The hurricane the devastated Florida this week, is of course truly shocking, with many lives lost and homes, offices and other buildings totally destroyed.
It has been labelled as possibly the worst hurricane disaster to hit the area in Florida’s history. But then again Florida is a known target for natural disasters and so it is probably no big surprise a hurricane of this magnitude would strike sooner or later.
The same could also be said for the folks who live on the San Andrea’s fault line in California. They know what the fault line is and the devastation it could cause in terms of earthquakes. And yet they still decide to live there anyway.
However, I am just waiting for the MSM to suggest that Hurricane Ian was caused by those two magical words. (It may have already been suggested for all I know, but it will only be a matter of time before it’s made known by “eminent scientists” for all the world to read !)
Therefore anything remotely unseasonal with regards the weather or natural phenomenon such as the odd tornado, earthquake, tsunami or a few flakes of snow on the M1 in the middle of winter, will be blamed on climate change because that the easy answer to anything these climate change cunts don’t want to accept as being one of those natural events that has been happening for millions of years – and not just on this planet but most other planets and satellites in the solar system!
Am now just waiting for the usual TV charity appeals – “For just £30 you could help some extremely rich progressive liberal living on the Florida Keys, who has seen his beloved home washed away due to climate change! ”
Nominated by: Technocunt
Climate change or god’s wrath?
I couldn’t image anywhere more like a personal hell than Florida.
When it’s not ripping your roof off the weather is humid, hot, sticky.
Snakes alligators, colourful shirts,
Fat dummy’s in shorts
Elderly simpletons getting underfoot…
Christ, just let it sink into the Everglades.
I am there next month, fat dummy in shorts and an elderly simpleton perfectly describes me Mis.
??? hehehe
Book a mobility scooter to get around Wanksock.
Wear socks with sandals to fit in with the natives!
Anything can be attributed to fucking climate change. But this is manmade climate change. But only white man.
Hurricane Andrew 1992 is forgotten about, pre ” the 2 words”. Doesn’t fit the narrative.
Hurricane Ian.. doesn’t sound very threatening, I hear that and I think of Ian beale making a bacon sandwich in albert Square..
Blaze or hawk much better.
And I do enjoy the guardian links, I have a little chuckle when the begging letter appears. I’m sorry I seemed to of misplaced my bank card..
It should’ve been called Hurrricane M’Tembe…primordial, dark and destructive.
And when you wake up in the morning you find all your possessions have been removed!
My wife recently admitted to PAYING for a Guardian subscription. You think you know someone……..tsk….. shes been round her sisters ever since
Looking at that photo it is evident that this hurricane was the work of climate change deliberately engineered by the marine salvage and recycling industry.
Good cunting.
I’m surprised they didnt blame it on Brexit (or the special military operation war conflict armageddon in The Ukraine)
As far as future extreme weather events are concerned I think they should try and lighten the mood when such disasters are imminent by naming the storms after cartoon characters / transformers / adult entertainers etc. I’m sure it would make closure easier to achieve for victims families if their loved one died in Hurricane Tinky Winky / Optimus Prime / King Dong or the like
Indeed, Storm Basil Brush has a certain ring to it.
With lots of boom, boom.
The hurricanes aftermath has already been politicised by U.S VP Kamala Harris who said that govt relief funds will be “based on equity” and “communities of colour”.
‘Arris is a fucking idiot and should be let nowhere near high office, whether she misspoke or suffered a Biden style brain fart, I don’t know but she has plenty of form for pandering to minority groups whilst showing open hostility toward whites.
Not that she gives two shiny shits about the medias favourite pet victim groups either.
I too thought the two words to which Techno alluded were “blame Brexit” or possibly “It’s wayy-ciist!”
Talking of wayy-ciism, how about old-fashioned cartoons which dealt in stereotypes and, consequently, were hilarious:
Typhoon Speedy Gonzalez
Storm Betty Boop
Hurricaine Bugs Bunny (especially where he dons a black-a-face).
Gah, this was in response to C-G, above.
Don’t know what all the fuss is about. I always say, it rained yesterday and it’s sunny today. Just simply swop the two words around to a change in the climate and everything’s as it was, unky dory. A few over weight rich yanks buy the farm, so what. Being a little more nimble on their feet and they might have made it. Fuck ’em.
Exactly. Found it very hard to give a shit about this. Some smashed yachts all piled up. What of it? Rich cunts will just claim insurance.
Florida – A known hurricane zone. Shitty wooden houses turned to match wood. Same as building wooden houses in that twister alley in America. Why not move and live a few hundreds of miles away?
Same as the Bangladeshis all rebuilding houses in the same place knowing a similar hurricane is a year or two away and will flood/destroy whatever they build.
Definition if stupidity – or optimism.
But you cant legislate for stupidity.
I have noticed that the climate changes all the time. Sometimes an event happens that is not typical of the usual patterns. So desperate are they to sell their agenda to have us willingly march toward serfdom that any climate phenomenon is dubbed “climate change”. Well, no fucking shit! The climate changed from yesterday to today. Somehow my use of fossil fuels caused that?!
I am not believing that bullshit for a second.
