This is fucking outrageous…some daft mare whinging that she only “earns” £900 a month in benefits and struggles to feed her (naturally registered disabled) brats….can afford 2 mobile phones on contract, Netflix ,a £500 rat-dog, tattoos but is £1200 in arrears on the electric.
My heart bleeds that they can’t afford their trips to McDonalds and can’t afford to go abroad on holiday….those lazy tax-paying Cunts who work to pay for their holidays should be taxed more so that the Gotnowt -Slappas can afford a week in Benidorm. It’s their human rights, innit.
Here’s an idea, you fucking Tart…get a fucking job and stop expecting the taxpayer to raise your children… and fucking well get sterilised too.
Nominated by: Foxchaser-Fiddler
And here’s another heartrending story courtesy of the Cunstable
The shame of broken Britain.
”Cost of living: ‘We’ve only got 30p left on our prepayment meter”’
Tragic I know you will agree. But I note this from the BBCs heart rending story: –
From the picture, she doesnt lack money for eyebrow sculpting. Or fancy ear piercing.
She doesnt work but looks after her ‘disabled’ husband and relies on benefits. So we pay her as carer and him, with his bad back probably, for his disability. They will also be entitled to a fucking car.
She owes £11,000 having not paid a bill for some years.
And it’s all the government’s fault.
One of the young lads who works with me has recently escaped from the clutches of one of these delightful types.
He’s gullible as fuck and has been brought up soft by his parents yet he’s still a genuinely decent enough lad and a hard worker.
This rat he got involved with was pig ugly, 19, jobless, qualifications free, had a sprog to some random fella who was nowhere to be seen and a 3 bed council property courtesy of the UK taxpayer.
Allied to that she had a clear sense of entitlement, aired her filthy laundry on social media constantly, was obnoxious, smoked, had an online gambling problem, had 2 pedigree dogs oh, and of course, was covered in tattoos.
She caused no end of trouble for him. Fucked a couple of neighborhood scally’s behind his back, emptied his savings account, got a weeks all inclusive holiday in Spain out of him plus a couple of grands worth of other various chav shite for herself and very nearly cost him his job as he started taking countless days off struggling with his mental well being.
Trying to get through to him that his mental health was fucked and his job being in jeopardy because he was with the equivalent of a rotten dreg on the boot of humanity was hard going. But through to him I eventually got.
As I say – the lad is soft as shite and really needs to wisen and toughen up going forward but this lass he got involved with that I’ve described. Jesus wept!
As much as I’ve tried, I still can’t truly emphasise just how egregious she was and is a glaring example of everything that’s fundamentally wrong with the benefits system.
She needs her fucking womb removed.
Was it Katie Price by any chance?
Most of it is a lifestyle choice for scumbags who cannot commit to a job a relationship or actually achieving anything more than friends and likes on scamming social media groups Get the kids get the tattoos fall out with kids father who fucks off to his single mums back bedroom committing indecent kiddie stuff on tinternet
Have a string of friends with benefits on off shags with blokes with beards and shaved heads must go to a gym take drugs and steroids
It’s all about the breakdown in family values
This is the modern world. And it’s shit
At the risk of sounding sexist, there’s 2 type of birds.
Those you marry
And those you fuck.
You need to discover which is which whilst a young man or you’ll have problems.
I ploughed lots of scrubbers when younger,
No intention of doing anything other than that with them.
Only a fool would.
I know what you mean. The moment you get married the fucking stops.
…and the moaning begins.
The fucking only stops with you. She reverts to her Scrubber ways
The woman in the article has some problem with her ears, some weird tribal piercing like you see with some African tribes. It must have cost more than a few pounds, and no doubt the tattoos, the mobile phones and the Netflix subscription.
Why doesn’t she get a job? According to news reports there is a desperate shortage of applicants for unskilled jobs. That’s why we have to tolerate such high immigration – because people like this won’t work to save themselves or their families, so we have to import everyone else’s low skilled labourers. Our home grown low skilled workforce would rather moan and scrounge “on the social”. The fruits of 50 years of Lab-Con socialism.
“Get on your bike” as Norman Tebbitt once famously said.
Enrico hasn’t had turkey dinosaurs in weeks…
Try feeding the little cunt something more nutritious you feckless cunt.
Bet you bought fireworks though.
Well, the government insists that benefits must increase in line with inflation (not so for the employed). So it will be treble Turkey Dinosaurs all round before long, courtesy of the tax payer.
I wouldn’t mind MCMM but working for a living I can only dream of turkey dinosaurs for tea.
I won the lottery I’d feast on turkey twizzlers like the royal family eat.
Dream lifestyles are only for benefits scroungers, MNC. People who actually work have nothing once the taxman has taking his due.
Yes, nothing…but happy!
Like Klaus says.
Taxed to put leeches in 4star hotels while veterans sleep rough on the streets,
Taxed to pay for the economic disaster they made,
Jeremy Hunt will be getting slim pickings from me.
The glassy eyed little cunt.
ditto, my accountant will ensure any tax rises impact on my own financial affairs to the minimum possible.
vatable items are through the roof. Fuel VAT is the highest it has ever been. What the fuck is this government doing with all the extra cash, hosing it down some giant, bottomless shitter?
Funny thing about that is that the cunts then pretend they’re pissed off about the immos “stealing their jobs”
One of life’s ironies. Why should they work when the taxman is handing out benefits like they are going out of fashion? They won’t be laughing when their local shops stop selling turkey dinosaurs because sheep eyeballs have become more popular in the area.
If she doesn’t want to get off her fat arse and find work, why not flash the naughty bit on a webcam in the comfort of her own home we tax payers have kindly provided for her, which will pay for itself once she gets cracking with the old dildo and other toys needed to perform the necessaries.
These cunts make me laugh, cancel all the benefits, for all, Re interview properly to see who actually deserves them, imagine all these slags would have to get jobs, all the foreign benefit scroungers would fuck off home and it wouldn’t be to difficult to unfuck the country and fill all these empty jobs and make to useless bitches worthwhile members of society…
Many decades ago if you wanted to claim social security you had a face to face interview with them, then a home visit from said! and they would tell you to sell the b&w telly or anything else that would make you some money before you even got a sniff of social money ( ask me late lazy oirish dad he was a fucking expert)
My advice to Lisa is, go on the game.
She scrubs up pretty well.?
I don’t mean your common or garden back street strumpet, unless she’s thinking of going into politics.
No, catering for professional gentlemen should be her goal.
Before long, she’ll be minted.
There’s no problem that’s insurmountable.
Go on girl !
Get stuck in ?
I’m not convinced she will scrub up well. Those tattoos. The distended ear lobes. Fanny like a whales anus after a huge bowel movement.
I was referring to the one in the BBC link.
Not the trollop in the header pic.
She’s beyond rescue.
Portapotty for tramps.
I don’t think she can compete with Meghan Sparkletits Jack.
@Freddie. Meghan is in a league of her own.
‘What else can I sacrifice’?
Well obviously Lisa has already sacrificed her dignity by talking to the BBC.
I would suggest a lucrative career on only fans doing anal insertions with household items, followed in a couple of years by a top slot on Adult work.
How the fuck do you run up an £11k leccy bill anyway?
I’ve been out for a walk. Fallen leaves everywhere, overgrown verges, litter, uneven potholed paths, road signs covered in graffiti, hoodies riding mopeds to drug deals, white vans driven at speed by dooshkas, dogs barking incessantly, at least two abandon cars.
Then I read this nom, sad to say to this country is utterly fucked.
So have I . Sat outside this shop while I finished my fag. All I could hear around me was foreign, unidentifiable babble.
It’s like being in a different country.
And a shit one at that.
Autumn is magical.
Isn’t it ?
I’ve been for Sunday dinner and a pint in the Peak District.
But they didn’t have turkey dinosaurs so had to settle for roast beef.
