Eddie Izzard is a cunt, isn’t he.
A creepy, male pervert dressed as a woman used a women’s toilet then boasted about it on-line.
He has form for pretending to be what he’s not. He convinced many he was a comedian for years by doing a skit about knowing only one French sentence. He gulled Hollywood into thinking he had talent and blagged his way into a few films. Now, he’s kidding everyone he passionate about Sheffield as there’s an easy Labour seat to be won there.
He’s a feller, in a dress, but it’s not that funny.. His pink beret isn’t funny. Squeezing out a brown trout or flopping his tadger out in a female toilet isn’t funny. There have been some hilarious men in dresses: Michael Palin’s lumberjack, Frank Bruno’s Widow Twanky, the ‘I Want To Break Free’ video, Some Like It Hot, the “Jehova” stoning scene, Serena Williams, Les Dawson.
Alas, Izzard is not one of them.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
Fuck me, is P.T Barnum in town?
Not something I’d care to share a prison cell with or use a seat after its been on it. Probably more crabs than Christmas island.
Good grief.
First thing in a morning?
Confronted by that abomination?
Pass the sherry.
A Challenging Wank?
What a fucking joke.
We don’t want him representing Sheffield, he can fuck off!
I think I read somewhere that “she” wants to date, but it’s difficult as a trans-woman.
No Eddie, it’s difficult because you look like exactly what you are – very obviously a man in drag. It’s like taking a dog turd, putting it on a dinner plate & calling it steak – no fucker is going to eat it. Stupid fucking cunt.
I’d stop reading about such appalling matters Mr Gusset.
It simply isn’t good for a chap.
He’s a freak and a weirdo. A living symbol of all that’s wrong with so called “progressive politics”. I would never vote Labour – for many reasons, but above all that this ugly hairy twat in lipstick and a dress might end up as Chancellor of the Exchequer or Foreign Secretary (assuming the good people of Sheffield are stupid enough to elect him).
Don’t worry, MMCM, we’re not that daft!
For the first time in his “career” he’s making people laugh,
at him!
Every cloud has a silver lining, I suppose.
Maybe it’s all just an act to discredit woke politics and Izzard will reveal that really he’s a right wing, control immigration Brexiteer?
We can live in hope.
Being unable to define a woman, Sir Kneeler will appoint him Minister for Wimmin.
The problem regarding “progressive politics” is that its no longer in the domain of Labour and the LibDumbs. We’re now seeing the Conservatives becoming more and more absorbed into this culture, to the point where all three parties share the same progressive values regardless of what the majority of people think otherwise
Surely there are loads of peacefuls in Sheffield ? Can’t see them voting the cunt in
If he promised to get their benefits increased I am sure that every man would have his price.
He just needs to promise them unfettered access to every young white girl in Sheffield. oh hang on – they already have that.
Come the next election, expect more virtue-signalling, cross-dressing, humourless, deviant cunts on your ballot paper, to add to the usual list of greedy, self-serving, amoral cunts.
Ridiculous me-me-me degenerate who obviously didn’t get his head flushed down the bog enough at school.
Oven please.
Sheffields Marilyn Monroe.?
Cock in a frock.
My I humble suggest when elected, dame keir makes him minister of agriculture as it already looks like a pig in lipstick..
Or of sewage then flush it..
This dog turd can only turn white and crumble to dust. Whose next.
Unconvincing as both a woman and a politician.
Unfunny as a comedian.
What is it about Edith Lizzard and his addiction to failure?
Sheffields Stanley’s won’t be happy?
Not very convincing as a man either MNC.
Ugly bastard.Wood chipper feet first please.
How the hell does a man go from doing something extremely impressive (32 marathons in 31 days) which almost no-one could do to being a demented freak and pėrvo?
Didn’t impress me.
What else has he done?
He sucked off 30 members of the Labour party in 2 hours.
Or maybe that was Marc Almond.
That impressed me!
Ediths always running to escape his mental health demons, suspicious parents,and angry housewives who’s underwear hes stolen ,
thats why he can do 32
I’ve never understood marathons?
What’s the point?
Normally it’s for some lefty rich charity.
A mate of mine mentioned he was considering running a marathon,
I changed the subject in embarrassment.
If he was going to ask me for sponsorship he’s as puddled as Izzard.
Sorry Thomas, I did all that in my sleep last night, then gave it all back.
I did all that running in my sleep.
Was he running, or mincing like Mr humphries Thomas..
As a kid, I did 2 marathons in one day.
They’re called Snickers now though.
@Mr. Cunt-Engine……..When you say “did” 2 marathons….do you mean stuck them up your arse ?
That’d be “I was done by………”
If he “did” them, he stuck his chopper in ’em…….
I remember a chap who used to run marathons while smoking a cuban cigar,now that’s impressive!
He never wore bright red lippy in public though,far more dignified,was Sir Jim.
Respect to the man woman for the marathons. I cant even run the length of my garden without collapsing in a smokers coughing fit. Its a tiny garden as well
Didn’t impress me…..fuck me I could walk 26 miles in 16 hours, with 8 hours for a nice kip, then do it over again. I cover 12 miles a day just at work in 8 hours. A brisk walk is 3mph, so 9 hours walking is more than a marathon….in terms of time, 9 hours is a normal working day for a lot of us.
That’s bollocks acheivement.
Let’s not overlook the fact that Izzard the “chick” sith a dick, has been a long-term “donor” to the poofs party and thereby feels entitled to be one of their MPs – he was telling his audiences at his alleged comedy shows two years ago, where people pay good money to hear hi say fuck this and fuck that and fucking something else, that he intended “leaving show biz” to become an MP. How he could he be so sure, unless he was given the nod?.
