The Taxpayer

Yes us stupid cunts who go to work for several hours a day, day in day out, week in week out. And at the end of the month we’re rewarded with a payslip that tells you your gross income, your net income and those lovely little deductions known as taxes.

Even those in retirement who have paid their dues all their working lives, still find themselves subject to tax on any income above the personal allowance. In other words if you’ve made provisions to save via private pensions, shares and dividends etc. all of which could be subject to tax along with the state pension.

These taxes that end up seemingly wasted on huge vanity projects, a bloated public sector, an unaccountable civil service, MPs, ministers and their bloated expenses, “special” advisors, lords and other cunts belonging to the Establishment.

On top of that they fund the social/welfare state and to come to the aid of those on low incomes or who have just arrived in this country for fair reasons or foul.

And to add to the pain we now find that basic rate taxpayers won’t see that 1p cut promised and then redacted from the recent mini budget.

Instead we’re going to have to work harder and for longer in order pay more tax to pay off the crippling debt the country now faces through no fault of the Taxpayer.

Moreover a great chunk of that tax revenue will still go to those people who won’t work or can’t work, especially when the energy price cap guarantee ends next April.

When it ends it has been suggested that those in greatest need will continue to receive financial support via the Taxpayer, while those who actually go to work may not receive anything.

I know it has been said many times but I’ll say it again – what is the actual point of going to work if you’re just going to end up paying to maintain the lifestyle of those who don’t. And at the same time finding yourself abandoned from any government help to prop up your own diminishing finances through these most difficult of times!

Taxpayers – active or retired – really are stupid gullible cunts!

Nominated by: Technocunt

129 thoughts on “The Taxpayer

  1. When I run out of money I have to wait until I get paid again before I spend again.

    The Gov never stops spending, and therefore taxes continually increase, therefore fraud and evasion continually increase, work is de-incentivised therefore benefits payments increase, therefore tax take is down, therefore taxes increase, ad infinitum until Weimar mkII hits. And by now it is literally unavoidable. Total economic meltdown over the next decade is totally inevitable.

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