National Odd Socks Day

National Odd Socks Day. My employer informed us yesterday that Monday 14th November is Odd Socks Day. This means that if you happen to be anti-bullying ( I used to be, but there are some grey areas these days) you can demonstrate this by wearing odd socks on Monday. The employer and indeed the BBC helpfully pointed out that odd socks are socks that do not match. Thank God for that or I might have made a total mess of it. Anyway, I have a vision of some soft cunt proudly wearing his odd socks on Monday, only to be ridiculed by others, and then having a breakdown. What a time to be alive…

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

78 thoughts on “National Odd Socks Day

    • Indeed……the Flabbott invented odd shoes day in support of pissheads everywhere. A true innovator!

  1. Whoever thought of this nonsense should have their dinner money stolen and their head flushed down the bog.

  2. What about the Cripples ??….how are the one-legged Hopalongs meant to demonstrate their Virtue ?…. and the Mongs ??….they’re probably not even sure what kind of socks they’ve got on at the best of times

    Won’t somebody please think of the Cripples and Mongs !!!!!!

    • We leave that sort of insightful understanding to you my Lord. We can always rely on you to think about the less fortunate in our society.
      You put us all to shame to be honest.

      • Oh yes, because it’s totally wrong of me to worry that the tone of the site might be getting nastier. What a terrible person I am.

    • You’re not worried that the tone of the site may be getting nastier…you have a particular problem with the “cripples and mongs” posts. There have been far “nastier” posts about other subjects which seem to pass by your outrageometer.
      You have a problem with “handicapped” comments, I get that… I can understand why and to a point sympathise but I don’t understand why,on a site like this which is so obviously distasteful,you feel that your particular cause should be off-limits.

      I may well be “1950”ish but you seem to be representative of the ” I don’t like that..cancel them” generation and tbh….rather a sanctimonious prig.

      • I thing there is a big difference in calling a disabled person a spaz, mong or cripple when talking to them than about them.

        I am blessed to have relative control over all four limbs but refering to a crippled person as a cripple seems normal enough to me.

        Spaz and mong are usually reserved to refer to those who have no such affliction, but behave like morons, again, pretty normal.

  3. I’ll post anyway. Why not have “I support tits day” when women have to walk about all day with their tits out? Good Idea methinks, and just as daft as this socks shite.

    • Just as long as Lisa Nandy does it, but as for Yvette Cooper and AnalEase they would just look like a couple of builders stripped to the waist. Just picture Lady Nugee – though – they could play The Elephant Walk as she jiggled along, like a brass band swinging.

  4. I have a Great idea

    I’ll set up a web site selling pairs of odd socks they’ll have Gareish Colours, LGBT, Tranny versions etc

    I’ll make a fortune out of the Fuckwits
    Only £19.99 a pair plus P+P

  5. To support anti-bullying week?
    So if I posted what a crock of shit..
    What’s the betting I would get abused by the caring sharing left..

    • Why not have a National ‘Don’t be a Cunt’ week and then I won’t have to revert to Bullying

      • I wish someone would introduce a day for wearing new underpants for some cause…the other half has some that are almost transparent from washing . Because I have often commented on them, it has now become political and he actively avoids buying any….the Turin Shroud looks better than some of them. I have said I will burn them if I ever get hold of them so he has become very devious about the washing.

  6. So many people are total arseholes these days I am afraid they deserve to be bullied – those silly little tarts (Indigo Rumbelow was one) last week hanging from the M25 should have done so literally – from a gallows. Which brings me to this, I was going to nominate him, but I could be arsed:

    An alleged comedian who sounds as camp as a row of tents, actually has a spare £10,000 to destroy because he is worried about what MIGHT happen to poofters if they start their tricks in Qatar. Rather than prison they will probably just get a few lashes – which some of them might enjoy, personally I’d love to see Izzard, Mandy, Screeching, Bryant and Bendover Bradshaw start their vile practices in Qatar, and get thrown in the slammer, and/or whipped, or even taking flying lessons off a tall building.

    In the end sympathy, from people who demand it, actually puts you on the side of their bullies.

    • I’m confused.
      I thought the rag heads invented brown hating and practiced it with great fervour and passion.
      Or is it just camels, dogs and goats that get them aroused.

  7. It’s a fucking stupid idea anyway. Who looks at peoples socks in the first place? How can you virtue signal by rolling your strides up to your knees and walking around looking like a cunt? Only good for thick fucks bragging about it and posting photos of their socks on Cuntbook.

    • Fucking right. If these gaylords really felt that their cause was worthy, they’d do “shave half your head and the opposite eyebrow day”.
      I’d gladly put a quid in a bucket to see a fit bird shave off half her hair.

  8. Obviously the fucking clowns in the BBC will be doing this ‘good idea’.
    I bet Uncle Jimmy did it first on the ‘Fix-it’ show and all the other closet BBC nónces have followed suit ever since in honour of their hero.
    Fucking BBC scum

  9. Lady Guzzi has just pointed out that you cannot have one odd sock day as you would have another pair of odd socks you’d have to wear the next day.
    As ever, the genius who came up with this idea is pretty thick.

