Hashi Mohamed and The Guardian (23)

The good old Guardian. Again.

You would think that an Asian PM would give the fuckers some cheer. But no:-

” Rishi Sunak is Britain’s first Asian prime minister – but it’s no progressive victory”

Please note that the name of this journalist is Hashi Mohamed. So no anti Indian bias of course.

Commenting on the Trussed election he says:-

”Alas, for Tory party members it was still preferable to elect a white woman than a brown man; just as well they won’t be able to vote on his appointment this time.”

Yep, racism innit. Even a woman preferable to an Indian. The rest of this horseshit, if you can be bothered to read it, becomes an anti Indian/Hindu diatribe.

The Guardian, bringing you woke racism at it’s finest.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

95 thoughts on “Hashi Mohamed and The Guardian (23)

  1. The Guardian…. Founded by John Edward Taylor a cotton magnate who’s fortune was built on Slavery… Oh the irony ??

  2. The Day something named Mohamed gets in charge of this country will be the final nail in our coffin, at the moment there are about four nails left protruding awaiting to be hammered home. Not so Great Britain have a close look at the once great African state Rhodesia and see what happens when you let dumb animals take charge.!

    • Point in question, put a black fella in no11 boom,

      Housing market fucked up overnight.
      £ plunged to an all time low

      African economics….?

  3. Sorry you’re a n*gger but I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about that.

    You are one, which you can’t help, but you don’t have to behave like one (entitled, death star sized chip on each shoulder, not responsible for anything……..)

    That, cunters, makes the rather sweeping assumption that a n*gger can behave in another way.

    A unigcorn? I’d put money on all the protons decaying before that turned up!

  4. I’ve got a new game. Dunno if it registers in the ivory towers of Guardian HQ but in my mind it does so for me (and my fucking mental health) it’s worth it.

    They basically beg for money at the end of every ‘article’ whether we are permitted the sport of engaging in comments or not. This morning they provided a spreadsheet of donation options . I scrolled down further and there was an option for a ‘remind me in december’. All the potential donator had to do was tap in an email account. I’m not suggesting everybody does it but I entered fvckoffyoubeggingcvnts@gmail.com

    Made me feel better anyway.

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