The Guardian [24]

I’m cunting The Guardian again. They just can’t help themselves, can they?

Rishi Sunak has just been made Prime Minister. Not elected, mind – a whole other argument in itself – but he’s the man with the top job. Now, you might think he’s a cunt (and you’d be right), and you might not like it (which is your right), but you can’t deny that someone from an ethnic background being the first to run a majority ethnically-white country is a historic event.

As such, you’d think the screamingly left-wing Graun would be chuffed with this. But no. Turns out Rishi is the wrong kind of ethnic. He’s not their kind of ethnic, demanding free stuff for people. (Unless it’s more free money for the already stupidly rich. Again, another argument.)

Thus The Guardian has decided to put together a panel of so-called experts to discuss ethnic inequality and diversity in modern Britain. Interestingly, for a panel of ethnic diversity it’s rather dominated by one ethnicity in particular. I’ll post the link below, but for now why don’t you fellow cunters try and guess the dominant ethnicity while I provide some of the “highlights” of their thoughts.

There’s Lenny Henry arguing for “diversity tax breaks” and “ringfenced funds for marginalised production companies” (in other words, he wants to pay less tax because of his skin colour. Hardly equality if a white production company has to pay more).

Kojo Karam (no, me neither) wants “to change our drug laws” because “the current system of criminalising drug possession and supply has become a conveyor belt that feeds young Black people into our criminal justice system”.(Changing the law to suit the actions of one particular ethnicity? Doesn’t sound like equality to me.)

Muyiwa Oki (again, who?) demands we “invest time and resources into ensuring people from Black communities have the tools to enter and succeed in the built environment sector”. By the “built environment sector”, he means architecture (why he can’t just say “architecture” is beyond me, but maybe the Guardian pays by the word”. And maybe we’d have more black architects if they weren’t all stabbing each other outside chicken shops. (Maybe they’re upset about the lack of architectural excellence of fried chicken outlets? – NA)

Most weirdly of all, Alice Dearing (again, I ask – who the fuck are these people?) comes with her argument that “swimming has… been plagued by racist stereotypes and issues of accessibility”. Wait, what? Water is somehow racist now? (Although I suppose the fact that it’s rarely found in most of Africa would suggest it’s actively avoiding them.)

I’m not going to go on. There’s many more on the link if you want to read that bollocks, and this nom is already long enough.

In short – the Guardian and all who wrote for it: cunts.

Grauniad Link.

Nominated by: Le Cunt Noir

92 thoughts on “The Guardian [24]

  1. Just chuck all monies at the blacks as an excuse for being black. They will only sling it back and call us racist. It’s fair does all round.

    • Look how much we have thrown at affricunt. Has it made any difference? Has it fuck. Now the 3rd world are on a first class ticket to the UK. It’s a cultural problem, not our fault.

  2. Give the cunts everything they ask for and they will still want your house and your money.

    Panel of evil lying cunts.

    A fine cunting sir.

  3. Christ on a bike, take a look at the completely unbiased Gus John in the link.
    I’ve seen Bonobo chimps that looked more human.

    As is usual with these moaning bastards, you are free to leave this racist country.

    So fuck off.

  4. It must be a terrible chore to live in this racist country, I just don’t now how they go on living..

    If you gave them everything in that article it still would not be enough..

    Fuck off to wankada.

  5. Fucking hell !!!

    What a shit article.

    The lord’s gave them big cocks hasn’t he?
    And they’re on every single advert on the telly.

    These cunts are never happy.

  6. The Guardian reads like a pisstake. Perhaps the London cunts who write for it are having a laugh.

  7. Britain is a white supremacy. Fuck off where you belong. All you lot born here can live on the Isle of Wight for the time being, until places are found.

      • No, they’re here mainly on the Isle of Sheppey. 3 prisons. The only pale complexion inmates are from Eastern Block countries.

    • It’s ironic that those that push the white supremacy ideology are more often than not hardly prime specimens of their kind.
      Usually fat bald thick as shit muppets covered in tattoos.

      • Most were brainwashed by their parents and are too thick to realise it. Same with religion.

      • If I was to go round with a White Lives Matter banner, I would likely be arrested. If you go round with a Black Lives Matter one, it’s all right.

        Absolutely disgusting in my book, bunch of black panthers trying to show black supermacy, it’s not about equality them laws are already there. I dislike white supremacist groups just as much mind, although we are being purposely overan now I think more and more will spring up soon.