      • Especially when you get up a 5 am to get dressed, have a brew and be out the door by 5.20 to get to work…

        I must confess I did have the occasional odd sock day

        Oh and also feed the cat ?

        Now retired I haven’t had a single odd sock day, feeling proud ?

  10. Don’t wear a condom day in support of AIDS

    Drive to work blindfolded in support of cattaract suffers.

    Get your cock out Wednesday in support of rape victims.

    Just fuck off.
    I don’t care about people’s socks or if they’re been bullied.
    I’m not your fuckin mam I’m a workmate.

  11. I take great pride in wearing matching socks everyday, as you know.
    So if I don’t, am I then signalling that I support bullying?
    Would it be OK if I just wear a pair of brightly coloured novelty socks, that a well meaning relative bought me last Christmas?
    You see, now I have a dilemma! It’s making my head hurt, in fact, I feel so pressured to take part on this odd sock wearing malarkey, against my natural instincts of sartorial ellegance, that I feel somewhat bullied!

    • Know what I hate JP?

      Handshake bullies.

      Ever met one of them?

      Told that a firm handshake is a sign of manliness they’ll try to crush your hand ?

      Daft cunts.
      My father in-law did it on me the cheeky cunt first time we met.
      I was fuckin livid?

      Next time we shook hands I nearly crushed his fuckin hand.
      He didn’t seem as keen.
      Doesn’t come that bollocks anymore?

      • Handshake bullies ?

        I’ve met a few of those cunts over the years.

        “How you doing mate , pleased to meet you”

        Shakes hand furiously while cutting off blood supply.

        “Yeah and you too but can I have my fucking hand back please you cunt”

        Morning Mis.

      • Morning Herman?

        They piss me off too.
        What’s that about?

        Why crush a friendly strangers hand?

        Fuckin Muppets.

      • And those passive /aggressive twats that stand behind you in a shop queue, muttering ” in your own time”, just because you’re not moving at the speed of an Aldi checkout operator when packing your purchases.

  12. Well if you miss out on this one you can virtue signal your arse off on December 8th. Yes it’s Christmas Jumper Day!!!… support of Save the Children ( otherwise known as Arm a Fucking Somalian Day)
    If you haven’t got a Christmas jumper they’ll be on sale in your local supermarket. ( they never miss a trick)
    Oh….and our wonderful government are matching all the money raised pound for pound, so you’re paying for it whether you like it or not.
    Enjoy. ?

    • Whoop-de-woo!
      I can’t hardly wait for that.
      Let me rush out to Asda immediately to purchase a crap, itchy garment featuring a boss-eyed reindeer, preferably adorned with sequins and glitter thread ( so you can’t wash it without it going rusty).
      If at all possible, it should also have a battery powered light-up nose and play ” Jingle Bells”.
      I expect value for money for my £8 worth.

  13. Anyway fuck that its national pickle day in America. Now that’s something I can get behind.

    • And next Monday is national stuffing day..
      The Labour mp’s can combine both pickle and stuffing..I’m sure mandy will enjoy that..

  14. Can you imagine Gareth Wokegate and the England team going full-on with as many virtue signalling “so and so Day” as he can and insisting his players wear an armband in support of each awareness “Day” celebration!

    Their arms wouldn’t be long enough.

    • Wokegate’s England are going to have a very hard time finding the time to play any actual football at this world cup.

      So many issues and so little time.

  15. Sometimes I wear two pair of socks in winter or when out hiking.
    A thinner pair with a thick pair over them.

    Very comfy.
    Not in support of the bullied or anything.
    It’s not a political message, strictly for my own benefit.

    If your being bullied at work I suggest you poison the tea urn or tamper with equipment to make it dangerous.

  16. Guess what. Monday the 14th of November also happens to be:

    World Orphans Day, National Spicy Guacamole Day, World Diabetes Day, National Pickle Day, and Operating Room Nurse Day, among others.

    Not a lot of people give a fuck about that either.

    Morning all. ?

  17. This sort of shit is the preserve of the Metrosexualists of Islington,forever virtue signalling the latest fad,soon to be replaced by some other dung..

    Odd gloves for Somalia.

    An eye patch for Tibet.

    A bowler hat for the Obese.


  18. From building the biggest empire the world has ever known. ( Racist )
    From building the modern world, via the Industrial Revolution. ( Climate destroyers )
    We now proudly embrace meaningless shite, such as this.
    Pass the Scotch and the service revolver.
    Get To Fuck.

  19. The turkeys will be getting excited about now, looking ahead to their day over in the colonies

    Not turkey dinosaurs btw, that’s a different day.

  20. In the old days it was normal to walk round in odd everything, due to getting dressed in the dark for school and eventually work, because the gas-mantle was damaged or we couldn’t afford to pay the gas bill.

    • Odd sods walked the streets, which was normal. Talking to themselves, being stared at. Normal today. On the phone or pretending.

  21. Just had a mental picture of Pritti Patel going down on Suella Braverman

    No idea where that came from!

    • Alzheimers Sammy.

      I seem to be suffering an inverted form of alzheimers, or as we used to cal it “ga-ga”. She sent me to Tescos with a list yesterday. I returned with everything correct as listed. plus a loaf which was not required, not on the list and had not even been mentioned.

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