Sir Keir Starmer (19)

A cunting for the Kweer, (recall Parliament, well why not, his conference is over)

He now wants the government to scrap the mini budget announced last week, this is after saying he supported the energy price guarantee and cut in basic rate income tax and the reversal on NI uplift

It seems that all the problems associated with the mini budget are down to the ‘Tax Cut for the rich’, yep dropping the top rate of 45% for those earning over £150,000 has caused all the market ‘chaos’ ?

I don’t think so, it’s the apparently unfunded and unquantified energy price cap that is causing all the worry and the estimated couple of billion lost by scrapping the 45% rate wouldn’t have even put a dent in huge amount of money it is going to cost to artificially control the cost of energy for 2 years. (estimates 100 to 150 billion).

It all looks good on paper but there did seem to be a lack of targeting in the catch all policy.

But Sir Kweer and his colleagues have the answer, reinstate the 45% rate.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

63 thoughts on “Sir Keir Starmer (19)

    • IF the Tories managed to get hold of the Labour manifesto the day before the next general election, and THEN re-wrote the Tory manifesto copying to the letter, the Labour one…..Labour would STILL oppose it.

      All that is happening is ‘we can’t be seen to be agreeing with anything the opposition do, that will lose us votes’ So they now disagree for the sake of disagreeing…….politics over the last 10-15 years has gone bollocks, and I put it down to the factt those that were bought up in our education system whereby no one was ever disciplined, everyone got a fucking winners medal because there’s never any losers in life, are now in their 20’s/30’s and are now politicians.

      They are all a bunch of cunts, only interested in their party, and NOT the country for the greater good.

      • They are only interested in their party as long as it keeps their snouts in the trough. They would swap political allegiance in a heartbeat if they noticed that the grass was greener on the other side of the house. The country, on the other hand, can fuck off.

  1. The Tories, Labour and Libs are 3 cheeks of the same backside.

    All total shite obsessed with bum-sex, eco lunancy, globalism, mass immigration, ridiculous taxation, virtue signalling wokists.

    A plague on the fckn lot of them.

    • We had the plague, these cunts weren’t even inconvenienced, only the masses. And even then, only the masses legally in the country, not the masses arriving daily on the south coast.

  2. BTW Starmer should be stripped of his wrongly awarded Knighthood and prosecuted for malfeasance in public office for his failure to prosecute raghead raype gangs with exclusively white victims, whilst head of the CPS, and knowingly colluding with other senior scum to cover it all up.

    If convicted I’d have him shot.

  3. I cant abide this cunt. Face like a clear plastic bag full off cheap sausage meat and a mouth that spouts for shite than your nearest Southern Water treated effluent discharge point. When it comes to running with the hounds and hunting with the fox this virtue signalling knee taking crock of insincerity is a contender for first place. I would give every penny I own to see him being publicly raped by a squadron of sexually frustrated bull elephants

    • He could well be kneeling for that drill rapper…I mean, future musician, who the police sprayed in Lambeth last month.

      “It’s a disgwace and a twagedy that this caring, future archtect was killed by the police while dwiving” said Starmer the Farmer whilst looking constipated on bended knee.

  4. If he can’t define what a woman is, there isn’t much hope for the nations finances.

    Who is he taking advice off, Abacus Abbott counting on her fingers and toes?

    Quinoa troughing wanker.

  5. The fat spiv needs do nowt,Truss and her band of clowns will soon be out..

    Rolling power cuts should see them off.

    Then another set of incompetent virtue signalling pigs lead by the Spiv will be in..wondering how to make up some sums for their next borrowing splurge on useless shite.

    Meanwhile the rest of us,getting on with it without limitless expense claims,will watch the country disappear under a tide of grasping foreign vermin.

    He’s a snake,a master of ethnic appeasement.


  6. We’re about to go back to Victorian candlelight living in the 21st century and these cunts will still probably lose the general election.

    I’m just not wasting my fucking time voting. Complete waste of time and energy. Brexit taught me that, along with every Tory government in recent times being as bad as labour anyway.

    Fuck them all.

    All they’re interested in are their places at the trough and to fuck with the country going down the shitter. Loads of MPs are thick as fuck too. It’s unreal.

    Not worth the skin off my shit, any of the cunts.

    • Vote ‘none of the above Cunts’ ?

      My next ballot paper will contain plenty of expletives ?

    • Lovely greasy Kier.
      He’s a 1950s binman!

      Our new PM.
      Doesn’t practice what he preaches

      Pretty much business as usual,
      Just a different face on the tin.

  7. Other than his windfall tax, the only answer he has so far is to increase the corporation tax, the money would all be pissed away on the bone idle.

    The conservatives are useless, labour would be less than useless, I have to say that the country is well and truly fucked.

    The latest great idea is 15 million pound public information campaign to tell people to turn lights off when not required. Truss has said bollocks to that, so it will probably happen ?

  8. Although the 45% scrap was a drop in the ocean it sent a huge fuck you message to the blue wall, working class areas. Gross fucking stupidity from Truss which suddenly gave clueless Kweer a lift and an unpopular measure to oppose. She is as fucking useless as he is and is instrumental in allowing the race baiting, woke, middle class cunts of Labour in to office.

    • I agree, the biggest open goal that Labour have been given for a long time, milked until the tit was raw and jogged along by the media.

  9. Strummer has a look of Peter Schmeichel, but won’t be able to stop the cannon ball heading his way.

    Liz Truss looks so vulnerable, I could twist her round my little finger. I’m getting a semi-on just at the thoughts of it.

    • The only chance she has now is via distraction. I suggest she gets her tits out and swing ’em a bit.

  10. No sooner this useless piece of shit becomes PM the far left will hoist him out. I still have visions of him and the ginger growler on their knees. Fucking cunts.

  11. Labour needn’t do anything in terms of trying to win favour with the electorate, especially with the Undecideds. Truss is doing a fine job sinking the HMS Titanic-Tory every time she opens her mouth.

    She is not in control of her party, she is not in control of her backbenchers, she is not in control of her Cabinet. She is totally out of depth with a government determined to destroy itself due to petty arguments and playground politics.

    The recently redacted 45% tax fiasco was the right idea in terms of encouraging economic growth through new enterprise without being penalised by such a burdensome tax. But the timing was all wrong and I can’t believe the many advisors to the Chancellor and the PM allowed this to be announced without it being torn down in a blaze of bad PR!

    Labour will almost certainly be the next Government regardless of when Truss calls an election. In most people’s eyes they are the lesser of two evils and they have become accustomed to Keir despite his many faults.

    However, once in power, Keir will be ousted come the following party conference. He is not Loony Left enough and therefore must be cancelled and replaced by the likes of Rayner or Abbott or any other virtue signalling woke-loving MP from the backbenches

    Gawd help us!

    • The Labour will win on the ‘Anyone but Truss’ (assuming she is still in No 10 at the next election)

  12. Dame Kweer Starmonkey. An absolute Hornblower and massive Cuntoid of epic proportions.

    Wasn’t this the same useless cunt who fucked up the Crown Prosecution Service when he was their head gaffer?

    He calls himself a Labour man but I actually fail to see how, when he is a knight of the Realm and a multi millionaire.

    This snivelling little toe rag has about as much integrity as a Nigerian on-line scammer and I wouldn’t trust this cunt as far as I could piss.

    Woe betide the day this slimey little Labour shit get the keys to number 10.
    We really will be in for a world of.pain when him and his pet tranny Rayner take charge of the country.

  13. What can you say about this greasy slimy heap of shit that hasn’t been said before?. A fucking hypocrite, a serial liar, a man who enjoys slumming, pretending he isn’t a multimillionaire lawyer, who believes men can be women, and prersumbly women can be men. A man who would grovel to anything provied it gave him the keys to No 10, a man who would lick the arsehole of an ex footballer,and and an ex “comedian”, just dying to be an MP; a turncoat, from ardent Corbynite, to a cheap shitty platic Blair. A man devoid of belief or principle.

