Energy Drinks

Apparently, there’s a new energy drink that’s just come out, and kids are going batshit crazy trying to get their grubby fucking hands on it , that they’re getting up before supermarkets open, in order to secure a few cans of it.

It’s a shame the lazy little cunts wouldn’t do the same to earn a few quid delivering newspapers.

I don’t understand why these drinks are popular. When I was a kid, my energy levels were equivalent to nuclear fission, and I remember only drinking council pop, or a cuppa. Read the story and you will understand why the parent wants to remain anonymous. Gigantic cunts.

Stoke Sentinel News Link

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe

69 thoughts on “Energy Drinks

  1. From the story link…
    Any kid who drags their mother (presumably a council house single mother with assorted coloured children) should have their backside slippered.
    And any idiot parent who allows their child to dictate to them at 6:15am or indeed at any other time, deserves to be kicked head-first into a time machine that goes back in time to before they spawned and shreds their genitals.

    • Not got money to pay the bills during the cost of living crisis,
      But can find money for energy drinks, expensive trainers, weed, and fireworks,
      The feckless scum fucks.

      Sterilise them.

      • Like fucking Beirut here, MNC.
        What’s worse, is it’s two household competing with each other to be the biggest, baddest bastard of all.
        I’m dreading the finale.

        Sorry for going off topic.

      • I might take a walk along the burns unit tomorrow morning jP?

        “Serves you right you noisy cunt”.

        Hate bonfire night.

  2. Dumb kids brainwashed by social media and their equally dumb parents pandering to them. The story of our times.
    Three fucking quid a bottle? What happened to all these cunts struggling to feed their kids I keep hearing about? Or do they only exist in the Guardian and on the BBC?

  3. This is just the same for Black Friday, Boxing Day sales and new Apple/Sony PS games consoles.

    You’ll get stupid cunts queuing outside of shops 2 or 3 days before the item is officially released. And then you’ll get cunts doing selfies as they show off the product that will be out of date in 12 months time (6 months if its an iPhone)

  4. This scam industry is the product of the promotion of decaffeinated drinks. You get a product which is high in caffeine, like coffee, and the principal reason for whose consumption is its caffeine content. Then you write an article for the i and/or the Guardian explaining that caffeine is untrendy and/or bad for you. Then you remove the caffeine with liquid CO2 and flog the denatured product to Guardian readers. But, hey, might there be a market for the caffeine you took out? How to sell it? After all, if you want a bit of a boost, there’s still caffeinated coffee.
    Answer: plug it as a lifestyle choice, with special emphasis on energetic-type people. Then make it fizzy, make it taste nicer and put it in a can at a silly price. Your bog-standard energy drink contains slightly less caffeine than a cup of drip coffee.
    MORAL: There’s one born every minute.

    • Yeah, but can your so-called ‘drip coffee’ give my kidneys a workout with 3000% my RDA of Vitamins in every sip?

      Can it balls! I’ll stick to my rocket fuel, ta.

      Whoooo whooooooooo

  5. It’s because the business selling this shite is owned by two no talent YouTube gobshites popular ‘wid da yoof’. I think one of them at least is simply ‘famous’ for talking about video games. Millionaires these cunts. I just don’t get it, the lucky cunts. I’ve no idea what the other cunt is famous for. Fuck all, probably.

    Because these cunts tell them they ‘must’ try their drink, their ‘fans’ follow them like fucking bellends.

    If they told their ‘fans’ to drink their own piss and eat donkey shite there would be a stampede on Blackpool beach of these morons, hanging around donkey’s arses with buckets while guzzling their own piss.

    If we ever get invaded by the bat munchers or Ivans we are completely fucked.

    • If being invaded by Ivan means sporadic executions of politicians and businessmen, baton-charging bum-sex parades and the militarisation of our borders, I for one welcome our new Cossack overlords.

