He hasn’t done anything in particular, I just had the misfortune of hearing this chinless twat on the radio and he reminded me of how much of a piece of shit he is.
His interview technique is nothing more than verbal bullying, interrupting, lying, mis-representing, straw-man, shouting down and asking smart-arse questions before the previous question has been answered.
A smug, sweaty, arrogant hooray-Henry, utterly inept, a hypocritical liar. A waste of skin, a medical experiment begging to happen, a good reason for extending the abortion limit to 58 years old.
Naahh, don’t like him.
Nominated by: Termujin
Create a public image –
Hardboiled hack,
I get the inside scoop
I tell it as it is,
I give the tough interview
All bollocks.
Just another media luvvie.
I can’t stand him either.
Anyone named piers is clearly some kind of puff.
Piers is his nickname really.
Because he hangs out on Brighton seafront.
To be fair to him, his new show has gotten better. But what the tits is that Kayne West – sorry it’s just “Ye” now – up to? Not sure if he needs a cunting here, need to see where it’s all heading. We all secretly can’t stand the Jews, but he seems to be going all-in on the Heeb-hating. Hey, when you have $2 billion in the bank…
Cunt but he seems to wind up cunts.
Pierced Organ.
A loudmouthed, over-opinionated hectoring great cunt of a man.
Has anyone noticed how Piers is missing the top to his head? His forehead and the nape of his neck are joined by a straight line.
Had he’d played a better hand, he could have been munching out Susanna Reid.
Susannah reids cunt.
Complete Cunt she would not fuck anyone she is so obsessed in herself. Due her own cunting – and then a gas shower.
People like him and James O’Brien, Nick Robinson etc etc really think they are the story, with the judgement of Solomon and the wit of Oscar Wilde. They are monumental bores and the mute button goes on qucker than it does when that frightful music introduces the Atchers
I’ve ordered the Archers tune at my funeral to piss everyone off, followed by the ‘birdie song’, for added balance.
I’ve chosen;
“Fire” by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
I am the god of hellfire and I bring you
Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn
I’ll see you burn
Then when the congregation are leaving
Always look on the Brightside by the Pythons
LOL “Congregation” who am I kidding
My kids all laughing, a gay vicar & some old hobo who
told them he was my neighbour to get a pint
and a ham sandwich at the afters party
The theme to Tales of the Unexpected for mine.
Better uses for piers morgan..
Attack dog dummy.
Extra large draft excluder
Gun range target.
Crash test dummy.
Wish I was a good artist
101 uses for a dead cat needs re-drawing as
101 uses for a dead Piers Morgan
101 uses for dead media cunts …would be better
101 uses for dead politicians
101 uses for a dead Queen ..now that is a fucking sick Idea I reckon the Sootys would push that to the top of the Nigerian Times best seller list by Chrimbo
Can’t bide the Cunt….boorish,arrogant,smug Blowhard.
Both he and his illegitimate son,James Cordon.are on my list of people who I plan to thrash beyond an inch of their lives when the Quacks tell me that I only have 6 months left….I call it my Abortion Bucket Escapee List.
Yanks seem to love him?
And James Corden.
Can’t see the appeal?
Bet he’s rude to waitresses like Corden is?
Seems like the type.
She should of fat shamed him in front of the other diners.
The Septics are welcome to both Morgan and Corden….obnoxious,fat,windbag Cunts.
Corden and Morgan are no better.
And Patrick Stewart…
Brilliant. The run-down-leg cordon should be exterminated now. Then we will know who is to follow, once they turn up at the unfunny cunts funeral. The people who put nonentities where they are, are the scourge of the country.
Can’t bide the Cunt….boorish,arrogant,smug Blowhard.
Both he and his illegitimate son,James Cordon.are on my list of people who I plan to thrash beyond an inch of their lives when the Quacks tell me that I only have 6 months left….I call it my Abortion Bucket Escapee List..it’s quite a long list..more of a phone directory tbh.
Not sure about this nom…..he does give shit to interviewees that fucking deserve it.
A fine example is the GMB interview with the trans model. Have a google.
He’s been within two feet of Susanna Reid’s fanny, the lucky bugger.
Aye quite the Pocket Rocket that little minx.
Jeremy Clarkson is said to have punched him.
Frankly it’s unforgivable that he didn’t cripple the blowhard cunt.
Clarkson has form with punching people. whilst I quite enjoy him on Top Gear and the Grand Tour, he is an out of control orangutang.
Piers Morgan is simply a cunt.
Clarkson’s columns in the Sunday Times used to be very funny and often spot on. Not read him recently.
I’d pay to watch those fat cunts wrestling,
Morgan & Clarkson rolling about naked & covered in used engine oil.
Bashing the hell out of each other, Clarkson would win easy.
Fucking hell I need to take a blood pressure pill now…bye
Whilst I agree with the basic premise of this cunting, Organ is beyond any doubt a cunt, there’s worse out there.
There is, but it’s like saying I’m not bothered about a tapeworm because I’ve got anal warts.
Just for the record I don’t have anal warts.
Possibly have a tapeworm.
MNC@ You can rid yourself of a tapeworm by sticking a mars bar up your arse every day for a fortnight, then stop feeding it and as soon as it comes out asking for the mars bar grab the fucker.
You’re not alone there, Miserable.
I got worms too. Got roundworm, seen them swimming around in the shitter post crap, I have. Got threadworm, seen that in my logs of a morning. Whipworms, they’re nice, tickle my scabby ringpiece at night. Got hookworm, only ever seen the eggs though. Got tapeworms up my fucking arse!
Also polyps, warts, papillomata, fistulas and Jeep disease. But that’s not important right now.
Good morning. ?
You are Sheridan Poorly from VIZ, and I claim my £5!
Jeep disease?
Are you going all rusty and smokey? ?
Luckily you haven’t got ringworm. Then you would have something worry about.
Faithful told me, after Jaggers gave her the worm, that
the Mars Bar trick works like a fucking treat. Only better as Treats are a bit hard to melt in their crispy shells.
I would remind this cunt about Viglen…not the fact he bought a load of shares and then tipped them but the fact they made fuckinh awful computers.
I never watch cunts like this becuase people say rot like “you must watch Piers tonight”….No I don’t, I would rather eat my own shit and vomit.
“you must watch Piers tonight”
Who are these cunts?
Burn them.
I’m unsure about cunting piers, he has his good points, he put the Uber cunt Andrew Tate in his place but on the downside he was not nice to Tommy Robinson, does that make piers an agent provocateur?
here is the link with Tommy https://youtu.be/4hwkhM041ig
Piers was also fired off Good Morning Britain because he said that Meghan Markle talked a load of shit during the Oprah Winfrey interview. Subsequent events have proved him right and the weatherman twat , with whom he got in an argument, absolutely wrong. The weatherman is still there, I think, although I have never watched it.
The only reason the weatherman is still there is blatantly obvious!
It’s whether the man did the weather better than Piers resistance.
He really didn’t put him in his place.
Robinson in general is spot on in what he’s saying, its just the dickhead way he’s gone about it like a cunt..Reckon Robinson should give up and switch to running an Only Fans account for a living, more money, more attention & fame which is all he’s after really…. same with Morgan, utter cunt only does it for attention. No principles, no moral compass, just a song & dance media monkey.
Simply a very well paid Gobshite
Best thing Jeremy clarkson ever did was to smack this Cunt in the face.
Morgan’s interview technique is much like Anne Robinson’s on Watchdog years ago. Cut them off when they try to give a coherent answer, throw in another loaded question and wind the clock down. It’s hardly Robin Day or Paxman is it?
Like many journo types, Morgan thinks his word is law.
Yes, he was right about Megain, but he will always be an irredeemable cunt of the highest order.
Blimey I’d forgotten that ginger cunt Robinson, face like roadkill, she needed ovening badly. Hope both Day & Paxman have been cunted on here & that cunt Vine. Paxman’s so full of his own majesty He’s a fucking Emperor in his own head.
I remember Paxo doing exactly that, and thought he was a terrible interviewer.
Interviewing Martin Amis and Christopher Hitchens was visibly difficult for him. He didn’t like being the thick one.
Another gobshite over exposed shite hawk of the highest order, can’t stand the cunt. Like giving telly time to some half cut pissed up cunt down the local boozer.
I bet Susanna Reid used to look at him like Princess Leia did at Jabba The Hutt in Return of the Jedi.
They just needed that flying barge and a length of chain.
Cunt tried bullying Andrew Tate during his interview.
Singular failure and shows the arrogance of the guy to think that Tate would come along and just roll over.
Stupid cunt
I cant stand his intense desire for his interviewee to well up–
‘It really affect you doesnt it’
‘It has affected you deeply’
And then the person start to blubber. The money shot.
He seems to live under the illusion that he’s a special kind of cunt that the public have a love/hate relationship with, when actually he’s just a cunt.
Can’t say much about Him really
It’s like living with Crabs
You just itch it when it gets annoying
With crabs, you stand over a bowl of water. Once they go swimming. Fuck off sharpish.
Or, stand over a mirror. Once they’ve gone to visit their mates, do another runner.
Last resort. Pour rum into your crutch, then rub in sand. Once they get pissed, they’ll stone each other to death.
A fucked clock is right twice a day, making it more reliable than this cunt.
Glad his career is dying a slow death on some unwatched cable TV channel.
a digital clock isn’t
You should cunt his wife aswell for being married to this cunt.
Mrs Morgan you are a cunt.
Pies Moron
He drinks in what is now my local, having ruined my other local when he bought it with Marco Pierre White and turned it into a gastro pub for rich cunts.
An enormous package of bollocks and bile, has been for years. Thinks that he has a handle on what the real people want mostly he hasn’t
In short a sad example of media sleb.
He was an uber cunt during lockdown. Calling anyone who questioned it.
Think we’re all agreed this one Morgan is a genuine platinum grade cunt.
Morgan is a fat talentless contrary cunt that likes to run with the fox and hunt with the hounds. and I cant fucking stand him. His only redeeming moment was cunting off that cunt of cunts Megan of Markles.
Forgot the cunt existed, wish Vine would become a non entity.
hear hear, fucking detest Vine, even his face is screwed up spiteful looking and nastier than a sewer rat
He’s spiteful because he can’t do this: