Mark Lloyd CBE

As ever Admin my dismal IT skills prevent me providing a link but on my return from a splendid autumnal ride on my motorcycle I found Lady Guzzi laughing out loud at a story on the Apple News website.

Mark Lloyd CBE of the Local Government Association has banned a whole range of words which he finds to be inappropriate and unacceptable.’ Mum’ and ‘Dad’ feature in this list; the correct term is ‘Birthing Parent’.

One only has to think about this for a couple of seconds to realise that an adopted child will be stigmatised by their peers by being unable to use this term. Even worse will be the child who is a test tube baby due to the husband of his female birthing partner being infertile.

I would ask the more erudite members of IsAC to offer their solutions to this seemingly intractable situation.
(I’m sure the cunters could come up with some alternative interpretations of CBE – NA)

Birmingham Mail Link. (Link provided by Cuntstable Cuntbubble)

Seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

I sort of second this nom but far from me putting a dampener on a richly deserved cunting this middle class, massively over remunerated twerp actually hasn’t banned any words or phrases.

However the expert Non Job Shit Cunt has produced at I’m guessing massive expense a document which issues ‘advice’ to Councils on how the use of language in a dynamic society could leave the terminally offended, offended.

However this pencil necked no mark hand ringing nimby shit cunt deserves a cunting firstly for stealing my oxygen and secondly for being so self important that he has no shame or self awareness that he thinks can produce a ‘guide’ (which will become gospel) to tell the rest of us how to speak.

And without any hint of Irony.

There’s been many attempts at this type of ‘policy’, I think a chap called Adolf once tried it and that didn’t end well but it’s ok because he was a fascist.

79 thoughts on “Mark Lloyd CBE

  1. Obviously this idiot is the produce of a pair of cunts pity pater didn’t have a wank instead or nuggets her

  2. Obviously this idiot is the produce of a pair of cunts pity pater didn’t have a wank instead or buggered her

  3. I’m no biologist, but wouldn’t the term ‘birthing parent’ exclude the father?
    What absolute, fucking horseshit.
    Cunts like this, need their heads stuffing up a dead bear’s arse.

    • There’s one advert where a white grandfather has a black son-in-law. He spends the whole advert looking surprised that his daughter isn’t a single mum.

      • There is one, set in a restaurant where a Japanese man has an African wife.

        Yes, that happens a lot.
        Japs are very fond of black people.

        Of course the idiot in the ad is a young white guy.

      • It’s almost always the case. The White man is portrayed as having the IQ of a boiled cabbage and the ethnic is made to look like Einstein.

      • Just as sushi is nowhere close to the original recipe so too is gravlax.

        The name means ‘buried’.
        The salmon would be buried and left to rot down.

        Real gravlax fucking stinks.
        It is so bad that it is only served in a few traditional restaurants in Scandinavia.

    • I’ve been in black people’s house and they are invariably VERY different to the lovely, expensive, detached homes depicted in every modern crime-drama (where the black is never the killer), and the kitchens are expertly equipped and used by sambos.

      How expensive does the kitchen need to be to slice up watermelon?

  4. I like these things, allows me to know exactly which words I will keep on using to.annoy the fuck out of them.

    And I insist on deadnaming every tranny out there.

    If I don’t know their name , I just call them Dave, fella or geezer.

    Usually gets a superb reaction

  5. Spend five minutes looking at what comes out of your local council offices at kicking out time.

    I live in a rural market town in the South, where the locals are mostly white and old. The creatures that emerge from our local council office are women who look like Pauline Campbell-Jones from The League of Gentlemen, or vaping, bearded, stunted, speccy man-children.

  6. What’s the fucking point?

    Parents are happy to be called mum and dad.

    “What a lovely baby. You must be a very proud mum”

    ‘How dare you. I am not his mum, I am his Birthing Parent!’

    It’s not really going to catch on.

  7. This is outrageous. I was a test-tube baby. My real name isn`t Sam Beau, it`s Mg + 2HCl => MgCl₂ + H₂. And I`m fizzing at the bunghole.

  8. I’m not a gynecologist, but I know a cunt when I see one. I must remember that next time I’m called to a maternity job we should ask where the ‘Birthing Parent’ is.

    Fucking arsehole.

  9. What the fuck is the Local Government Association anyway?…….another jobs for the boys quango with wankers like this Lloyd fucker churning out this total bullshit? Any cunt who thinks I’m going around talking like a fucking trannie can kiss my prosthetic tits and call me Trixie.

  10. The handcart of lunacy gets nearer to hell. Why the fuck is this country bending to the will of a tiny minority of idiotic fascists?

  11. Must’ve been locked in a darkened room by his mum & dad, for coming out with such silly ideas.

  12. I never used to be one for conspiracy theories, but now I genuinely believe that cunts like this (and thousands like him) are part of some global cult to destroy western society from within. Drown the cunt in pig slurry.

  13. CBE
    In this instance Cunting, Blithering, egotist.

    There’s surprisingly few insults beginning with ‘E’.

  14. We’ll just cancel Mothers & Fathers Day then. Roll them both into one, and call it “Birthing Parents Day.” Is that good with you, Mark?…….Daft cunt!

  15. So many bald old fuckers in public life talk out f their arseholes too many to mention, but for a start:
    Neil Kinnock
    Stephen Kinnock
    Lord Adonis

  16. Just stop oil cunts have shut the Dartford bridge.
    Where’s Vasily Zaytsev when you need him..

  17. It says in the newspaper link he has a CBE not an OBE.
    He is a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire not an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
    He is two steps above an MBE. Which is merely a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
    So this man is one of great substance and dignity.

  18. Mark looks ill?
    Peaky an undernourished.

    That’s what happens when your mixed in a test tube.

    I’m the spawn of my mam an dad,
    I was a big healthy baby and grew and grew.
    Lots of meat in our diets see?

    My sperm is incredibly potent.
    It burns through worktops.
    Grade A*** jizz.

    My sons about 6ft 5in and still growing,
    Not filled out yet.

    If we were cattle we’d be valuable breeding bulls,
    Genetically superior ?

    Tell you what Mark you little fanny,
    I’ll Tom your missus for you?
    2 grand.
    And a signed waiver.
    That way your missus will get a proper scuttling and your son will be a healthy, strapping lad.

    Might of been a idea to wash that test tube first?

      • How can his missus be a bloke?


        That’s how it goes.

        Stick two blokes together can’t have kids ,
        Besides it’s unhygienic.

    • Do your customers know about you jizzing on their worktops?
      Or are you quality control at wren kitchens.

      • I won’t do it on a paying customers worktop.
        But if they looked sad,
        Bit barren,
        No nippers running about,
        I might take pity and squirt a dollop on the mattress,
        9months after- baby boy.

  19. I heard a child screaming for his ‘Mam’ the other day in the supermarket. ‘Mam!’ ‘Mam!’

    She should have said to him ‘it’s Birthing parent! Birthing parent!’

    • Or better still he should be made to scream- ‘Parent 1’

      And then Parent 1 would say to Parent 2 ‘Oh you have him for a while’.

      Come to think Parent 1 is what used to be called ‘mother’ and parent 2 what used to be called the ‘father’. But isnt that discriminatory?

      • What about old headstones-they need changing so they don’t cause offence-

        ‘Here lies Wilfred Wilberforce Beloved Significant Other of Alice Wilberforce.
        Parent 2 of Charles Wilberforce’.


      • ‘For a UK audience, the most striking moment in the new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s victory speech will have been that she anchored its peroration to a quote from G.K. Chesterton. ‘Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago,’ she said, ‘“Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.”

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