The Naughty Step

A cunting for the snowflake cunts who think up shit like this, with kids behaving like cunts all the time safe in the knowledge their parents, teachers, police can do fuck all to discipline them, the silly bitch next door to me used the sit on the naughty step and think about what you have done technique.

Has it work nooooooooooo did it fuck, now they have a 14 year old cunt who needs a good birching.

Now beating kids is wrong (Says who? – NA), but there has to be some way to discipline these kids, with no discipline they are going to have a rude awakening when they get their arse handed to them as adults by the first cunt they upset.

This is why a lot of kids are utter cunts…

The Times Link.

Nominated by: Fuglyucker



76 thoughts on “The Naughty Step

  1. When I was at school, we had a physics teacher who was a right cunt, and funny with it too.
    Called unrully girls ‘slappers’, wore a tie with ‘Male Chauvanist Pig’ embroided on it, and did his washing in the lab sink after his missus left him.
    His punishments were always psychological, and a real treat to watch.
    He, and another teacher, formed a group called START, – ‘Society of Teachers for a Right Thrashing’, to counter STOPP – ‘Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment’.
    ‘At least we can fucking spell’, he once told me.
    Happy days indeed.

    • Last night from six o’clock onwards, we had to put up with hordes of noisy kids, and some with their parents, knocking on doors and asking for treats. As soon as one lot left, another lot appeared.
      Didn’t do my blood pressure any good. If it’s decided to bring back corporal punishment for children, I will gladly volunteer my services.

    • We had Mr Alexis, black as coal he was took a baseball bat around with him everywhere because he kept getting racially attacked. But in all fairness was a blinding teacher, he use to chuck the ladies make up bags at the tree I do remember it and his saying was ‘Cooking with Gas’ although it would be a bit too expensive now, some fucker would have more than likely stolen his electric card.

  2. ‘A French educational charity’…

    they’re just the sort of cunts who would think the naughty step is violent. Children shouldn’t be left to deal with their inner turmoil alone. They need an adult to grab their harm and ask them what the fuck their problem is.

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