Yet again young Greta, who looks as if she has emerged from the pages of a 1950s fairy tale has decided to “come out” as a Marxist. It seems she wants to “overthrow Western capitalism”:
She has nought to say about the way China pumps out noxious gases seven days a week (or India come to that), but no, it is the West – of course – who are the culprits.
The silly child has wrtten a book (or I suspect,it has been ghost written for her),so God knows how many trees have had to be uprooted, to provide the paper, which is sad as I suspect a good number of copies will be repulped. A bit like Harry Hewitt’s fairy story book, my advice would be, if you must read it, wait a month or two and you will find it generally and generously available in your local charity ship for a pound or two. If she is so green (as well as red) why not publish it free as an E-book?. Perhaps Andrex could provide the paper with perforations at both ends, so it can be replaced with other shit, when you have read the printed shit.
Her recent interview with Amil Rajan on the BBC showed her as a vacuous, gurning schoolkid with no real answers,and the silly cunt reminds me of a ventriloquists dummy with the pupeteer ith his hand up her knickers manipulating the voice. She came out with hackneyed generalisations and jejune opinions, when she couldn’t answer a question she just grinned;. She should have been dismissed at the time as a know-it-all, who knew nothing and she should have been given the booby prize – Ed Miliband’s dickup her arse.
I just hope she goes on a lecture tour of North Korea. They would have an asnwer for her,not the fawning indulgence of BBC and Guardian journalists.
It is very depressing but predictable. has anyone got that “Greta Thunberg Sex Tape” so we can at least laugh over the silly shitstain?
Nominated by: W.C. Boggs
Seconded by: Cunty McCunt
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a cunt that needs putting back in her box.
To try and keep herself relevant as she reaches the ripe old age of 19, of course, like a fly drawn to a steaming turd, our Greta just has to become a social justice warrior and give us all the benefit of her profound insight into “issues”. Not happy with trying the destroy civilisation, this media fuck-witch wants to overthrow the West’s “racist and capitalist system”. Oh, please, just FUCK OFF and try thinking for yourself, rather than being a thermonuclear-grade-lefty-mouthpiece-CUNT! If you want to know about racism, I suggest you relocate your white face and the two holes below your waistline to Mogadishu or some other third-world shithole and start lecturing the locals there.
And another thing, if it wasn’t for capitalism and the Great God of Carbon Dioxide blessing us with coal, oil and gas (no, not the hot air that Greta spews out of every single one of her orifices) that the West (and in particular Great Britain) first used to fuel its industry, she’d only have about ten years’ backbreaking grind left before gratefully checking out.
Anyway, who gives a tuppeny shite what some uneducated, neo-liberal foetus thinks about anything, and why the fuck are the media giving her airtime?
If there’s one ringing endorsement for the merits of abortion, this arsehole is it. In her case, though, the termination time limit should be extended to her next birthday.
(Anti-captalist Greta has an approximate net worth of around $2m. Easy to dictate to the Plebs when you’ve “dirty capitalist” money behind you. Day Admin – Freshers Live News Link )
As admin points out, it is easy to preach when you’ve got a shedload of money behind you, along with a toadying MSM and social media.
I don’t deny renewable energy is the way forward but its Implementation is being rushed while trying to kill off “dirty energy” at the same time, rather going through a gradual transition over a period of time.
But Greta and the MSM don’t want to focus on the negative aspects, the costing aspects, and how natural resources are being mined by slave labour in far flung countries for the manufacture of batteries for EVs.
She won’t have to worry about rising energy bills and switching off the central heating in the middle of winter; and neither will she have to worry about being held up by protestors on the middle of some motorway.
She is very much one of those “I’m alright, Jack!” types. And she is in good company with all the other fawning celebs, film/TV stars, Twatterarti, politicians and other rich cunts who want to tell us how to live our petty little lives.
I’d take her up the arse, but she’s so full of shit she’d pollute the fucking planet!
You’d have to take her from behind. You’d never maintain a hard-on from the front with Kuato looking at you.
…has anyone got that “Greta Thunberg Sex Tape”
This one?
If only…..!!
I bet she bangs harder than a shit house door in a hurricane!
I’ve seen it 3 or 4 times.
Each time about 2-3 minutes before I… erm…get bored and do my endless charidee work.
Thanks moggie you are a star- and I still like your pussy!
Sorry it’s an old mans whim again – or rather, same old man, same old whim.
Put your money where your mouth is Moudylocks.
You worth a few million?
Give it away then.
I always take advice from children,
They’re so wise.
Rather than pay my house insurance I’ve spent £150 on pick n mix.
And put a trampoline in the living room.
I’ve nowt against kids,
And I know she’s got some sort of condition,
That’s why I’m ashamed when I wish Ian Huntley got to her.
Some people think that this child is an authority on the problems facing the planet yet I am sure that no one would agree to have open heart (if they needed it) surgery performed by someone of the same age and knowledge.
A mouthy truant with zero qualifications. In my day we were caned for skiving off.
Needs a right good thrashing, as do her shit-stain parents.
She probably goes home when the vent has finished her act to lots and lots of jelly and cake, but if the speeches start to fail to get publicity she will squeem and squeem and squeem and make herself six!
The atypical left wing cunt…just when you thought there no further idiotic waffle she could spout..
Hey Presto! A nice polluting book to be driven,flown and sailed into a book shop near you,wherever you are.
Luckily for the little Trotskyite lots of the oppressed feral shite of Somalia have been allowed into Stockholm and promptly started enriching it with drug wars,shootings,explosions and they can join her in her commie crusade.
Bye bye Thundercunt.
You should see the state of Malmö. once a good place for a night out, now a no go zone for anyone of European descent.
Had the terrible misfortune of listening to the doom goblin herself promoting this new book of hers/it’s on BBC faav laav the other day in the van.
I don’t know why or how I got through listening to it to be honest and can only put it down to some form of morbid curiosity that I didn’t put my first through the radio.
The presenter was crawling up her arse like a fucking gutless sycophantic cunt and never even came close to challenging her on any of the absurd shite she was peddling.
Instead, it was all the usual “it’s Western man, capitalism and racism to blame for everything wrong in the world” clearly reading from a prepared script written by some Marxist cunt for her, while the presenter was tonsil deep in her sphincter. The stupid bastard whoever he is.
Right at the end he happened to ask her “Greta darling – what would you say to the UK’s new PM Rishi Sunak were you to bump into him now?”
A straight forward enough question you might think and one which somebody as wise, progressive and intelligent as Greta would enthusiastically answer..
No. What we got was roughly 30 seconds of fucking silence because she was basically caught off script and had absolutely fuck all to say. And I do mean nothing. The crickets were in overdrive in the BBC studio.
You could almost hear the cunt presenter self flagellating for accidentally putting her on the spot.
What a crock of fucking piss boiling shit I thought before switching the cunt off.
And there lies the poblem most journalists have when interviewing this cunt. Ask anything remotely off-script and she’s out of her comfort zone and will no doubt pull a tantrum and one of those “How dare you!” stares.
Social media and MSM will back her up by saying “She’s got mental issues. You shouldn’t be asking her difficult questions at such a young age”
And the reporter is then vilified and probably sacked afterwards
She’s got beefburger syndrome or some such shite
More like fœtal alcohol syndrome, given her trampy mother’s antics.
“Doom goblin”. LOL! 😀
This is no surprise, all these green motherfuckers are commie bastards who want to destroy capitalism and establish the workers paradise where, of course, THEY will be in charge.
Thunderpants is just a dumb mouthpiece……she wouldn’t know the difference between dialectical materialism and a kick in the arse.
She’s a bigger puppet than that idiot Biden.
And that’s fucking saying something.
This little puppet’s faux-leftie notions might eventually lead her to champion other Marxist organisations:
Thündberg: Hay-llo, iss dat Jamal from de BLM? I woss wundering why you haff told me to bring da lubricant to de meeting at BLM HQ nexta veek?
Jamal: Yo pigtails, dat’s to make tings lube, y’all.
Thündberg: Ah, eet must be for ze door hinges. I fee-eel de black struggle. See you next veek.
Jamal: Yeah, yoos gonna be strugglin’, ho.
She is one weird little fucker!
Now she’s a “woman” I’m thinking I’d like to fuck her!!
No sorry not fuck her I’m mean fuck her off to say North Korea, Russia or Iran.
Sorry about any misunderstanding!
Fucking immature middle class idiot, more like.
Worth millions, huge book deals in the pipeline and large payments for her appearances.
I find twats like this who claim to be anti capitalists/Marxists are far left idealistic, immature cunts who conflate being a do gooding (but do as I say or I’ll scweam!) shithouse with being a Marxist.
She should try the reality. That few mill? Give it to the ‘party’ you cunt.
First signs of wanting her money I bet she’ll soon not want to a a commie cunt.
I just hope she doesn’t crash her electric car into her solar panelled mansion and burn to death.
They would be a right fucking shame.
So the eco zealots’ poster girl turns against the system which has given them all comforts unimaginable to their forebears. An uneducated simpleton, her only achievement being the ability to read the script that’s been written for her.
Stupid little cunt, if she spent more time in school than hanging off the end of George Soros’s cock she might have a better understanding of history and how the world works.
In my day school truants shoplifted from Woolworths not lecturing politicians.
This retarded mongoloided fuckwits needs a good fucking by a couple of big cocked black George Floyd looking blokes.
Bring on her dirty sex tape getting her mongface getting covered in KingDong Juice.
Scruffy little cunt.
This bloke went on the same awareness course as Fiddler.?
Who among us doesn’t appreciate being lectured by someone with no world experience, and has never done a days work in their life.
Please tell me more oh wise one.
The Winnie Mandela experience, the spare tyre from a diesel 4×4, a jerry can of petrol and a box of swan vestas is what Greta needs
Followed by a bukkake session from a big gang of Somali Swedes.
21st century communism and diversity in action.
She should take up something more entertaining…….