  6. It seems the young of today will soak up any old “right on” and “it’s a must” shit. Let the fuckers go broke, turn diabetic and choke on the plastic bottle they so despise, Stupid cunts

  7. There’s another story on the link about a 42 year old who had been getting up at 6am to try and buy this overpriced fizzy, flavoured water for her 9 year old daughter.
    She states that she was ” beaming with pride”
    I fucking despair, I really do.
    This is what we have bought into the world, a generation whose greatest achievement is pandering to a 9 year old child.
    Well, that’s knocked all the explorers, scientists, innovative pioneers of life saving surgery, etc to a cocked hat.
    No doubt she’ll be getting a Nobel Prize shortly.
    Fuck me, I’m going to get pissed.

    • Yeah, she’s “beaming with pride” because her brat’s got something the other brats haven’t got. It’s called “marketing” and you have to be thick as fucking shit to fall for it in the first place.
      The nine year old you can excuse but the mother should be punished severely…… taking her TV away from her.

      • It’s like it’s a competition.
        My 11 year old gets me up at 6:15…
        Well, I get up at 6 for my 9 year old..
        So I’m the better, more devoted parent, so there!

  8. The only surprising item of news for me was that children can’t buy “energy” drinks?

    What next?

    Children can’t buy their own fags?

    Fuck me,do we live in the Soviet Union?

    • Oh and the little cunt waking it’s feckless parent at a quarter past six needs a leathering.

      Then taking into care.

      Stop their benefits as well (by order if the Duke of Northumberland).

      • The idea of the little twat waking the mother at 6:15 and NOT getting a hefty clout round the lughole quite amused me.
        I’d have clubbed mine to death with it’s own arm.

    • I wasn’t aware of that either.

      Still, at least they can told stories about tranny superheroes and bumming, by blokes in frocks in our schools.

      • Those energy drinks, Red Bull an that,
        Good if you need a boost but not good for you if you’re drinking the shite all the time.

        On big jobs at the end of the week occasionally I’ll down a Red Bull,
        But not normally.

        Not really one for twitching and blinking constantly like I’ve epilepsy like.

      • I find Old Tom, a spicy tomato based veggie juice quite a livener.
        Unfortunately, I rarely drink it ‘naked’,
        So after adding a good slug of vodka, I sleep the afternoon away, quite peacefully.
        Ah, the bliss of retirement, old age and a dog and cat who enjoy an afternoon snooze.

      • Moloko plus (vellocet) is the only good high energy drink, imo.
        Sharpens you up and gets you ready for a spot of the old ultra-violence!
        All the others are rubbish.

      • MNC,

        I occasionally drink a red bull, not for a boost, just like the taste.

        I haven’t noticed a boost, as in waking me up or giving me energy, just stops me from going to sleep even though I’m knackered.

      • Evening Termujin ?

        Yeah not much of a buzz,
        Bit of sugar and caffeine.
        Quite like the taste myself.
        But it’s better than nowt I suppose..

  9. Why oh why would a youngster need an energy drink ???
    When i was that age you could hang a king size wet towel on my knob and i could shag all night.
    Nowadays i can barely rise to the occasion and on the rare occasion i manage to cum just dust comes out

    • Yeah, remember when you would get a big stiffy for no reason whatsoever? You’d be sitting there in the classroom, minding your own business, contemplating Bismarck’s foreign policy when……fuck me……you’ve got a massive stalk on! So you’re squirming in your seat trying to cover it up, hoping no cunt has noticed. Those days are gone.

      And they ain’t coming back… me!

      • Buses for me Freddie.
        Maybe the rythm?
        Vibration of the engine?
        But I’d be bursting my zip sat there,
        Trying to hide it as I got off at my stop?

  10. He’s a lucky lad in the picture isn’t he?
    Got the lot!

    Fashionable energy drinks,
    Gary Linekers ears,
    Curly Baldrick haircut
    Touch of the tar brush
    Puffa jacket

    He only stepped off the dinghy last Friday.

  11. Energy drinks for the weakest,fattest,most pathetic generation ever…what the fuck do they need an energy boost for?….stuff more chicken nuggets down their cuckoo maws?…stare mindlessly into their mobile-phones?….wail about “bullies”?….sit on their arses playing video games?

    Pasty,weedy brats bred by a generation of inadequate,weak parents.

    • Maybe some of those cases are vax-related?

      Funny Red Bull has been around nearly 30 years and sporty types have only just started being affected by it, but Covax is safe and effective.

  12. Prime Hydration, yah pull the other one
    If one these U tube wanks came out and said tap water gives you a buzz if you drink 10 glasses a day, the reservoirs would be emptied by the end of the week.
    Fucking brainless cunts being reared by U tube cause modern parents couldn’t be arsed as they look at pictures of there next tattoo and nail colouring and hair extensions all the while wrapped in a ski pants yet weighing 20 stone, Vulgar cunts the lot em

  13. I thought the whole country had a choice between eating or heating?

    Now add energy drinks to scratch cards,drugs,alcohol and takeaways to a frivolous waste of taxpayers money to keep these cunts alive..

    • Feckless waste, by cunts who allegedly govern.
      Ive seen footage out of Ukcrying that would make ones heart bleed,
      I would love a bus and one way trip for some of the cunts around near me.
      They’d be back begging for a job and not to suffer humility.
      Manners need to be taught.

  14. There’s only one way to become a Prime, and that’s via the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

    ‘You’ve got the touch…’

  15. Lord give me fucking strength…. she will no doubt be doing a follow up article calling for them to be banned when her pampered ponce kid goes apeshit whilst ripped to the tits on its can of monkeys glands and smashes the granny out out of her subsidised hovel in an energy drink fuelled red mist.

  16. I do hope our refugee friends, escaping from war, slavery and persecution, are being supplied with these essential energy drinks in their hotel rooms.
    I would hate to see these poor wretches missing out. ?

      • Sur The Ukcryings that have came over to my place are on 3 hundred Euros a week each and living in hotels with full board, breakfast, dinner and tea.
        And recently there are more males than women.
        They don’t want to leave the hotels for other accommodations as they will lose their free meals.
        The men are drinking Guinness and laughing telling us all
        “what a wonderful world it will be”
        Meanwhile everyone else is fighting for their land.
        It is a shit storm that the West thinks it can handle.
        Wake Up

      • Well worse fool us, the men should have been conscripted so how and when did they get out of the country?

        Have you at least had a ride on one of the women yet?

      • I am wondering if these refugees are Being Shipped to Leicester, Bradford, Rochdale, Rotherham & Luton

        It will serve the Cunts Right but somehow I bet that won’t happen

  17. I’ve never had an energy boost from these drinks. It’s a load of bollocks.

    What these kids need is a gram of Colombian marching powder. They’ll soon shut their gobs about this overpriced, sugary bollocks, the soppy cunts.

  18. Test post to see if I’m banned.

    Didn’t think last contribution was particularly strong. Evidently it was as it never appeared

    • If you’re going to get banned at least go in a blaze of glory. After all it’s Bonfire night.

      • Andrew Leak could have gone out in a blaze of glory, if only he had waited until tonight.

  19. The thing that stands out – quite literally – in that photo is that young man’s ears.
    Why is it that people who have startlingly protruding ears – man or woman – always, but always, shave their hair on the sides of their head thus drawing attention to the livid dinner plates?
    If I had dumbo-like ears, I’d grow my hair long, me.
    BBC’s Naga Munchetty is another.
    Fucking ridiculous.
    Daft cunts.

    • That must be what they mean by “bat shit crazy,” but he looks more like he’s been on the Red Bull.

  20. There’s a lemon & lime flavour 500ml selling right now on eBay for £30. I will stick to Hard Seltzer 5% alcoholic water myself. Don’t do any of that electrolyte stuff, sounds like battery acid to me.

  21. A lot of these Energy Drink Chugging Cunts Also smoke weed

    So on one hand they are wide awake, alert and then they are Relaxing, Spaced out

    Or do they combine the two?

    It’s like putting Caffeine in Cocoa

  22. I know a few young who drink this sort of shite and believe me they dont need energy drinks to lay about doing bugger all the feckless little twats., it just makes em lardarses. I and my compatriots worked 15 hr days 6 days a week and managed it on tea and beer. These modern cunts are wet spineless whiners.

  23. Put evil little brats on a drip with the stuff. Developers get arrested. You have sorted a two for one on that basis.

  24. As i say to shmbo, they are not your friend they are trying to sell you something. Tut tut and thrice tut. We are doomed. ?

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