Labour – the party of nepotism now becomes the party of men who mince into ladies public lavatories. It would serve him right if some really dsgrutled dykes in the seat he infests decided to do a bit of tranny bashing – and as I am not a woman that is not me encouraging.such a trrible course of action
As he wants to be in permanent “girl mode” let him have dick taken off and a fake fanny put in. Let him go the whole hog.
He is an abomination, a dsgrace to humanity and an insult to both men and women.
Saw the him busking in Covent Garden many years ago.
Noisy, over-hyped, and overrun by vermin at night.
But enough about Izzard, Covent Garden is awful too.
Looks like a good looking Clare balding, which isn’t a compliment. But of whom are massive TWATS..?
Both of whom
Fucking predictive txt….?
You can do anything on a treadmill.
I couldn’t give a fuck if he becomes an MP….he’ll be no better or worse than the other existing MPs…of ALL Parties…who have got us to where we are now.
We haven’t just woken-up to a Country where the economy is trashed,illegal immigration is rife,law and order have broken down,wokeness rules and Parliament is a stinking nest of corruption and incompetence..it has been a gradual creep,but here we now are.
You can bang on about “the Lefties” as much as you want but face the fucking fact that the Tories in the last 12 years have been in charge and got us to where we now so proudly sit….Labour may well be no better when elected but they can’t be much worse…especially considering the wreck of a Country that they will be inheriting.
It’s hard to bankrupt a country already bankrupt.
12 years and a massive mandate.
What have they achieved?
Fuck all.
They haven’t even the good manners to look embarrassed.
Pigs at the trough, I’m afraid.
Is Penny Mordor the Conservative Eddy Izzard. She reminds me of a man in drag, albeit a more convincing one.
“What have they achieved?…Fuck All”….Oh,I don’t know….the national debt and illegal immigration figures must be at an all-time high.
Fuck all achieved?
You’re forgetting the appalling pig’s ear that is Brexit.
At least under Labour the illegals would be brought in safely on government chartered P&O ferries which in turn would once again become highly profitable.
@MJB Just be following the trend then…………https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/29/home-office-pays-aeolian-offshore-channel-crossings
Illegals still have to get out to sea in dinghies though.
Be far more efficient for all concerned if the government hands out free P&O tickets to illegals on the French side, maybe give them a couple of grand pocket money on top to be going on with.
@MJB… I foresee cruise ships being commandeered and sent on a global tour of Shitholes picking up the tired,poor huddled masses direct…save them having to trek across half the globe to get to the channel.
It’s the least we could do…
PS….perhaps Izzard and Jamie Wallis MP can play The Ugly Sisters to Diane Abbott’s Cinderella in the House of Commons Christmas panto ?…
The likes of Jizzard are the future.
Whoever’s in power.
It’s that bad.
Get To Fuck.
Get him on the front bench putting the torys off by seductively and slowly crossing his legs, it’s high time diane Abbott had some compititon in the glamour stakes
Gaping into a black is cruelty.
Gaping into a black hole is cruelty. Ha ha.
‘ We’re all Gay now ‘
Billboards of the near future will proclaim.
Anyone else will be ostracized.
It’s like the Last Days Of Rome.
And we’re living it.
Choose your weapons, gentlemen.
Seems this way doesn’t it? Is this how the global elite want to reduce the population?
By convincing us that we are all bumlords?
‘He has form for pretending to be what he’s not. He convinced many he was a comedian for years by doing a skit about knowing only one French sentence’
Sorry, but I have to disagree with that statement. In the 90’s I saw him live of half a dozen occasions (one show he did was in a skirt and lipstick, so he was just ‘coming out’ then), and his shows were very funny, educational and intelligent. He is also very proficient and fluent in French, as he took all his shows to France and did the exact same show you saw in London, totally in fluent French. So I cannot nom him as a cunt for that.
However, since then he has turned into an unfunny cunt, who is full of his own importance and really needs someone in the media to tell him he is a sick tranny cunt.
Each to their own when it comes to comedy Chuff, so fair play to you and all that.
I remember seeing him years ago when he first became a “name” on the circuit and before he became an overt prevert and thought he was crap. I just didn’t get it.
He’ll fit right in with all the peaceful ones (of which there are many in Sheffield central) from Somali and parking Stan central. He’ll be right up their street.
So many things in common
I’m fucking off for now and will be back in a couple of hours after this sickening cunt as left us.
No Scott, no!
In the red hot right on politics of today he/she/it should slither right in no trouble.
Judging by the nom images at least the twat is making more of an effort, which in these interesting times is something to be thankful for.
Is he a mate of the tranny potter Gayson weird fuck or whatever his name is? If he/she/it is then he could get some commemorative mugs knocked out for his approaching ascension to the fuckwit dimension.
Back in the 90’s a mate of mine had his photo took with it. I thought then what a pair of cunts.
Not funny, and never has been.
Homosexual with mental issues. Male not female, whatever he deludes himself into thinking.
Me me me me look at me.
Could be a godsend to the Tories if they can revert to mainstream values and attitudes. It’s the electorate that matters not Twatter or Stonewall.
The cunts in Sheffield will have to select him or they will be accused of “transphobia”. That word terrifies people, I don’t know why. I am a transphobic, you can bet your life. I don’t want these mental fuck ups near me, near children or in positions of responsibility. They are filthy head case cunts, end of story.
Transphobic, homophobic, etc, are all misnomers
I am not irrationally afraid of them. I am appalled and revolted by them.
Izzard looks like the one off loose women thats always getting her tits out pissed up.
And hes about as funny as bell end cancer.