A 12 bore over & under cunting for the “Oh so striking union,” that calls itself the R.M.T. P&O gets itself a mention here too, after just one of it’s ‘sacked’ eight hundred or so workers, a chef by the name of John Langsdown actually had the balls to stick two fingers up to P&O, and reject his impending redundancy package.
Having joined at the tender age of sixteen, some twenty four years later, was abruptly given the bad news, along with all the others.
There was no time given here either to collect their personal belongings from their cabins, as they were marched off by a group of appointed uniformed thugs. He took it to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal, & won!
Not sure if he had any union representation here, but having paid his dues (if he was in the union) then he should have. Shame though that the R.M.T. didn’t get involved in the first instance. But it seems, as has always been the case, they have only ever been interested in trains. (I bet that cunt Mick Lynch has a bespoke set in his loft) So this chap got paid out an undisclosed amount, for which he was forced to sign a N.D.A. a modern hero here. I hope he has found his feet, he certainly deserves to.
I was there myself a few years back, & a member of the same union. That dinosaur Jimmy Knapp was in charge, so I can remember first hand the impression they made when P&O came out with statements like “We don’t recognise unions.”
But it’s a step too far when they don’t recognise the law, like when they told a family friend that they didn’t recognise T.U.P.E. when he was transferred over to P&O, from the Dover Harbour Board.
P&O might now at last face criminal proceedings as a result of what happened to the eight hundred or so. It’s not the first time these corporate cunts have got themselves into deep water. Back in the nineties they pulled their ferries out of the Dover to Boulogne route, at very short notice.
It pissed the French off enough, they took it to court. That got the then P&O M.D. a certain Graeme Dunlop, a suspended prison sentence (the naughty boy); that was a while before Dubai Ports World forked Out some £3.9 billion so that they could say it was theirs.
Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe
It`s a disgrace how those ferry companies can sink to such depths.
Nice one Sam Beau, let’s not forget that P&O ferries are actually Townsend Thoresen, who gave us the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster.
Lady Creampuff went on one of those luxury cruises about 8 years ago. Took her mother, sister, brother and niece.
The whole shebang ended up costing her £23,000, including airfare for her sister and niece to join them from America.
Still, it got her out of my hair for a few weeks.
Nice one John Langsdown.?
Trade unions have done some great stuff.
They’ve also done some terrible stuff.
Years ago I was a bit of a minor darling of Unite the union.
Boosted a dwindling membership,
Brought in some new shop stewards,
Was easily winning more disciplinary hearings than losing them.
Problem was, I didn’t do as I was told.
Refused to join the Labour party.
Asked awkward questions,
Kicked off with a corrupt official.
They tried to sell me out.
More trouble than I was worth.
If not for my natural slyness, devious nature and stubbornness I’d of been left to sink.
As it was I was paid off handsomely to resign through threats to expose with proof I didn’t actually have?
They paid for me to set up self employed.
Unions are like any big business, prone to corruption, and self serving ruthless cunts.
In any trade I’d still advise anyone to join a union.
But suggest never to trust them anymore than you’d trust your boss.
You are Frank Serpico and I claim my £5.
That little virgin?!!!
At least it wasn’t Jimmy Hoffa buried in a cornfield.
The Unions used to be like the Nazis, there was more chance of losing your job getting on the wrong side of the union than from management.
PO acted like cunts, the RMT do have a point, not the pay but the attempt to remove guards from trains, all this shit about driver only trains being safe is bullshit.
They all want boiling in horse piss
Comedian Bill Burr on cruise ships…
(3 minute video)
Trouble is that ‘hilarious’ chrome-domes thinking is very du monde these days in the higher echelons.I agree cruise ships spewing bunker fuel and frozen sewage dumping at sea needs a serious looking at but there’s a sinisterism lurking behind those ‘comedic’ musings.
Well cunted Your Lordship.
A lot of local folks were left right up shit creek at a very shit time by those over priced duty free peddling cunts. What a way to reward loyal service eh….
Thanks for that C.G. and glad that you are back. Although a true statement, I was supprised that Admin printed It. It also disappeared quickly from the Nom Page. I could have said more, but I too had to sign a non disclosure document, when I took voluntary redundancy myself, back n 2005. I was never to talk badly about the company. The first time in my working life I ever had to do anything like that.
