Energy Drinks

Apparently, there’s a new energy drink that’s just come out, and kids are going batshit crazy trying to get their grubby fucking hands on it , that they’re getting up before supermarkets open, in order to secure a few cans of it.

It’s a shame the lazy little cunts wouldn’t do the same to earn a few quid delivering newspapers.

I don’t understand why these drinks are popular. When I was a kid, my energy levels were equivalent to nuclear fission, and I remember only drinking council pop, or a cuppa. Read the story and you will understand why the parent wants to remain anonymous. Gigantic cunts.

Stoke Sentinel News Link

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe

69 thoughts on “Energy Drinks

  1. These drinks are absolute garbage too, it’s purely a case of buying a brand name. KSI and Logan Paul, who are two reprobates who make a living being YouTube influencers put their name on the bottle to sell it. Snake oil merchants. For a start it is 20 calories, so not much energy in this energy drink. It also only contains 3 of 9 essential amino acids, so it’s not even great as a supplement drink for exercise. The only useful things it does contain are your DRA of vitamin A, but your body can produce it’s own vitamin A from eating vegetables. And your DRA of vitamin E, which again you probably get from your diet already. Unfortunately that’s not how kids think, they’d prefer to drink something peddled by a pair of complete cunts than something actually good for them.

  2. These drinks are the diet of chav scum and people who can’t speak properly.
    I dare say Adele loves them….

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