The BBC (76) and their Green Sports Awards 2022

While browsing the BBC sports pages this evening I noticed this bollocks. Apparently its some kind of prize-giving for sportspeople who are doing their bit for the environment and making us aware of climate change.

To quote the BBC “This award is for professional sportspeople who have advocated for, raised awareness of, or instigated action on environmental and/or climate change issues in the past 12 months.”

I just wonder how many BBC staff will do something similar and not bother flying out to Qatar for the World Cup in November. I have a suspicion though that every BBC man/woman/it/thing and its dog will be boarding planes in First Class and bigging it up in fancy hotels while being rather quiet on their commitments to the planet.

Anyway, back to this award shite. Loads of people and organisations have been nominated but quite frankly this is a political campaign dressed up as some kind of “be kind to the planet” ceremony.

How about a “Reducing violent crime, rape and murders by the local plod” award or a “Highest paid BBC employee award” or “Most honest politician award”? But none of those will see the light of day – too controversial!

Good to see yet more of our licence money wasted on yet more ten-a-penny award ceremonies for the benefit of vacuous sports people and other celebs.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

79 thoughts on “The BBC (76) and their Green Sports Awards 2022

  1. Why don’t you awareness cunts dress up in all your green refinery and form a football field, for every player to trample you to death.

  2. To be fair to St Gary of the Blessed Lineker, he is going to float over to Qatar on a cloud of his own self-righteousness.

    • Hope he takes some of his gimmigrant mates with him, like a million of them and leaves them there.

  3. I only recently heard of the Australian cricket captain Pat Cummins promoting solar panels but he ‘forgot’ to mention that they are made by a Chinese company allegedly using Uighur slave labour.

    But who cares when there are first world sooties whinging about slavery from 200 fucking years ago.

  4. If they weren’t colossal cunts they’d realise that all professional sports are a huge waste of resources and immensely damaging to “the climate”.

    By their own braindead logic it should all be banned “to save the planet”.

    Oh and National Treasure David Attenborough is a giant bullshitting cunt as well.


  5. I am amazed at how across the political spectrum people are fed up with the lecturing and political, holier than thou, posturing of the BBC. I was out on the toot with a mate of mine over the weekend, I regard him as hard left, a very uncompromising Labour supporter who thinks the Queer Charmer is too right wing to be elected. ?
    Anyway we got onto the subject of Strictly Come Dancing and somehow we found ourselves both agreeing that having disabled dwarves and fat lesbians on has ruined what was a good, if you enjoyed that sort of thing, programme. Women cricket commentators (apart from the divine Alison Mitchell who I fancy a bit) on TMS , the ubiquitous Meghan-Markle lookalike , Alex Scott, on Football Focus. The BBC doesn’t seem to realise that it is not necessarily the formula of the programme, it is the interaction of the presenters.
    I have stopped watching BBCUNTS drama as I can’t stand the underlying lectures.

  6. Unsurprisingly I’ve never heard of any of these tree hugging cunts. Fuck them and fuck the BBC.

  7. Defund the bastards. And stop subscribing to Sky with their stupid daily climate scare show.
    All wankers.
    Even Al Jazeera show every weather event under the banner of Planet SOS.
    Fire up the Oven to max, and generate some lovely planet greening Carbon Dioxide

  8. If you’re worried about climate change, how are you going to arrive in Qatar. Walk it ? You’d better set off now. There will be a little bit of swimming involved and with a bit of luck, you may get there by next Christmas.

  9. We can always rely on the BBC to spunk Telly Tax coin on some virtue-signalling, “climate emergency” dog shit that no cunt outside of Islington gives a tuppenny fuck about. I hope whoever wins torches the fucking awards with jet fuel.

    • I fly cars all the time, fuck ’em the quicker the UK gets tropical the happier I’ll be sun lounging in my garden in December, fuck their gas bills

      • Well done Markle. We’ll get along well as neighbour’s. Can I put my award alongside your “I’m All Right Jack” one Mr Sellers ?

      • I also want to come in your garden for a warm, just like you’ll want to come in mine to cool off.

    • You could always cycle to Spain and tell them their hot weather doesn’t suit you, meanwhile the rest of us in the northern hemisphere would like it a few degrees warmer. Can’t wait for UK to get as warm as a Spainish winter. yipeee

  10. More political bias from the ‘unbiased BBC’.

    “But, but it’s not political.”

    Get to fuck.

  11. Bullshit at its finest, what else would you expect for the platinum grade world champion cunts that are the BBC.

  12. I blame the dinosaurs they fucking started it, one minute its all snowball earth and frozen tundra the next its steamy hot & tropical…fucking dino cars, worse than teslas

  13. Green sports are the best!

    Flinging cowpats the furthest.
    Wickerman building.
    And pushing a formula one round a crop circle .

    But Cattargh?
    It’s a fuckin desert isn’t it?
    Pardon my geographical knowledge,
    But it’s the least green place on earth!

    Like Jewsons sandpit.
    Have it in the rain forest!
    Soon clear a big spot for it.

    • How do they get the car into the crop circle & out again without leaving tracks, that’s the real mystery

    • Rishi loves a fucking cow pat, won’t be long before its some hindu elephant god’s birthday & the frontdoor step of number 10 will be covered in cow shit sprinkled with rice & flowers

  14. What a load of hypocritical cunt-fucks.

    I bet jug ears won’t be holding back from flying business class to Qatar for the world cup, and takes part in darkie boy noshing in his 8 star hotel.

