A cunting for the snowflake cunts who think up shit like this, with kids behaving like cunts all the time safe in the knowledge their parents, teachers, police can do fuck all to discipline them, the silly bitch next door to me used the sit on the naughty step and think about what you have done technique.
Has it work nooooooooooo did it fuck, now they have a 14 year old cunt who needs a good birching.
Now beating kids is wrong (Says who? – NA), but there has to be some way to discipline these kids, with no discipline they are going to have a rude awakening when they get their arse handed to them as adults by the first cunt they upset.
This is why a lot of kids are utter cunts…
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
The naughty step the liberals alternative to a good thrashing..
That worked out well.
The march down the shitter continues.
Good morning.
“A beaten boy is a better boy “
A quote from a fictitious school master in the novel Vintage stuff by Tom sharpe.
so true so fucking true.
Funny read t boot
Six strokes of a whip, applied over the bare backside on any girl from 4 to 40 would be my advice. In the case of very young children you could use a cane, but cultivate a stinging, slicing stroke for maximum effect.
I’d very much like to discipline lovely Lisa Nandy like that, but bare breasted as well as bare cheeks
One just instinctively knows that the Just Stop Oil protesting cunts weren’t treated to a good, old-fashioned backhander/slipper/bamboo cane when they were precocious brats.
This is where society has gone tits up.
Well said.
Those cunts atop that bridge should have had the cane…to the face until they fell off into the estuary,never to cause bother again.
Still do it in Malaysia don’t they, to bumlords.
Many of whom enjoy it I’m told
We will have Chris Bryant making that the scene of his next holiday #!
Are you sure that second picture is legal? Looks fucking horrible.
I was thinking that, Sir Mali.
Jailbait. One for the Savile Fan Club.
Is admin trying to help get the “p” into the mgbgt+ club now?
(Nope. The pic was from a genuine adult site. But to avoid any confusion I’ll bin it – Day Admin)
Thanks admin. It really didn’t look good
Shame admin, I didn’t think she looked that young, mid 20s at least.
Makes a change from the usual porn types, fake tit smackheads covered in tattoos.
Parents are fucking useless.
If you hand over the education of your kids to the state and TV then that’s what you get.
True, sadly true.
The internet has also been enormously damaging to society in general and kids in particular.
My mother was not averse to severely thrashing me with whatever was at hand, slipper, poker, an ornamental wooden fish even lol
She did, however, implement the naughty step, when she was too drunk to thrash me.
I hated it, and it did work. I think that was because it was rigorously implemented, with no deviation.
That’s where modern parents screw up, because they are weak and treat children as friends. 3 minutes on the step after 10 warnings? Useless.
I’d be there for two hours after one warning.
Never did me any harm. Apart from the public crying ?
Getting the belt or caned only made me determined to get revenge as a child I recall telling my Stepfather at 10 years old that I and I alone would get to choose his nursing home as well as cutting up his favourite belt in front of him and my evil Prussian Grandmother, whom adored me but hated the Taff cunt. Destroying my favourite toy or the dreaded Castor oil would elicit greater obedience.
I stood up to my father once.
PS He was a very good man and I deserved it, not a bad word to say about him. But, you just didn’t mess with him.
I usually (thank fuck) only encounter these painful brats and their idiotic soy parents when on holiday.
A lengthy discussion about everything is all you hear..do you want the oat milk? Yes you can have your Ipad if you stop pulling my hair..please don’t throw your food about…screaming is not an effective negotiation..
What a set of hopeless cunts.
Strangely both very annoying but also amusing to behold (to some degree).
I have abandoned going to restaurants because of the appalling table manners of the brats and shitty, down with it parents.
The noise is unbearable.
I am NEVER going to IKEA again, unless they put King Herod in charge of the kiddies’ area.
We now have generations of weak pampered adults, that are prone to tears over a comment.
And who are also fucking rude cunts. I can always tell when i’m dealing with a millenial via email as theres never so much as a please or thankyou. It boils my piss
Most brats are too well-fed and molly-coddled…they need to learn boundaries and being too well-fed just encourages over-exuberance..as does parenting that doesn’t involve a beating when they cross the line…children are just like any young animal,they’re all the better for getting a bit of sense knocked into them at an early age….best to get in early with the stick before the animal (child) gets strong enough to get the better of the master
As an emergency-measure,I’d ban (free) school meals and child benefits.
A woman,a dog and a walnut-tree..the more you beat ’em,the better they be,
Indeed Mr Fiddler.
‘He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.’
I remember one time I’d fallen out of a tree in the park onto a heap of dogshit. When I got home and my mum went ballistic so my dad gave me a severe caning following which I said to him “thanks dad, that’s beaten the Devil out of me” much to his puzzlement.
Greater love had no man for his boy than my dad. ?
I guess a turbo-charged ele tric fence might be a suitable boundary?
The naughty step was invented by that fat child wrangler on TV in the 90s, Jo Summat?
Prior to that for over 20,000 years we’d used the ‘smack the cunt’ method.
Which actually got results.
I miss seeing some howling brat get battered off their mum in a shopping precinct.