It’s not entirely your fault. There was also a cow that farted.
I understand that several billion Dollars worth of improvements were made.
I know a lot people,especially those who read the Guardian and don’t eat meat,are afraid of their own shadow but even by their piss weak standards this “Climate Calamity” is a joke.
Where the fuck are the mile high tidal waves and exploding volcanos?
Acid rain that melts your roof?
Clouds that shit tarantulas?
I saw a film that had great white sharks flying about eating people in a tornado.
Til that happens they can take their pathetic weather panto and fuck right off.
A few years ago my missus said “These storms have got worse since they gave them names.”
Who am I to disagree?
Must be nice to blame shit on somebody specific.
It’s not entirely your fault. There was also a cow that farted.
No clue why this has been duplicated.
Whatever happened to El Ninho?
Never gets a mention now.
El Ninyo is now been replaced by El Ninya so as to balance the weather patriarchy.
Real data shows that the number of hurricanes etc isn’t going up. The only thing that goes up is the number of hysterical reports in the Msm, especially that toilet tissue The Guardian.
Also, the popultaion of florida is massively higher than before, and there are far more houses hotels etc so theres bound to be more deaths/damage than hurricanes in the past. Hurricanes havent changed its just that there are more sheeple living in their path.
Dim cunts.
watching some bloke’s brand new McClaren floating out of his garage and down the street was a bit depressing.
Mind you, he probably now has someone’s 80 foot gin palace parked on his front lawn.
swings and roundabouts.
That McClaren will be in a dehumidifier room like many a flooded car and up for auction in a couple of months
Bargain Only 5000 miles, One owner from new and she was a nervous nun. call Arfer.
Giving storms names is fucking childish, condescending and patronising. It’s another Americanism we’ve adopted here for when it gets a bit blowy.
According to those cunts at the met office, it’s to help people remember. Remember what exactly? That your roof was blown off by storm Tarquin?
That someone you knew was killed by falling scaffolding during storm Penelope?
Fucking pathetic.
Oh. And fuck the climate change worshippers!
I remember when hurricane Katrina struck they were told to leave but the blacks didn’t
They just kept shooting at the helicopters (and looting of coarse )
Then they all cried help when the storm hit and it was the evil white mans fault
Fucking stupid init, maybe just call them what they are Category x Hurricane.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there. Have a category system like they used to. A scale of 1 to 10 perhaps.
Why give benign names to something that can endanger life?
Maybe they should have called the great fire of London Conflagration Gary or something.
The religious parallels are fairly clear……in the Middle Ages these climate disaster s would have been seen as a punishment from God for our wicked sinful ways. Blokes would have gone around whipping each other, punishing themselves so God wouldn’t do it for them.
Nowadays it’s seen as a punishment brought on ourselves because we wanted a decent standard of living. Therefore we must punish ourselves by going back to living like we did in the Middle Ages. No cunt goes to church anymore so we get the sermon from the media and the education system. God help any sinner who does not repent!
And just like the Middle Ages there will be Lords and there will be peasants. You know who we are don’t you?
And who says history doesn’t repeat itself?
‘Nowadays it’s seen as a punishment brought on ourselves because we wanted a decent standard of living.’
Mass consumerism is the new religion.
Italy’s new PM nailed it Miles.
I like her LL
With we had her instead of Tim Brooke Taylor.
Yeah, nail on the head there. She’s fucking good. No wonder they hate her.
She’s a breath of fresh and crystal clean air, im in love with that women LL and i hope she gives chinless spineless frauds a Right bollocking in the EU. cant wait
Music to my ears that LL. And the cherry on the top quoting Chesterton.
Well put
When the feudal order is established, I plan to flee to the Black Hills and form a band of merry men.
Don’t get the wrong idea, though. For one thing, I’m getting pretty creaky. So our raids will probably involve whacking the Sheriff of Rapid City with our canes.
And we’re going to have merry women too. No funny business.
Anyone remember Hurricane Smith?
? Don’t let it die…. ?
Brits ought to petition the next one to be called Hurricane Higgins as it would only be funny to Brits.
Hurricane Magnum would have to follow if it was down to the Yanks.
Neil Young knew the crack with hurricanes.
I only take meteorological advice from members of Crosby stills Nash and young.
Anyone else is a liar.
Good song that. I’ve been a NY fan for many years but he’s gone a bit fucking weird I reckon.
P.S. Dylan’s Hurricane is good too.
He’s married to Darryl Hannah now infidel.
Think she’s a influence on him.
She was fuckin gorgeous in the 80s!!
I had to take vitamins because of her?
Yep, I saw him at the Apollo a few years ago. He was still with Peggy then and it seems sort of strange watching Harvest Moon vid now.
Listening is better anyday.
I quite like Hannah Wicklund now as well as many others.
This is my favourite song about weather, and no, it’s not
Raining Men.
I like this
Never be a weatherman nowadays.
And I’d take advice from James too.
John Kettley is a weatherman ?
And so is Michael Fish.
I’m only happy when it rains.
I saw FMac at Buxton circa 69 when Peter Green was still with them. Showing my age.
