This is fucking outrageous…some daft mare whinging that she only “earns” £900 a month in benefits and struggles to feed her (naturally registered disabled) brats….can afford 2 mobile phones on contract, Netflix ,a £500 rat-dog, tattoos but is £1200 in arrears on the electric.
My heart bleeds that they can’t afford their trips to McDonalds and can’t afford to go abroad on holiday….those lazy tax-paying Cunts who work to pay for their holidays should be taxed more so that the Gotnowt -Slappas can afford a week in Benidorm. It’s their human rights, innit.
Here’s an idea, you fucking Tart…get a fucking job and stop expecting the taxpayer to raise your children… and fucking well get sterilised too.
Nominated by: Foxchaser-Fiddler
And here’s another heartrending story courtesy of the Cunstable
The shame of broken Britain.
”Cost of living: ‘We’ve only got 30p left on our prepayment meter”’
Tragic I know you will agree. But I note this from the BBCs heart rending story: –
From the picture, she doesnt lack money for eyebrow sculpting. Or fancy ear piercing.
She doesnt work but looks after her ‘disabled’ husband and relies on benefits. So we pay her as carer and him, with his bad back probably, for his disability. They will also be entitled to a fucking car.
She owes £11,000 having not paid a bill for some years.
And it’s all the government’s fault.
This is why the country is fucked. 5 million on benefits, and probably a high percentage who don’t deserve a penny, unlike the ones the system was designed for.
Twats having as many kids as they like, and expecting as a right to have the phones and holidays that we have to work for to obtain.
Shameless cunts. Enabled by lefty twats ( including the current shambolic government)
It seems that this government is targeting the Taxpayer to not only bail out its own massive financial fuck-ups (covid, track and trace), but also to fill the gaping black hole in its borrowing.
Not only that but Taxpayers are expected to pay more and more for those cunts who choose not to work, as well as paying for pay rises in the public sector to avoid any further strikes.
And then you have think tanks and charities suggesting that people on benefits should receive at least a 11% “pay rise” in line with inflation. And guess who’s going to pay for that!
And don’t get me started on those ungrateful migrants whinging about tough conditions in 4 star hotels at £6.2m per day – courtesy of You Know Who!
And now you have Hunt freezing tax allowances for at least another 4 years which means pushing more hard working people into higher tax bands (thus preventing the breaking of their manifesto promise of raising taxes. But gets round this by stealth instead)
And then there’s that couple “earning” £84k per year on benefits due to mental health issues and 7 fucking kids.
This country has its priorities totally wrong and us mugs who go to work are being screwed by a witless socialist government pretending to be Conservaties.
I don’t believe they are even pretending. They are all simply doing anything they want, much like our peaceful invaders, that’s why there’s no comeback.
Jeremy Cunt wants throwing off a cliff
Only if I can flush his head down the bog first.
After I’ve shat in it.
Anyone who calls their kids Enrico and Kendrick is a cunt. And while we’re at it can someone saw her fanny up so she doesn’t drop anymore fatherless brats.
Interesting use of language in that report.
They say she “earns” £900 a month in income support, child benefit, child tax credit and disability living allowance.
No she fucking doesn’t.
She RECEIVES £900 from the taxpayer – she doesn’t “earn” a fucking penny of it!
The taxpayer earns it, she receives it.
Fucking cunts.
Simone Walton – “One of my sons has additional needs so he will only eat certain things. He will only eat plain pasta or a plain ham sandwich, he hasn’t had his turkey dinosaurs for a while now – they are too expensive”.
Well there is your first problem you daft cunt, pandering to fussy eaters, if the kids were that hungry they would eat what they were given. You wouldn’t hear M’tembe bitching to Lenny Henry about the lack of turkey dinosaurs.
I read that at first as ‘Simon Weston’.
Was just thinking ‘You’d think a war hero who had his face burned off would be a bit tougher with his kids.’
circa 1997?
farmfoods retro line.