Twenty five fucking quid they want for the imaginatively titled “The Climate Book.” by the Thundercunt’s script writers. I can imagine a load of do gooding, middle class, wokie cunts giving it as a Xmas present to their brainwashed, self entitled brats. They’d much rather have the latest phone but they’ll probably get that as well, the grasping little cunts.
Fuck the lot of them.
Does the the thick tart know how many trees they cut down to produce the book ? Hopefully only one sad sapling.
Her backers probably did the sums on it and realised if she’d chosen to be ‘really green’ and make it online / Kindle reading only …. no fucker would read it.
They had to make it ‘bookshelf’ available so at least some gullible cunt at (ironically) an airport or railway station would buy it.
Hope its not a myth when saying they’re going to fuck some sense into this girl.
I wouldn`t want to be a fibre in the gusset of her nether regions.
I can see myself on top of her wardrobe, bollock naked apart from my large steel gauntlet.
As the ugly bitch bends over, extending her shithole as much as possible, I’ll then launch myself off the top of the wardrobe with an extended fist and ram my gauntlet right up her shitpipe.
Excerpt from ‘When eyes meet’ by Cuntybollocks, Mills and Boon publishing, 2022.
She needs a fisting session using Swargefa as lube by Ed Miliband
Just another ignorant ill informed nonentity.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than ever. We produce enough food to feed 25% more people than we have on earth.
Try complaining in China hen, you won’t last 5 minutes.
Another ungrateful marxist cunt enjoying the benefits of the west while slagging it off.
Fukin mutt.
She looks like a bad tempered cabbage patch doll.
Work it you tart.
Capitalism is simply the ability of the individual to acquire and be in control of their own resources.
Any problems come courtesy of corruption and dishonesty, which you can find in abundance in any socialist “paradise”
Along with totalitarian rule and re-education centres…
Which will no doubt make an appearance in this country in the near future…
Would you like a fan with that. Oh, I see you’ve already had one. Sorry Sam, I just couldn’t help it.
I speak for the white van community.
Our kids don’t preach to people.
They have better manners.
I notice the posts dried up a bit not long after Moggie put the Greta porn link up.
Dirty buggers.
Greta needs a length from Putin and trump, maybe a spit roast and bukkake from magic grandpa and Putin and trump that will sort her out
I think it’s time to accept that this country hasn’t opposed Communism for a very long time. It sided with Stalin’s USSR. It’s been sucking on the teet of the CCP since David Cameron bent over for China. The UK’s SAGE is full of self-avowed commies who are actually directing policies in this country. The pronouncements by Boris Johnson over the last two and a half years were as draconian as anything seen in Cuba or Venezuela, and most of the councils in this country are to the left of Lenin!!
Fuck me…you wouldn’t want that demented face and those crazy eyes looking up at you while you shot yer bolt in her mouth after she’d told you not to.
I actually did that once…the “lady” stood up and spat the whole lot right in my face.
Common trollop.
Simply a Cunt
Dont blame her. Blame the gullible cunts in power who give her air time. Her and her family are doing nicely through hogwash. A performing monkey.
The airtime she gets is apparently quite deliberate..
The cunts in power don’t believe any of this, the shit she spouts is being served up for us to swallow.
Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck…
This link was supposed to be in there as well..
If you search on him/it, you’ll see that, annoying as the Gretard muppet is, the real problem is this cunt and his crew.
Ironic as fuck how she has turned her anti capitalist rhetoric into a business and climate change bullshit requires her to fly a lot.
As the spokes-cunt for the new world order she will always enjoy life without the boot of socialism on her neck.
Loads of you filthy old bastard’s daydreaming about draining your spuds in her. Tut tut.
Not me.
My socks are older than her!
Plus she’s got Down syndrome or something.
I can’t think of her like that,
So just watched this instead
The ultimate in useful idiots…
I stick a metaphorical middle finger up to the boss-eyed, spoon-faced, on-the-spectrum, gold-medallist-truant-champion trollop every time I go for a spin in my sports car and leave the engine running when I’m queuing at hospital, sometimes for hours, just so I can have the heating/aircon going and the stereo on and lights on so I can read.
When the fucking ink isn’t tacky on your number and you’ve got a bit of life experience, get back to us. Until then, fuck off and keep on going until you can fuck off no more. And even then it won’t be far enough.
True DCI
I didn’t eat steak much until she started banging on about not eating it. I eat 3 or 4 steaks a week now, just to piss her off.
Stealing her future I was.
Fucking terrible future. 17 years old with 2 million banked for nicking off school, and about a million or two per year income from now, for a few tweets a day.
What fucking cunts we all are. How can she live like that?
Well, I say, full steam ahead for a climate change extinction event if it gets rid of cunts like her.
Thing is, she knows it’s all a load of bollocks. It’s all a big fucking grift.
I have this fantasy of having a hippy cunt like her, preferably her, in the back of the truck on a freezing cold day, queuing for eleven hours, handing them over to another crew as we’re finishing and telling them that we can’t switch the heating on as it’s bad for the environment leaving the engine running and it doesn’t work for long without the engine running and, would you like another blanket?
One lives in hope.