      • Strange you don’t mind stereotyping the white race but object to other racial stereotypes.

        Lenny Henry and Flabbopottamus are hardly prime specimens either. A typical straw man.

        I think white people are concerned about being marginalised and eventually replaced in their own homelands, whilst being forced to pay for it and are then slandered and ridiculed for objecting.

        My observations of parenting are that dictating and brainwashing are the best ways of getting them to do the exact opposite.

      • Who said anything about dictating?
        Brainwashing impressionable young minds from birth is far more insidious and harder to shake off as an adult.
        Fortunately most are able to do it if they have more than half a brain.

      • MJB,

        Insisting that a certain view is the only correct one and constantly drip feeding it to a child, punishing them for deviations from said view, is a firm of dictating/brainwashing.

        A bit like, I dunno, critical race theory or gender studies in primary schools?

      • Sorry Gutstick, that childish image only exists in the minds of remainers and soy boys. None of the white supremacists i’ve seen have ever been your typical white van man type-bloke.
        They’ve usually presented themselves as pillars of the community, god-fearing, law-abiding, taxpaying accountants, senior police officers, headmasters etc.

        You’re just buying into a lazy stereotype and invention of the political-media class.

      • I base my opinion on what I’ve seen, the cunts who go marching, usually followed by the equally despicable Antifa cunts.
        Stereotypes happen because there are enough traits given to a particular group of like minded individuals it becomes a definite marker.
        Nothing lazy about it.
        Also, I’m no soyboy, a sad insult thrown about by cunts like Paul Joseph Watson, who doesn’t look like ge could kick the skin of a fresh turd.
        And, I wasn’t a remainer, although seeing how much of a shit show Brexit has been, I regret it.

  8. I agree with you and so, I would think, does everyone else who posts on here. So what’s going on? The Labour Party is rubbish at winning elections (Blair was successful, but his government was hardly ‘Labour’, in the traditional sense) and yet the left-wing view prevails. The woke juggernaut continues to flatten everything in its path. I think I’m going to have to start believing in Lizard People.

  9. Some time ago I watched an interview that Alex Scott did with an ‘aspiring’ black female footballer, it was on the back of the England team being all white.

    The complaint from this dumb arse tart was she doesn’t see anyone who looks like her or has her lived experiences, the question is what has that got to do with football.
    One thing was for sure, she was a bit of a lard arse so maybe that’s why she doesn’t see anyone who looks like her.

    The point is that regardless of the situation the black will find an excuse for failure rather than their own failings.

    The Guardian can fuck right off with their bullshit.

  10. These people see racism in everything…nobody is stopping the Blacks ( they seem strangely unconcerned about “racism” regarding other minorities) from doing anything that a White can do…there are no signs up saying “No Blacks” at swimming-pools,no colour bans in job advertisements…no segregation in anything apart from the self-imposed segregation perpetuated by this “we is victims” mentality pedalled by these professional race-baiters.

    Instead of saying that ” Black people can achieve anything in this Country”,they prefer to find an “enemy” to blame for Black under-achievement …it’s far easier to tell other Blacks ” don’t bother trying…the racists’ll never let you succeed” than say ” This is probably the least racist Country in the World , your colour is no bar and you have exactly the same chances and opportunities as anyone else”.

    They are condescending, patronising and insulting to the very people that they claim to champion…as well as ungrateful to a Country that offers unqualified opportunities to everyone regardless of colour,religion,sex etc.

    The worst racists most black people will encounter will be other Blacks who tell them that they are inferior/repressed and need “positive discrimination” in order to compete on an already level playing-field.

    • PS….the reason Black people don’t swim is because their skin takes in water and they sink.

      Silly Sooties

      • I see you are still on your ‘black people sink in water’ crusade again Mr Fiddler.
        Does it apply to Asians? I can imagine Rishi gliding through the water he is so lithe.
        And Javid with his smooth ‘malteser’ head would difficult to beat in competition.
        Aisans are made for the water.
        Look at the thousands of them splashing about in the Ganges at their festivals.
        Yes Mr Fiddler the Ne*ro struggles in the water but it doesn’t apply to all people of colour.

      • Just thought Mr Fiddler RT is a great fan of Rishi. He likes him a lot.

        Mmm…he’s very thin isnt he? (Rishi not RT) “lithe’ as I said above.