Couldn’t take to them later JP. Decent enough sound but he was a one off and a great performer.
All excellent tracks, the Cult just shades it for myself , as i bought the album in London, secondhand 1986.
mind you that Shirley from Garbage doesn’t look half bad, in a rough but horny way. I hope its pissin if I ever meet her
I’m sure many cunters will remember Ian Dury.
His son Baxter is lesser known but nonetheless a fairly successful recording artist in his own right.
Several years ago he penned this number which personally I love.
It is without question a direct assault on the shit stain that makes Florida / Miami what it is.
Maybe there’s some hidden reference behind Hurricane Ian, maybe Baxter and his Dad, Ian, foresaw this whilst he was hitting all and sundry with his rhythm stick?
Stranger things have happened.
Baxter’s Slumlord is a great track.
You’ll be humming this one all day!
Back in the fifties and sixties and probably decades previous you couldnt see for fecking smoke and smog, now the air is crystal clear and you can wrap your gob around a wagon exhaust and all it will do is warm your innards, but still the wankers keep on how bad it is , they havnt lived try crossing road behind a big old Maudsley or Scammell back in the old days to really know what pollution is/was. When I was an apprentice and had to light forges up you couldnt see for billowing green smoke ,mind you it kept woodworm and other gremlins at bay. Modern fecking Nancy’s got tissue paper lungs.
I’m doing my bit, Civvy…driving round in 60’s Fords and riding two stroke 750 motorbikes belching blue smoke.
MOT’s are for gaylords.
Good boy ?
used to be no mot’s in eira, my cousins laughed when i said us english had to have them, don’t know if thats still a thing, used to see some right old heaps smoking round the lanes
I hope it snows this year.
Don’t mean a scattering of powder.
I mean snow.
3ft deep 5ft in the drifts.
Roads quiet.
Rural communities cut off.
Thundersnow, white outs,
Dead refugees washing up down south.
And all them lizards that gloated when it was 40 in summer?
“NICE DAY!!!”?
Me too Miserable. The ‘Beast from the East’ was a bit of a let down to be honest…nothing like the winter of 62/3 from what the folks say. Lets hope the sea doesn’t freeze and the bastards walk across from France, Border Farce would still meet them halfway though!.
In the winter of 62/3 we didn’t have central heating, just a couple of two bar electric fires, and nothing in the kid’s bedroom.
Mind you, electricity was a lot cheaper in those days.
Seems to me that the more devices have become energy saving, the higher electricity prices go to compensate for the energy companies selling less electricity, gas, you can’t win.
It’s a fucking racket.
I grew up in an old house with a solid fuel aga, as a kid in the 60s we all slept next to it on the kitchen floor when the snows came. Snow used to reach top of the backdoor, dad filled the bath with timber, we didn’t go out for weeks, no school even my pet rabbit lived indoors. I miss that old aga but they cost thousands nowadays. I’m gonna be fucked if the gas goes off.
I don’t get why they call Hurricanes by boring names like ‘Stacey’ & ‘Ian’.
My cousin’s called Ian and he’s a nice bloke.
Hurricanes by their very nature are anything but nice, so why are we calling them nice names for?
Surely a more apt naming system should be adopted such as naming them like things they really are. Some examples are ‘Hurricane Cunt’ (cos this one’s gonna be a real cunt) or ‘Hurricane Bastard’.
What about ‘Hurricane Fuck’? (Because it’s gonna fuck your house)
‘Hurricane Complete Wankstain’ or ‘Hurricane shit-head’
You get the picture…….
should name them after presidents, that hurrican Biden was a cunt, so was Hurrican Clinton, hurrican Obongo …well what a cunt that was
Hurricanes would never be a problem in florida again if all the Cuban, mono-browed women living there stripped naked and turned as one to face the storm thereby calming the wind as it filtered through the tangled thatches of their mono-brows and hairy pies.
frida khalo right, that was one fugly cunt
Ah, the great Climate Change con job. Another tool used by the powers that be to scare the weak minded into submission and coercion.
Back in the 80s I remember various luminaries appearing on ‘John Cravens Newsround’ and explaining that if we didn’t stop burning fossil fuels, then by the year 2000 most of London would be underwater and the Boreal forests of Northern Europe would be wiped out by acid rain.
Well here we in 2023 and London, whilst flooded by many immigrants and aspiring architects is most definitely still on dry land and and Norway, Finland and Sweden are still is exporting many pine products.
We’ve always had shit weather here. I remember the Michael Fish balls up in 1987. Only then, it was just bad weather. We didn’t give it a stuopid fucking name like ‘Storm Cuthbert’. Giving rain and wind human names, yet another septic tank vulgarity that has polluted Blighty.?
he’s dead now, he didn’t see that coming either
Perhaps we need a hurricane in GB to blow away the last 1000 years of oppression….?
so the weather was static thousands of years ago, no hurricanes, no tidal waves, no heat waves, no earthquakes until those pesky dinosaurs started driving cars and made it warm up to tropical, then they made it cool down down to an ice age, personally I can’t wait for the UK to heat up again so I’ll keep bumping up my carbon bootprint thanks