What a difference it makes to sail with someone you trust. Like the Waverley paddle steamer, the last seagoing steamer in the world. Last Thursday I traveled from the Ha’penny Pier in Harwich, to London and under Tower Bridge, which was reasonably priced. They can stuff the luxury liners up their P&Os.
Not been down our way for a few years but Waverly is on my bucket list. Legendary tub
The Dubai based owners of P&O are due to receive £50 million of taxpayer money as part of the government’s freeport programme after sacking 800 workers
That fucking money tree bears fruit again.
P&O are scum. I’d never sail with them ever again, as protest at how they treated loyal long serving staff.
In fact I’d round up their senior management, get them all aboard their flag ship P&O vessel, make it set sail for Calais and just before it docks in harbour Torpedo the cunts from a WW2 German U-Boat my mate Dave from Dover’s got submerged somewhere only me and him know about………….
Piss the French off at the same time as they have a fuck-off great big boat to salvage out of their chief Channel port.
As for the senior management, they can fuck off to Davey Jones’s locker as far as I care. Cunts.
I’d like to know how many of these sacked workers were BAMES or alphabet fruities? There must be a wokie angle in there somewhere.
Join the Merchant Navy and feel a man!
Once upon a time we were a great seafaring nation and our Privateers knocked fuck out of the Spanish,which is always nice.
I’m of the opinion that we should bring Privateers back,rejuvenate our tarnished reputation.
Rob then burn P&O ferries.
Confiscate some French trawlers and ransom the crew.
Sink some foreign cruise ships.
Oh and find and sink every shithouse rat in their German supplied dinghies.
Fucking Rule Brittania.
It’s sad that we’ve come to this tbh. The UK has always welcomed genuine refugees with open arms and that is something we should feel deeply proud of. We are good sticks, we defined fair play, we are nice folk fellow cunters despite the often savage cuntings doled out.
Unfortunately word spread and hoardes are now taking the boiling piss. Care 4 calais can lick my balls, they are actively encouraging this shit to get back at ‘the gammons’ for pulling us out of Europe. I’ll be honest, I was a remainer but I accepted the outcome and having seen how those EU cock jockeys have tried dry rooting us ever since I’ll admit in hindsight my vote was misplaced. Don’t start me on macron and his Victorian era wife ffs…….
Deffo of the view they’ll be weaponizing these architects for future deployment when,or hopefully IF,our own military are asked to quell any potential civil uprisings.I imagine our forces are possibly being earmarked for the highly possible Uke extravaganza being covertly constructed so there will be a pressing need for thousands of enforcers to stop the home fires a ?
Those brown rats want shooting.We don’t want them.
A British company now owned by DP World, P&O has made a loss every year since it was purchased and in the last 3 years those losses totalled some quarter of a billion pounds.
The pandemic added significantly to those losses and replacing the British/Jersey-contracted crews with cheaper sub-contract labour was probably the last throw of the dice.
DP World also owes a substantial amount to the company pension fund and overall it’s difficult seeing the business surviving much longer.
Johnson’s fucking Northern Ireland Protocol hasn’t helped either, introducing new regulatory barriers on intra-UK trade. Lorry movements from Ireland to mainland Europe have switched to direct crossings and away from the UK landbridge.
To quote Sir Nigel: “It is a disgrace that cheap foreign workers will replace 800 sacked P&O Ferries staff. Brexit was about putting our people first.”
Well it obviously hasn’t worked.
Don’t think it’s really a “loss”” MJB only a loss on the amount that they hoped they would make.
If my boss offers me a certain amount of redundancy money, how much more would I be offered if I pretended to be a tran§bumder?
Semi-serious question…
Perhaps it’s the same amount of cash but with a Dorothy Perkins voucher?
Or possibly a Turkish “surgeon” discount on gender “butchers apron”?
Think bigger Mr Cunt Engine…a black transbumder!
Are you thinking of a career-change,Mr.Cunt-Engine ?….has Rue Paul’s Drag Race finally persuaded you to follow your heart’s desire and emerge…moustache bristling…from the closet to gaily announce that you now plan to become a no-holds barred female wrestler going by the name of “Tess Tickle” ?
Yes indeed, Mr F. I’ve received a job offer but quite fancy some undeserved recompense from my current position.
I must confess to being a little suspicious of the new role, however.
It’s being a butler at Elton John and David Furnish’s house, although the ad on Linkdin stated “Buttler”.
