The Tory Party (2)

Look what it has done to itself and the country.

Got rid of Boris who guided us through Brexit,  Covid and the war without crashing the economy. Yes he’s a berk and buffoon and more but he’s a million times better than Hernia-Truss and Khazi-Kantaga both of whom are financially illiterate.

And left the door open for labour to stride in and borrow (and waste) even more money.  The thought of reverse-racist Lammy as Foreign Secretary is too horrible to contemplate. And scrag end of mutton dressed as lamb Rayner as deputy PM likewise. Led of course by Captain Charisma himself.

To be fair to the Tory Party at large, it was their MPs who dumped Boris. They then had to choose between Truss and Sunak. And got it wrong. I’m no Sunak fan but he wouldn’t have made the stupid mistakes that ET and KK have.

We are now stuck with economic misery, endless strikes a la 70s but without the great music of that era to soothe us.

Nominated by: Lord Percy Percy

96 thoughts on “The Tory Party (2)

  1. Anyone who thinks Johnson was even remotely good for this country (or the Tory party) seriously needs their head testing.

    • I didn’t say Boris was good, but I do say he was better than Corbyn, Starmer and Truss who trashed the economy as her opening gambit, the stupid cow.

      And exactly who else around is any better?

      I may need my head testing but I’m dealing in reality not fantasy.

      Or maybe it’s all been a terrible dream…

      • I generally agree……but the bigger issue really, is if Boris and Truss are the very best candidates, is it no surprise then, that the rest of the tory mp’s must be utter, utter shite.

        ( except moggy….and actually bravermann, who is making the right noises over immigration and wokeism_)

      • Boris further trashed an already bolloxed economy by his ludicrous actions during covid.

        Closing down the entire country, for nigh on two years, whilst continuing the money printing scam, and paying people not to work or ‘work’ from home was going to have consequences. Borrowing galactic size sums for his wacko schemes was a bomb waiting to go off, and unfortunately for her, Truss was the one holding it when it went off. She also thinks open ended borrowing and gilt printing is a good idea.

        Labour are no better. The one-eyed wonder thought PPFI was a good idea, along with printing billions to rescue foreign banks in 2008, due to his deregulation of domestic banks.

        The Pound is fckd, it will soon go the way of all previous fiat currencies. Then the only sensible thing to do is return to the Gold Standard, which will prove difficult because McSnot flogged all ours to the Hun.

        ALL politicians are lying thieves. It doesn’t matter which colour rosette they wear.

      • Boris and Truss were never the best candidates.
        They were merely the ones chosen by the idiots that make up the Tory party membership.
        Badenoch was by far the best candidate this time around, but of course she was the wrong colour.
        Choice of leader should be given back to MPs.
        They know who the candidates are better than anyone else and they are the ones whose support the leader will ultimately rely on.
        Split parties rarely win elections unless they’re up against a complete no-no like Jeremy Corbyn.
        In the final ballot only 32% of Tory MPs voted for Truss to be leader.
        Now she expects their undivided support?
        It ain’t going to happen.
        Also Rees-Mogg is a cunt of monumental proportions.

  2. It’s impossible to get a cigarette paper between our political parties.

    It’s irrelevant at this point who “runs” our country as they are all cunts.

    Labour are likely to be in power within six months,some strikes and the odd power outage will topple the dolt that is Truss and her shower.

    Behold the Magic Money Tree..


    • Worth noting that with an 80 seat majority and their opposition in a shambles the Tory party had the perfect opportunity to right a great many wrongs..

      That they failed utterly and furthermore showed no desire to improve the quality of life for the majority will cost them very dear.

      Their disgusting weakness is the work of toffs not fit to run a bath.

      C u n t s.

      • Shower of shite aren’t they?

        I always assumed that they were a motley crew of chinless Charlie’s,
        Dormitory creepers,
        Transvestites, gaylords, and corrupt as a Mexican border guard.

        Now I also know that they are without loyalty,
        Incapable of working as a team, backstabbers and totally incompetent.

        I only voted for them the once!
        Lesson well and truly learnt.

