A full-on cunting for this group of filthy unwashed, students and JSA middle class pultroons who are gluing themselves to roads, holding up traffic including fire engines and ambulances, and now, in addition to showing how childish they are, prove themselves to be a bunch of philistines, by damaging Van Goughs’s beautiful Sunflower painting:
It angers me that the police just watch them carring on like this – the protestors have been at it for two weeks now – comparatively few arrests. I doubt the scums benefits is stopped. If Khan hadn’t sold off those water canon Boris bought it could have all been wrapped up in a few days, as it is, they all ought to be rounded up stuck in cells and rmin there till they appear before stern magistrates who will jail them.
Nominated by: W. C., Boggs
And supported by: The Cuntfinder general
You beat me to it with this cunting.
Where to start with this bunch of bourgeois entitled cunts…… give me fucking strength…..they all look the same, dress the same, have the same incredibly punchable expressions, spout the same alarmist horse shit and share names akin to a fucking Lacrosse team. I can not begin to describe how badly I would lose my shit if these attention seeking hypocritical gobshites were to ever inconvenience me. These Cressidas, Farquars, Bluebells etc etc stir in me feelings of such ultra violence that even now I’m struggling to not go bat shit and mash up everything in my immediate vicinity.
The irony is completely fucking lost on them, these mostly privileged and privately educated pricks have enjoyed the most unsustainable lives yet now decide they want to deny every body else the chance to enjoy themselves. They suggested banning cheap short haul flights to save the planet!!!! Who the fuck do you think uses these shitty services mostly??? Its your binmen, tyre fitters, nurses, postmen etc etc ……. see a pattern emerging yet you cunts? Nope, didn’t think so. I’m alright pull the ladder up Jack
Whether its Just stop oil, Insulate Britain, XR or any other manifestation of misguided Marxist cunts hellbent on taking us back to year zero, I hate them all equally. The best thing they can do to save the planet is walk to the nearest biodigester and drown themselves in it. Utter cunts.
Just stop oil? Then fine. Let’s ban all of the arrested protesters from using or benefitting from anything made from, powered by, heated by, transported by, lighted by or assisted in anyway by the use of oil.
They’d all be naked, cold, hungry and none of them would be able to go on twatter via their (mainly plastic/oil based) i-phone 14’s.
These dumb fucks don’t get that oil made the modern world they have benefitted from. Even fucking push bikes need oil, the bearings on wind turbines need oil, electric trains and trams need oil, food production machines need oil, for fucks sake need we have to spell this out to these cunts?
Without oil the world as we know it stops.
Why don’t the silly buggers pack-it-in with a resounding, OIL be seeing you.
just fucking burn them, make them into what they hate.
It’ll be funny when a bunch of these wankers get in the way of a peaceful taxi driver on his way to pick up a 12 year old white girl. Fur will fly.
All I know is I’ll happily try and run the cunts over if they make me late for my early job tomorrow…
In an electric van! The irony ?
Considering the cost of sending god knows how many coppers to “police” these cnuts, why not just pay some “big” guys to drag the fuckers away – under the gaze of a couple of observer coppers. When they re-position themselves, just drag the fuckers away again – and again – and again. They’ll soon get fed up. But most of all – stop reporting on the fucking idiots. That’s what they want!
And is my new party any closer????
here’s an amazing article, biggest bony fish ever caught admittedly dead and at end of life.
while an enjoyable read, the media cannot wait to crow bar in an unsubstantiated opinion. ‘surprisingly large due to over fishing etc etc’.
so basically you’re admitting you’re wrong because this is the biggest fucking fish ever, yet theyre all gone due to over fishing.
fuck me the roundabouts these cunts live on.
Worse are the total and utter cunts who pour milk everywhere.
If I saw that I would lose it.
I saw that cunt doing it in that posh shop. Notice they chose a posh shop. Not a shop full of rough types Wasn’t fucking Aldi, was it?
Apparently that cheese was expensive stuff.
If that were my stand, there is a chance I’d be in prison right now, awaiting trial for beating the cunt to death with his own arms.
It is just a matter of time until one of these cunts gets run over or beaten to a pulp by an angry mob.
I see our ‘government’ has mentioned brining in injunctions. Injunctions? The fucking law is already there to deal with it, you kick the can down the road some other cunt will deal with it I don’t want to risk my troughing and pension cunts!
Tell the fucking rozzers to go in heavy handed when they deliberately damage public property or create roadblocks and the like.
They should be in there with riot gear and tear gas. Kick fuck out of the cunts. I bet most cops would celebrate being asked to do this.
These posh little cunts won’t be back after that, I guarantee it.
bet the twats would be quite happy if I put on a pair of hessian toecapped boots and give em a good leathering, sorry hessianing, be inline with their ethos , plus added benifits of feeling every bone crunching nose splatting kick myself. Absolute heaven that would be, specially watching cunts refuse to get in the ambulance and opt to crawl 4 miles to A+E
Crawling? You have to be joking, these cunts would be demanding the air ambulance.
Taken all the skin off your hands with super glue Sir?, sorry the helicopter is grounded no oil in the rotor, hospital is 10 miles that way maybe some cunt will lend you a skate board
Lord Fiddler should send one of the muck spreaders from his armada of agricultural vehicles and fleck them with human sewage.
As for the soup slingers, just more proof that these ‘justice’ warriors are thick-as-shit Maoist philistines
There was one cunt who sprayed orange paint on an Aston Martin showroom window. It was a ginger haired bloke wearing a fucking dress. These people are fucked up in the swede. Marxist cunts.
when you start damaging private property, that trust fund is going to get seriously depleted.
Daddeh won’t be happy when Aston cancel his order for the new DBX either.
