This piece of human waste was one half of the infamous ‘Ken and Barbie’ serial killer act. I saw a documentary series on these cunts a few years back and it turned my guts. Some channel is making another one I believe. Don’t watch unless you’ve a strong stomach is my advice.
A good looking young couple who would kidnap, rape and murder female children. They even raped and killed Homolka’s own 15 year-old sister at a family Christmas party, two days before Christmas Day. They would also film their attacks.
The male part of the duo, Paul Bernardo, is in prison for life and was refused parole recently after serving close to 30 years. He was also found to be the perpetrator of a huge series of unsolved rapes and will hopefully never be released.
His wife (they got married after committing their murders) got a lighter sentence (12 years) for agreeing to testify against Bernardo. She claimed she was threatened by her husband and too scared to not do as Bernardo said.
Well, the rozzers found home videos of them committing their vile acts and the bitch was seen as a willing and enthused participant. She even performed oral sex on her own drugged and dying 15 year old sister. A lot of what she did, she did without prompting and definitely enjoyed what she was doing, according to cops who watched the tapes. She was also the one who brought victims to her husband.
But she’s free, has a new family and married her ex lawyer’s brother.
How this cunt is allowed to be free is fucking insane, and yet she loves to play the victim.
She could have left him and grassed the cunt at any time she wanted. Her excuses are bollocks.
A complete mega cunt of behemoth proportions.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
I’d chance a ride on her.
The ultimate in danger fucks. It would add a certain “frisson” to the occasion.
Bend her over the table,whisper ” You’re not as desirable as Rose West” and hold on for dear life.
She probably won’t get off unless she’s strangling a child to death at the same time.
Never been too bothered about a partner of mine “getting off”…far as I’m concerned,they can finish that job themselves once I’m done.
Although if you’re right about Homolka needing to strangle a child, I might invite the St Winifred’s School Choir along for the event in the hope that Karla can have multiple orgasms while saving us from any more ” There’s no one quite like Grandpa” this Christmas.
@DF Lol
You’re a braver man than me, Dick.
You should see my back catalogue…a murderess would be a fucking upgrade.
Another Dooshka, eh? Has to be with a name like that.
You simply cannot trust the fuckers.
They’re twins, aren’t they?
No they were a married couple. They drugged, raped and killed the woman’s 15 year old sister though.
I thought they went on to form the band Aqua.
Well, this is what happens when there’s fuck all on Netflix!
Along with Brady, Hindley and the Wests, this disgusting pair should have been hung, drawn and quartered.
However, severe punishment should also be handed down to the ‘journalist’ who cut and pasted this story without changing the American words (‘gotten’, ‘offenses’). Aren’t the sub-editors supposed to check for this, or doesn’t the Daily Fail employ any?
Today they would be described as having ‘challenging’ upbringings they too were young, Naive
That Cunt Lord Longford would also describe this Couple as Delightful
Indeed LS, Hindley twisted that old buffoon Longford round her little finger.
It’s a little known but scientifically proven fact that too many fir trees,open spaces and speaking French often leads to such depravities.
It’s the reason France has filled itself up with fucking Algerians.
It’s worked well so far.
So we’ll in fact they’ve decided we can have some as well.
Maple syrup loving cunts.
Fuck this phone.
The illiterate robot arsehole.
Just for you Unk, ‘I work so hard don’t you understand making maple syrup for the pancakes of our land’.
Correction the documentary series I saw was only a year or so old.
It’s a new YouTube documentary showing a never seen before interview.
She got that plea deal before rozzers knew she was enjoying herself on those videos.
And the cunt that married this fucking demon in knickers is the biggest cunt of them all.
Imagine introducing her to your family?
“Yes, she did a bit of time for kidnapping, raping and murdering kids. Pass the salt…”
Yes – that fucker should be seriously looked at.
He’s got to be real suspect.
She is presumably (hopefully), past child-bearing age … the fucking monstrous cow.
Sadly, it seems she’s had (and been allowed to keep) 3 kids with her husband (the brother of her defence lawyer).
Good news, quite a few nurses refused to treat her when she came to give birth.
How the fuck is she allowed to have and keep custody of 3 kids?
Canada is fucking nuts.
Trudeau wouldn’t want to offend her feelings
Would have made an interesting talking point over Sunday lunch.
Conversation always dull as ditch water round my in-laws. ?
Lamp post and barbed wire for the witch
It’s a trifle unfair to have this very saucy nom posted at this time of day.
There’s nowhere for me to have a wank whilst I’m at work.
We once stopped at a burger van on the way back from a job…caught the dirty Cunt behind the counter having a wank to a picture in his paper.
Do you have a burger van,Mr.Cunt-Engine?
Probably topping up the tarter sauce pot.
The rest of the lads refused to buy anything off him but I was hungry…told him to put it away, wash his hands and do me a cheeseburger with black-pudding and tomato sauce….very nice it was too.
Not a burger van Mr F…but I do have a bugger van. It’s very handy for my regular Brighton road trips.
Is it a black van with a red stripe ?….do you and three “chums” cruise the seediest areas of Brighton calling yourself “The A(ids) Team ?
9mm lead poisoning seems appropriate.
I like to think that repentance and forgiveness could apply to all, but then reality kicks in. A fckn pussy pass of 12 years for these monstrous crimes is utterly insane, especially when stiffer sentences are handed down for crimes like theft.
No, they’d have to go, you can tell that they are not sorry by the fact that they minimise their crimes and constantly seek freedom. A penitent would accept their punishment as just.
As for the new husband, well, let me guess?
It’s that ‘patriarchy’ shite, once again!
They’re as guilty as each other, but he got life a ‘dangerous offender tag’ and it’s pretty much definite he’s on a while life tarrif. He’s never getting out.
As she should be too.
Mind you, I’d string both the cunts up if it was up to me.
Those Canadians are fucking nutty cunts. Terrance and Phillip is probably “aboot” the most high profile thing to ever surface from Canada.
Moose-fucking, syrup guzzling, serial killing, seal-clubbing, Celine Dion loving, cross-dressing lumberjacks.
Is that Ken and barbie after three months on the crack-pipe..
All Canadians are like this.
At first impression they seem amiable enough,
Like yanks with a brain injury,
Slow talking, home haircut, Lloyd Christmas looking fuckers.
But under the surface they’re all borderline sex offenders, cannibal killers, and moose rapists.
Moose rapist’s ??
I enlarged the pic to look at her eyes, she has got that far away look of a total fucking nut job, she should have along with her degenerate husband been executed, fuck me if you had an animal with their personalities it would be your public duty to top the buggers.
Agreed Clwydog, but wouldn’t it be dreadful if someone slotted the bitch? And her husband.
We have lost a couple of rappers in the last few hours. So sad. And completely irrelevant.
Fuck me!
This filthy whores case is years old.
Dumb cunts who have only just heard about notorious and extremely well known murder cases because they watched DAHMER need to be cunted themselves!
“like OMFG! I just like watched this Dahmer show about this like cannibal and like he like ate people!”
Fuck off uneducated millennial neckbearded hipster cunts.
Oh I heard about it years ago, the article is recent and recent developments are mentioned, if you could read properly, of course.
Who the fuck are you calling me a cunt anyway, cunt?
This bloke, right, he came up to me, and he said ‘Hello”.
Derek and Clive classic.
Quite right CB!
Good nom by the way ?
I remember when the Chernobyl dramatisation came out.
Saw a comment on Twitter said something like
“Bruv, this Chernobyl thing is well good but imagine if a thing like this really happened, would be well bad blud”
Female gets the lighter sentence shocker! How many times do we see this?
It means if you had the chance of a fuck, you’d have to keep your wits about you and most certainly wouldn’t need to do most of the work. Its also a bit like taking a chance on the praying mantis.
A few years ago I would have watched the odd documentary like this. Murder being the last and greatest taboo interested me, as it was so far beyond my comprehension that I wanted to understand what made normal people act like this.
Now, there are several channels dedicated to this stuff, formulaic fear/murder porn that glamourises the cunts like fucking Freddy Kruger, 24/7.
My interest waned and I came to the conclusion that fuck understanding them, let them rot in obscurity, as the sick fucks must revel in the notoriety.
#BelieveAllWomen… and other shit only a twitter moron would entertain.
It saddens me that beasts such as these don’t get ripped to pieces by the other inmates whilst doing their time.
Real sociopathic killers aren’t like those quirky and interesting ones on tv, more Philip Schofield than Hannibal Lecter, ie gay and boring. Manson being the exception, he would have been fun to party with. Not the usual “come back to mine and I’ll fuck you in the arse, drug, murder and eat you.” A lot of victims only have themselves to blame.
I think that Eddie Izzard could be a serial killer, he ticks all the boxes. Owen Jones is another one.