Ex RAF pilots paid £250k each by the Chinese

Just what goes through the minds of these treasonous bastards?

They would be able to earn a decent wage in the UK, I assume they are all bright, intelligent men. Money does fuck up peoples thought processes on spectacular ways.

They should be thrown in the tower if they ever return, better still fuck off and don’t even think of coming home.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

59 thoughts on “Ex RAF pilots paid £250k each by the Chinese

  1. With these treasonous bastards training the Chinks to fight us and the Royal Navy picking up illegal immigrants and dropping them off on our beaches, what fucking hope is there.

  2. They can come back and fuck off without you realising it. As many times they want to in fact.

  3. Presumably these fuckers are sad, solitary individuals?
    Surely, no ex-UK military guy would dream of exposing his family to the potentially abusive shit they are going to get?

  4. Doesn’t help the RAF has ordered recruiters to prioritise ethics and minorities at the expense of white males does it?

    I can’t condone their actions but when your country makes you a second class citizen it’s not surprising is it?

  5. Training a foreign power in British aerial combat techniques must be a breach of the Official Secrets Act? If it isn’t it fucking well should be and they should be prosecuted for treason. Although, I’d let them off with a suspended sentence if were using channel dinghies for target practice.

  6. The training /skills of our forces is the only thing that gives us the punch we’ve got, sure as he’ll isnt numbers or volume of materiel. Very disappointing. Pains me to cunt ex servicemen but at face value they do appear to be cunts

  7. When you see your country going down the shitter and can’t even defend against rubber boats why not piss off to China and get a fucking good wedge, the Chinese maybe authoritarian but you can bet they treat westerners working there pretty well.

    Not saying that these ex RAF pilots are doing the right thing but seeing the way the UK (and the west in general) is going China doesn’t seen such a bad option and the BBC and Guardian are banned, something we should consider ?

  8. We’ve supplied the money to the Chinese over the years,for them to build their military,may as well supply them the expertise to run it.
    Talk about a nation self destructing,makes you weep.

  9. Televise the hanging, drawing and quartering of the traitorous scum. Then stick their heads on pikes in front of both Tory and Labour Party Headquarters and display their severed body parts in the halls of Parliment.

    If these traitors have any family…deprive them of any rank, title, privilege and of course citizenship. Confiscate their possessions and send them a bill for the executions. If they can’t pay, they go to prison.

  10. No more traitorous than the British Govt. that has allowed the Chinese to worm their way into so many of our industries and so much of our infrastructure. For years the Govt. was happy to accept Chinese money and turn a blind eye to industrial espionage…perhaps they have finally realised that the Chinese aren’t just funny little slitty-eyed people who will make everything for us and all for the price of just two bowls of rice a day.

  11. Why not request that England becomes a province of China, end of wokery, end of grooming gangs , big drop in crime balanced with loads more in the nick making useful objects ,you toe the line or else, not all bad is it.
    Problem with the official secrets act is that the information you pass on must be deemed as secret under the act. So government reckons they cannot do anything.
    Fuck me I appear to have woken up in the cuntiverse or something, GP asks why I drink a bit to much well after reading about these slippery fuckers that’s one of the reasons and a new reason is supplied daily.
    Have any of you cunters seen that advert with Lenny (unfunny now) Henry.? He is dressed up as a hobbit or some such fictitious creature, he really looks a cunt and considering that Tolkien never had ethnic hobbits an even better example of a shoe in cunt.
    One of the dogs has had half my beer again, furry bugger

  12. What good are armed forces when your country gets invaded anyway?

    I’m pretty sure the politically correct RAF would follow the RN in facilitating the arrival of thousands of fighting age foreigners if they could.

    Britain doesn’t have a backbone anymore,so I can see why RAF personnel would train the enemy for money.

    Imagine this sort of thing happening in the 1930s?
    No chance we’d have bombed the cunts and shot anyone involved.

    Those days are gone regrettably that’s why nobody gives a fuck anymore.

    Pass the sherry.

    • Imagine if, 20 years ago, someone would’ve told you that in 2022, we’d have a fucking pakı as Mayor of London, a rich, corrupt Indian as Prime Minister, a Robinson’s Marmalade mascot as Chancellor and most major business infiltrated by slitty-eyed dog-eaters, you’d have laughed in their face.

  13. I don’t know what to say about this, I am just stunned, appalled, WTF? In my career in field service I did jobs on various government and MOD sites including various RAF bases. I had security clearance and was subject to the official secrets act. This was renewed and updated every year and I signed to agree that I was subject to the act and understood the consequences of EVER revealing classified information, which I can assure you were potentially fucking serious. Now I read that someone with a pay grade way above plebs like me can go and work for a potential enemy and pass on knowledge far beyond anything to which I ever had access. As I said I don’t know what to say, I just find it deeply fucking depressing.

  14. Yeah I ought to be apoplectic with rage at this blatant treachery but I really can’t be arsed. Just like every other cunt they are grabbing what they can while the ship is sinking.
    And can you blame them, when there are ex service personnel living on the streets while thousands of filthy illegal Albanians live for free in hotels.

  15. Yes, they are traitors, but so what, exactly?

    This country is finished, thanks to grifting politicians and lefty cunts in control of all the important positions within our key institutions.

    And of course, a very complaint, thick and pathologically altruistic honky electorate.

    In a way, fuck it. If you can make a few bob and escape to somewhere nice in retirement, go for it.

    I have no intentions of sitting around and watching my country go down the shitter, while I struggle to pay bills and keep a roof over my head in my later years and fight off the diverse hoardes.

    Fuck you, you cunts, I’ll be on some beach getting a BJ off some young tart and living it up. I’m going out disgracefully.

    Stay and fight? Lol. How exactly? The government has the law and tanks. I’ve got my Emma Freuds and a bunch of people I tried to warn. Say owt to hurt a politician’s feelings (by disagreeing with a policy, for example) and you’ll be in the slammer in a few years from now.

    Can’t say I blame these RAF cunts then, but 30 years ago I’d have hanged the cunts.

    Suck it up if you’re a cunt who still votes for these cunts in parliament.

    I’ll be off, far away and well out of it!

    Get to fuck.

    • Not quite sure what I think about this but as the Eastern European’s say ‘ a fish rots from the head down’.
      Successive governments have fucked the ordinary U.K. citizen- should we be surprised that some of them see the light?

    • Interesting take on it Mr Bollacks. Another few years and I’ll probs be on the same page as you. I’m currently in the denial stage in thinking that somehow Albion / Brittania / GB may just be able to reassert herself by regaining her principles and not being such a skunk pussy whore that will literally do anything for a few Bob. It pains me that my son will grow up in a world so far removed from thar of my grandfather. Granted, it weren’t no easy time but by christ at least we had stout values and a string sense of who we were.

  16. I am assuming this nom was made a couple of weeks ago.

    When I initially heard about this, I thought same as many here; treasonous scum.

    BUT, on the news today it turn not the RAF, the organisation, not individual pilots, have been accepting chink money to train chink fighter pilots for years.

    The only reason the RAF and Gov are pissed off about this is their little earner is being circumvented by ex pilots who, in my opinion, quite rightly think goose and gander, and seize an opportunity to make good cash to weather the financial shitstorm that is coming, caused in no small part by disastrous military decisions and profligate spending by the MOD.

    Fair play to them. Britain is no longer British anyway, and I’d fucked if I’d fight and die for an inch of it.

    Maybe if the MOD didn’t let ex servicemen sleep in the streets they wouldn’t become mercenaries?

  17. When a country is in crisis and the Government are being blamed, they need scapegoats, hence these unnamed and unidentified “pilots”, and distractions, Stop Oil, ER, superglue and soup.
    The press then serve the useful purpose of drawing our attention to what the right hand is doing, whilst the left hand gets on with its agenda, unobserved.
    Don’t be taken in by the sleight of hand. Boris had Covid and Ukraine, he must have thought all his birthdays had come at once. Heaven knows what was slid under the rail, while we were distracted by that shit show.

  18. They may be traitors, but our boys have to log flying time somehow.

    Plus, the Queen is dead and so is the country.

    I say they’re the smart ones.

  19. I wouldn’t worry to much how well the chink pilots are trained, if their aircraft are manufactured to the same standard as all the other shite they make they’ll be easy to shoot out of the sky….✈️?

    • I don’t care how well trained they are.
      If chinks fly planes like they drive cars you could down one with a fuckin catapult.
      The squinting fuckers can barely see.

      As for how fucked this country is,
      It’s no excuse to betray your country.??

      • But are they?
        There’s evidence to support that trained RAF pilots were sent with the full approval of the Government, see my previous post, and we all know how easily 4 becomes “up to 40”.
        I would not believe the press if they told me it was raining, without looking out first, when in comes to putting people from the armed forces in a bad light.

    • If Chinese aircraft are built to similar standards as their motorcycles they would be better off with hang gliders ?

  20. I’m on their side. Fuck this country. It turned its back on its own people years ago.

    All the foreign aid and no fucking support to its domestic people in distress.

    Supporting illegal aliens whilst it’s own nationals fall below the breadline.

    Im pretty sure the RAF recently turned its back on its own white national men, putting a hiring freeze on them.

    I won’t post any more though, my thoughts are clear.

    Fuck this great country of ours, everyonelse does.

  21. So fucking what?

    If the British government were to have been offered £250,000 a year by the Chinese government for each pilot that they supply to train their air force then they would have sent hundreds over there.

    They just don’t like private enterprise unless they can get a cut out of it.

    • Unfortunately Blair abolished the death penalty for treason in 1998.

      An cynical act of pure self preservation.

  22. If a candidate for the armed forces was interviewed in the past and asked the question, “Why do you want to join up?”.
    The best answer to give would be, “I want to protect my country and my family. I fucking hate Germans and want to kill them all”.

    That candidate would be straight in.

    Nowadays he would be straight out the door.

    Proof of that is the mission of the British armed forces to recruit, almost exclusively women, blacks and other ethnic minorities.

    Recruits are not capable or interested in fighting.
    The pay, conditions and pension are not really an attraction either.
    People join the British armed forces to learn a trade.
    With few opportunities for apprenticeships elsewhere it’s a very good option.

    The young Cunter became a qualified engineer by serving in the Royal Navy.
    Once fully qualified, just like almost all of the recruits he resigned as was offered many lucrative jobs in the Middle East.

    Trained IT technicians tend to go to places like India.
    Places where a new technology is being rolled out.

    That’s the way things are.

    These pilots have learnt their trade and have fucked off and got themselves the best paying jobs that they can.

    You can’t blame them for that.

  23. As someone else said, being a province of China would be better.

    Dump the grooming gangs in those big camps they have set up for the peacefuls

    Job’s a good’un

  24. Has this discussion tonight reached a point where the media’s narrative has been upended somewhat?

    There have been some very interesting points made and some alternative takes put forward by those more informed than I. In light of some of the revallations I’m withdrawing my cunting. We are collectively being driven to a point where its even man / woman for themselves. Who can blame the ones that are quicker on the uptake than the rest? Confusing one this is .

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