Turkey dinosaurs! How long have they been in the fucking freezer?
WTF is a “turkey dinosaur” ?
With respect LL, I don’t think you understand how being a picky eater works when it comes to people with additional needs. It’s less a case of being picky for the sake of it and more a case of being wedded to familiarity, routine etc.
I’m paying £40k a year in tax and NI so that useless cunts can sit around getting stoned squeezing out fatherless kids and swigging Stella all fucking day
I give £3000 a month to the current Mrs Odin and the ex Mrs Odin for housekeeping and child support respectively.
Haven’t had a holiday since 2019.
And now the government want more of my hard earned to give the feckless cunts an 11% payrise.
Get fucked!
2019?? I had 4 days in Blackpool in 2008 and the last time I went abroad was 1992!
Does Christmas count?
I also get up for work before I go to bed.
If you tell kids that these days, they won’t believe you. ?
As ever no mention of the father(s) of her kids. Isn’t there some government body which is supposed to ensure that fathers contribute money for their children.
My great uncle Adolf knew how to sort cunts like this out.
If the great reset is to be rolled out on a cashles credit rating basis, then i would suggest to the world cunts organising it that it should first be tried on the idle benifit spongers.
So that all there utility bills and rent etc is deducted at source first before they receive the right to eat in Mc Diddles in Benidorm.
*So Santa is coming luv, i think you’d be better off not getting the hair extensions and tattoo luv or he’s not going to call around”
They would adjust very quickly to the new system as most are conniving cunts but feral as fuck.
Simple solution and tell human rights wokies that “you’re next if you don’t shut holes”
As Dr Starkey would say, ”The notion that humans are born with ‘rights’ is ab-so-lutely ab-zzzuurrd! We are born screaming and covered in piss and shit.’
‘Rights’ are only 300 years old and meaningless outside of the courtroom.
.Just like in the time of Charles Dickens that’s what those two urchins represent today
I think she needs to visit the Hygiene Bank as well as the Food Bank, she looks a right minger.
I’m sorry to say there are many more like her in Walker.
Elephant in the room alert!
It looks to Dr. Komodo as if the cunt in question has erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (prominent reddened facial veins). The prime aggravating factor for this condition is alcohol consumption. The same factor also exacerbates poverty. I would take a small bet that she’s an alky.
The Wagner group are looking for Canon fodder, send these 3 cunts and give the house to needy Albanians. Fuck rm fuck em all.
You can bet your life that Enrico and Kendrick will end up thieving druggie cunts in and out of nick all their lives.
And it’s all YOUR fault!
I am on benefits I will list my problems, cancer, type 1 diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, barretts oesophagus, acute gastric reflux , high BP, thyroid problems and a few more I’m on 30 pills a day and I feel embarrassed and a scrounger I would love to return to my trade but it is not possible. Apart from the cancer all my problems are of 30 yrs standing and I only quit farriery 5 yrs ago when I started falling over.
How can these bastards draw money from the state with a clear conscience, if they want hard luck stories come and see me and others like me who have had life kick em up the dangles on a regular basis.
Apologies for whining.
You are not whining mate. You have real conditions. I do not have a problem with anybody who has a genuine medical condition.
Civvy….I don’t think anyone…even me….has the slightest problem with genuine cases…it’s the feckless buggers and professional “needy” that fire me up. You’re not one of them and you’re certainly no scrounger.
Best of luck to you.
Thank you so much sir
Cases such as your is where the money should be a significant priority over the workshy thieves.
I very much hope your conditions improve.
Okay civvy.. We’ll let you off.
Do you fancy driving the cattle truck that transports the feckless to the IsAC Industries slate quarry?
Matt Hancock will be there. We told him he can be Secretary of Slate, but he’ll get a size 13 boot up the arse, just like the others
give me the keys as long as it’s not more than 45 minutes drive I should be fine.
She says “”One of my sons has additional needs so he will only eat certain things. He will only eat plain pasta or a plain ham sandwich.”…..I’d have thought that in that case,he’d be remarkably cheap to feed…..
Jack Spratt ?
Maybe she should try the cheese toastie from Iceland, I hear it’s all the rage ?
The first tart has racked up £1300 gas and electric areas (you can be sure her TWO mobile contacts are fully paid up), something to do with faulty meters, more likely couldn’t be bothered to look at it.
Almost £10,000 per year for sitting on her arse, nice, if she got another £1,000 would it go to pay her gas/electric bill, not a chance. Phone upgrades would be firmly at the top of the list and straight round to MacDonalds.
I wonder what she did with the government £650 handout to help with energy.
Not to worry she will get a pay rise in the budget this week, maybe a 10% boost to her ‘earnings’, after all she is entitled after paying (not) into the system
It’s Because of People like this one of the Reasons Gas Chambers were invented
This trash should be on a pre-payment meter and receiving Food stamps
I Notice this stupid bitch has plenty of time to piss around with her ears, have Tattoos etc
Oven Please
Fucking scrounging bastards. The child allowance should be limited to two kids. After that you fucking well feed them. My piss is now boiling.
Those two feral kids have got minibike around housing estate written all over them.
They have to steal it first.
It’s a click bait story from a local rag to get advertising revenue……local papers love this kind of woe is me story and it’s deliberately worded in an inflammatory way to get clicks and comments from predominantly those of us on here who can’t abide cunts like her and this type of story.
Fucking….can’t afford netflix. Mobile phone for half chat kid at £12 a month etc.
Will never make a contribution to society, and will be a drain on our finances forever more. Would we miss them if they weren’t about…….no.
Bunch of cunts
Call round dressed in sixties rags and ask to borrow a cup of sugar, just to see what the outcome would be and take it from there if you get a response. Might think you’re a ghost from Christmases past.
Better people than me have posted here about this but one thing I will say about Scottish Power is the cunts wrote to me telling me they were installing a prepayment meter for non-payment by a previous tenant at the house. I wasn’t even a customer. I rang to tell them that I wasn’t responsible for anybody’s debt but my own and they had better inform the installer that they would be welcomed with a bat and that, in the meantime, they could royally fuck off.
What a cunt.
I’d of never forgiven my parents if they’d named me Enrico ?
It’s a Colombian pimps name.
These benefit sponges are piss takers.
My real name is Chico.
Oh, that’s a coincidence Miserable.
My real name is Groucho! ?
Don’t tell LL (Harpo).
Whilst I can’t stand grasping, entitled cunts like this, why don’t the media report on the peaceful families who shag their cousins and have mongy kids aplenty on the rock and roll? Or the pikeys?
Yes, there is a feckless honky underclass that needs sorting, but I know for a fucking fact there are loads of peaceful and pikey families who take it to a whole different level.
I wasn’t joking when I said I knew a lad who was one of 20 kids, whose dad never worked and claimed what must’ve been a fortune in bennies. Free house (actually two beautiful three storey homes with cellars in a nice area knocked together.) free cars (yes plural) and trips to Crapistan every year for the whole family.
Do you really think some of these fuckers with 15-20 kids pay for them and their vast homes and new cars themselves?
If you do, you must be a toothless simpleton who plays with his own turds.
They should promptly be gassed.
Your industrial sized oven Unkle
Scurvy and rickets should filter the gene pool fairly soon. Wonder if his extra needs have anything to do with foetal alcohol syndrome? Perhaps dr Komodo could advise? At school in Scotland there were quite a few of those. They were just put in a corner and told to shut the fuck up. At the time we just thought they were thick cunts, but I now realise they had special needs and should have been nurtured and supported. Not that it would have made any difference, council road sweeper would be the pinnacle of achievement for any that survived the great glue sniffing epidemic of the time.
Far too many soft, lazy, fat entitled cunts in this country now, all milking the cost of living narrative because they know gullible middle-class liberals will hear about their plight through the BBC, Grauniad and Facebook, pour sympathy on them and pressure our weak-as-shit government to give them more money.
