(Old Photo: Same Old Shite – Day Admin)
There are 10s of 1000s of cunts in Egypt who are desperately trying to reverse climate change. Change which has been going on since the planet cooled from molten and using data based on very recent measurements. 200 years tops. Which seem to ignore the warm periods in recent and older epochs. But the point of this meeting seems to be simple.
The West wants to virtue signal. Hand wring and talk bollocks, achieving fuck all. Again.
The 3rd World want reparations that make the aid they rely on now pale into insignificance. Reparations that will be fairly shared out among the ruling classes of every shithole on earth.
Well worth the carbon footprint.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Quickly followed by CuntyMort
Climate Hypocrites
Cunters you will no doubt be aware of the stirrings in Sharm el Sheik this week. Every cunt his brother and sister going on about global warming. If they are so fucking worried why are they not holding these meetings on zoom?
Why has Krankie rocked up? What contribution or solution can she bring to the table? All these cunts flying in on jets. Rules for plebs not us. I seriously hope some fucking devotee of Alan’s snackbar performs a terrorist stunt on the assembled cunts.
As an added piss boiler there is a look at the menu these troughing cunts are indulging in, payable by us mugs. Fuck it I’m going to get pissed now.
And on a similar note there’s this from Cuntamus Prime
A cunting for ever more hysterical climate alarmism and closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
The BBC is parroting the apocalyptic gibberings of the UN ‘Chief’ (because it’s a fucking tribe) fat-face Guterres that we are on ‘the highway to climate hell’.
Go directly to Climate Hell. Forget crisis, emergency, ignore apocalypse, do not pass go, do not collect £200.
I remember reading some years ago that 400ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere was a tipping point that, if exceeded, would cause decades or warming to be locked in, even if we went carbon neutral that day.
That point has long since passed (2016) and yet the proclamations from the media, government and UN are sounding ever more febrile and apocalyptic, and all for nothing. the climate horse has disappeared over the hill and left us with clusters of unscientific dung, scooped up and fed to us by everyone from Boss-man Guterres, Hugh Edwards and Just Stop Oil/whacko Rebellion Soy boys and Blue hairs.
Prof James lovelock, creator of the Gaia theory, has said that it’s too late to ‘save the planet’, computer models don’t reflect the complexity of our climate and people should simply stop worrying and enjoy life.
Remember computer models in the pandemic? Half a million dead. It seems these models are only as accurate as the data fed into them. The public are very wary of scientist using models to justify huge lifestyle changes after the fuck-ups over Covid. Why should they accept this nonsense?
Whether you believe we’re responsible for this planetary hiccup or not, the result is the same; there is no longer any point worrying about climate change.
I remember noticing the passing of the 400ppm milestone, putting my feet up, eating a jam tart and saying, ‘fuck the planet’.
I`m turning blacker by the minute.
Do you get more money when that happens?
Only if mould or fire is involved.
I’m sure that there’s a perfectly rational explanation for what looks like on the surface, a steaming pile of virtue signalling hypocrisy and outrageous fucking bullshit.
I’m sure that all these politicans really do have all of our best interests in their hearts and they definitely all needed to fly out to Egypt on their various polluting jets to discuss in finer detail, just how they can extract a few extra quid out of the pockets of the taxpaying plebs back home.
A zoom meeting or a phone call just wouldn’t cut it.
Bag of shite.Oven.
I’ve been to Egypt, to Sharm and Cairo, and if they are indicative of every city, town or village in the country, it’s a total shithole.
They could fuel an incinerator for several years, just by the crap on the streets of Cairo alone, never mind anywhere else. It stinks, the cars, taxis and buses pump out more pollution than 10,000 people smoking 60 a day.
There’s fucking camels roaming loose in the roads, with the attendant camel shit and I’ve never seen so much graffiti in my life.
I bet Sharm has been steam cleaned for this event, and all the indigenous population locked in sports stadiums for the duration.
A rare natural event.
Where bloated pigs from around the world gather in Egypt to mate and glory in the wealth they’ve accrued and plot how to destroy the everyday lives of others.
Jowls swaying, red of face,
Beneath the nose of the sphinx they feast on ill gotten gains,
“None shall fly but us!
None shall drive but us!
None shall eat meat but us!
They chant around the pyramids.
And they raise a new Pharaoh by dark arts and unspeakable acts,
A goblin ,
Misshapen, round of head, and unwholesome.
They name their homoculus GRETA,
And worship it.
Sacrifices are to be made.
And the pigs eyes glitter with greed.
Fook me !
When does the film come out ?
And can we have an ending where the peasants rise up in fury and burn the fat bloated pigs on an environmentally unfriendly funeral pyre ( kindly provided by ‘ Fiddler Film Set Support Services ‘ (( bale wrap and old tyre suppliers to The Gentry )) ? )
Go on, can we ?
He answers only to Minarets, recently, Jack.
Oh dear ?
I first went to the Maldive Islands in the early 80’s.
It was cheap because the place was virtually unknown.
It took a full day to get there.
The plane had to make several stops through Europe to pick up a few passengers from here and there who wanted an adventure too.
The airport at the capital Male could not take large airplanes.
A smaller plane was needed and a stop off in Sri Lanka.
Only 3 islands were set up for tourists.
From the airport you had to take a small sail boat for several hours to reach one.
The islands had electricity generators that cut out regularly.
There was a telephone on each island, but calls had to be booked in advance.
There was no desalinated water for showers, you needed to take special ‘ship’ soap to be able to wash.
The highest natural point of the entire island group was 4 meters in the capital.
After more than 40 years of alleged rising sea levels it’s still there.
At 4 meters.
That doesn’t seem to matter to the Maldivian Government who tell the world how their country is at such high risk and only more money will save them.
I’ve also been to the Maldives, Kuredo Island.
Free, I won the holiday in a competition.
Got fucking bitten to death by mossies, sandflies and fuck knows what else. Doctor wasn’t going to let me fly home, I was that poorly.
My advice, don’t go there.
There is no doubt that it’s a beautiful place to visit.
But it’s Muslim.
Tiny, isolated islands full of rich Westerners are an obvious target for extremists.
You only have to cut one or two cables and the island has no communication.
The Muslims who work on the islands hate us (only Christians from nearby Sri Lanka will serve you alcohol).
It’s not a question of if, but when an attack will happen.
I have been there several times but not in the past 20 years.
I will never go back.
The number of injections needed to visit in the 80’s was unbelievable.
I had to have some thick glue like vaccine injected into my thigh.
I can’t remember what that was for but it must have been for something horrible.
You shouldn’t have been bitten by mosquitoes.
There are not many due to there being no fresh water.
You were probably bitten by sand flies.
There are lots of them as the dead vegetation from all the trees and plants is regularly buried in the sand.
If you do go again use sun oil rather than sun cream.
The sand flies stick to the oil and can’t bite through.
Thanks Art, but lovely as it is, never again.
I still have scars, the bites were so bad and infected. My partner had to take me to Accident and Emergency the day we got home. I really was that ill.
Never, ever again
Your not ‘Mort’ from Family Guy are you?
Minarets, no.
Nothing more than a forum for handouts, most of the major carbon emitters have declared their goals to reduce CO2, nothing has changed since last year, either 2050, 2060 or 2070 being the various targets for net zero.
A new president in Brazil committed to protecting the Amazon rain forest, so other than the prolific breeders in Africa and the east and west Stanleys wanting money, money, money COP27 was a pointless waste of time, money and carbon dioxide.
At the end of the day, assuming CO2 is the devil, until China India and the USA slash CO2 output we are going nowhere and all the virtue signalling in the UK is just piss and wind. Our money would be better spent taking steps to adapt to changes in the climate.
I notice that the electric car brigade will start paying road tax in a couple of years ?
Excellent news, fucking virtue signalling cunts.
All those companies that have/are moving to EV, hahaha ha!
All those smug middle class types thought they’d got away with it ???
Climate change?
I blame it on that pesky butterfly, flapping its wings on the other side of the world.
Also the millennium bug.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
I hope all you shithouses who are flying here there and everywhere and going on about climate change, should be ashamed of yourselves. I’ve never flown in my life and you don’t hear me banging on about it !
Your Keith Harris”s friend Orville.
And I claim my £5.
Minarets you suggesting that sammy is used to having a hand up his arse?
Minarets? I put your name in as Mis- honest!
We love it, Guzzi!
Don’t apologise.
He’ll get ragged on this thread, then we’ll leave it.
James Lovelock? Wasn’t he the cunt who declared that “democracy needed to be put on hold for a while?”
Must be what the conference is really all about.
Along with stuffing ones face with red meat and laughing at the plebs from on high…
This one’s for the ecopigs enjoying COP27!
Got me dancing a bit that!
Evening Minarets, did you manage to place your bet on Qatar winning the World Cup ay 5000-1? They’re obviously superior at football than, say Italy or Brazil!
I don’t gamble Thomas,
As you well know I hold myself to a strict moral code that involves cold water washing,
No stimulants,
Rigid missionary position only for procreation,
And no sugar in my tea.
Quatar and football are well suited for me in that I’ve no interest in either and they’re all closet puffs.
I’m looking forward to cheering on any team* that England’s playing; fuck the darkıe-loving, kneeling, money-grubbing hypocrites.
* except for Wales, obviously.
And painting your gate Country Cream.
An’ all!
Minarets it is ?
Or Froot Loops ?
Sorry, but if you call my Happi jackets Kimonos one more time, you will be Minarets forever!!!
Hahaha ha!
What the fuck were Wee Jimmy and the Jellyfish doing there? Who invited that useless pair of cunts? And why? I note Saint Greta, the Joan of Arc of the climate change con, didn’t bother to show her arse, describing the whole thing as “green washing”. For once the little retarded truant is right.
Just a free piss up for some of the world’s biggest cunts.
If you were very, very wealthy, driving would be a pain in the arse. Even if you had a chauffeur. Finding parking spaces and getting stuck in traffic with morons on the road.
They don’t want it.
They want to drive their Ferraris and Bentleys on open roads, like in the car ads. To park right outside any building on any road. Like that old tart does in that VW T-Roc advert. Looks like a big, modern office building in a city centre. Parks right outside it on the main road.
As if.
It’s a dream.
But these cunts want it to be a reality. Tell the plebs they’re saving the world and they’ll give up their cars because it’ll be too expensive to drive, due to all the green taxes/green stealth taxes they’ll bring in.
A billionaire doesn’t give a fuck if his electric car battery is only good for 4 years. He buys a new sports car every few months anyway. He won’t care if it costs him 80k a year to be able to drive freely around the country. He won’t care petrol will cost him £10 a litre.
It’s a price he won’t even notice but his driving experience will be most pleasurable.
They want us all off the roads and on the electric bus. Of course, our MPs will be deemed ‘too important ‘ not to be allowed cars to drive (on expenses, no doubt.)
They can fuck off.
I’m still considering setting up a webpage for a large gathering outside Greta’s house, made up of enthusiasts of old cars and trucks with broken exhausts. Old tractors, 1980s Isuzu trucks from Bangladesh, the lot. I plan on a 500 vehicle convoy driving round and round her large family home for days on end, blowing out plumes of black smoke for the doom goblin to suck on.
Get to fuck.
If I actually drove you could count me in.
I’d steal a p1ckey flat bed, no exhaust, for the occasion. The 6 starving dogs in the cage on the back, pff!
I’d leave them as a gift. She looks like an animal lover.
Let’s think how much carbon has been generated by the war in Ukraine which was caused by the West. Apart from running out of ammunition that has to be replaced, Britain doesn’t have a steel industry to replaced what’s been used, so most of the UK’s arms are manufactured and imported from South Korea, and that goes for the EU and NATO as well. It shows just how weak Britain really is as a result of the WEF/Tories fake green/taxation policies. Germany have realized their mistake and just bulldozed a shedload of their fake windmills to re-open a large coal mine.
I see the MAGA crowd have hit the ground running in Congress by opening investigations into the criminal Biden mafia, and Hunter Biden, and also into the handling of the fake Covid 19 vax scam and the FTX money laundering operation. I wonder if Boris Johnson’s worried, because he certainly should be.
I also notice there’s been a media blackout over the corrupt Brazil elections and the demonstrations which have turned into massive anti-Lula riots. It looks like rigging the elections in favour of Lula’s WEF fascists wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Jumping butterballs!!!!!!
Oh look, another conspiracy theorist
Day and night we are watching over your welfare.
It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples.
As long as it’s not Kool-aid.
The sooner this planet reverts to the ball of gas it started as the better.
I’m sure God has everything in hand.
2023 is again the 11th year in the cycle of ‘greater than normal’ sun activity. Fortunately we still have the tools in the box to avoid a major catastrophe, that these events could cause by what gets thrown at us. A lot of it is dispelled at the poles. Coronal mass ejections have in the past been known to cause damage though, especially where satellites are concerned. Earlier this year a C.M.E. destroyed 38 of Elon Musks satellites, costing SpaceX tens of millions of pounds. So gear up for next years ‘firework display,’ being blamed on climate change. I can see the headlines now.
Really, mi’Lord?
38 of Elon Musks satellites destroyed?
How many has he got up there?
Not that I’m sad about any of his satellites being destroyed, but for him having over 38 up there seems somewhat excessive, even for this megalomaniac.
Does he have a white, longhaired cat?
Yes it’s true J.P. It apparently happened back in September. Rather amusingly, as it’s rather rude not to laugh, they were all called ‘Starlink Satellites.’ I guess our star, the sun made some sort of a link!
As well as the news report on16th September, I am now getting 9th February now, so yes, that would make it earlier in the year.
& I have just read from over 2300 functioning Starlink Satellites he has up there in orbit. Cannon fodder hopefully for next years flare up.
Correction, now more than 3200.
Just thrown more plastic wrapping on the wood burner. Fuckem fuck em all.
Bet the food was good at COP27?
Nothing but the best for those fuckers.
Rack of lamb
None of that vegan shite or woodlice for them.
Posh wine an champagne,
Port an 100 yr old whisky,
Then few lines of pharmaceutical grade cocaine and a viagra for the gratis 14yr old rentboy waiting in the luxury suite.
Or 13yr old girl if you have princely tastes.
They enjoy themselves saving the world.
It’s thirsty work.
Yeuch, Minarets.
What a terrible imagination.
Evening JP@
I know, it’s my curse☹️
It’s like a Heironymus Bosch painting in my head.
They don’t come a lot more hypocritical than this “Just Stop Oil” spoilt brat:
She’s worthy of a cunting all on its own.
I was so tempted, fucking hell, her name alone!
Indigo Rumbelow.
Can you divorce your parents?
I’ve just nominated her.
Spoilt bitch.Unkle T’s special heater please ?
It’s become a version of Live Aid,lots of useless trash moaning they have nowt so make up another excuse to extort our money.
Any British PM that signs up to throwing money away to a bunch of lying monkeys needs a full climate changing turn in oven.
I’d better get it fired up then.
Unkle, you know it makes sense.
Agreed ?
Like T-rex. not Marc bolan.
Our time will soon be over.
And good riddance.
The Pliocene
The Jurassic age
And now the dawning of the woke renaissance.
The Age of madness.
Men are women
And everything you were ever taught was wrong!
The revolution will be televised,
Live from the witch trials.
It’s enough to make you weep..
This one’s for Stevie wonder.
Hit it!
This one’s for Stevie wonder.
Hit it!
One more
Poor old Peter Green.
In my book better than Hendrix.
The Pliocene
The Jurassic age
And now the dawning of the woke renaissance.
The Age of madness.
Men are women
And everything you were ever taught was wrong!
The revolution will be televised,
Live from the witch trials.
It’s enough to make you weep..
As long as one doesn’t invade my personal space, Minarets, I personally don’t fucking care.
But let one of those thoroughly unpleasant types come anywhere near me, I’ll beat them to death with my walking stick.
And then claim I thought they were going to mug me, I’m a Pensioner, you know, lost some teeth, what’s that you say, sonny???
Perfectly summed up.
But who is the person that will provide the spark?
Why the Fuck do we think that we own this world, mankind made a mess of his time on this planet, Mother Nature will take it back, we are only a visitor here so don’t get carried away thinking that it’s ours do do with it what we please, we will have our time just like the dinosaurs had theirs, the Earth is still young in the vast scale of time so enjoy it while it lasts because we are just an appetizer in the great menu.!
I think big ears and his rich chums are more concerned about global warming because:
Having more money and “owning ” more of the planet and it’s resources
Great summation of the climate change scam…