An innocent misprint, wouldn’t you presume?
Michael Barrymore’s looking for a pool-boy if that appeals slightly more ?….
Not after the job description for the last pool boy stated that he must be able to accommodate a 5 inch diameter “thermometer” and be able to hold his breath for 7 hours.
This is not a critism, I’m not pointing fingers at anyone.
But out of 800+, why did only John Langsdown say stuff you and take them to court?
I hope he got shed loads of cash.
But was he a test case, did all the others get enhanced ( cough) redundancy payments, after signing an NDA?
God, I hope so.
The cunts who didn’t find other places in the business were offered “enhanced” redundancy packages.
I was a ETU union rep for many years, my main focus was on maintaining terms and conditions that had been negotiated years before.
Management at the Aerospace company I worked for were constantly trying to make “savings ”
Which was a euphemism for more work same pay..
“Self ” financing pay rise was another chestnut the buggers always rolled out come annual pay rise negotiations….✈️
My Union didn’t seem to do much, but they did resist the management’s kind offer to rip up our redundancy agreement.
Good to see this chap won his Industrial Tribunal, I presume they paid up – they aren’t under any legal obligation apparently ; you have to then take them to court if they don’t!!
Trust me, the young woke generation have no idea the amount of improvements that a certain baby boomer generation gained, which is now taken for granted.
Sick pay.
Maternity pay.
Holiday pay.
40 hour standard week.
Work pensions.
Health & Safety.
Enhanced pay for night/weekend work.
Just look at how the poor buggers where treated 100 years ago..
These stupid youngsters have no fucking idea how the life they enjoy was fought for by previous generations….
I think Unions were needed @ 100 years ago but not now conditions have improved vastly
Is there any reason The Union Bosses are on over £100 k I think there’s 2 of the cunts
Not really on topic , but Judi Dench who looks like a elderly chinaman was just on telly.
I never realised she has a mild speech impediment?
Too much gozz in her mouth,
Half a pint of saliva sloshing about in there.
And it occurred to me that her wet willing mouth probably gives a decent blowjob?
Not for me, I’m repulsed by her.
But for some of you she’d be a bit of a catch?
Obviously being plebs you’d be expected to wash your spuds and scrape your helmet first,
But you’d get the chance to plumb a celeb!
Any takers? (Hopefully none since this isn’t on-topic at all. And in any case you can’t kid us: we know she’s your secret milf pinup – Day Admin)
I’d rather have a meat pie and a warm place to shit…!
At times, I despair of you, MNC.
Wash your spuds, indeed!
How coarse!
And you with a country cream gate, and all!
Hehehe ?
Bit coy aren’t they admin?
Playing hard to get!!
They’ll be queuing round the corner!
Especially that Cuntengine character,
First in line with his 5% off coupon.
I’ve never had an oriental Miserable.
LL, I find it hard to believe that you have never had a sweet and sour chicken, with egg fried rice.
Never heard the term ‘gozz’. Is this a northern thing JP or a Miserableism?
Goz is very much a Northern term LL.
It means spit.
As in ‘the cunt fucking gozzed in me face’
It’s tempting to believe that this type of shit only goes on in UK.
It’s also tempting to believe the narrative that Germany values its workforce and has excellent work relations.
From what I know (my mate works for a division of Lufthansa called Eurowings) it’s no different.
He and most of his colleagues are highly experienced aircraft technicians who keep the fleet in the air, 2/3rds of the shifts are 10pm to 6am so they can keep the planes flying through the day hence maximising profits yet they are being taken for cunts.
No thought for how this impacts on family life and can you believe it hardly any extra pay for doing nights. It’s something like €50 a month.
No point going into detail but the Union are shit cunts who are in bed with the management and have their snouts firmly stuffed in the trough.
But what’s really interesting is the youngest member of my mates team is 40.
They haven’t had a single apprentice for years and he tells me it’s the same on the other teams.
The management and the union know this and don’t care a dogs fuck.
I can only assume they are being paid so much that when the time comes and they can’t safely operate a shift they won’t give a fuck because either they will have fucked off, retired or just think they will be able to whip the workers harder.
Time & quarter upto 7.00pm
Time & third nights.
Time & half Saturday.
Double Time Sunday.
Double Time bank holidays.
When I was a steward.
I wonder if folks get that now..?
And all hours worked contributed to your final salary pension…