Right now i’ve got a touch of the omicron-flavoured bat flu. It’s a bad, phlegmy cold, even with my depleted immunity. The winter flu is a lot worse (in my experience). I have no fucking idea why Jeremy Vine filmed himself writhing on his bed like a dying man. He and his fellow luvvies are as parasitic and pathetic as the underclass.
Some of us self-employed people will be back at work as soon as the client is happy and tests are negative. I think luvvies and the scroungers should be dragged from their beds and sent to a slate quarry for the winter.
My niece has more fortitude than these cunts, and she’s still in nappies
I know i make it clear that I am not fond of our migrant friends, but I also despise Britscum. Chav filth who go to ‘Maccy Dees’ get loads of ‘Lotties’ (Lottery tickets in real English), have Sky Sports, and holidays in Magaluf (where else). Yet they go to food banks, because they can’t be arsed to pat for theiir grub. The scum de la scum as the great Gene Hunt would say…
The bitch in the photo should have her cunt sealed up, like a defunct oil rig. So she can’t have any more human leeches/offfspring. And her glass back husband makes me puke. He should hae the snip by government order. I do hate these cunts. My kidneys have failed after working my bollocks off all my life, and I am on that machine three times a week till I either transplant or die. Yet this cunt with the ‘bad back’ will be in he pub tonight no doubt with his slut of a Missus. The scum of Bliighty. Kill ’em with fire.?
Well said sir.
?????? yes
Kids got Adidas trainers I see. PlayStation 5 top so I guess he must have one of those too. Interesting.
And fussy eater?
Fucking hell, all kids will push boundaries.
My folks would simply let me fucking starve if I didn’t want to eat a particular meal. No pudding or pop if I didn’t eat up.
After a few boundary pushes, I realised I had to eat what I was given, unless I genuinely despised something (semolina for example – made me gip so I didn’t have to eat it.)
Therefore, I grew up eating a balanced healthy diet.
Here’s an idea luv. Say ‘No’ once in a while.
If I’d have had my way at the age of her brats, I would’ve only eaten chips and chocolate biscuits.
I read about one mum who says her kid will only eat crisps.
Yes, because you fucking let him, you gormless bint!
Get your semolina eaten an stop moaning!!!
That’s what I was told until I projectile vommited it up across the dining room. I got excused from eating it after that.
You’d probably have made me scoop up the vomit and eaten it, no doubt lol.
Three things I can’t eat or drink. Semolina, Southern Comfort and Jack Daniels. The JD/Southern Comfort was because of a stupidly dangerous drinking contest. Ended up projectile spewing out of my nose, I spewed so hard. I was only 18. Burst blood vessels all over my face. Sparked out on the pub bog floor. Pissed my pants.
To this day the smell of either of those drinks makes me dry retch.
Does this make me a soft arse? I’m getting worried.
I love semolina.
Evening CB.
Evening HJ.
I’ll eat almost anything. But that shite turns my guts.
You deserve the VC for eating a bowl of that crap.
No CB it doesn’t make you soft at all .
I got alcohol poisoning as a youth,
Afterwards the smell of whisky made me gag.
It’s your body’s way of shouting
“Look out!.poison!”
I had to force myself to try it again,
And again.
Now I can enjoy a whisky.
Ps I love semolina ?
I used to love semolina pudding, me. With a nice blob of strawberry jam in the middle, scrummy!
It was tapioca pudding (frogspawn) that I couldn’t stomach. ?
Not as good as Ambrosia Rice Pudding with strawberry jam. Nectar of the gods.
Jeremy Hunt today said “we will all have to pay more tax”
That’s not true though is it. If it was , then we wouldn’t be in this shit state in the first place.
You know, everyone pulling their weight. Daft concept I know.
My niece has three kids, 1st one at 17 years old. Niece is now 23 and had never ever ever had a job.
My heart bleeds.Not.Lazy wench.