The Party Conferences

Honestly, does anyone, other than the MSM take this shit seriously? A load of cunts talking bollocks and , occasionally, making complete knobs of themselves. (ie Mavis May dancing on to the stage, having a coughing fit and the bullshit sign falling down behind her) You really couldn’t make this annual display of cuntery up.

The other day I listened to the speech from our new Home Secretary. A load of tough talk about cracking down on the sc*m bags and stopping the invasion of the dinghy raiders, met with rapturous applause at the end of every sentence.

Yeah, just fuck off, heard it all before. Heard it from the cunts who are now coining it from their “directorships” at corporations they helped out in the past, speaking tours and sucking the BBC cock.

Fuck every cunt in the Palace of Westminster!

Lying bullshitting cunts every one of them. (Not a fan then, Freddie? – Day Admin)

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

69 thoughts on “The Party Conferences

  1. I fail to understand the point of any party conferences…unless it’s for MP’s to meet members in the bar to fuck them in the hotel later?

    I mean, none of what they state during the conferences cannot already be emailed or posted out to party members, and as it’s only party members that can and do attend, then what are the party trying to achieve….the audience is ALREADY converted to the party and will vote for them, so they cannot say it is to convert new members, so what’s it all for??

    It’s like Welby inviting a load of his c of e congregation along for a conference to convince them to become c of e???

  2. The days of me believing anything that that comes from the mouths of these out-of-touch-let-them-eat-cake cunts is long gone, regardless of party. Politics is only a leg up to where the real money is when they get voted out. Ethicless bunch of self serving cunts the lot of them.

  3. Great cunting.

    The media may as well cover sermons from Texan mega-churches, as that is how relevant they are to reality, attended by nerds and policy gimps with name tags hung around their necks. The Labour ones even sing socialist hymns!

    Swivel-eyed cuntitude.

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