Paint made from oil…same as their clothes, pvc banners, trainers & every fucking bit of transport they used to get into London…CUNTS
Since they’re happy to pour various substances (paint, shit) over things, I suggest pouring a few tins of surströmming over these protesters in the middle of the road. If the cunts are capable of staying put after that, they’re obviously made of sterner stuff.
If a few perverts with B O and halitosis jumped in amongst them, they’d surrender.
Let’s forget the useless police’s role in all this. Nice, well-meaning decent folk like DCI Gene say “most coppers I know want to get stuck in,” but they’re still following the orders of their cunt bosses and working against the English people, so fuck them, the wastes of space.
People would have the respect and back of any copper that went against his orders, but they just go along with it like pussies.
“I vas only following mein orders”
Before long, someone is going to murder one of the protesters and the police will be complicit due to their inaction.
I’d be happy with many protesters being murdered.
Gas them with 2 Stroke fumes…
I think this shower is an off shoot of the extiction rebellion cunts. All interchangable, North London range rover types with their skiing holidays, Tuscan villa owning, gap years in Tanzania (“yarrr”), cibatta-bread eating, fairtrade-buying chinless wonders whose idea of the apocalyse is running out of imported sun-dried tomatoes or mang tout, flown in at huge environmental cost.
Fucking hypocrites who’ve racked up 100 times the carbon emissions as the council house scum who they despise so much and join demonstrations inconveniencing normal people so later they can rise up on their hind legs at their dinner parties and bray to their equally shallow, spoiled friends how their guilt is now salved and they can return to their lives of conspicuous consumption and extravagance for them and their Russell Group University educated kids.
As i said in a previous post- im going to take an extra long haul flight for the hell of it because of this. They can cunt me, i dont care. Two can play silly buggers.
Oh I agree.
Because of these cunts, I now eat three steaks a week at least.
Rich cunt. I have to eat vegans. They’re easy to deal with as they have neither strength to fight you off nor the stamina necessary for prolonged running away.
I’m addicted to steak now Mogs, so if the cost of living crisis or green bollocks makes them unaffordable, I’ll be the cunt eating steers and heifers in fields like some kind of werewolf.
Once I run out of vegans you’ll probably find me in the same field, munching on grass.
Well cunted your Dukeship, a most enjoyable cunting
I’ve thought of a great idea.
When these cunts chain or glue themselves to stuff, release Levi Bellfield and Steven Port for the afternoon to have at them as they wish.
and Wayne cousens, the Mets finest female prisoner escort
All these cunts should be guillotined. Throwing shit on statues and soup at classic works of art? Someone should telll these middle class turds that Ivan has got a load of nukes up our arse. Whatever happened to CND and their massive protests? Protest against something that’s worth proteting about or fuck off. Trust fund twats the lot of them…
whatever happened to Greenham Common, the only way us paupers could go on a cruise
just send in the Iranian morality police and tell the police that the women are not wearing hijabs and drinking alcohol and going out alone and without a male relative
You’d have to wait while the Mohamadingdongs finished with their 12 year old dancing boys & attractive camels, no wonder they put bags over their wife’s heads
All of these “activists” are the misinformed parroting pillocks I’ve ever seen. They just your classic, “this cause will give my meaningless life meaning” type of sad pandas we’ve seen since the alcohol prohibitionists.
I’m all for ecology, as long as it doesn’t lead to stultifying societies where life becomes blander than it already is.
The pigs should spray all these animal protester with real bright yellow paint that takes weeks to get off.The they wouldnt be so smug,the self righteous pricks.
Tie football scarves to their wrists and then watch the Plod go mental on them with batons.
What’s that banner made of? Looks like oil to me the bunch of cretins.
as is all their clothes, trainers even their glasses, we mechanised cotton picking because the left kept whining now the harvesting machines use oil, no pleasing the cunts
Hand superglue, don’t worry sonny I will scrape you off the road with my shovel and then a couple of good walks for good measure.
When will these useless cunts realise they don’t help the cause by doing shit like this…
Super glue all their hands together in a circle and see how they all get home. Also whilst their stuck to each other make them have a laxative
Sit back and enjoy the show
super glue is made from oil, so is the plastic bottle
I’m not advocating or enciting this for a second but, mark my words there will come a point where blokes in gloves and balaclavas descend on these cunts with baseball bats and give them a good pasting.
Then what will the police do? Probably arrest the people with the baseball bats .
Public opinion? Ignored. Get to fuck…
If any of these filthy workshy rentamob types tried to fuck about with me I would insert a fence-post auger deep into their arsehole and give it a good tug.
Someone needs to infiltrate the group get all pally with them then when they all trot off to londonistan to protest go and burgle their houses.
don’t fancy nicking nut cutlets, a menstrual cup and a CD of whale songs
This made me chuckle:
Up like a sodding bazooka because his artificial fibres in his clothes are only slightly less flamable than petrol! He should have used Castrol GTX mind and he would have had 40 seconds less to live.
There was another one about a woman who chained herself to a lorry and the driver accidently reversed over her but I can’t find that. He wasn’t charged and I think the verdict was “death by misadventure”.
probably find the vid on best gore, some cracking videos on there if you have a strong stomach
They are all cunts, especially the fuckers who climbed the bridge, should be sorted properly, phone for the sharp shooter to get these useless oxygen thrives down…..cunts sorted
Police are protecting spazzy activists who block roads…
The government WANT these activists to create chaos, anarchy.
There will be more and more of this utter pish. No one is truly anti-oil, it’s the lifeblood of civilsation. Yes, it can be mucky and smelly, but what’s the alternative?
Answers on a postcard.