The famous painting that has apparently been hanging upside down in the Kuntz Museum, in the Hague, for the past seventy seven years, & no one noticed. It was an example of ‘abstract art.’ Painted by Piet Mondrian, so maybe a difficult one for many to determine. “It should have been put up the correct way in the first place,” an expert said. Due to it’s age & size though, if it was rotated througth 180 degrees, after all these years, chances are it would just fall apart. From a distance, it does somehow remind me of a Betterware catalogue picture of one of my granny’s tea cloths. Kuntz just says it all!
It had apparently been inadvertantly inverted. “New York City I” (Painted in 1942)
(Link kindly provided by Liberal Liquidator)
Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe
I blame the artist.
He should have written “this way up, with an arrow” on the back.
No. He should have put it on the front, at least that way there’d be something to look at.
If the artist had signed his name at bottom right, instead of upside down top left, all this confusion might have been avoided.
Should’ve got an arrow in the back for this shite. No. let’s be serious. Why don’t they compromise by hanging it on its side. Shall we go left or right ? Or better still, hang it at any angle for a week at a time. Even better, have it rotate. That’s how much of a farce it is. I suggest turning the gallery the other way up.
Even people to this day are still flying the Union Jack arse about face. Upside down in other words.
Apparently that (upside down Union Jack flag) is a maritime code for ‘distress’. Which just about sums our Nation up at the moment
Thanks for letting me know Mr Wittery and quite right about the latter.
What a load of arty farty bollocks. As the thing has been hanging there since before she was born how the fuck does she know it’s upside down?
“Because I say so” says the posh bitch “it’s obvious”.
Well it ain’t obvious to me bitch…..I say it’s the right way up. Now fuck off and shut your cunt mouth.
Another example of re writing history.
This would never happen with a painting by Cuntstable.
This ‘work of art’ would be greatly improved if Just Stop Oil chucked some soup on it.
Because, apparently, rotating it 180 degrees makes all the difference.
What a bunch of wank.
On a related artistic note, I caught some of that “Imagine…” bollocks about some artist called Sonia Boyce. Yentob was (metaphorically) wanking over her, so decided to see what the fuss was about. Another load of bollocks, her stuff looks like kid’s drawings.
From giants like Monet, Constable and Picasso to talentless turds like Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and Sonia Boyce. The human race is doomed, I tells ya. Doomed.
Sonia Boyce, described as British Afro-Caribbean. About time these cunts decided which nationality they want to be.
Afro Caribbean is it?
Well get on the next banana boat and get your pretentious, untalented, fat black arse back to your spiritual home.
She sounds like a graduate from Tony Hancock’s ‘Infantile’ School of Art’
Ah The Rebel!
About sums up the art world.
Morning RTC, morning all.
I can recreate that with electrical tape, yours for 1.5 million..
Just popping to screwfix..
Pretentious bollocks .
Who’d have that hanging on their wall?
I’ve been diagnosed as severely artistic.
Looks like a table mat, someone should leave tea cup stains on it. And some biscuit crumbs.
looks like it was done by a spastic, the kuntz gallery sounds like a tuppence lickers place
I think it makes you wonder about the art critics/experts, that its taken 70 years for someone to notice its upside down, if indeed it is.
Always thought the so-called experts were a load of pretentious wankers.
If you want to know which way up something should be, ask an Amazon delivery driver!
Contemporary art. Created by talentless pretentious cunts with man buns, who can’t draw properly and use phrases like ‘ambience of evocative space’ to describe their weird daubings. The sort of cunts that were pinned down at school and had cocks drawn on their foreheads.
I love art galleries.
Art touches your soul .
If visiting I wear a black turtleneck jumper,
Beret, sandals, and serious look
I stand there and make a square with my fingers,
Like im framing the canvas.
And occasionally ‘tut’
And make notes in a little book.
I take art and myself very seriously,
And own the original tennis player scratching her arse picture.
‘The sort of cunts that were pinned down at school and had cocks drawn on their foreheads.’
The teachers?
Wouldn’t matter how many degrees you rotated it…it’d still be a load of wank.
The right way up in a 1000 degree bonfire.
Confession time (a little confession is good for the arsehole). Before I became a matelot many many years ago, I was a bit of an arty kid, and I saw an exhibition of work by an artist called Ben Nicholson – paintings that were a pure white rectangle with a bright red glace’ cherry looking orb placed off centre, for example or a white canvas with a beautiful ultramarine bue square. For some reason this really excited the15 year old W.C., but my dad, fearing I might become a bit of a pansy refused to indulge my artisitic sensibilities, and I was sent off to look for proper work. I used to get sick of him whistlng Any Old Iron? through his false choppers. That might explain my years at sea . That knocked all the artistic bullshit out of me – BUT – I still have a liking for those kind of paintings and the one shown above – I later got into Patrick Heron who also painted in shapes and colours. He even got commissioned for designs for EMI LPs for contemporrary work by Shostakovitch and Boulez. Ben Nicholson married sculptor Barbara Hepworth, a rich old bint in her own right. I much prefer the clean lines to The laughig Cavalier and De Vinci’s cartoon (I still don’t find it funny).
To think if I hadn;t been East of Suez, I might have become an artist and lovely Lisa Nandy would let me paint her in the nude (but then again it might have been Lady Nugee, so I would have had to buy bigger canvases and brushes), so time takes care of everything. But – just occasionaly when I look at the spouse, I regret that I never became Britain’s Salvador Dali (another man with a great sense of draughtsmanship). He had Gala – look what I’ve got
I can’t cunt that art or the artist who painted it, when we have silly cunts ike that Cambridge educated tart who climbed up the M25 yesterday – she is the real cunt and others ike her., such as Ed Miliband, as big a cunt as his borther
Eloquent and thought provoking.
I think you have answered the age old question: “But is it art?”
However i still can’t totally shake the feeling that Rothko and his modern day disciples are gaming the system though.
You’re dad was right WCB, a tub of pussers grey and a six inch brush every time. Unless Jenny’s side party were about.
Modern art? What were you, a steward?
It looks nothing like New York City. Where’s the George Floyd memorial and the h*okers on Times Square?
Are you sure those dozy yanks haven’t mistaken this for a New York city metro tube map?
Fucking idiots can’t do anything right can they?
It looks like a teatowel from the 1950s.
I like it,might ask if I can borrow it for a bit.
Match Mrs Terry ‘s vintage crockery.
Which is not a euphemism.
Thank you.
I bought a original Rolf Harris when the prices suddenly took a nosedive.
I got the artist to sign it for half ounce of ‘snout’.
Wonderful it is,
A Rolfaroo.
I think Rolf Harris was. Framed.
There are plenty of cunty clans. I didn’t know they have a collective tartan pointing them out as cunts.
It’s obvious that the yellow line should be at the top.
Just like it is obvious that a bit of carbon dioxide requires the destruction of western civilisation.
You plebs.
“Once I pointed it out to the other curators, we realised it was very obvious. It is very likely the picture is the wrong way around,”
Supercilious, smug looking cow.
Visit the Kuntslammer Gallery where you can view a few bits of leccy tape stuck to a fucking board.
And if someone was to steal this piece of tat, and get caught, their sentence would likely be heavier than a fucking serial rapist or murderer.
Contemporary is a load of old pretentious wank and yet you get art critics and fellow artists going all jizz-crazy of some trendy bollocks just as they did with Tracey Emin’s bed and Damien Hirst’s dead animals.
I read somewhere that the Arts council of Great Britain are up in arms at the government handing out ever more millions for their up-their-arse bollocks, especially the English National Opera and Theatre groups.
As for paintings – give me a Turner, a Constable, a Rembrandt et al over these moidern day “artists” any day of the week. Although I suppose it won’t be long before these classic painters are cancelled by the uppity woke types
The only artist I’ve any time for is Bob Ross.
Watching the mild mannered Bob paint a landscape is good for my blood pressure.
Sad to say MNC he died in 1994, but is says something for his programmes that they are still being hown all these years later, BBC4 being the latest to buy them.
I know WC,
Shame, a genuinely nice bloke by all accounts.
I’m not even sure why I like his TV show so much but find it very therapeutic.
Makes it look easy doesn’t he?
RIP Bob Ross
Don’t forget Bob’s pocket squirrel Peapod.
Art people are all cunts.
My wife made me go to MOMA in NY and there was literally a white canvas with nothing on it as an exhibit.
Cunt was selling similar works got $50k a pop (and no doubt pissing himself laughing whilst doing so)
He was Iranian and probably thought fuck flying planes into buildings , I’ll just take advantage of what pretentious cunts they are.
The only thing that wanted Hanging was the Painter
And who can forget this pile of wank!
How does this differ to a pile of bricks left over by local brick layers building a wall?
I Can beat that with this Pile of Shit
Its Called ‘Untitled’
just goes to prove that the smug, condescending, supercilious ego driven oh so clever arty cunts ain’t as smart as they have convinced themselves they are, modern and contemporary art must be a nightmare for them. The stuff is obviously shite so do they say it is, or wait for a higher level cunt to wax lyrical on it then give their opinions.
Stubbs all the way for me and any military painting showing the beautiful British Empire in full attack mode.
It is fucking obvious that it is not upside down, it is the wrong way round.
Gis a paintbox, I can do that.
Harry Enfield had it right.
Pretentious cunts, ooh aren’t i clever. No.
I think that Picasso was a cunt.
Not as big a cunt as Dali, but a cunt nevertheless.
I think the whole concept of art is quite simple.
There’s genuine talent that demands respect and quite often blows the mind due to the quality of the artwork itself.
Then there’s this sort of cuntishness masquerading as artwork, which isn’t artwork at all and is basically just a load of shite.
If a painting looks shit and needs to be accompanied by a paragraph explaining what it is – then it isn’t a very good painting.