      • Yep, Boris nailed Corbyn’s skinny Commie arse firmly to the former red wall and could have done anything.

        You can blame Covid, Ukraine, cost of living crisis or bits of fucking birthday cake that may or may not have been eaten at a work event that may or may not have been a party.

        That fact is they have been coasting and taking notice of the wrong people…net zero eco wankers etc and have royally fucked up.

        Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.

    • You aint far wrong there Unkle, regardless of who is in power, they will serve big business before they serve us peasants.

  3. As with all moderns they are driven by an ungodly urge to be noticed so are not into teamwork the worst driver of this is the fecking telly box and social media.
    They are like turds in a sewage farm bobbing about under the surface, every now and again popping up to be seen and then sinking back into the midden never to be seen again. Every ego driven me,me,me of whatever party cunts of the first water, forgettable turds to a man.

  4. The lefty media certainly don’t like Truss!

    Come election time though, is anyone intelligent going to vote Labour? I really don’t think so in enough numbers to win an election.

    2 years until then, we’ll see where we are at that time. Perhaps the Conservative party will fincally catch on and be Conservative instead of Libtard Lite.

    • In all likelihood they will shift their messaging away from the current nonsense to something more sensible, stupid wankers will believe them and if by some miracle they get elected will promptly ignore their promises and do the exact opposite

      Democracy doesn’t work, far too many twats who have trouble choosing which socks to wear are involved in making the decision to choose the next corrupt bunch of twats who have no regard for anyone or anything but themselves and their mates.

  5. Surely no cunters would even throw a bucket of piss over any politician if they were on fire.
    None worth voting for or believing a single word from about any subject at all.
    “ALL LYING TRAITORS” is what is going to be written on any of my future ballot papers. In permanent marker.

    • Being a good Muslim Thomas, has your local community leader already promised to cast you and your remaining wives votes in any forthcoming elections?

  6. I reckon Truss and the rest of that shower of shit could still pull it out of the bag. All they’ve got to do is ditch the net zero bollocks, get the Navy and Border Farce to turn back the dinghy rats and start deporting foreign trash hand over fist.
    Err……… ain’t gonna happen though is it? Prepare for a Starmzy/Krankie coalition and try not to drink too much.

  7. One term as a MP and you’ve got it made.
    Great salary, all the expenses you can dream up,gold plated pension.
    So why give a fuck about representing your constituents..
    Keep your head in the trough and gorge away.

  8. Your voting options…
    1. Social Democrat
    2. Social Democrat
    3. Social Democrat
    4. Green Communist (angry Social Democrats).
    5. Wipe your arse on the ballot paper, because that’s all it’s worth.
    Cunts all…

  9. As a lifelong Tory voter, there is no difference now between them and Labour. In fact I believe now that the Tories are now more to the left than Labour. Uncontrolled immigration, vast borrowing that will bankrupt the country, getting involved in wars in shit holes far away, bowing down to the wokes, no law and order, making it a sin to be British and proud, only out for themselves and just being generally fucking useless. Fuck them. And they wonder why far right parties get in? I ain’t wasting my time or energy voting again even though the polling booth is 50 yards from my fucking house. Cunts.

    • MJB,

      In what way is a party that supports the sexual mutilation of children at taxpayers expense not extreme?

      Like, say, Lib, Lab or Con?

      • @ T

        Name one Tory MP or government minister /cabinet minister in favour of the sexual mutilation of children?
        Unless you count male circumcision, which has been legal in this country since the beginning of time.
        If not a Tory, a Labour MP will do.

      • MJB

        All of the parties which promote this trans-insanity, which is Lib, Lab and Con.

        They permit the NHS to prescribe ‘puberty blockers’ which are the exact same drugs given to chemically castrate sex criminals, and lie that their effects are reversible.

        Tavistock was recently scheduled for closure for it’s outrageous dealings with children.

        I’ll ask you a question; which of the three main parties hold the official position of banning all gender changing treatments for children, ‘education’ and book-reading sessions by drag-queens, preferred pronouns, etc, etc?