Growing up I remember seeing enthusiastic mums knock the snot out of dirty faced urchins.
Bring it back!!!
“What am I getting for Christmas mummy?”
“A rabbit punch to the belly if you don’t button it”
Lol, Ahhhh memories.
I remember getting thrashed by my mom in the Co-op and a do-gooder attempted to interfere.
She backed off when my mom offered her some lolol
All this Shit is First promoted at School
The teachers letting the Pupils call them by their first Name The ‘Relaxed’ we’re all adults here bollocks and you all have Rights attitude until something kicks off and the Teacher is clueless
It’s all woke Studies from the perspective of the Leftie BLM, Vegan, poofter Angle
The kids tell you They have rights and you can’t Hit me or I’ll tell the teacher
When did they stop calling them pupils and start referring to them as students?
That gave the little scrotes an over inflated sense of their own importance.
South park always had the best ideas..
That was standard practice at my junior school.
I’ve had the shits all last week.
They’re back at school now.
I got plenty of hidings off my dad, and I deserved every one of them.
I’d know I was in trouble because he had ‘tells’.
His eyes would go glassy and his jaw would twitch,
This meant I’d pushed to far.
My mam occasionally tried to hit me, but from 14yrs I towered over her and she couldn’t hit for shit anyway ?
My kid sister hardly ever got a crack
Once she got smacked over the nut with a dog lead,
Still fuckin moaning about it now!!
No harm in giving a kid a crack if deserving.
Never really had to hit mine,
Twice I can remember,
Slap to the legs and once a boot up the arse.
…and this is why thee’s shit loads of fighting in town centres over a weekend. Young kids never disciplined have grown into older undisciplined kids….run into a load of other undisciplined older kids who tell then to fuck off as they are a bunch of cunts, and lo and behold a ‘disagreement’ ocurrs on a regualr basis. Only time they have come up against any discipline is the first time they start acting like cunts in front of kids of a similar age and they can’t handle it.
Another side effect is that now that they’re in their 20s they’ve become unemployable. If the parents couldn’t control them, and the teachers couldn’t control them, then employers know they certainly won’t be able to control them. The solution? Mass immigration! Has it all been a coincidence or a conspiracy?? You choose…..
It’s come to a point where even the slightest so-called micro-aggression of raising a finger or a simple “no” is construed by some “professor” as being on the verge of a war crime!
The thing is some of the libtard twats don’t have to live with the consequences of their fucked-up theories. But they throw a simple blanket over that by saying “that child is suffering mental health” and therefore its up to the NHS to sort it out.
And now we’re seeing the end results from 30 years of woolly thinking, starting with the Millennials, and then the Generation Zs and now the Generation As – all of them as weak as fuck both physically and mentally, and always feel they’re entitled to have and do what they want because they don’t understand or won’t accept a simple no/refusal without going into a massive tantrum on social media.
‘It’s come to a point where even the slightest so-called micro-aggression of raising a finger or a simple “no” is construed by some “professor” as being on the verge of a war crime!’
Agree…..look at yesterday as an example.
Braverman being ‘told off’ for using ‘inflammatory’ language by using the word ‘invasion’
I mean….jeez.
‘personal space’
That is ingrained in them from school.
‘You’re invading my personal space’.
In other words- ‘you can’t touch me’.
I am a big fan of spanking ?
Do you own a monkey?
My monkey died years ago ?
Ever told anyone elses kids off?
I had too twice.
Once in the pub beer garden,
Kids screaming and running about,
I’m eating a meal,
And got a massive dog that doesn’t like noisy cunts.
I told them to be quiet and go play away from me,
The parents were horrified!?
But as I pointed out if my dog bites one ?
And once up Kinder Scout a posh bloke with two young lads,
They were throwing big rocks down the hill into the bracken.
But it was lambing season and ewes were sheltered there to give birth.
The kids seemed stunned to be shouted at,
And dad embarrassed to be lectured in common sense by someone working class.
Not sure what I’d of done if they’d gotten cheeky?
But I was pretty irritated,
So good chance that they’d be waking up in the bracken too.
Better to twat the old man and ask if the cuntlets want the same.
Prior to the twentieth century, you know, for the preceding million odd years mothers raised their kids. They imbued their offspring with values, personal and cultural that made the adult. Now the silly cunts are told this is stupid and they must work to pay child care costs .. Hey presto! Personal, cultural and civilisational collapse. Am I wrong?
I am 38. My dad thrashed fuck out of me with his slipper on the odd occasion. I’ve not got a chip on my shoulder about it as I was misbehaving or done something to deserve it at the time. Our Mam also gave me a walloping on occasion too but not on dad’s level that was the high level shit. Oddly enough I’ve managed to get to nearly 40 without being a basket case about it. What is it with these people who want to implement this fucktard mindset upon us all??
This ones a bit of a mish-mash. I was never chastised as a child because I wasn’t naughty. That means I must’ve been brought up correctly. It was just after the war and we were poor, had nowt and common sense tells you, you can’t have what we couldn’t afford. I brought up my own family on the same principles and everything was fine. Sorry to bore you without any of the nasty stuff.
What’s always intrigued me, is why the rich elderly gentlemen go to a Dominatrix for a good thrashing. Maybe I’m stating the bleeding obvious because they always got what they wanted. As I said I couldn’t afford it.
Never did me anyharm. My occasional sister and i used to argue like fuck growing up, and one day dad literally banged our heads together and snapped my snooker cue, but to this day i have never squared up to dad, it’s called respect.
What’s an occasional sister good sir??
We dont speak. Cunt.
No need for the cunting good sir….I genuinely didn’t know what is an occasional sister- everyone’s definition could be very different to yours
I think he meant his sister.
Well, it all turned bad about the same time that dear Old Blighty decided it would be a very sporting thing to teach the n*gnog and all associated variations how to play Cricket! Around this time someone decided that young kids were not allowed to climb inside chimneys to clean them, or work 18 hours a day ‘in tut mill’ picking up stray cotton. Spare the rod and spoil the child has never been more appropriate. Imagine if Boris Johnson had received a few fatal beatings while a young ‘un! He’s mind his P’s & Q’s while addressing the house! The mealy mouthed pimp that he is, and no mistake!
That’d be lovely. Give the cunt a fatal beating then resurrect him for another one. Do this frequently. In fact, roll this out to all MP’s as a matter of routine.
Corporal Punisment was good to a point. Wasn’t a lot of fun though, when you took the rap for some other cunt. Young wimminz in my school days, rarely got punished either, as they could in the teachers eyes “Do no wrong.” So my first example of sexism. Blindfolding the offender, then moving the furniture about is fun. (Times Link is a cunt by the way.)
The teachers at my primary school and the private school I attended were resurrected from the Victorian era and trained in torture techniques by the SS.
To this day, I have a deep rooted hatred of authority figures.
Particularly ones that would punch you in the spine for not singing loudly enough, yank your hair because you were dozing off, or just plain old bounce your face off a wall for not averting your gaze in the corridor.
I would like to see kids these days deal with that shit without bawling to the ECHR, the police, social workers and any other cunt that will listen.
Me, I’m saving these experiences up as a get out of jail free card for when I get nicked doing something really naughty. like murder. ?
No different to a dog bringing up her puppies…….they don’t fucking talk to them about it when they are out of line…..given them a bloody good snarl, maybe a nip and a cart off by the scruff of the neck. We have a 5 year old dog and now a 10 month old puppy of the same breed…….little one is now trying to be billy big bollocks with the older one. Older one having none of it- giving him a right good seeing to. Little one will learn. I do have to break it up, as I am supposed to be the alpha male in the pack, but I do let the older one make his point. I normally grab the younger one by the scruff to break it up….just like his mum would….my daughter though is horrified that I am not verbally telling him off ffs!!!
Can you imagine if a pack of dogs had been brought up by being politely spoken to by their mother? Actually, yes you can……..just visit any public place during the school holidays.
I didn’t even know dogs could talk, let alone anything else.
Well, they can talk to each other. I think it’s called barking or growling?
My daughter thinks I sHould just wag a finger at him and tell him off sternly for being naughty……I haven’t quite got the barking or growling down to a T yet, but I’m working on it RTC
And snarl. In twhich case it appears that they do talk to their puppies when they’re out of line.
Dogs don’t talk per se, they communicate.
A dog snarling, ie teeth-showing, is dog for ‘Do you fckn want some, nobhead?’
It is not ‘Would you mind awfully not doing that dearest, or there will be no quinoa for tea’.
As an owner of large guarding breeds, I can confirm that a nine stone Rottweiler responds better to a tap on the rump and a firm NO than a look of disapproval and gentle nurturing words when it won’t let go of your arm.
Saw a little cunt mercilessly bullying his younger sister. His useless bitch of a mother simply told ‘Morgan’ (that was the little scumbag’s name) to ‘stop doing it’.
No raised voice at all, no threat whatsoever. The daft slag sounded like she was ordering a British Rail cup of tea. And ‘Morgan’ responded with this, ‘Are you gonna hit me? I’m only ten years old’. Which is bascially the kid threatening to grass up his mother if she gives him any kind of deserved punishment. My thought was this horrendous little cunt is going to get bigger and badder, and cause a lot of damage as he gets older
But – on the bright side – ‘Morgan’ will probably one day upset the wrong person, and then the little manipulative sadistic fuck will get the leathering of his life.
And I’d pay to see it.
Or stabbed, with any luck.
IIRC, one of those cuntard Bridge protesters was a “Morgan’…
Where we lived on a council estate in north Walsall in around 1972 or73 there was a young thug, early twenties, lived a few doors along from us. He was a big lad and he enjoyed hitting people. One weekend he went to a social do at RAF Cosford. This half-wit initiated an argument with a guy at the bar and invited him outside to the car park to settle the matter. The guy accepted the invitation and they went outside. The thug hadn’t latched on to the fact that this guy was in the RAF and a couple of his mates followed them out. To sum up the thug received such a pasting that three months later he still could not drive his car because he had double vision.