Greta Thunberg [14]

Yet again young Greta, who looks as if she has emerged from the pages of a 1950s fairy tale has decided to “come out” as a Marxist. It seems she wants to “overthrow Western capitalism”:

She has nought to say about the way China pumps out noxious gases seven days a week (or India come to that), but no, it is the West – of course – who are the culprits.

The silly child has wrtten a book (or I suspect,it has been ghost written for her),so God knows how many trees have had to be uprooted, to provide the paper, which is sad as I suspect a good number of copies will be repulped. A bit like Harry Hewitt’s fairy story book, my advice would be, if you must read it, wait a month or two and you will find it generally and generously available in your local charity ship for a pound or two. If she is so green (as well as red) why not publish it free as an E-book?. Perhaps Andrex could provide the paper with perforations at both ends, so it can be replaced with other shit, when you have read the printed shit.

Her recent interview with Amil Rajan on the BBC showed her as a vacuous, gurning schoolkid with no real answers,and the silly cunt reminds me of a ventriloquists dummy with the pupeteer ith his hand up her knickers manipulating the voice. She came out with hackneyed generalisations and jejune opinions, when she couldn’t answer a question she just grinned;. She should have been dismissed at the time as a know-it-all, who knew nothing and she should have been given the booby prize – Ed Miliband’s dickup her arse.

I just hope she goes on a lecture tour of North Korea. They would have an asnwer for her,not the fawning indulgence of BBC and Guardian journalists.

It is very depressing but predictable. has anyone got that “Greta Thunberg Sex Tape” so we can at least laugh over the silly shitstain?

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

Seconded by: Cunty McCunt

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a cunt that needs putting back in her box.

Telegraph Link.

To try and keep herself relevant as she reaches the ripe old age of 19, of course, like a fly drawn to a steaming turd, our Greta just has to become a social justice warrior and give us all the benefit of her profound insight into “issues”. Not happy with trying the destroy civilisation, this media fuck-witch wants to overthrow the West’s “racist and capitalist system”. Oh, please, just FUCK OFF and try thinking for yourself, rather than being a thermonuclear-grade-lefty-mouthpiece-CUNT! If you want to know about racism, I suggest you relocate your white face and the two holes below your waistline to Mogadishu or some other third-world shithole and start lecturing the locals there.

And another thing, if it wasn’t for capitalism and the Great God of Carbon Dioxide blessing us with coal, oil and gas (no, not the hot air that Greta spews out of every single one of her orifices) that the West (and in particular Great Britain) first used to fuel its industry, she’d only have about ten years’ backbreaking grind left before gratefully checking out.

Anyway, who gives a tuppeny shite what some uneducated, neo-liberal foetus thinks about anything, and why the fuck are the media giving her airtime?

If there’s one ringing endorsement for the merits of abortion, this arsehole is it. In her case, though, the termination time limit should be extended to her next birthday.

(Anti-captalist Greta has an approximate net worth of around $2m. Easy to dictate to the Plebs when you’ve “dirty capitalist” money behind you. Day Admin – Freshers Live News Link )

87 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg [14]

  1. The only reason I love Trump is because of how he trolled this bint, as well as sending the wetwipes into apoplexy.

    Trump’s tweets on her were fucking hilarious.

    And her face when he walked in that room lol.

    If I’d have been Trump, I’d have gone over and indecently exposed myself to her.

    He’s got diplomatic immunity and is allowed to do it. Or something.

    Of course, I haven’t checked any of this, but it sounds about right so I’m sticking to it. Bloke down the pub said it’s true an’ all.

    • I admired him for standing up and declaring that “America would never be a socialist country”
      Shame he was wrong…

    • He should have gone for a hug or even a kiss.
      She’d of had a thromby.
      Foaming at the mouth and heels drumming on the floor.

      I loved Trump.
      He could make people cry simply by smiling!

      • I liked Trump too. It’s such a shame that the twisted story that he told everyone to drink bleach wasn’t followe by some of the Biden supporters. Maybe they did and that’s why so many dead people voted for Biden…

  2. Pan-headed, gobshite, monggy cunt.

    I opened the link to the Telegraph article and thought I’d stumbled across a parody article. I got half-way down, then almost hurled my laptop out of the window. Remembering I have to actually work for a living is what prevented me.

    I hope she gets Cunt Rot. Now I’m even more determined to buy that Toyota GR Yaris I’ve been planning on getting next year. Then I’ll leave it running outside an NHS hospital and might even kick my neighbour’s cat for extra bastard points.

    Apart from that, have a pleasant Tuesday, one-and-all.

    • Have you had a hospital appointment, got a bit lost and had to walk to another building and walked past the air con outflow vent?

      I wonder what I caught that day.

      • Thankfully not, Cuntamus. I’ve gone one early next month in relation to the dodgy nerve in my back. I’ll take your advice, though.

        Did it reek?

    • Toyota engines last forever. Could go at the engine with a lump hammer, put it under quicksand for a month and it’d still start first time. Honda engines are great too.