        As I said, extremists. As are those who vote for this shit.

    • Sadly, the gravy trainers have infected private business by their wokeness and they have truly feathered their own nest. They would have signed contracts etc behind the scenes. Which I’m sure they have done. Your average Joe will be trumped up on all sorts of charges. It’s actually fucked. How can you vote and truly feel your sinking constantly?!

  10. Vote blue – get red & green instead it would appear.

    With regards to the mass uncontrolled immigration issue.
    Are the Tory party really that gormless and naïve to think that the burgeoning population of Africans, Arabs et al that they have allowed in in unprecedented numbers, plus the peaceful/black communities that are already here, are going to vote for them anytime in the future?

    I would somehow doubt it.

    These hopeless cunts, with their virtue signalling and their cowardice seem to be quite happily heaping their own party’s funeral pyre.

    • As long as they feather their own nests sufficiently they couldn’t give a toss.
      No such thing as a rich patriot…

  11. The Truss think tank

    :We have a cost of living crisis hitting the working people. What can we do?
    I know, we’ll cut the tax for the well off and raise first time buyer stamp duty to £450,000.

    Genius, that’ll keep the industrial areas tory. Well done Liz.

  12. There are all shit scared of showing any backbone, all the bullshit around not investing in oil and gas, with a huge majority in the commons, just fucking do it.

    The bastards will cave over not hiking up UC by current inflation, scared of their own back benches.

    And FFS, why can’t they use emergency powers to sort out the cunts coming across the channel, especially the Albanians.

    The energy price guarantee will cost billions estimates of 100 to 150, priced to keep usage lower (for the great unwashed) aided by the ‘possibility’ of power cuts (nice)

    What a shit show, I can’t see anything improving within 18 months so Labour will be able to get in without even campaigning, Pisspot Starmer and Poundshop Rayner leading the way ?

    • Afternoon DCI…I reckon I ought to voluteer for the Samaritans.
      I’d put a lot of business your way.
      “I’m gonna kill myself…I’m gonna do it!”
      “Caller, where are you?”
      “On the edge of the multi-storey. I’m gonna jump!”
      “Nah, you won’t…you’re too pussy”
      “No I’m not, I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna jump!”
      “We’re all waiting, can you hurry it up? It’s almost my tea break and I want to see if you land on anyone.”
      Oh dear, he landed on a frail old lady…whoops!

  13. Red, Blue, Yellow or green. Don’t matter which political party it is. As I’m a white middle aged working male, straight and a taxpayer, they all fucking hate me. Why would I vote for some cunt that hates me?

    I say hate, they love the tax I pay every month.

    They can all die horribly as far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t give them my used arsepaper.

    As for anyone that thinks Kweer Charmer and his band of freaks, deviants and weirdos are going to be any better. Mmmmm. Think again.

  14. She’s certainly fucked the housing market, who’d a thowt it. The Tory party ” The party of financial responsibility ”

    MY ARSE…..?

  15. And they’re ugly.
    Gove, May, Braverman,
    Like a carnival sideshow.

    I despise ugly people.

    That Gove looks like he’s climbed out of a medical jar,
    And Braverman looks like Halloween every day.

    Boris was the poster boy,
    A albino piglet.

    Tories need some eye candy.
    Lots of people vote with their dicks.

    • Vote with their dicks..
      That’s no votes for Labour the party of butterfaces..

  16. The Tories only exist to serve this countries Banking cartels and the WEF.
    They have no interest in the real citizens of this country. Just the interests of the Banking industry and the World Economic Forum.

    Truss and her cronies are at best incompetent at worst, traitorous.
    Kwasi Kwarteng’s crashing the economy is merely the start of Bankrupting this country so we are reliant on the world bank and by extension the WEF.

    When you owe money, saying no to your lenders is never an option.
    All of what we have seen is by design and not by accident. The Tory parties central brief and mission is pure and simple. Bring the British people and the county into the iron grip of Klaus Schwab and his minions.

  17. I’m past caring now. ?

    Each successive Tory PM since Thatcher has been worse than the last.