    • Let’s hope he’s staying at the 8 star Grenfell Royale. Did you know you can use a packet of crisps to get a log fire started, irish firelighters they call Walkers Crisps in the Emerald isle, I tried it once fucking packet went up like a cladded tower block & singed an eyebrow. @MNC salt & vinegar.

  15. Surprised they haven’t honoured Lewis Hamilton for his sterling environmental work, whilst taking £40m a year off an industry whose total logistical carbon footprint is probably bigger than Senegal’s


  16. I remember when sports awards were for the fastest, best, fittest, etc. May as well abandon competitions and tournaments and give prizes to the wokest.

  17. Of topic – but Penny Mordor has conceded and Rishi will be new PM.

    The coup is complete. He’ll go to see the King today no doubt – he’s richer than him, anyway.

  18. Green sports?? What’s the carbon footprint of the London Marathon?? Do all the cunts run there? And look at the mess at the end. Green== Cretins.

  19. Sorry to change the tone but Dishi Rishi Daki boy with his smug smile and hundreds of millions has become new PM. Free poppadum’s all round.

    I am ashamed and think it is grossly unfair that a Daki (or similar effnik) is allowed to hold such power, and yet we’d have our dicks cut off if we ever dreamed of holding office in one of their countries.

    And guess what, English is racist, England is this, or that. REALLY? We’re so racist we’ve just allowed a Daki to become PM.

    • It seems totally appropriate to have a foreigner as PM since the proportion of foreigners in this country is rapidly accelerating. I give it 20 years before whites, of any fucking nationality, are a minority here.

    • It could be a blessing in disguise with this Sunak chap. Making sure all his clan will now have to toe the line of respect.

      • So is Rishi not going to America now?
        He changes his mind a lot!
        Like Liz Truss.

        But it’ll be ok.

        “You passing Downing Street?
        Pick us up a pint of milk, a cadburys creme egg and a scratch card at number 10?”

      • What clan would that be? In my experience people of Indian Hindu descent are generally more respectful of this country than their white ‘indigenous’ counterparts.

      • I agree Ruff. Lovely people. Spot them from anywhere. They usually got a target on their head. Ps this is a joke.

      • Rishi is as British as anyone else on ISAC. He was born here, speaks English, educated here and is completely assimilated. The British Indian Hindu community have displayed their British credentials time and again No reason why he should not be PM.

      • I say Sammy old chap, we’ve seen how respectful the RISHI CLAN have been for years in Leicester riots & Rotherham grooming, not to mention 100 scooter crimes a day just in London alone with Sunak kids snatching bags & phones.
        As that wise old Rising Sun Confuckit said “A dickhead is only blind when he refuses to see”

      • Pakistanis in Rotheram. Not Hindus. There is a significant problem in the British Pakistani community – not all of them. Rishi is a Hindu.

      • Yeah.
        Not the same.
        Hindus worship many god’s,
        Including Elephant man,
        Pappa smurf and Octogirl.
        Muslims worship one God.
        A bearded sexpest called Alan.

        Muslims like terrorism
        Hindus prefer a quiet life.

        Muslims won’t eat pig
        Hindus won’t eat cow.

        So both fussy eaters.

        Muslims tend to look like rats in pyjamas.
        Whilst Hindus prefer to look like they’re starring in Aladdin in Panto.

      • La La La just skipping over all the Hindu kids thieving & criminal damage they cause daily in London Leicester & Manchester. A dog born in a stable will never be a horse.

      • What about Jesus?
        He was born in a stable.
        Is he a horse? Dog?
        Muslim? Hindu?

        My head hurts?

      • Obviously not. Dogs and horses are not the same species.

        Eat your heart out Einstein!

      • Whoever said the English & the Indians were the same species is a cunt who needs to go to specsavers in calcutta but careful of all the human shit on the pavements untill you get your glasses

      • You’re quite the orator. Be sure to let the Hindu cardiologist/paramedic know your views when your obvious hypertension causes that STEMI, won’t you?

        But, you and I both know you won’t.

      • Just been listening to Sir Nigel. He said Rishi is a ‘teatotal’ Hindu and would not fit in to some working class pub in Doncaster.
        I was in a working class pub in Doncaster last night.
        Indeed a few of them. (From which I am paying dearly today).
        And no he wouldnt fit in. Would stick out like a sore thumb.

        Does it matter? Not really. Just that-I dont like people that don’t drink.

      • Meanwhile Hindu shit cunt shoots & kills 2 more people in London today, third person still in hospital, seems he used some shit called Dwali to let of fireworks to mask the gunshot noises….now they have their own cult member in number 10 so expect more of these murdering cunts on our streets…dinghys incoming cunts on the starboard bow

    • Posts like this in Indian press doesn’t help my sentiment towards all this:

      “Indian son rises over the Empire, history comes full circle in Britain,” according to one channel.

      If they’re all so special why don’t they all fuck off back there and complete the circle.

  20. I refuse to watch the BBC point blank (or pay their fucking pàédo license fee for that matter) however i’ll bet top dollar that Sir Marcus of Rashford somehow shows up and gets a trophy or two due to his holier than thou stance on modern life. (The sheep’s cunt!)

    The BBC, Rashford, Enviro Spakker Greta Thunderbird and the whole climate change bullshit (in fact every-cunt associated with the whole charade) can royally FUCK OFF.

    I’d fucking boil the kettle twice as a protest if the Lecky wasn’t so expensive these days!

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