot off for a slap up dinner.

      All of it paid for by us.

    • Who or what are these cunts? Never hear about any of these crappers until they get wasted.

  10. It’s a sure path to anarchy,that’s what it is….Name me one Country with a Coloured in charge that is doing well…doesn’t matter how far back you go,Coloureds in charge means cannibalism, mud-huts,cooking missionaries in giant copper pots…and sex attacks on “da white wimmin”…is that what you want for Our Septic Isle ??!!!…WELL…IS IT?…no.thought not.

    Mark my words..it’ll not be long till raiding parties of Sooties are rampaging through our leafy suburbs and quaint villages…over the cricket pitches and bowling greens….in 4 wheel-drive vehicles,swigging bottles of “White Man Ju-Ju Juice” and abducting our fair maidens to ravage.

    Meanwhile, the curry-munchers will doubtless be stealing our British Bulldogs to make into tikka-marsala, flogging cigarettes to underage boys while molesting the underage girls and giving short change to customers in their corner-shops ( claiming that “Me no speaky de English” when pulled up on it…bet ya can speak English when you and yer 6 wives,35 inbred children and rancid old granny front up at the benefit office though)

    Now I’m no racist but we must put a stop to these Coloureds in positions of power before we are all murdered/molested in our beds…Send the buggers back,that’s what I say.

  11. The brown arselickers are proud to be Brits. And this infuriates the race baiters. Would Abbot and Lammy be preferable? And whatever other dusky woke cunts Starmer has.

  12. When Rishi is at the barbers for a oil change,
    He’s not sat there thinking
    ‘how do I make the country better for the electorate?’

    How do we deliver on our manifesto pledges?

    He’s thinking

    “How else can I screw them?”

    This country has had a right fuckin freakshow in number 10 over the past 12 years.

    Hunchbacks, albinos, Tim Brooke Taylor, now this little tax weasel.

    What a fuckin joke.

  13. Forged in the crucible of goldman sacks of whom the following was noted:

    “The bank is a huge, highly sophisticated engine for converting the useful, deployed wealth of society into the least useful, most wasteful and insoluble substance on Earth—pure profit for rich individuals.

    .. a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessy jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

    Our Prime Minister, globalist technocrat, pound shop pony blair whose ring piece could accommodate a 747.

  14. U-turn on fracking ban.

    The first mistake of many to come from the Blue Miliband.

    The Beeb just want a milquetoast liberal. running things, be it Sunak, Starmer, Clegg or Cameron. Anybody who maintains the liberal establishment worldiew while sucking up to the internationalists as Tony used to (apparently ‘globalist’ is a dirty dog-whistle term for the Hebrew folk says Sangita from LBC, another nauseating libtard outlet).

    The autoritarian faux-liberals want New Labour and the EU back in control and more than happy to carry on telling the little people how to live and what to think.
    Everything we’ve been told by the media since 2016 is how evil White straight people are abd how evil the British empire was.
    It’s all revenge for Brexit.

    Buncha cunts.

  15. The jury is out on Rishi. He may do well or he may do disastrously. But whatever happens, be it good or bad, it has nothing to do with the colour of his skin. That doesn’t matter two hoots.

    As for the brown-nosing, it was ever so. Nothing new here, I’m afraid. Politics is a career like anything else. But if someone brown noses their way to a top job does it follow they will do a bad job? Ambition can be a spur. Let’s judge by results.

  16. A Hindu Prime Minister.
    A Peaceful London Mayor.

    Some would call it progress.

    Some would call it a nation disappearing up its own woke arsehole.

    Some would call it a once great nation, bereft of any common identity or purpose, in its debt riddled final death throes.

    Most of us may well end up owning nothing in the coming utopia, but will we be happy?

    • Just wait until the Republicans win the next US election and the evangelical right are in charge of America.
      We’re all going to be fucked.

      • Hallelujah brother the righteous will rise and smite the devils spawn back to the pit from whence they came. Your gender will be known unto them that knowest what is known.
        The abominations will be cast into the fire of inflatable boats whilst the channel boaters will be made Rwandan and from the garden they are sent without the benefits and houses they demand. Those in the house of lies will repent sorely of their desire to destroy this blessed isles culture and hurty pointy things will prod them till they renounce the woke.
        These things spoken of will come to pass as payback is coming .to those utter cunts who have got us into this shit likewise those who have decreed that the righteous may suffer power cuts this winter because of cuntish incompetence will also rue the future fun that awaits them.

  17. Can’t wait for Rashi Sanook’s ‘tax rises’ and ‘spending cuts’. I hope these spending cuts include HS2, reduction in Foreign Aid and abolition of wasteful Quangos, reduction of MP & Lord expenses/ salaries, return of all Albanian ‘invaders’ and a stop to hotel accommodation for the rest of the illegal aliens coming here.

    From the ONS, where the money goes. Eyewatering amounts of cash!


      • I thought I was referencing the Biden pronunciation but come to think of it I like your way better! Rashid Chinook, genius; up there with Dracula Von Underlay.

      • Cuntologist @

        Let’s just be glad he’s only president of the US and not a vicar conducting Christenings!

        Lots of upset young parents having to have baby Oliveoil and Barnstormer rechristened.

        ” I clearly told him Olivia and Barnaby…”

  18. I can’t look at the nom with feeling sick. I’m sure I can hear the flies buzzing round it.

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