    I just hope he gets caught in a school playground tryng to yank down the knckers of a 10 year old Lolitta and Mr. Plod catches him red handed.

    And that fucking athetic old maid voice – what a gold plated cunt. Even worse than Blair – at least Blair believed in something even if it was vile.

    Why doesn’t somebody tell the Taliban that the Satanic Verses were written by Kweer under the non-de-lume of Salman Rushdie?. they’d know what to do with him. Head on a spike.

  14. What this country needs is a move away from the same tired, platitude- spouting politicians that lead the major Parties….we need a Visionary…a true man of The People…a man prepared to fight the Zionist cabal that lurks in the shadows…we need Mr. Jeremy Corbyn.

      • We all should.
        Need to show solidarity.
        Slight problem though…
        The party doesn’t exist!

  15. When Prime Minister Starmer is in power, all the loonies will come to the surface in Labour. It will be like Halloween for five years.

  16. I can’t see any way this useless wanker won’t be the next PM. Truss is absolutely clueless and Starmzy ain’t Corbyn.
    I’d much prefer to see legs open Angie in number 10 myself.

    • Just put the Downing Street cat in charge.

      I’d trust that little cunt more than any of the current shit show.

    • I’d prefer Angie in too.
      She’s got a lovely accent!

      And speaks plainly.
      I’d delight at her calling heads of state ‘scum’ and ‘knobhead’

      And she show that big angry growler at PMQs!

      Yummy ?

      • I bet she’s got a ‘Reader’s Wives’ growler, MNC.

        Like a rat run over by the number 27 bus.

        What was it with all those diseased 70s and 80s porn fannies?

      • Great weren’t they CB?

        I never went in for airbrushed yank shite like Playboy.

        Razzle and especially readers wives for me?
        You were in with a chance.
        I saw Rose West on there once,
        For a celebrity she didn’t put much effort in.
        Doubt she’d even bothered to wash?

        But you got realism!!
        Stretch marks, prison tattoos, spotty arses,
        And I never looked at a dinnerlady quite the same way again.

      • “Rose West” is actually a great name for a porn star. it’s concise, it’s floral, it has geography, it’s perfect.

    • There are people who would vote for a steaming pile of dog shit if it had a political party’s colours attached to it. All we are doing is voting for who we consider to be the lesser of two evils, and I may break the habit of half a lifetime at the next election by voting for Labour. Whatever anybody says, they can’t do worse than the useless shower of shit that’s been in power for the last few years.

  17. “Our five-year-old son thinks I ought to work in the local bookshop, and I can see the appeal of that.”
    – Keir Starmer

    Well… go and do that, because you suck giant cheesy donkey dicks at being leader of Labour. You clearly don’t really want the job.

    • His sons a bit precocious isn’t he?
      He said that to me id say why don’t you go work in the bleeding bookshop if you like it so much?

      Oh and there’s no pudding after tea tonight.
      Cept prunes.
      Big bowl of prunes for you.

      I’m having trifle.

      • Maybe when he said that, they were living in downtown Copenhagen and daddy was reading, “Shit On My Tits: Vol. 57”.

  18. A face you never tire of punching.Gormless turd monkey.May he catch a thousand doses of the aids.

  19. I don’t know what you could possibly fault with this man; a Knight, the leader of the Labour Party who obviously cares about the working class and that’s his first thought when he gets up and his last when he goes to bed, ‘how can I make life better for ordinary people?’ He will surely look back on his death bed and reflect on the massive difference he has made to millions of British people.

  20. I just cannot bring myself to even thinking about voting for this untrustworthy, oily haired fucker and his libtard party. He can’t even answer the question “can a man have a cervix”. The answer is no Kier.

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