What about Dick Strawbridge.
What is this hitherto uncunted arse all about?
Having worked in some of the less savoury areas of the NHS I’ve reached the conclusion that the reason that gays have big bristly moustaches is because they are constantly being fertilised by being in direct contact with shit.
This cunt’s exuberant growth takes the fucking biscuit.
Mind you, if you’ve seen the state of his fucking wife, you too might consider batting for the other side.
Nominated by: cuntator
I’ve no problem with him particularly,
But his missus looks the spit of Matt Lucas!!
Never heard of him, but appears harmless enough.
What are scores?
Georgie Dawes?
His missus has massive tits and personally I would.
As for Dick himself, the clue is in his name………Dick.
says it all really.
Careful Fritz!! There’s a number of Dicks on here.
Having no licence I haven’t seen much TV recently, only bits and bobs a neighbour kindly records for me if he thinks I’ll find it interesting which he knows I won’t if it involves crap like DIY, restoration, antiques etc. Therefore, I can’t really comment on what he’s like now but can vaguely remember him on something called Scrapheap Challenge (or something similar sounding) from years ago and he wasn’t particulary irritating (apart from the face ferret but that’s probably my jealousy ‘cos I can’t grow one). Given his service in NI during “The Troubles” I’d cut him some slack as he’s not someone who has spent a lifetime in the faerie world of TV entertainment.
And at least he’s not a token ethnic minority or shurt lyfter. I’m surprised he’s allowed on screen without those qualifications.
Not sure what Mr Strawbridge has done to irk the cunter above.
He seems a standup man. ı am not aware of any instances where he has behaved like a cunt.
Is he TTCE’s Dad?
Who are we cunting the man or the mustaches..I have no problem with him, but the tash looks like a painter is missing a 4 inch brush..
….or a thatched cottage has lost part of its roof.
Looks like a section from my front door Wellcome Mat.
Who the fuck?
If he’s in any way connected with disposing of the IRA by way of extreme violence then he gets a thumbs up from me.
I quite like him.
He’s ex military,
Family man,
Type who can turn his hand to anything.
Doesn’t seem to be a ducky darling blow cocaine up my arse type?
I dread to imagine what his first wife looked like if he thought Angel was an upgrade.
Here you go
It threw me a bit because I remember him with his first missus and had grown up kids.
Next time I saw him he was with Matt Lucas and had Pugsley Adams as a son.
He got a bad deal with that trade in.
Looks rather like a startled hamster but still better than the warthog that he took up with.
Cant stand the Cunt…his wife has an arse the size of a v.w beetle and a face like a smashed crab…his children are fat fucks who I suspect live on cheesy chips and Panda cola when the cameras aren’t around.
Back to the man himself….a tub of lard who seems to be able to do any job on his chateau…nothing is beyond Dick…plumbing,electrics,joinery,mechanics,glazing,fixing fucking leaking moats etc.,it’s all a piece of piss to Dick. What gets me is that I don’t believe it….I suspect he pays tradesmen to do the jobs and claims the credit…he’ll be getting paid plenty from the telly people to afford it. It also encourages unwary people to think that just anyone can fix up some crumbling ruin using only a bushman handsaw and a length of baler-twine. I’ve met a few ex-servicemen (like Dick) training to be tree-surgeons and was surprised just how poor they were at adapting when things went wrong…. wouldn’t try to fix things,just “That’s broken,we’ll have to go back to the yard” or “We’ve forgotten something,we’ll have to go back to the yard”.
What really,really fucks me off about Strawbridge is his relentless cheerfulness and optimism when the cameras are rolling…I suspect he’s got a right temper on him in real life and hogs all the pies….bloated Blowhard.
Yes, he’s another one that encourages wives all over the UK to think that they can fix up places easily and cheaply. Far better to encourage people to go to the pub in my humble opinion.
This ‘I’m restoring a smallholding and going eco’ is a lie. It’s a vehicle for another program, the fee for which funds the restoration.
It’s not real life and most people will lose their shirts if they try it. That Fearnley Whittingstal is another lying twat.
Just looking at his disgustingly obese family tell you the vegetables he likes are chips and I wouldn’t trust the twat to change a plug.
A proper Sandhurst Rupert.
Unless someone has the name, James Corden, evidence of cuntitude is usually a requirement.
In this case I can’t see what this chap is guilty of.
Occasional work for the BBC and a wacky tache can indicate some cause for suspicion. As can being a bit of an eco warrior and living in France.
Other than that, he’s not on my cunt radar. Yet.
This is blatant pogonophobia by that naughty cuntator!
My moustache is nourished by the dripping wet pussies of my many lady friends…errr….honest!
This moustache/homo link is nonsense and I, for one, won’t be found anywhere near the NEC Classic Car Show tomorrow, dressed in a pink velvet suit and looking absolutely magnificent.
I had to look it up as I’m a bit of a thick cunt.
Thank you Thomas, for my first laugh of the day.
