A year round cunting please
It’s not enough to have one month dedicated to the white mans errors but 12 months according to Malory Blackman
It should be taut in schools all year round, we’ll you could dedicate one month to great black inventors, one to great black farmers etc etc
The most Nobel prizes they have is for peace Wow it Shits on all the Science doesn’t it
Racist Cunt
Nominated by: Lurt shifter
And seconded by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
In support.
I have read the nonsense spouted by whoever this fucker is and it seems to amount to a history of victimhood – slavery, colonies and so on. Achievements, which are few and far between, don’t seem to figure.
”Malorie Blackman said history lessons should tell “the whole truth” of the British Empire, such as Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade.”
No mention of Africa’s role, which was prominent and actually started it in the first place.
And what of black achievements? Science and technology? Practically zero. History itself? Well, without any writing this has to come from European and Arab observations.
Then there is the history of democracy in Africa – practically non existent, instead being a long line of savage despots and mass murder. Far worse than the colonisers.
So yes, let’s have the ‘whole truth’ about Africans and try not to question why British schools should skew history to the 4% of the British population that have achieved fuck all.
Did all that at school over sixty odd years ago. It was called jungle studies. A slow morning twiddling our thumbs.
We had a bit on Will.i.am Shake-a-spear and his classic ‘The Merry Ho’s of Windsor n’ Shiiit’.
In the link she says people cherry pick the best bits of Black history
What best bits?
There is a stabbing in London for half a day?
Leyroy has made his daily drug Quota?
Or FGM’s are down?
What are these best bits?
I wrote this last August…
Apparently, believing class is the most important characteristic makes you a far right Nazi.
Funny. When I was a young man, it made you a far left Communist.
Woke ≠ Marxism.
But adding nationalism to socialism doesn’t make it “far right”
I thought far right was hiding out in the woods with an assault rifle, a camouflage romper suit and a copy of the Old Testament ?
The woke are indeed not Marxist as such. They’re just the useful idiots. If most of them found out what socialism really is, they would run screaming for the hills…
Thanks Emperor. That was an education I suspect you are a bloody good history teacher.
Victimhood is very very powerful. They are only grabbing more power all the time. Whatever the world concedes will never be enough. We need to tell them to fuck off now. It’s time. Fuck off and enjoy your ill-gotten gains.
I notice these brain dead cunts never try picking on the Arabs who have a long history of utilising African slaves.
In better times this evil bitch would have been openly laughed at and possibly (and correctly) put into an asylum.
Black history?
Fuck off,nobody wants to know how many mud huts were built in fucking Swaziland or how many babies were eaten by witch doctors last year.
‘It should be taut in schools all year round’
…sorry Lurt Shifter, but may I be the first to point out the irony sir.
It should create a tort for the poor kids forced to listen to this shit.
Mr CC,
Spelling Nazis are knuts ?
How the fuck could anybody fill an annual school curriculum with lessons on great back people?
They’d be fucking short lessons at best.
“Great black farmers. Any suggestions children?”
“Erm, Uncle Ben miss.”
“What about great black scientists?”
“Erm……,Dunno miss”
“Neither do I children. Fuck this! Let’s learn something that’s actually going to help you get a job when you grow up”
You hit the nail on the head there, the negatives of black history far outweigh any positives that may exist.
5 minutes.
That’s all it’d take.
Thousands of years sat on your arse.
Then on a nice cruise to do agricultural work.
Then nothing.
Mammary Blackarse can suck my plums.
The cheeky fat blob of shite .
How about learning English history?
Give the kids little bows to shoot at french exchange students and teach about Agincourt.
Be fair, apparently a dark sort ‘invented’ peanut butter.
I’d class that as a recipe but then again I am a far right racist.
Indeed Termujin.
It was in fact a Mayans who discovered the recipe for peanut butter several hundred years before George Washington Carver ever clapped eyes on a peanut.
Mr Odin,
Thanks for the info, I learn something new every day ?
The thing is, if you’re going to teach black history, and it will be woke revisionist history, then you’re going to have to drop another subject, perhaps Ms. Blackman (aptly named) could suggest what that should be?
The U.K. , despite a poor start, has a proud history of being the first major nation in the world to outlaw slavery, I can’t be arsed to look it up but in about 1780, with a judge who said something along the lines of “the air is free and so should every man be who breathes it” .
Whilst fighting a world war against the French we had our navy tracking down slavers and intercepting them, leading to the War of 1812 with, our natural allies, the U.S.A.
When the Napoleonic wars finished we gave compensation payments of £4.5 million to Spain and £17.5 million to France to make them ban slavery. Those are historic prices, so the most enormous sum of money. Meanwhile the U.S. were 60 years behind us.
Slavery is still a modern problem, mainly in Africa and the Arab states. I hope everyone enjoys the World Cup next month, most of the stadiums were built using modern slave labour.
Racism is a two way street.
Good point Wanksock
The Royal Navy set up the West African Squadron that for 60 years chased and battled with slaving ships, primarily from Portugal.
The Portuguese were by far the largest slave trading nation.
Around 5000 Royal Navy sailors gave their lives over 60 years in the quest to bring slavery to an end.
So perhaps if Ms Blackman’s request is granted it only seems fair to me that this FACT is also taught.
Hopefully they’ll also include the widespread corruption in politics along with the plethora of dictatorships across the African continent.
And let’s not forget the genocide in Rwanda, the destruction of the Zimbabwean economy, the mass appropriation of farms belonging to white farmers, Idi Amin, Ebola, Monkeypox and the hundreds of billions of pounds of charity money poured in to the continent over god knows how long, Bob Geldoff (just give us your fucking money)
The only reason shit cunts like Ms Blackman have a stage is because the massively middle class white workforce at the BBC are suffering from Guardian influenced White Guilt.
But as many cunters have already pointed out teaching Black History without all the actual facts would take all of 5 minutes.
Fuck them
Staggering fact I learned this week was that not only did they know the earth was spherical 2400 years ago, but they even managed to measure the circumference, and were only 8 kilometres out!
So, some cunt in Egypt worked that out with two sticks, over two millennia ago, and yet there are people (predominantly white) who have the biggest library that ever existed a their disposal, the Internet, and they are still arguing that the world is flat.
Funny old (spherical) world eh?
Eratosthenes rocks!
Indeed, that level of intelligence when we were living in mud huts and chucking spears. ?
Yeah but, yeah but, these people are bleating about ‘black history’, not African history which are not synonymous.
Egyptians were ‘Africans’ (as they lived in the northern african continent), but they weren’t blacks, they were indo-europeans of east mediterranean descent (despite some desparate claims by revisionists).
So Egyptians and their scientific achievements cannot be cited as part of ‘Black History’ – but which should be more accurately be called ‘Sub-saharan’ history.
@Duke Khunt.
The ancient Egyptians were not then, as they aren’t now – sub Saharan black.
The whole black history bollocks is aimed primarily at the promotion of the sub Saharan black African, specifically the west African.
Certainly not the Algerian, the Moroccan or the Egyptian.
Muh slavery.
Muh white man bad.
Muh white man’s fault we’ve achieved fuck all.
Rewriting or warping history to suit a particularly toxic narrative.
With a bit of white self loathing and self flagellation thrown in for good measure.
Without the knee bending and apologetic nature of the self loathing white man – this apologetic bullshit would never have gained any traction.
Those who constantly (and ineffectively) try to find a reason to denigrate their own race and promote another one when creating yet another ‘strawman’ ,are fucking pathetic cowards.
Do these pricks actually think these people will thank them?
Pathological altruism. Sad.
Facts is, blacks have practically no history worthy of note. Perhaps one day they will, but teaching kids about a super soaker and peanut butter being invented and expecting them to be impressed is daft. Especially after telling pupils about the moon landings, the electric light, computers, cars, planes, modern medicine, phones etc etc…
I saw some advert promoting black history showing Simone Biles, the gymnast who quit on her team during the Olympics after a poor first event. To be fair to her, before this she was regarded as the world’s best. But ‘history’? FFS, she’s 25 and still competing.
Scraping the barrel looking for so something, aren’t they? Even Diane fucking Abbott gets mentions.
It’s pathetic.
Cunts like this fat bitch believe white people are born racist and must constantly be brow beaten for it.
It matters not a fucking jot how much apologising (for fuck all), leg ups (jobs etc) and free shit we give the likes of this land whale, it will never be enough. Racism is the worst thing ever and honkies are evil to be around because they’re all born this way.
If this is her (and other race baiters’) position, then surely the only answer is separation?
I’d be prepared to do this: The blacks and peacefuls can have Europe and the honkies can have Africa.
I fucking guarantee you that within 30 years, Africa would be modern, democratic and pretty much the best continent to live on in the world, while Europe would be like Africa today.
And they’d be coming over to Africa in boats to the land of ‘evil whitey’.
Fuck it. I reckon we’ll need a rocket and an escape to another world.
We are fucked.
The only thing worth mentioning is the day when blacks in the UK are history ?
History is history, it is something that happened in the past and it isn’t possible to teach about everything so the curriculum should focus on the more important events.
When I was at school I was aware of the slave triangle even without black history month ?
Chippy fat black woman can fuck off.
Why are there so many of the cunts living in this racist country if we are that bad? Beats the shit out of me.
Seconded! I think blacks are so great that everybody should have one.
Black history. mmmh lets see.
Mud huts.
Drinking out of donkey piss pools.
Witch doctors.
Female genital mutilation.
I could go on but you get the picture..
Can you imagine what Africa would be like if whitey had never set foot on the god forsaken place…?
That’s so biased. You’ve left plenty off the list:
Compo culture
Disco shit
Gang rāpe
Before you. Enid Blyton wrote about what you schwarz fuckers did to poor old Noddy. Now fuck off.
Another race baiting CRT sack of shit given unwarranted prominence by the BBC. Fuck off back to Africa if you don’t like it here. Then you’ll find out what real racism is you cunt.
Spears & melting pots. Two Nobel Prizes there then!
I lived in Africa for 11 years; racism? If you weren’t one of the Leader’s tribe, you got absolutely fuck all…
‘We still need more books from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities’. How are you going to get an uneducated, illiterate moron to write a book? None of them could hold a pen, never mind write anything.
But they do know how to count.
Country being taken over from within…..just a matter of time.
By all means, let’s teach some black history in schools.
We can teach about the African trans-Saharan slave trade and the co-operation provided by black tribes to European slaving which was used to further tribal feuds and settle debts.
We can teach about the massive corruption and abuse of human rights in Africa – much of which continues to this day.
We can have day long seminars on such African luminaries as Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe and noted cannibal “Emperor” Bokassa. A lecture on the contents of Bokassa’s fridge would be illuminating as well – “Were the human remains found in Bokassa’s fridge really those of the man that came to fix the fridge light and got stuck. Discuss”.
We can have a few seconds in the busy teaching schedule to analyse indiginous African achievements in science as well. There have been distinguished African scientists but they are all trained in the Western scientific tradition.
In short, a realistic and well rounded course on African history. There have been some high points – genuine historical African civilisations that achieved much and some African luminaries in the cultural sphere. But for the most part its a pretty sorry tale.
Of course it will never happen.
Don’t forget Shaka Zulu whose foul and violent exploits are now described using the euphemisms, “colourful” “rebel” and “exaggerated “.
Bang on MMCM, you mentioned the exact same savages that I had in mind, add to the mix the atrocities in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan etc….
There’s plenty to choose from, MM !
There’s only one Honor Blackman.
Mmmm, Pussy Galore
It’s certainly not this cunt.
Honor was Pussy Galore.
This fat bitch is Pussy Gale warning.
A Trillion Dollars given in aid to the fuckers and then we have this bleating cunt. Go forth and multiply you fat bastard.
I wouldn’t go near Malaria.
She might be contagious.
Spray it with DDT………
That’s better.
spray it with napalm ! I love the smell of napalm
Never happy these cunts..one month of celebrating you pathetic achievements.
Which could be done in one hour..
And it’s not as if they are going to slip into obscurity once it’s over..
Saturation coverage over every branch of the media..Most days I think I’ve been transported to Africa..
I lived in Seffrica. Black Seffricans are violent racists towards other blacks, from the north (Kwera kwera) and towards Indian Seffricans. These are people they can terrorise and murder. Less so towards whitey except where they can murder in remote farmsteads. There are a large number of cowardly savages in their ranks.
As Europeans were able to record it, we should teach the history of Shaka Zulu. And the African body count.
Never fear when Xi becomes world president, racism and transphobia will be made illegal. All the cunts will be sent to extermination camps….. then I woke up.
I suspect we will be the ones in the camps…
Would malheur allow the kids to listen to Debussy’s Children’s Corner piano music. Especially the Golliwog’s Cakewalk.
Malorie. Origin: French. Meaning; unfortunate, ill-fated. There you have it lads. You can shut up shop and go home early. She’s definitely a cunt.
Yeah let’s teach muh Black History all year round.
Will include the bad bits or just the good bits?
Or is teaching the bad bits racist?
A pile of stinking faeces the lot of it.
There are good bits?
Difficult to tell when sub Saharan Africa has no ancient monuments, no ancients texts or relics by which to glean this knowledge.
A few piles of mud bricks, a couple of worn stones, some cheap bling and some historic piles of KFC bargain buckets aren’t really going to get punters swarming to the British museum to see it now, are they.
Oh fuck off, im am so sick oh hearing this bollocks, times have changed, everything,absolutely everything is accepted nowadays, the only fuckers keeping waaaaysism alive, is those whiny cunts who are shit scared they wont be able to wave their victims cards whenevr they want sympathy or attention .
Get over it and move on, find something new to cry about, if it really is so bad for them, they could always follow their ancestral path back to its origin and stay there.
What, dont fancy that, no gravy train, benefits hand outs, housing and you have to walk no further than your kitchen for a glass of water….in that casr its high time you shut the fuck uppppp
What about midgets?
No mention of them I see!
When’s it midget month?
Gone quiet haven’t you Malorie?
Because we both know your ancestors hunted and ate pygmies!
And used their bones for magical rituals.
Shtum about that eh?
And the fact it still goes on DESPITE being illegal in nearly every country in the world.
And what about midget slavery in the middle East?
What about that?
Sold to supermarkets to stack the bottom shelves.
Not so fuckin mouthy now melanoma are you?
In 2020 a boat off Cape Horn was on a routine inspection found to contain 400 midgets tied up naked with a apple in their mouths.
This boat was bound for the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The court case fell through on a technicality when the captain used the defence the midgets were playing bobbing for apples.
You’ve deffo got a thing about midgets lol
I know Termujin.
It started as a kid when I got the chance to meet popular wrestlers of the time Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks backstage at Belle Vue.
My connection to meet these legends of the ring was through someone my dad knew,
A bloke called Sammy…
A midget!!
I was shocked by Sammy,
I’d never seen one before,
I’m was around 7-8yrs old and my mind couldn’t process him.
I stared mouth open rudely the whole time.
Even when meeting Big Daddy and getting a autograph all I could think about was Sammy.
What did he eat?
Did he have any special powers?
Would he eventually grow into his head?
Since that day I’m thrilled to see one,
Swerving my van in excitement if I spot one out and about.
They’re brilliant.
And have squeeky little comedy voices too!?
Here you go Miserable, I hope this helps.
Urban Dictionary
Yeah, that’s me in a nutshell LL.
Accept I’ll want to pat them on the head.
I suppose Mrs Miserable is used to saying “Oh don’t worry about him, its just his midget fetish, I was hoping he would have grown out of it by now but its just gotten worse since the water dw@rf started on Strictly”.
I used to know one and he was a great laugh, feisty as fuck, right ankle-biter and loved a beer or two.
Sadly gone now, kidneys were fckd.
“NObody knows de trouble I seen,
Nobody knows – but Jesus”
How many more of these special days/weeks/months/years are we expected to remember?
I remember: “Plant a Tree n ’73”
which was followed by “Buy a saw in ’74
but they were the simple days – know we have benders month in June (when is trannies day?)
We have Black History Month”
I propose National Porno & Stritease Month” to be held in the wrst month of the year – December – sponsored, of course, by Boggs Pornographic Productions, (Events) Ltd of Taiwan, where you can see our latest filmed release (“Yvette’s First Anal” with barely legal Yvette Cooper and “Big” Dave Lammy) and live performances from The Lisa Nandy Topless Latin American Band, a bevy of topless Labour lovlelies (this at the Steaming Pussycat Club, Soho), while to finish the months celebrations, at the Lesbian Labour Ladies Club at Dyke House, British Lady Heavyweight champion, Emily “Hammerhead” Thornberry will be taking on all-comers, including the fat old tart in the nomination. The prize? Rip off her spangly Speedos and you can keep them.
Some pygmies.
So you know what to look out for.
They say big man big dick. Pygmy all dick.
I’d quite like a ‘Normal White Person’s Day’.
Axe to the head
The most pathetic part of the story of slavery was that it began as sugar-refining project by the Portuguese in the 15th century. They had a go at it and gave up as it took boiling the canes to 130 Celsius in a large vat, horrible, disgusting, dangerous as fuck. So they went Africa and bought some slaves to do it.
Cut to 1965 America and the hatred towards the descendants of these slaves who were treated appallingly for 600 years finally get equal rights with the other people of America. And that has had mixed results shall we say? Many black people have succeeded in America and some have not. Some are born into hellscapes that are very hard to get out of or get out of alive.
In 2008, we saw the first non-white President of the United States and it seemed a new Golden Brown Age had surely arrived. It hadn’t. Over the past few years some black people have raged hard against, ‘white privilege’ but as no low-income white person in America are privileged, those of wealth, we are back to the age of primary dichotomy of life:
You’ll be dead soon. Then reincarnated. Probably into a black baby in Africa. Or a Chinese baby and grow up to harvest rice. Or maybe a Muslim baby and grow up to be President of the United States of Europe!
Fingers crossed! 🙂