(Is it an IsaC regular on his day/night off? – Day Admin)
I nominate Somerset gimp man. A weird cunt and possibly a dangerous cunt.
Likes walking about at night scaring folk whilst dressed in his wipe clean perv-wear whilst no doubt getting a tingle as he does so
I would love him to rock up and pull that shit in my neighbourhood. He would only do it once ah tell thee.
Nominated by: The Cuntfinder General
Cuntybollocks nominates the Gimp also
The Somerset Gimp
What a fucking country.
The cundry bumpkins in Somerset have been terrorised in recent years by this nutcase.
He’s finally been arrested.
His thing was being clad in a head to toe black gimp suit. He’d approach people at night and writhe around the floor in front of them, grunting away.
One witness said his suit was glistening with some kind of sticky liquid.
I bet it fucking was.
Chuck it on the bonfire.
It’s Tony fucking Blair…….I was wondering what he was up to these days. That’s what you get for marrying Cherie.
you are John Prescott and I claim my £5
I thought it might be Chris Bryant looking for rough trade.
Mr Boggs,
It’s obviously Ron Davies looking for badgers again.
No Ron was looking for a lonely sheep on Clapham Common. He had Welsh traditions to maintain.
Bet the Cunt travels by pushbike.
….and takes a veggie snack to enjoy when he has completed his sinister mission.
Everyone needs a hobby..
Are we sure it’s not dame keir out canvassing for votes.
Dame Keir is so sure he is going to wn the next election, he is already designing his cabinet room for him and his chums::
Probably a incomer from London or the ‘home counties’ bringing their weird deviant shite with them.
In other news did anyone have Aaron Carter in the dead pool…..
Me neither.
Will probably scream “I’ve got mental elf isshoos, innit!”
Pehaps its Greta’s boyfriend?
Haven’t seen Sir Limply Stoke for a while.
Don’t see the issue?
Looks smart an tidy,
Easy to clean,
Should make this the uniform for coppers.
Especially for fit WPOs.
Isn’t Sarah Beeny in the West Cuntry?
And paramedics.
For when dealing with Welsh people who spit when talking.
Morning MNC, yes I admit it -the gimp man man is none other than myself.
I did indeed don the costume to stop Cunstable Cuntbubble from showering me with his horrid Welsh saliva every time he talked in his ridiculous language.
The costume’s a bugger to get on and plays merry hell with my magnificent moustache.
Morning Thomas?
It’s a great look I admit.
Smart casual.
That’s the problem nowadays,
No one dresses up to go out for a night out.
It chose sleepy Somerset on purpose of course.
In many other areas it would have faced immediate extinction.
I await it’s unmasking…
I have ten pounds wagered on Prince Andrew.
Imagine that cunt stepping out Infront of you on a country lane?!!
Your heart would skip a beat, fight or flight?
I’d let the dog decide.
I bet Elton John could think of another option to “fight or flight”….poor Gimp Man would probably regret his choice of constricting outfit after a punishment bumming from The Dame.
Is that why you stick to a flasher’s Mac ?…..fucking homophobe.
My trusty Colombo Mack allows me to ‘shed my skin’ in bothersome situations.
Grabbed by the collar by a policeman in the hedgerows?
I’m already halfway across the field leaving him holding my coat!
Check out BBC2 right now – a spacca punch up! ?
Was it starmer out on a fact finding mission??
Pervy cunt. I heard on the news that when a couple of men laughed at his antics he stopped writhing on the floor, looked sheepish and agreed he probably should go home.
I think he’s just a deranged eccentric, getting his kinks but not wishing real harm on anyone. I’d rather have 40,000 Somerset Gimps roving the country than 40,000 illegal Albanian criminals. At least he’s a home grown cunt.
I think it’s the ghost of Jacque Costeau trying to get back to the ocean….
Nobody else does eccentricity quite like us.
Makes you proud to be British.
I reckon it’s B&WC.
Has the weirdo actually attacked anyone? What’s the actual crime here?
Haven’t people got a sense of humour?
Every county should have one.
Sounds to me like you’re planning your defence?