        RT says he likes a ‘boyish figure’.
        I’ll leave it there.

      • Miles….the blacker the skin,the quicker the wearer becomes waterlogged. Asians can last a bit longer than full-on Darkies but science won’t be denied and down they will go.

        God intended it this way to stop them swimming the Channel to reach our green and pleasant land,unfortunately the Heathens have provided a white-man’s invention..the a deliberate slap in the face to Our Father who art in Heaven.

        It’s not the immigrants who have ruined this Country…it’s their enablers….the Godless.

      • Miles, we need you at Cop 27 before Sunak gives all our money away.
        Tell them the Pakis are perfectly able to outswim the floods coming down from the Himalayas.
        And if not, then just climb higher up the mountain.

  11. I see Charlie and Camel were pelted with eggs today. Some nutter hanging on to the past shouting about this country being built on the blood of slavery. Actually you cunt, it was built on the backs of hard grafters, something effnicks don’t understand.

    • Don’t see too many Westminster Abbeys or Winchester Cathedral type architecture in Namibia do you. Oh that’s right it was built by very skilled Norman and Anglo Saxon architects. Dimwits.

    • @ Termujin, Monsignor Plastikovitch…Lebanese architect, not a sooty. Learned his trade in Belgium. Incidentally, there’s some very fine Islamic architecture across the ME, from which the Normans were happy to steal ideas.

      • I had Africa in mind.

        Aside from the pyramids, which as you know were built by Egyptians and not blacks, there were no buildings higher than your average house anywhere in the continent, until whitey got there.

        Not surprising really, as they had no written language either.

  12. Even if I was in the middle of nowhere, the morning after a heavy night on the ale and red wine, a beetroot curry and lentil dahl aching to burst from my ringpiece and no bog roll, I still wouldn’t use the Gwardian to wipe my steaming brown-eye of the tiger.

    • I witnessed someone wiping down a drunk, vomit stained chap with a copy of the Daily Torygraph once. But you’re right, the Grauniad is of no use for even a botty wipe.

  13. People who read the Guardian are smug, self satisfied, sanctimonious airheaded bastards who have more money than sense (MPs get it on expenses), who have so little to concern them in their own lives, they read it to promote angst and faux concern in themselves. The Just Stop Oil shitstains are their target audience.Cunts to a woman and poof.

  14. How come Marcus Rashford and Stormzy aren’t on the panel? I thought they were two of the holy disciples of blackness.
    P.S. I wouldn’t even use the Guardian as toilet paper. I’ve got too much respect for my arsehole!

  15. A rag for middle class tofu eating gay-lords who’ve never had to struggle for anything in their so called lives.
    A commie inspired pile of leftist bullshit nonsense that hates this country and the people in it (you)

    I loathe the Guardian and all the BBC smug ‘i know better’ wankers who get wet dreams just reading the front cover. It’s journalists are anything but.
    They are left wing, commie, climate change nutters who will go to any level to push their mis-guided bullshit agenda’s on normal folk.

    A woman is an adult human female by the way you fucking reality denying freaks (that means you guardian reader Keir Starmer aka TWAT)

      • Good afternoon Unkle T?

        I think your oven will have to extend its opening hours to deal with the back log of cunts we have in this country who read and agree with this festering pile of shite……….

  16. When I see or hear black nobodies whining about inequality, my mind switches off and simply plays King Louies singing ‘I wanna be like you-hoo-hoo’..

    I won’t engage with such shite.

    • and what’s with all the Wakandan names in this selection? Clearly a right load of Afro-centrist militants who think Black Panther is a fucking documentary, Cleopatra was black and I suspect a few may agree with Dr Farrakhan on a few things.

      • Farrakhan is right on the need for the races to be separated.

        Or has he changed his mind on that? Seems he believes whatever pays the most.

  17. I consider myself quite lucky being a white Gen-x/Millennial who never developed the crippling anxiety of being labelled a racist for airing an opinion

    Since the age of around ten-eleven, at a time when the creep of PC had begun in schools, I always saw it as a failing of comprehension on the part of the – usually white, middle-class and idiotic- accuser.

    Perhaps being related to genuine white supremacists and Hitler enthusiasts (my grandfather and great uncle) helped me understand what it is to be truly racist.

    • Let’s face facts,this is pure marxism in all it’s putrid manifestations.Nothing more nothing less.The satanic brainchild of Mordechai Marx ,a card-carrying practicing verifiable satanist from a tribe who want a world expressly for themselves.

      It’s easy to get lost in the weeds by the obfuscation and ambiguities they expertly weave into the grand narrative but the Babylonian descendents of yore are frantically steering us into a world they’d rather see destroyed than lose what they view as their exclusive domain,ie the Khazarian Mafia or 3 be 2’s of convenience.

      There’s a huge ‘bigger-Picture’ in play,all the rest is political window dressing.If proof were needed a cursary glance at their blueprint manual-‘The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion’ should remove any doubts as to what’s really playing out.

    • Most of these middle-class Marxists wouldn’t have the balls to confront a REAL racist. I mean the type who wouldn’t think twice about stabbing them in the neck and shouting “n****r lover” while they did it.

  18. Blah blah blah blah blah blah bollocks bollocks bollocks switch off bunch of feckless twats

  19. Read the article, what a pile of steaming shite. Ripe for parody. I made use of the ‘subscription’ begging paragraph at the bottom of the page, a tip recently suggested by a cunter on here: scroll down, enter a fictitious email address in the ‘remind me [to subscribe] in December’ box, along the lines of ‘’, they’ll even flash up a lil thank you message.

  20. As I see things, if you are not happy in Great Britain, if you think this country is :
    Anti LBGT2+ “whatever that is”

    The answer is simple, you are free to leave and go live somewhere you feel is more suited to your lifestyle / race.

    In other words :

    FUCK OFF….!

    • Benin is a good destination.

      I read they eagerly awaited the release of The Woman King, a Hollywood film glorifying the antics of black Africans who enslaved other black Africans.

      I thought it might be another Black Panther film.

  21. More sense came from The Dandy than this leftist rag, soft on Islam and an over enthusiastic welcome for the Albanian criminals. Never read the paper and wouldn’t insult my arse by wiping it with a issue of it.!

    • I have just nominated The Beano. Which has turned in to a kids comics version of The Guardian. P@k!s and dark personages in The Bash Street Kids…

      • How delightful. I sincerely hope they are accurately portrayed as VAT fraud experts and knife crime enthusiasts respectively.

  22. Our racist country has a 5 very senior Cabinet Ministers of non-Caucasian origin, if you don’t count the four who probably know some Hebrew. Racist? WT fornicating F is the Grauniad drivelling about?

    • Wtf why is Jewish history more important thsn any other history?

      I will ask you honestly did you know it was the anniversary of ‘Kristancht’?

      You use Jewush tragedy , pain purely as a politics point.

      • I did know it was the anniversary, it was a point in European history where in a supposedly enlightened population could be manipulated to violently victimise a section of its own people for being slightly different.
        I’m not using it as a political slur, but a lesson in humanity.
        Better than a slur, as some do.

      • We’ve just been on a similarly slippery path with a certain virus.

        “A supposedly enlightened population which could be manipulated to violently victimise a section of its own people for being slightly different”

        Fair enough, the non believers of the Covid cult or the unvaccinated weren’t quite on the receiving end of a ‘Kristallnacht’ or were they indeed headed for a Holocaust but who knows, and judging by the behaviour patterns of certain political leaders – we could have been on a similarly very unpleasant path.

        Luckily the Covid house of cards has since came tumbling down and we can only hope the perpetrators and propagandists of that whole racket will one day face their own Nuremberg.

        The point of my comment is that basically we have learned nothing from history and continue to learn nothing – only how to repeat it.

      • Afternoon HJ.
        With respect I think it’s absolutely nothing like it.
        From the intent, the execution, the public reaction and the outcome, there are no tangible parallels.
        As for me being a Jewish apologist, my abhorrence for the holocaust is because it massacred innocent civilians, and nothing to do with what religion they follow. the same disgust I have for the genocide in Armenia, Cambodia, and Rwanda, the only difference being I haven’t met someone who was caught up in those.

      • Unlike the Nazis, the Anti-vaxxers never came close to power or capturing the public imagination, thank Dog.

      • Of course they didn’t.

        It was the virus and pro vaccine zealots who achieved that lofty status.

        Afternoon Ruff.

  23. Fuck me the red wave has not appeard. The fucking democrats are holding the line. Biden with his fucking stupidity. There has been no real indent.

    We are fucking doomed.

    As I always suspected Americans are just as stupid as us.

    Fuck me. There is no hope.

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