”Pakistani PM says he should not have to beg for help after catastrophic floods”
Yes it’s all our fucking fault. We give off less than 2% of emissions but it is rich polluting nations that are to blame. I notice he doesnt mention China, the biggest polluter of all, which will give fuck all unless there is some neo colonisation attached. And perhaps money spent on infrastructure instead of nuclear weapons might have helped.
Fuck the backward bastards.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Half the population of his country are over here, allegedly raping 12 year old white girls. What more fucking help does he want?
We are flooded with immigrants.
Pakistani PM says he shouldn’t have to beg for help after catastrophic floods.
Well fucking don’t then.
Enjoy your bath you bunch of pungent cunts.
Hehehe ?
Its like that Bono joke that every time he clapped his hands a child in Africa dies.
Audience member – “Well fucking stop doing it then”.
The British taxpayer has sent this ungrateful cunt fifteen million pounds to assist with the flood.
So expect to see a lot more Mercedes and Rolex being shipped out to him and his mates.
We should have spent the money on towing a fucking big banner behind a plane over Karachi reading SHITHOLE.
A verminous sewer of a country,let the fucking Saudis bail them out.
Spot on Unk, these cunts never have anything positive to say about us whiteys but and prepared to swallow their pride ( what little they have) and whip the begging bowl quicker than you can say ‘Allah be praised’.
Selfish cunt we have had drought conditions here for 5 months.
Hogging all that water..
All that extra water and they all still stink like a pile of dead donkeys.
The BNP has announced they will gift 10,000 crocodiles to assist with the cleanup.
We have a surplus of dinghies too.
Plenty of them on beaches near Dover we can send over.
Every little helps.
We will even put some Albanians in them, they are all
civil engineers and climate change scientists…er apparently.
All his appeal has done is encourage me to go out looking for plastics to burn on top of my tyre-bonfire..how gratifying to know that I’m doing my bit to help the world every time I set a match to some rubbish.
Remember Cunters…..Fire a tyre to sink a stink.
It’s almost a shame that I don’t know a pakı to laugh in his face that his beloved Allah has seen fit to bump off thousands of his smelly countrymen.
Have a walk by the nearest Primary School…you’ll probably find a good few parked up there.
Maybe India can dry the area up with a nuke detonated in the atmosphere..
They can have the steam off my piss. Oh, and a few hundred Piranhas
It’s only right that the UK should step up and send some much needed aid.
There’s towns and cities full of grooming gangs and there are jails full to bursting point of devout Islamic Pakistani criminals that we can send over to help.
With Allah’s blessings.
Pakistan has the cash for a space program and nuclear weapons … They can go fuck themselves the money grabbing cunts
We should send a shitload of libtards to help them out……..alphabet cunts, tree hugging cunts, immo loving cunts etc.
Oh……and we don’t want them back! Fucking keep them, we don’t need the bastards!
Live next to rivers and then complain about so called global warming when you get wet.
All P*kis are cunts, don’t give a fuck about the cunts in Pakistan it’s the cunts over here that are the fucking up our country.
Pakistan has caused plenty of problems in the world enabling terrorist training camps.
Oi Shehza, fuck off.
Sorry my days of being a white saviour are over thanks to Lenny Henry, ask Rishi Shitpak for a personal loan, his trouble & strife has billions ..or learn to fucking swim, God’s way of washing all their piles of shit off the pavements.
Looking at the link, well if they can afford a camping holiday, then they wont get fuck all out of me! Scrounging cunts.
What about a briefcase full with bundles of counterfeit banknotes with “Allah loves Christianity” on each currency strap.
Just to see which one of the superstitious hypocritical inbred cunts would risk opening it and risk being beheaded in the street by a crazed mob of pyjama wearing savages for blasphemy.
Would make great entertainment.
Certainly more entertaining than ‘Black Adam’ with Dwayne Johnson anyway.
I’m proud to say I sent a contribution to the poor unfortunate Pakistanis. It’s an old mop I don’t need anymore.
These cunts are well versed in begging so what’s the problem I won’t work for the cunts they want everything done for fuck all and want to penny pinch after you’ve done the job for them total fucking arseholes fuck erm
This cunt is right about one thing, he shouldn’t have to beg.
Especially if he’s waiting for me to put my hand in my pocket.
So as not to be left out, the Pakis up North should be flogged into the river Rother when it’s in full flood.
Some charidee cunt knocked on my door and asked if I could help with the flood in Pakistan.
I told him that unfortunately, my hosepipe lead only stretches to the bottom of the garden.
1. Rumour has it that the floods in Pakistan were started by a suicide plumber.
2. There’s a new curry been brought out in aid of the Pakistani flood disaster victims. It’s a chicken bury auntie, served with nan dead and poppa gone.
3. The BNP have donated 6000 crocodiles to the Pakistani flood appeal.
4. The Queen has sent a letter of condolence to the Pakistani president. She wanted to mention that Britain has plenty of spare pakis if they want some back.
5. I bet little Mohammed isn’t having to walk 3 miles fetch water now! I think I’ll ask for my 1 a month donation back.
6. What do you call a Pakistani flood survivor………………….Mustafa dinghy.
7. What goes around comes around. Pakistanis have been flooding Britain for years.
8. From space, Pakistan looks like a giant bowl of coco pops.
9. There is a new diet sweeping Pakistan . It’s called swim fast.
10. Charity single just released for the Pakistani flood disaster………..Rain drops keep falling on Ahmed
The Dutch are in a much more precarious position with regards to flooding.
No problem for them though.
Maybe because they didn’t spunk all their money on nukes?
Could it be that their are quantifiable differences in the respective strengths and weaknesses of the races?
This proves beyond any reasonable doubt the fact that God is British……..
You don’t shit (or piss in this case) on your own doorstep now do you?
You’re forgetting the great flood of 1968.
6,250 square kilometres of land – stretching roughly from Hampshire and Sussex across Surrey, Kent, and Essex – was hit with over 100mm of torrential rainfall during July and September.
More recently, severe winter flooding occurred across the UK in 2019/20.
The first wave of flooding occurred in November 2019, mainly affecting Yorkshire and the Humber, the East Midlands and the West Midlands.
Further isolated flooding incidents were reported in December and January, before the second main wave of flooding, caused by Storms Ciara and Dennis, occurred in February 2020.
The excessive rainfall resulted in the wettest February since records began in 1766, in England and Wales with an average of 169.6 millimetres (6.68 in) falling across the regions, beating the record from 1833.
All aload of climate change bollox we get more flooding now because the water companies are foreign owned money makers who spend fuck all clearing water courses dredging or putting any money back into the water network.
The Met Office are predicting heavy rainfall and flooding in the south this week. P*kistan will be sending loads of p*nces, criminals and rapists to help us out.
Just like any other week then.
Keep track here –
Figures don’t detail their origin (just like msm news then..)
Local do Gooders collecting donations in town for the floods in Pakistan got very annoyed when I donated two new buckets full of water to there appeal
After there reactions I will no longer be donating to there cause again
Fuck em
Glad to oblige Sharif. To help you take advantage of the floods, a bar of soap is in the post made of finest quality recycled cooking lard. Your welcome and I’m sure many other ISACunters will do the same.
I’ve already sent the last of the Lifebuoy soap.
The entitlement and the nerve of these pathetic shithole cuntries is unbelievable. Listen up Paki, we owe you absolutely nothing. Zero. Now fuck off.
Q- Why do Pakis smell?
A- So blind people can hate them too.
Imagine if we had to hold the begging bowl out to the Joe Daki’s ?
Those fucks wouldn’t give us the shit off their pissed stained Y Fronts, nor would the fucking Saudi’s. Come to think of it when have any Peaceful Nations ever helped another Country of the same ilk ??
Pakistan has a space programme?
Give it a few weeks and there will be a corner shop on the moon before the feckers have even built a road with a corner on it.