      Yes, Japanese etc (my grandad refused to buy anything they made after what they did to our troops during WW2.)

      Probably why both makes of cars ‘seem’ overpriced.

      “Wewwy weewiable.”

      You misspelt your screen name, Cunty. Hence moderation. I fixed it for you. – NA.

    • Posted with misspelt username just now:

      Toyota engines last forever. Could go at the engine with a lump hammer, put it under quicksand for a month and it’d still start first time. Honda engines are great too.

      Yes, Japanese etc (my grandad refused to buy anything they made after what they did to our troops during WW2.)

      Probably why both makes of cars ‘seem’ overpriced.

      “Wewwy weewiable.”

      • Correct, Cuntybollocks. I’m a big fan of both Toyota and Honda.

        Granted they’re not as “prestigious” as any of the Germans, and I’ll happily admit that the GR Yaris is borderline appalling inside. However, I’m not an Estate Agent, I don’t live on a “new development”, and I take pride and enjoyment in the soon-to-be lost art of driving; that’s what that car’s all about. Not being a lairy ‘Kebab Shop Spec’ nonce and showing off to your neighbours.

        A good mate of mine has a GR. He takes great enjoyment when people laugh at him in the pub for “driving a Yaris.”

    • Toyota yaris gr four, i followed one a couple of weeks back, delightful looking thing, gave chase in the flying transporter and he fucked off smartish.

  3. All this shite makes me laugh.

    The Chinkys and Budder bud dings are quite happy to manufacture western goods and have their dirty cunts working in sweatshops, taking the western white mans money. Burning through more fossil fuels than Pete Dougherty smoked crack in a day.

    But, the minute these cunts have a flood, or a bit of wind (and not from a Chicken Jalfrezi), it is the fault of the naughty whitey and their pursuit of greed and comfortable lives and fuck everyone else.

    If these cunts really gave a shit they wouldn’t have their massive factory’s knocking out the latest Samsung TV’s., VW cars, and probably every other single consumer product we use.

    As for being a Marxist, she’s probably noshing Putin right now.

  4. I think Greta and her younger sister started off as Kuatos; one on the mum, and one on the dad.

    If she says ‘Open your mind’ while her eyes turn milky we’ll know she’s partly a Kuato

  5. I saw a recent pic of her, yesterday. Give it a decent set of top bollocks and she’s fucking do-able! In the words of Avid Merrion “She makes me want to do a sex wee. I would love to watch her have a shit! Thank you, please!”

  6. Enviro Spakker Greta Thunderbird. Just what the world needs to sort out the energy problems.
    Send the bozz eyed goblin cunt to the Kremlin to tell Putin to stop using gas.
    He’d have her conscripted into the Russian Army and sent to Ukraine quicker than Schofield could suck a golf ball through a 50 metre hose pipe.


  7. The totally unhinged brainwashed freaks communist parents made their money in the capitalist system. Wonder what it sees in the mirror, a disfigured goblin or a total cunt.

  8. … seems like the world’s population passed the 8 billion mark. India is set to have the largest population on the planet. Not too much chat about incentivising the idea of population control … guarantee that shits gonna happen at an ever increasing rate. No matter when these countries are all full and uninhabitable … they’ll all come here cos … why the fuck not.

  9. £25 for her book?

    How much are production costs for her book? What is the profit margin here? I bet it’s quite a fucking bit at that price.

    Surely it should be free? Being a Marxist she should be using her own money to hand out copies, surely?

    And how green of her to cut down all those trees for her book. If it sells out, will she keep cutting down trees to print more and more? I bet she fucking does! And how much electricity/how many fossil fuels are burned by people reading her tweets every day?

    We don’t have one single journalist worthy of note. If we did they’d put points like this to the cunt.

  10. She’s a spoilt brat who should have had her arse spanked and then sent to bed with no supper.
    Jeez, just ignore her, like you do with any toddler throwing an on the floor, heel drumming, screaming tantrum!

  11. The real environmental issue isn’t climate change, it is overpopulation, but the powers that be dare not talk about it. Third world shitholes doubling their numbers every few decades and then exporting their population in dinghies. There’s no way that the planet can sustain 8 billion people, all wanting a car, a telly, a fridge freezer, packaged food, etc and the waste that’s produced.

  12. As far as I am concerned she can stick her book where it hurts.Sour faced mong goblin.Razor wire and lamp post.

  13. If she has declared herself a commie cunt, I hope the odious little spakker loses all her corporate and capitalist backers…

    The sooner this gargoyle fucks off for good/cops it, the better.

  14. I really can’t see why so-called important people in the Western world have embraced this pig-ignorant window-licking m0ng.
    It’s fucking embarrassing.
    I bet she’s got vulval smegma.

  15. Dear Greta is getting a little fat in the face I dare say lol A faint reminder that a vegan diet will stunt your growth as a teenager

    As granny always said too many cakes, chocolates and crumpets will make you fat as a cow..

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