    Hard to imagine a PM worse than Boris but stranger things have happened at sea, or so I’m told.

    Press the red button Glad, you sad little arse impaler.

    Put us all out of our misery. ?

  18. The rot was already there when Boris took over. And he ensured it rotted further. Ludicrous over reaction to covid, spunking billions up the wall that we don’t have, closing down the economy, giving millions to his mates, then net zero making us relient on foreign powers for energy. Trusses ill-advised 45% tax rate removal is fuck all in comparison.
    But a bigger set of back stabbing bastards I’ve yet to see. Vote None Of The Above or Reform.

  19. Truss should have been nominated on here on day one – plans to subsidise energy bills shaking the magic money tree yet again while leaving all the lucrative (for the Tories rich mates) green subsidies in place, VAT remaining on home fuel, fuck all done about exorbitant forecourt prices, and full support for the Ukraine bollocks exacerbating the whole situation.

    The sooner the Tory party is consigned to the dustbin of history the better. No need to fear the other options any longer – nothing could be worse than these cunts.

  20. I watched Trump earlier, in Nevada State rally, he still has the belly for the cunts at 70 odd. The thing i like about him regardless of his dodgy dealings is, he tells the truth and the establishment don’t like it.
    He is the answer to this mad path of global green bollox, even if he’s an elephant in a china shop.
    Go Trump, lets make the world Great again

      • Remember what Trump said about Boris?

        “They call him Britain Trump.”

        Perceptive and eloquent as always. ?

      • Alas Mikdys, but the influence if he were elected, is that he knows what to expect.
        I just cannot knock him during his Presidency, the Man is a leader straight out of the old school, up front and forthright.
        No cunt will be allowed to cause shit behind his back

      • Well RTC, he Tump just recently said on GBN to Lawrence Fox that he did like Boris before but he thinks now that Boris went all woke, such a shame says Trump

      • Remember what Boris said about Trump?

        “I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind. What he’s doing is playing the game of terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That is exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce. When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are no-go areas, I think he’s portraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States.”

        I’m guessing Trump hadn’t heard that before heaping his praises on Boris. ?

    • We could argue RTC but the shambles that is the USA currently cannot be put on Trump and i would go as far to say that this war would not be happening as negotiation would have taken place before it went to far. we all know that its about the protection of the Oil dollar at any cost and that strategy is sinking every country in the quicksand

      • I expect we could argue till the cows come home, Mecuntry. But we’d both be wasting our time.

        Besides I’ve changed my mind.




  21. It’s always puzzled me why we need 650 of these cunts to fuck up the country plus all the so called lords who sleep most of the time put me in charge I would fuck erm all off out of it close the boarders to rubber boar cunts send all the poncing shitbags they have let in back to where ever and abolish the benefit system for poncing cunts problems solved. This country is fucked by arseholes running it

  22. They are not all cunts but unfortunately they are such a minority they dont have a hope in hell of making a difference.

  23. From the neck down, does Liz Truss give anyone else a bit of a twitch? Or is it just me?

    • Jeremy Corbyn’s one of them, mecuntry. The sight of Dianne Abbott’s grotesque vagina aged him 40 years and turned him into a communist.

      • And also a part time taxidermist trying to preserve the once upon time sweet chicken he taught was finger likin good.
        Oh the Horror TtCE

  24. I personally don’t trust any of them. They need to be held accountable not by thick people, by the military. Not some loony in the local parish church.

  25. Within six months, there’s every chance that Boris Johnson will once again be PM.
    Get To Fuck.

  26. The problem is, despite their degrees in PPE from Oxford, the political and media class of this country is now made up of contemptible, myopic, short-termist, lazy, greedy, parasitic, entitled, woke spastics with the IQ of gibbons, who don’t really believe in anything, are willing to sell the country out to the rinky dinks, yanks and ze Germans and hate the very people who pay their wages – you and me.

    You’ll be waiting a very long time for anything resembling a statesman to emerge from the current pool of piss and shit, be it Tory, Labour or Lib Dem.

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