You rotter Thomas. I wanted to attend the NEC this year as I haven’t been now for around 15 years.
Work, housebuilding and family commitments have shat on that idea. Perhaps Nov 2023, I’ll see you there in your pink velvet suit.
That’s a damn shame, PM.
Next year, I shall hopefully be displaying my lovely brown Allegro (codename: Alan) at the NEC.
Hope to see you there!
We agree
Wonder what disgusting plan his got for that carrot
It’s what they call a both holes at once carrot.
Actually, he’s a top bloke. Former Royal Engineers Officer. Unlike a Cavalry officer, Dick would be first in and getting his hands dirty. He looked after the lads and split arses alike.
I’m a fan of Escape to the Chateux. I admire Dick as he’s so practical and knowledgeable in a way i never was and clearly a brilliant engineer.
The cunt seems to know about fucking EVERYTHING (unless he reads up on it just before filming, but i dont think so). Even knows about obscure French cooking ffs!
I think they’re a nice family but the link above makes me uncomfortable.
Ok the rennovating cost lots but they are absolutely coining it using the chateux as a wedding venue now. Does he really need to give after dinner speeches at thousands a pop? Given his wife’s background – probably yes. But greed always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
By the way, now they have renovated the Chateaux and – of course – there must be another program, Dick and Angel are going to be doing a travel program round France.
For more money of course.
We love you but when is it ever enough Dick?
You’re we-ing.
I don’t love him or his fat family.
I have had a tash for 45 odd years, have to keep it trimmed. Kin orrible when it gets too long. OK to store food in for later…..
Mine is nicotine stained and has bits of digestive biscuits in it.
Women love it.
Oh god, you’ve just reminded me of The Twits. That was one of my favourite books as a youngster.
I personally cannot see a problem with his Mrs. And I’d definitely not refuse a chance and mating with her vigorously from behind.
I should imagine she would be very rude simply to please you and make you come back for more. The choosy women are normally a shit fuck, just lay there and won’t let me put my winkie in places it probably shouldn’t. IMO
I can’t cunt him I’m afraid. A major in the army, not blick or a shirt lifter….even though he has a munter of a wife, but hey…..he’s no looker himself.
Great ‘manly’ practical skills and problem solving. A highly intelligent guy not afraid to get his hands dirty. First came across him in scrap heap challenge with his brother. Both come across as nice guys
There was rumours of unpleasentness from the Strawbridges some time ago.
Make of it what you will. ?
Accusations from the link:
‘Dick was accused of pushing one crew member around a room, and threatening to throw another ‘out the f*****g window’ while brandishing a hammer. Both were also said to have sworn at TV staff’
‘Meanwhile, the show apparently haemorrhaged producer directors (PDs) during the first four series: three out of six left prematurely following rows — an exodus ‘unheard of’ in television, it’s claimed’
Hardly damaging to them, and tv types can be sensitive and cunts, so I wouldn’t blame them
Reminds me of Clarkson being pushed out by the BBC (I’ve often wondered if he engineered that to go off and make more money elsewhere) but with no BBC involvement the show goes on.* I can imagine film production people being PITAs and I can also remember Dick’s erstwhile catchphrase “I’m a telly tart now”! I think he’s alright.
The BBC can afford to piss off its audience “due to the unique way it’s funded”. Cunts.
Straight white middle aged men get enough stick already these days just for being straight white middle aged men. Good on him, I’d say
Just looks to me to be a right carrot-tor with a thatch cottage-moustache and a wife the image of Bette Midler, with a couple of fat kids.
What is the point of this cunting?
Let’s have more moaning blackies that won’t go home, trans lobbing off cocks by mistake, comedians that don’t make you laugh, actors that can’t act for toffee, children that need a good hiding, students for just being students, brown hatters and the next couple of Prime Ministers before the years out. The list goes on.
He was good on Scrapheap Challenge..the proper original one.
I like Dick. He is quite the character and very handy.
A cunting written from pure jealousy.
Ive no problem with Dick at all.
His wife does look like Matt Lucas though.
He seems like a good guy.
He has a perfect marriage.
His wife is a swamp donkey so knows that she won’t get taken out much.
She spends a lot of time obsessively cleaning the house.
Any free time that she gets is spent alone making tat.
So he doesn’t have to spend money on his wife.
He always has a clean house.
He gets to watch the telly without her interrupting.
And the wife has enormous tits when he does fancy a rummage.
Shame about his fat, retarded kids.
Can’t knock Strawbridge.
Escape to the shithole.
Shit nom.
Nothing wrong with mr strawbridge, top man, pointless cunting. Met him once totally down to earth family man.
“Lieutenant Colonel” Dick Strawbridge (63), late of Sandhurst, Royal Military College of Science and God knows what regiment. Former Scrapheap Challenge contestant and presenter. Mostly harmless, but probably a frightening bully in real life.
His second wife is Angel Adoree (44).
She reminds me of Alice Mayflower – “one of my favourites” before she became all fat: