Honestly, does anyone, other than the MSM take this shit seriously? A load of cunts talking bollocks and , occasionally, making complete knobs of themselves. (ie Mavis May dancing on to the stage, having a coughing fit and the bullshit sign falling down behind her) You really couldn’t make this annual display of cuntery up.
The other day I listened to the speech from our new Home Secretary. A load of tough talk about cracking down on the sc*m bags and stopping the invasion of the dinghy raiders, met with rapturous applause at the end of every sentence.
Yeah, just fuck off, heard it all before. Heard it from the cunts who are now coining it from their “directorships” at corporations they helped out in the past, speaking tours and sucking the BBC cock.
Fuck every cunt in the Palace of Westminster!
Lying bullshitting cunts every one of them. (Not a fan then, Freddie? – Day Admin)
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
Spot on Freddie.
Great crowds of people hanging on every word,rapturous applause..
The end result? Just a load of bullshit.
The best thing that could happen is for the conference hall roof to cave in.
A bigger set of brain dead cunts you will not find.
Mavis’s £145,000 expenses claim last year didn’t seem to include dancing lessons.
The ridiculous bitch.
Good nom, Freddie.
The grandstanding, hot air and rapturous applause brings a lump of vomit to your throat.
Theresa May expenses? Merely a trifle if you check the attached. £115k for 25 hrs of talking bollocks and research? Fuck me pink, the piggy trough is deeper, richer and fuller than I ever imagined.
When that Cunt was Home Secretary Isis Sleeper cells had a Bigger profile
useless twat
That dance TM Did at the Conference do you think she did a striptease version for her Arthur Askey lookalike Husband?
Nice to see EU loving hunchback Teresa again!
Always nice for traitors to mix with bullshitters, and sexual deviants and have a nice day out on full pay.
Most only see the green benches they sleep on or the view from the trough.
And empty promises keep you freefalling in the polls,
Oh well. Never mind.
What’s ruining a once great country matter as long as youve been well paid.
‘A bigger set of brain dead cunts you will not find.’
Didn’t they have theirs a couple of weeks ago?
Sadly yes?
so much time and effort could be saved with a simple email to the membership, stating “Fuck you and fuck the country. we will do whatever lines our pockets at your expense and everything we tell you is a pack of lies”.
Utterly embarrassing on every front. And now they come on stage to pop songs. Jeez. It would be better if they switched out the audience for a real one who then booed them and gave them the wanker sign.
If I could borrow just one of vlads tacticals
is that his nickname for his bollocks?
It’s tax free Friday ?
Fuck them all.
Good morning.
Just an excuse to waste money, shag like released rabbits and get wasted.
I hate our “ruling classes” with a passion and wish they would all fuck the fuck off and die.
People like that don’t shag, they grope and fiddle.
Why is it now said “in conference” instead of “in the conference ” like the fucking banks with their “see us in branch” ads, anything to save a penny tight fisted cunts.
Or “at conference ” , tossers
‘at church’
Same meaning. It’s a fucking religion to these cunts.
Do the Taliban have party confetences? Coming on-stage to Afgan pop superstar DJ Iqbal Ibrahim Mohammed:.
“Good H’evening brothers! I promise to cut taxes, make the Burqu fabric thicker, and double the anount of terroreests goink to da UK by deenghy!
Make Aff-jjaneestan great again!”
Agree Freddie. Send the lot to the Russian front. Arm them with their morals standards ? and virtue signalling bull
Getting a standing ovation at a party conference is akin to getting one from the manson family.
Both full of swivel eyed loons..
But at least the manson family knew how to throw a house party.
These are more ‘the Mansion family’.
Charlie had it sorted. Don’t know what came over him.
He was a useless failed musician. Short arse. Not good looking. But there he was…tons of 18-21 year old birds worshipping him. Any money they earned? Given to Charlie.
I thought he had the potential for a perfect life, until I saw a documentary on him and they didn’t wash often and all had crabs and VD. Green fannies with yellow puss coming out. Not so nice then I thought. Then all that mass murdering. Bit naughty I thought, all that.
Could have had it made if you’d made sure everyone washed and used Johnnies Charlie, lad. You mental cunt.
Talking of Manson I liked the flamethrower scene in once upon a time in Hollywood?
My mate lived a hedonistic lifestyle. He told me he knew things were getting out of control when he was banging a random slapper he pulled at some festival, looked down at her and saw she had pubic lice in her eyebrows!
Sorry, CB, not MNC.
No hard feelings MNC ?
Green fannies with yellow puss coming out? Stop it, I’m getting a bone on.
Glastonbury for Old Farts.
Lots of old farts at Glastonbury as well Dick.
The younger farts can’t afford it unless mummy and daddy cough up.
The shenanigans in the conference hall are only the tip of the iceberg.
Most are only there for the party’s and free booze whereby they get the chance to indulge in some inappropriate behaviour, often with the same sex.
And what’s all this I hear about major companies paying £3000 a head to send their delegates to party conference dinners?
Could it be that £3000 is a drop in the ocean compared to what they can prise out of a pissed up MP with the right connections?
The whole thing stinks like Truss’s gusset.
On a lighter note, I recon she’s describing the size of that block of cheese she dropped, then got seen putting it back on the table, while dining with the queen.
They don’t just do the job for the 80k+ salary and ridiculous expenses.
They do it because they scratch a few backs and get themselves on boards of companies and coin it. And the pension, of course.
Everything these cunts do is to keep their place at the trough and to fuck with the country.
They’ll throw you scraps now and again – usually at these conferences or before elections (‘Get Brexit done!’ and ‘The Rwanda deal’ for example) but in the end, the result is the same. The same shit continues to happen and our idiot electorate still vote for the same useless, selfish cunts.
The excuse I hear is ‘How bad would it get if we got rid of them all though?’
Well, welcome to power cuts in winter, ridiculous energy costs, grifting net zero companies and their backers (MPs), out of control inflation, a woke media, woke preachy sports, no hope of home ownership for many, mass immigration devasting our communities and a system where you could potentially go to prison for not calling a man a woman. Oh and you can get arrested if somebody simply ‘feelz’ offended now on somebody else’s behalf! Oh and I forgot. Taking us close to being nuked by getting involved in a war we shouldn’t go fucking near.
That bad?
Still, come election time and the electorate will still go out and vote for same old cunts.
Next it will be Truss dressed up and imitating Stormzy, bopping on stage to some rap shite and shouting “‘sup, bitches and mudder fuggers!” before waving a couple assault rifles at the crowd – all part of the fun and pranks of course.
(She would have to get approval by the woke beforehand – mustn’t be accused of cultural appropriation after all)
They’d be American Assault rifles, as we’ll have sold our pitiful stocks to the Ukrainians (who are definitely winning, loyal readers).
Not the 9 O’ clock News did great party conferences……
As funny as it is fuck me they take the piss out of the story message but here we are some 40 years on and they still spout the same guff and it only gets worse.
All they want from us Prols is our votes every 4/5 years so they can pursue their own agenda’s, well they won’t be getting mine because for the first time in my life I will be spoiling my paper, tempting to wipe my arse on it.
How depressing.
Expect the return of the panic buying cunts soon making runs on tinned stuff,bog roll pasta etc…
I’m going to knock out any panic buying cunts, I’m done with them.
But nobody dare panic buy when I’m around. If they want to they can meet me in Worcester (wasn’t it?).
But nobody ever does though. Grrr etc.
Panic buying’s not really my thing but even if it was I can no longer afford to.
The worst Party Conference speech of all time was surely Michael Portillo’s when he was John Major’s ‘bastard’ Defence Secretary. Comparing the assembled throng of elderly women of both sexes in their twin sets and pearls to the SAS for fuck’s sake, yet he still managed to keep a straight face.
It’s all turned out hunky dory for him of course, as now he coins it in going on train journeys and doing for colour co-ordination what Richard the Lionheart did for Islam.
Portillo deserves to be nominated for a cunting in my opinion.
Is the Cunt still alive ?….how depressing…I assumed The Aids had got him years ago.
He was a cunt for being so polite with Diane Abbott on that politics show for all those years.
Soft twat. Missed hundreds of open goals to ridicule the stupid cow.
It’s almost as if he was a socialist too…hmmm…
Taking the piss out of Diane is like kicking a puppy, anybody can do it.
To top it off, multi millionaire hotel owner, TV personality, champagne socialist and all round cunt, Gary Fucking Neville, joined in too.
Who’s next? Ian Huntley?
Glad to see his shit pit hotel is losing millions.
Shit business idea.
Who want to sleep in Manchester?
Anyone not a Man U fan won’t go on principle, unless it’s to vandalise it, and Man U fans haven’t got any money (or self respect).
The petrol money from Surrey and Hampshire to Manchester is a bit prohibitive as well.
Sadly the reason party conferences are such a load of wank is that they only show the set pieces on the telly, not the warm-ups – Eddie Izzard waving his pink knickers in the air to cue appaluse, Domnic Grieve whipping out his false teeth to gurn at the audience to encourage them to laugh at a Liz Truss joke.
The best minutes get edited out – take this autumn at Liverpool, for example, when, in a front of the curtain act before they revealed Kweer and the gang, , AnalEase Dodds bravely entertained the audience to a musical interlude (she even changed her knckers for the first time this year to do it. Don’t worry, sh’s put the new pair on expenses):
For the sex mniacs on here, especially those in Liverpool they might find this little documentary of Emily Thornberry gives them the horn:- Emmy the queen of bump n’ grind:
Get off Annie dear, here’s Emmy ready to drop the lot (have those tissues handy):
On several occasions during her campaign to become Tory leader, Liz Truss promised, and I quote: “urgent action to get spades in the ground”.
Fantastic – a soundbite worthy of the late great Enoch Powell himself!
Yet not one word of this flagship policy, so dear to the hearts of many here, was to be heard during the Tory party conference.
And don’t get me started on that Labour shower of shit.
The first thing she should have done after becoming PM was put Kwasi Kwarteng in the ground. ?
A 9mm aspirin
Looking at May in that pic she’s looking quite fit compared to Truss – though I think I’d shag Truss out of spite – those juggs probably bounce around quite a bit.
This made me laugh Truss / Capaldi lookalike…
Either one could be the face of American supermarket chain Piggly Wiggly.
Let’s face it all those cunts are party conferences regardless of party, are secretly laughing at the electorate. They’re basically saying “We’re in power/opposition and we’re loving the limelight, the banter, the ego-trips and of course the hugely generous Taxpayer-funded expenses/salaries/pensions”
They come bounding on the stage to massive applause but sycophantic cunts in the audience (probably told when to clap/laugh/applaud by PR cunts off-screen); they read some made-up speech they’ve never read before from an auto-cue, smile, wave and fuck off.
Then they all end up in the bar, get pissed and stuffed out of their minds and stomachs (paid for by TP) and just laugh, fart and crack jokes about those stupid voters who were hoping their party would keep to their manifesto promises.
Pity there can’t be cull of MPs – from 650 to about 300 (same with the House of Older Cunts). Most of them seem to hibernate for the entire term of Parliament once voted in, never daring to poke their heads above the parapet other than to follow party lines. They just want the quiet life before having to do any sucking up to their constituents when there’s another election afoot.
Would be interesting to know how much these party piss-ups … sorry, conferences cost and who pays? (as if we didn’t already know!)
One first found this site when searching “Tony Abbott is a cunt”, an elitist, fundamentalist Papist and smug cunt. H.M the King needs to appoint him to the H.O.L. in charge of the task he was best at as P.M. of Oz, stopping the boats. Because of his efforts we don’t get boats anymore and it’s electoral suicide to oppose this policy.
The ultimate insult was Smarmer and horde of Mongols singing the national anthem through gritted teeth. Of course the commies had to use a printed copy since they do not know the words. They all know the Red Fucking Flag. Cunts.
Corporate bullshit for cunts who produce fuck all. Paid for by lobbyists with their own corrupt agenda.
Wasn’t this turd getting paid £150,000.00 for a speech in his native country during conference..?
Yep ?.He is an unflushable turd.
If I may so, veryone seems to be suggesting onl the Tories talk bollocks. They did, but did nobody hear soe of the vapid nnsense spouted the prebious week by Starmer’s gang at Liverpool?. The giner rncid growler, Ed Miliband sounding as if he had borrowed Mandy’s dildo, Reeves costerwoman impression and Starmer’s faairytales, and the constant “Labour has a plan” for everything?
As the Tories seem ready to handover the keys to Kunt and the gang they need to be scrutinized s well.