After doing some indepth research it seems both the Turkey Dinosaur AND the Turkey Twizzler were intoduced by Bernard Mathews.
Trouble is the scenario you quote could be any town in the uk
It used to be big cities now it’s everywhere
Folk not speaking English
Rampant fraud drugs illegals ,nobody interested in stopping it
At least we can post on here ,imagine transferring these accurate observations to twitter on wankergram
The youth of today has got lots to say, but you can’t tell them fuck all
Don’t blame the youth blame society, in John rotten voice
This Government has actually succeeded in giving the feckless, work shy, idle fuckers more benefits since Labour was last in. No mean feat. Meanwhile I’m up at 7am tomorrow to go to work for just above minimum wage to pay for these bastards. Who’s the fucking mug? Untermenschen who should be sterilised at birth.
It’s always the government’s fault. The words ‘personal responsibility’ don’t exist in the lexicon of these walking sprog factories. They should all fuck off and get sterilised.
We’re a nation run by spineless idiots and we’re on the verge of total collapse.
A Police force that is all but useless, handing out cups of tea to those work shy stop oil fucks.
This is the comtempt we’re held in-
It’s a pity Russia didn’t fancy a trip to Albania instead of Ukraine.
Think about what you’ve said there.
If you think the influx of Albanian scum is bad now, imagine if there was an actual war going on.
Lineker would be ecstatic
“Proud to be Albanian” i.e.proud to be a corrupt, thieving, lying misogynistic scum bag with a propensity for extreme violence and the morals of a fruit fly.
Proud to be a leech
Proud to be a criminal
Proud to take off others
Mussolini should of gassed them all during WW2.
The country is going down the shitter.
Someone even tried to egg King Charles the other day. All very British.
The cunts should have been all shot at that point.
He deserves more than an fucking egg, what with pushing all that Great Reset and Net Zero bollocks when he was Prince.
One thing Truss got right was to stop him going to COP27 and pontificating his Climate Change nonsense.
Shoot the bastards
‘The Albanian Mafia constitutes one of the highest crime generating elements in the world, combining the “traditional” characteristics of organized crime – its rigid internal discipline, its clan structure, its “endogamic closure” (marrying within the organization) which increases the organization’s impermeability, and its internal cohesion – with modern and innovative characteristics, such as trans-nationality, commercial imprinting and its criminogenous culture of service[clarify]. The massive logistic capacity and the diverse nature of Albanian organized crime has facilitated its establishment outside the mother country and its integration with local criminal elements.’
Just think, back in the day you used to get a token to.wash your car in the petrol station.
Now car washes are massive money laundering ventures.
How fucking.hard would it be for.HMRC to pull one.apart but no better man on the street.
Cunts all round
Let them all in in the name of Inclusivity. No matter the unmisakeabe anecdotal evidence it will bring criminality.
No everyone’s the same.
They all know that, Miles
The institutions that govern
They just do not have a solution
The corruption continues
They have run out of ammunition
The there now, “hush my baby don’t you cry”
Adolf would have solved it in a jiffy.
Admin, why are my comments going straight into moderation?
Am I on The Naughty Step?
I checked and it would appear so. I’d imagine it’s because the abuse you dish out when anyone dares criticize the NHS. You do a very difficult and demanding job and are exposed to a side of life (and death I’d imagine) that the rest of us aren’t. We get it. However, other cunters are entitled to slag off the NHS regardless. Even if you perceive their opinions to be misguided or wrong. We don’t cunt the cunters here. You know the rules. Calm down, state your case and all will be well. I’ll have a word with Chief Admin to see if you’ve served enough time in the pen’ – NA.
? Cheers, Admin. Problem is, I deal in facts and experience rather than opinions and ignorance, but, duly noted.
I should of been born with a fanny then i would be quids in
Not if you were Anneliese Dodds.
Although, to be fair, that freak isn’t doing too bad p*ncing off the taxpayer.
I’d slap the cunt who put his dick inside her, she’s as rough as a badger.
The lazy slut is too bone idle to walk down to the red-light district.