There must be at least two of you as Thomas The Cunt Engine was found guilty of all charges relating to this case at the High Court of ‘Is A Cunt’, presided over by the The Honourable Dick Fiddler, prosecuted by Miserable Northern Cunt QC.
‘Take him down’.
Perhaps a Country Gentleman such as Lord Fiddler answer me this. If accosted one darkening evening walking home with a brace or two. If a Gimp like igure sprang from the bushes, would blowing the fuck with both barrels be defensible in court. Just asking of course….not suggesting…
I clicked expecting to read about an new archeological dig that’s unearthed a fossilised bloke, akin to those bog men they find from time to time. This twat needs readjusting via electrodes on his genitals.
Those bog men,like Lindow Pete were ritually sacrifices.
Belly full of mistletoe berries,nipple sliced off, strangled with a rope,
Smacked on back of the nut , stabbed.
Then thrown in the drink.
They reckon they were ancient royalty.
King for a year and a day.
Sacrificed to the Old God’s to secure a good harvest.
Marvelous ?
They knew how to treat royalty back then…
Sounds like we need to look back…………
No way can it be me, because I live just over the border in Dorset.
Never even set foot in Somerset, honest.
How he’s not had the piss kicked out of him I don’t know, he literally would not have lasted 15 minutes where I’m from.
Nom-de-plume of ‘Hate filled cunt’?
If it quacks like a duck…
Morning DCI. ?
No, a de-industrialised midlands shit-hole with all the usual problems of mass unemployment, peacefuls and blecks everywhere, drug addition is a popular hobby and violence is a very regular occurrence.
Mr Hunt,
Are you implying that I post under multiple names?
Depends on the answers to:
A) Do you shadow-box to ‘Eye Of The Tiger’?
B) Have you a liking for bike sheds?
C) Does anyone turn up?
Mr Hunt,
No, no shadow boxing.
I must confess to hanging around the school bike shed years ago, but that was to have a crafty fag and to steal the batteries out of bike lights. Also to gob on the saddle of people I didn’t like, which was most people.
No, no-one turns up. Experience has taught this old man that one of the best ways of winning a fight is not to let your opponent realise he’s about to get into one, none of this offering out nonsense, straight in with the ankle-biting ?
You’re free to go.
I’d be tempted to kick fuck out of him, but he’d probably jizz everywhere.
I agree that a solution could be found using a short, sharp shock.
A transit van with Dame Elton and Barrymore in the back would do the trick. Keep driving around until you spot him, open the back doors (oo er) and the pair can jump out and have it.
He wouldn’t be out doing it again after that.
The pervert now under arrest, should be forced to wear his all-in-one indefinitely for the period of imprisonment, until he learns his lesson. That’s the only way you can deal with these cunts, play them at their own game. There’s too much namby-pamby of the state, made worse by the wokery shite.
As I keep telling Starmer and his poofters – tgere’s nowt so q ueer as folk:
What the fuck did I just read.
This is what happens when you close the loony bins.
“Trick or treat?”
Aye, it could be a new incarnation of the Worcester pugilist. looking relocate down to the West country.
I could be a suspect as I live in Devon. But i take too long to get off the ground nowadays.
To really up his game I would suggest Dewsbury or Bradford as the next places to indulge his fantasies. Bound to have a moving and peaceful evening. A suggestion would be to use copious amounts of lard to achieve that shiny slippery look that he so favours
It’s a pity he didn’t try this in Brighton, his arse would have looked like a damaged blood orange, and he would have walked like he’d been to one of barrymores pool parties.
Nothing a good old fashioned right hook couldn’t sort out followed by a shower of kicks when he’s on the deck.
Cunt wouldn’t do it again.
Burn the sick cunt.
And burn him alive.???
Had it been the 1970s, a gang of handy lads would have kicked seven shades of fuck out of this cunt and maimed him for life. Happy days….
Surely the header picture is Night Admin on his/her way to/from work. Delete as appropriate. ?
And what exactly is he doing that causes all this consternation? Attacking people, raping people, robbing people? No, he’s impersonating a pig, rolling around in the mud and grunting. As one cunter said earlier, you have to have a hobby.